Fortunate Wife

Episode 157 Homecoming

Since then, Yunyan would take this man with her wherever she went, and she always had a gentle smile on her face.

Especially when that man was in a manic attack, her laughter could always play a role in calming him down.

Later, Li Man asked her, is she willing to live like this for the rest of her life?

Yun Yan answered her: "People always realize what they have when they lose it. Before, I didn't think that what I saw was always owned by others. For example, you and I used to have equal status, but Yan Brother Bei just fell in love with you as his concubine. You know that for a long time, I felt extremely unbalanced. Although my mother comforted me and said that marrying into the royal family is equivalent to marrying conspiracy and loneliness, that is not for women. Good destination. But I don't believe it, I forgot how happy I was at that time, throwing away my status as the first daughter of the Yun family, with my parents loving and caring, and being able to freely choose the marriage I want..."

Speaking of this, her melancholy eyes gathered little by little, and slowly fell on Li Man, and she laughed at herself, "And Li Yan. You don't know how surprised I was when I met him, even if I only experienced it at that time." I have suffered the pain of losing my father, but I always thought that he was a gift from God. It seems that I have been suffering for so many years just to wait for him. However, he is yours. You know him one step ahead of me. Later For a long time, I knew it was impossible, but I still couldn't help thinking, if I had known him first, would the ending have been different? Would he have fallen in love with me first? "

Li Man was slightly taken aback. She also asked Li Yan this question, but the answer was: no.

Li Yan answered her with the word eye edge, he said that he fell in love with her the first time he saw her, and he recognized her.

Moreover, there are no assumptions in life, everything is predestined.

Yun Yan also sighed, "I was overthinking. How could there be so many assumptions in life? Besides, even if I knew him first, he might not necessarily fall in love with me. Just like in the past, when I saw Brother Yanbei first The person is me, but he only has you in his eyes from beginning to end."

"Yunyan." Li Man gently held her hand, not knowing how to comfort her.

But Yunyan smiled relievedly, "Don't worry, I tell you this now, which proves that I have let go of my heart long ago. Really. In fact, God is fair, and he has already arranged everyone's fate. And I There is also my happiness, but I have never looked at it with my heart. I used to have a happy and warm home, and later, I have a precious son. I think of how many fights he fought for me after I moved to the village with my father, counting them all Unclear. That night, in fact, he was hurt more deeply than me. I know why he is unwilling to wake up now. He probably never thought that I would kill him..."

"Yunyan, please ask the doctor to show him." Li Man said.

Yun Yan shook her head, "He's not sick, it's just that he doesn't want to wake up. That night gave him a big blow, and I hurt him. So, I will take responsibility for the rest of my life."

"Yunyan." Li Man wanted to say, she was too wronged like this.

Yunyan reassured her and said, "Don't worry about me, I'm doing well now, really, it's been a long time since I felt so at ease. Do you know? I can eat and sleep now, and I feel like I wake up naturally after sleeping very nice."

Seeing her bright smile, Li Man also smiled, "Yes, I see that your complexion is much better than before."

"Well, it will be better in the future." Yun Yan said with a smile, at this time, the man walked up to her again, looking at Li Man suspiciously.

Li Man pulled him and introduced, "Brother Gui, this is Man'er, my younger sister."

"Hello, Brother Gui." Li Man smiled at him friendly, and it was the first time for her eyes to look at this man.

From his point of view, this man is tall and strong, with regular features, showing a bit of fortitude and handsomeness, at least, in the village where Yunyan once stayed, he should be an outstanding young man.

Moreover, even though his sanity is not very clear now, the protection of Yunyan in his eyes is very obvious.

If a man is stupid and knows how to protect you, then this man is at least worthy of your care.

Ding Dagui didn't say anything, he just looked at Yunyan stupidly.

Yun Yan smiled at Li Man, "That's how he is, don't mind."

"I don't mind. In fact, he is very good." Li Man looked at the two of them and said, and when she found that Yun Yan was facing this man, the smile in her eyes was from the heart.

It seems that, as she said, she probably really found something precious and worth cherishing in her life.

Li Man was very relieved, and what surprised her was that not only Xue Er was about to welcome her child, but also about Tian Ning'an.

It turned out that Tian Ning'an fell in love with Zhu'er, a maid who often served him in the Shangguan Mansion.

Zhu'er came from a difficult background. Her mother disappeared when she was born. Before she was two years old, her father also left, and she only lived with her brother and sister-in-law. maid.

She didn't talk much, but she worked extremely neatly, so Tian Ning'an liked her very much.

