Fortunate Wife

Extra Story 158

Hearing Lian Hua's words, the village chief's face turned serious, and he scolded his daughter, "What are you doing out again? Didn't you see that Dad was talking about business with your Dalang brother?"

"Mother is cooking, I don't have time, what's wrong with me pouring tea?" Lianhua curled her lips and said disdainfully, "Besides, can't I ask brother Li Hua?"

The village chief waved his hand at her in disgust, "Forget it, you can go into the house quickly, Dad has business to discuss here, so I don't have time to talk nonsense with you."

"Hmph." Lianhua snorted coldly, twisted her bulky body and headed towards the back room.

The village chief hurriedly spoke to Li Mo and said helplessly, "She has been like this since she was a child, so don't take it for granted."

"It doesn't matter." Li Mo said, "Actually, our brother came here today to talk to you, the village chief. If you agree, then we can make a feasible plan."

The term "plan" was learned from Li Man, and now Li Mo can use it flexibly.

The village head repeatedly said that someone would contribute money to benefit the village, something he could not have hoped for, but he did not expect that the brothers of the Li family, whom he had always looked down upon before, would actually do so.

I can't help but sigh that the world is impermanent, salted fish really have a time to turn around.

As soon as the new year is over, in the first month, apart from holding happy events for Tian Ning'an and Zhu'er, the rest of the time is to start doing business for the village.

If you want to get rich, you need to build roads first. Li Man originally wanted to build roads for the village. In this way, the transportation with the outside of the mountain will be convenient, and everything will be convenient.

But this is not something that can be done with a little money, and their economic strength is still far, far away.

So, let's start from the reality and the most practical.

It was what Li Man used to mean, to build a school in Shennvgou.

There is not a single private school in Shennvgou, and the children have to go to the mountains to go to school. Not to mention the hardship, it is also too dangerous.

So, after some discussion, everyone decided to build the school first and get rid of poverty from the spiritual level first.

Several dignitaries in Shennvgou personally measured a piece of wasteland at the foot of the back mountain, and gave the Li family brothers free of charge as the school site without charging any money.

The school site is determined, and the next step is to start construction.

Building a school is a very good thing for children. When they heard about it, the masons from several miles around came to help, and the nearby villagers, as long as they could spare time, would come to do the work.

Therefore, on the school side, there are many people working every day, and there is no need for hired labor at all. Moreover, everyone seems to have a tacit understanding.

For this, Li Man had to admire the simplicity of the ancient people.

Even so, every day, she and Yinger Xiaowu would send some snacks and water to reward these silent workers.

Of course, in addition to this, she and Li Yan and Li Hua are also in charge of recruiting, mainly looking for teachers from the new school.

According to Li Man, the children here are not so much in need of learning knowledge as they are in need of a skill to support their families.

Therefore, her plan is that in addition to reading cognition, the greater role of this school is to cultivate children's survival skills.

It's more like a modern technical school.

Therefore, the teachers she recruited, except for two literati masters who can dance and write, are all skill teachers.

For example, a cook who can cook well, a technician who can carve and weave, and even someone who can plant flowers and grass, make clothes and jewelry, and so on.

In the end, everyone discussed and opened five classes first.

Reading and literacy classes, accounting classes, chef classes, gardener classes, fashion design classes.

Each class has three teachers, one lecturer and two teaching assistants.

The school provides co-educational dormitories for Lu Yuan's teachers to rest. In addition, the class hours are also modern, with five days a week and two days off.

Later, when Uncle Xu saw that they were busy every day, he was impulsively excited, so he took the initiative to find Li Man. He wanted to open a medical class, mainly teaching the treatment of some common diseases.

Li Man felt that this was feasible, so she added an extra class.

After the school building is completed, enrollment begins.

Because the school's affairs had been publicized long ago, everyone had long been looking forward to this day. Therefore, on the first day of enrollment, the entire admissions office was crowded. Finally, as a last resort, Li Man and others all went to the school playground and divided into groups. Four teams signed up.

To everyone's surprise, there are people of all ages who signed up for the school this time, from children as young as five or six years old, to middle-aged and elderly men in their forties or fifties.

However, the younger ones mainly learn to read and write, while the older ones mostly learn skills.

Li Man asked everyone to choose a class, and then divide them according to age, based on the age of 20, divided into two age groups.

In this way, it took about a week just to sign up for classes and arrange courses.

But things are finally on the right track. The school has started. Even if there are still problems, they are gradually overcome. The most important thing is that the students are very active in their studies.

Li Man occasionally goes around the school, where she can feel a learning atmosphere and a positive energy.

