Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 530: Amnesty for All

The Queen Mother walked in the Imperial Garden and felt a little sleepy. She was helped back to the palace.

Emperor Chen stood at the gate of the Imperial Garden and shook his head and said, "The Queen Mother is more tired than before."

Wei Jian said slowly, "The Imperial Physician said that the Queen Mother's illness is like this. She is more prone to drowsiness than ordinary people."

Emperor Chen said again, "Have you found Dr. Sun?"

Wei Jian shook his head and said, "No, Dr. Sun will not stay in one place for too long. He should be traveling around to find medicine again. Maybe he is no longer in Chen State. And Dr. Ling said that even Dr. Sun can only extend the Queen Mother's life for a few years at most, and cannot cure the Queen Mother's illness."

Emperor Chen sighed and said, "It would be good if he could extend her life for a few years."

He retracted his gaze from the front and asked, "Am I really ruthless?"

Wei Jian was surprised and said, "How can Your Majesty have such an idea? Your Majesty is not ruthless at all."

Emperor Chen looked at him and said, "You don't have to flatter me. I want to hear the truth today."

Wei Jian said, "This old slave never tells lies in front of Your Majesty."

"Okay, you You have followed me all your life. Even if you said something wrong, I will not blame you. Those people never dare to tell the truth in front of me. I am tired of listening to them. Come on, I want to hear what you really think. "

Wei Jian looked at Emperor Chen, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Your Majesty... is a little ruthless."

"What?" Emperor Chen showed anger on his face, looked at him, and asked: "Tell me, how am I ruthless!"

Wei Jian looked at him and said calmly: "Your Majesty is ruthless to corrupt officials, ruthless to corrupt officials, and ruthless to the barbarians on the grassland who threaten the border of my Chen State. It is because of your majesty's ruthlessness that the world can be peaceful and the people can live and work in peace. Your majesty's ruthlessness is the world's ruthlessness..."

Emperor Chen looked at him, shook his head, and said: "It's a pity that you are a eunuch."


There are only four left out of the ten lieutenants, and there are only five with Liu Jun. Tang Ning has no choice but to let them each manage two camps first.

Zhang Chao had said his harsh words long ago, but he never put them into action. Instead, he became listless and avoided Tang Ning.

Not only that, Zhang Chao never expressed any opinion about his dismissal of those lieutenants.

Liu Jun's matter was resolved, but Mu Yu and the others' matters were not resolved. However, Tang Ning had asked Xiao Jue to collect evidence of their crimes. As long as they were submitted to the Ministry of War, several positions would be vacated.

In a barracks somewhere, several soldiers looked at Zhang Chao and said anxiously: "Zhang Zuo Langjiang, Xiao You Langjiang have collected our evidence, you have to think of a way for us..."

Zhang Chao was drunk and poured another glass of wine. He pulled the corner of his mouth and said: "I have collected it. What do you want me to do?"

"This won't work..." One person said anxiously: "If he hands those things to the Ministry of War, won't we, won't we end up like Wei Xiaowei and others?"

Zhang Chao drank the wine in the glass and asked: "Does this have anything to do with me?"

After Princess Yi Yang came back from the palace, she scolded him. Only then did he understand the confidence of Tang Ning to be rampant and arbitrary in Zuo Xiaowei.

With His Majesty behind him, he naturally dared not do anything else, otherwise, let alone Wei Xiaowei, even he, Zuo Langjiang, would have finished his job.

If you can win, fight. If you can't win, hide. At this point, he didn't think much about it. He would stay in the Zuo Xiaowei for one more day. As long as Tang Ning stopped and didn't bother him, it would be fine.

The soldier looked at him and said, "General Zhang, you can't do this. We are still doing this for you..."


Zhang Chao put down his wine glass suddenly and said angrily, "Are you threatening me?"

The man immediately said, "I dare not..."

Zhang Chao looked at them, and after a moment, he waved his hand impatiently and said, "Okay, okay, don't worry. You are lucky this time. It's useless even if he gets your evidence..."