The two came and went, and they hit it off.

Now that the new year is approaching, Li Man and others want to go back to Shennvgou to celebrate the New Year with the family of her aunt and sister-in-law. Therefore, Tian Ning'an wants to bring Zhu'er back to Shennvgou together so that her future daughter-in-law can meet her mother-in-law.

When Tian Ning'an brought Zhu'er to Li Man and told her about it, Li Man was shocked to death, and sighed secretly that the two of them did a good job of keeping secrets, even the eldest uncle and Tian Ningying didn't know about it. .

She immediately held a family meeting, which was unanimously approved, so on the way home, there was one more person.

In more than half a year, the business of the two shops in the capital has been on the right track. Li Man thought that this time, she would have to stay longer when she returned to Shennvgou. I can live at home for more than three months.

Thinking about it, she was very excited. She missed the Shennvgou family too much, and her aunt, sister-in-law Li Xiangcao and her little girl.

A few days before leaving, Li Man and Tian Ningying went shopping like crazy. They bought a lot of food, clothing and play. Later, Li Mo had no choice but to hire another car to transport them. thing.

On this morning of the twelfth lunar month, there was still mist in the air. The Li family got up early, had breakfast, and set off.

The Shangguan Mansion is only managed by Steward Long.

There are a total of five carriages, which are much more luxurious than when they came.

One for East and West, one for Tian Ningying and her future sister-in-law, one for Tian Ning'an and his son, and two more for Li Man's family.

As usual, it would be difficult to travel in winter, but this year the snow came very late and the weather was always good, so the Li family traveled very smoothly.

Arrived home ten days earlier than expected.

Li Xiangyu and the others were very happy. They had already received the letter, knowing that they were coming back, and they had already made preparations. However, seeing someone in advance, the kind of surprise need not be mentioned.

In particular, when Li Xiangyu met her future daughter-in-law, she couldn't close her mouth with joy, so she pulled Li Man behind her back and said that she was very satisfied with Zhu'er.

He looks upright and clean, has good eyesight, loves to work, and most importantly, has a strong body. One can tell at a glance that he is fertile, and he will surely be able to spread branches and leaves for their family in the future.

Li Man laughed, and took the opportunity to mention their marriage.

Li Xiangyu also agrees very much, after all, Zhu'er is a servant girl of the Shangguan Mansion, she knows everything, and Tian Ning'an is not young, finally, everyone discussed, the marriage will be held in the first month, just right, all the relatives in the family are there.

So, taking advantage of the festive Chinese New Year, the Li family began to get busy with Tian Ning'an and Zhu'er's marriage again.

During this period, Li Man also took the children to visit Aunt Xu Boxu, Xu Bo has now taken in three more apprentices, the elder one is especially good, almost able to treat the villagers alone.

Aunt Xu said, Uncle Xu is now free and old, and she suggested that the two of them go for a walk and visit mountains and rivers. She pestered and bored her to death.

Li Man heard the news and immediately invited the old couple to go to the capital to play together.

Aunt Xu was very happy.

In the village, Aunt Li, Hu Ziniang and others who were close friends with Li Man on weekdays all received many gifts.

When they met everyone, they laughed and said that they were lucky. Li Man even bought all their new year's necessities when they came back. This is simply the most prosperous year they have ever lived.

In those days, the Li family was like a conference center. Villagers came here every day, and they just wanted to get close to the Li family and get some benefits.

In the past, Li Mo and others would not have seen such a thing.

But Li Man's words made them let go of their guards and treat these people and things again.

Li Man said: "They are all from the village. Our family is doing well. Can we just watch them and ignore them? Besides, if a person's life is going well, who cares about fawning on others and pretending to be a grandson. In my opinion, why don't we think of a way to let them Have a good time, right?"

Li Mo and the others thought it was feasible, so after breakfast that day, he and Li Yan went to the village chief's house together.

After all, if you want to do something in the village, you have to get the permission of the village head, and with the support of the village head, things can always get twice the result with half the effort.

For the arrival of the two brothers, especially with the gifts in their hands, the village chief was very surprised and pleasantly surprised. Suddenly, he felt that his face was bright, and he put aside his past suspicions, and entertained them warmly.

When he heard that the two brothers wanted to help the villagers get rich, the village chief was even more moved to tears.

During this period, Lianhua came out to pour tea in person, but Li Mo and Li Yan almost didn't recognize her with her big belly.

On the contrary, she, seeing that there were only two of them, felt sour in her heart, and really asked, "Why didn't brother Li Hua come over together?"


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