Gradually, the appearance of each village has changed. In the past, during the slack season, the men gathered together to drink or play cards, and the women just gossip. In the library of the village, someone borrowed books specially, and took advantage of the time after dinner to give them to the villagers at the entrance of the village.

Reading books, telling stories and telling history, the cultural life of the villagers has been greatly improved.

So busy, time passed by, and letters from the capital came several times.

Xueer said that she missed her sister, Xueer said that she had a big belly and seemed to be about to give birth, and she was very scared.

Li Man was most worried about this younger sister, but things at Shennvgou were almost busy, and it ended in May, and it was already June.

Everyone discussed returning to Beijing, but Tian Ning'an and his son came to Li Man's side, saying that they didn't want to go back to Beijing, and the family wanted to stay in Shennvgou.

The main reason is that Li Xiangyu doesn't want to travel far away, and always feels that living in his hometown is the safest place for him as he gets older.

Zhu'er fell in love with Shennvgou when she came to Shennvgou. She said that it reminded her of her childhood, even if it was not prosperous enough, but it was kind enough, especially during the days when she lived here, people in the village were very kind to her, She wanted to build a family here with Tian Ning'an, and to be filial to her parents together.

In addition, this girl Tian Ningying is quite familiar with a young master newly recruited by the school, and she is not in the mood to go back to Beijing.

Helpless, this time out, only Li Man's family was left.

In fact, Li Man didn't want to leave either, but she was worried about Xue'er.

Let's go and see Xue'er. She will come back after she has given birth and finished confinement.

With a firm idea, the family set off.

When we arrived in Beijing, it was already the hottest time.

As soon as Li Man arrived at the Shangguan Mansion, she heard from the housekeeper that the second young lady had added a young son.

Already born? Li Man didn't care about taking a break, so she just changed into her clothes and rushed to Yan Jin and Shangguan Xue's new house with her husband and children.

Knowing that her sisters and brothers-in-law were back, Shangguanxue was very excited and hurried to greet her in person.

This frightened Li Man. When she was confinement, she was much more particular.

But as soon as the two met and asked, they found out that Shangguan Xue was already confinement, and the child was almost fifty days old.

Li Man looked at the child and thought it was so beautiful. It was only fifty days old, and the eyebrows and eyes were exquisite and picturesque, a little more like Yan Jin, and it would be as handsome as his father in the future, so that people couldn't look directly at it.

The two sisters talked a lot together.

Seeing Xue'er's round cheeks, bright eyes, and sweet smile, Li Man knew that she was doing well, so she felt relieved a lot.

In the evening, when the family returned home, Li Man was still very emotional. She had opposed her younger sister being with Yan Jin at the beginning, but now they have children, so fast.

Li Mo and the others all said yes.

This night, Xiao Wu couldn't sleep, he looked at the happy smile on Xueer's face and the little poor baby beside her, and couldn't help but think of himself.

At first, Li Man wanted to match him and Xue'er, but now that Xue'er is a mother, as for him, should he continue to wait?

He wants to be a father.

So, I struggled all night, and early the next morning, while Li Man and others were still asleep, Xiao Wu went to his elder brother Li Mo's room, and the first thing he said after waking him up was, "Brother, I want to consummate the house with my wife."

"What?" Li Mo thought he heard it wrong, rubbed his eyes, sat up and asked again, "What did you just say?"

Xiao Wu looked at the eldest brother firmly, and reiterated, "Brother, I want to consummate the marriage with my wife, you choose a date."

Li Mo froze for a moment, and looked at his younger brother in astonishment, "What's wrong with you? Why are you bringing this up again?"

"Xue'er can be a mother, why can't I consummate the house with my wife? We are the same age." Xiao Wu said confidently.

Li Mo's face darkened, a little embarrassed.

Xiao Wu looked at him, a little annoyed, and snorted coldly, "I know, you have never wanted me to consummate the house with my wife, you are afraid that it will be good for you if I split up the wife."

"Nonsense." Li Mo interrupted him with a sullen face.

Xiao Wu curled her lips, "Then set a date for me. Dabao and Erbao have long been able to call you dad, but they only call you dad, but they always call me brother and brother. What is that like?"

Speaking of this, Xiao Wu was very annoyed, how many times he tried to coax the children to call him fifth father, but it didn't work. The two little things always called him brother in tacit understanding, even uncle. What has become of the seniority.

"This matter needs to be discussed in the long term. I will discuss it with your second brother." Li Mo hurriedly got up to go out.

Xiao Wu stopped him, "Don't, big brother, just sit and wait, second brother and I'll call them."

He didn't want his elder brother to make excuses, he had to give him an explanation for this matter today.

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