The soldier looked at him carefully and asked, "What does Zhang Lang mean by this?"


Tang Ning unexpectedly found that the soldiers whose evidence Xiao Jue got were still frightened when they saw him in the morning, but they were beaming at noon. If it was just one person, it would be fine. Maybe his wife at home gave birth to a child and he was happy. But the possibility of everyone's wife giving birth to a child was pitifully small.

He originally thought that they had something to rely on, but when he returned home at night and sat on the roof with Zhao Man to watch the stars, he finally found out the reason.

Tang Ning looked at her and asked in surprise: "Amnesty?"

Zhao Man nodded and said: "Father said that he decided to grant amnesty to pray for the royal grandmother and accumulate good deeds. All prisoners in cases before today can be granted amnesty."

Amnesty is something that emperors often do. When the emperor ascends the throne, changes the reign title, establishes the queen or the prince, or encounters a natural disaster, an amnesty order is issued to pardon some criminals.

This kind of amnesty is a thorough amnesty. Those who have not yet been prosecuted will no longer be prosecuted; those who have been prosecuted will be withdrawn; those who have been sentenced to serve their sentences will have their sentences declared invalid, and they will not even have a criminal record.

Of course, this rule does not apply to everyone. Those who are guilty of treason, murder and arson, and extremely serious crimes are not included in the amnesty.

The biggest reason why emperors did this in ancient times was to win people's hearts. Of course, the Chen State now has a clear sea and rivers, and Emperor Chen does not need to use this to unite people's hearts. The main purpose of his amnesty is to accumulate blessings for the Queen Mother. Those who commit treason, gross rebellion, and other evils other than the ten evils will be forgiven.

However, this pardon also has a time limit and is only valid for prisoners before the amnesty. Those who want to take advantage of the amnesty to commit crimes will be punished more severely.

Zhao Man held her chin with both hands and said: "Father also said that the birthday of the emperor's grandmother is coming. This birthday, the palace will have a big event, and it will be lively..."

People in this era generally believed that liveliness would bring good luck. When someone was seriously ill, they would get married or hold a birthday party, hoping to drive away bad luck.

Tang Ning looked at her and asked, "What disease does the Queen Mother suffer from?"

Zhao Man shook her head and said: "The imperial doctor said it was diabetes, and there is no way to cure it. We can only try to extend her life..."

When Tang Ning heard the name Diabetes, she shook her head slightly.

Diabetes is diabetes, a disease that is controllable and untreatable in the era of advanced medical care. In this era, there is no effective drug control at all.

What science cannot yet do, it is obviously impossible for Chen Huang to do it through a general amnesty and a birthday banquet.

He put his arm around Zhao Man's shoulders and said, "Don't be sad. Birth, old age, illness and death are all human beings..."

Zhao Man looked up at him and asked, "If I get old and become an old woman, will you still watch the stars with me?"

Tangning hugged him tighter and said, "In my heart, you will always be a fairy who never grows old..."

A general amnesty is a major event. In the current era, it was only done once when His Majesty ascended the throne. For those criminals who made minor mistakes, this was an excellent opportunity to eliminate their guilt.

This is what several of Zuo Xiaowei's soldiers who joined the army thought. What they committed was not a serious crime, it was nothing more than corruption and malfeasance. In the face of amnesty, they would forget about it and not even leave a criminal record.

"So what if he is arbitrary? Can he disobey His Majesty's orders?"

"It's really a cliffhanger this time. Fortunately, I met the amnesty..."

"I was really scared to death. If Tang Zhonglang had waited two days to hand over those things to the Ministry of War, he would have missed the amnesty..."

Several soldiers who joined the army gathered together, and they were all very happy.

A man passed by them, holding a stack of files or something like that in his hand. A soldier looked at him and asked, "Wang Sijie, what do you have in your hand?"

The man stopped, looked back at them, and said: "This is the file that Tang Zhonglang asked me to get back from the Ministry of War. He said that he would revise it and send it over in two days..."

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