Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 68 Bullshit!

Candidates are not allowed to stay inside the Gongyuan, but there are quite a few people outside the Gongyuan.

The candidates gathered together in twos and threes, smiling and talking quietly.

"The policy topics this time are much easier than in previous years..."

"Let me tell you, of the three questions in this year's policy review, I have done two of them before..."

"I only won one bet. Last year, Lingzhou also suffered a lot of losses due to floods. This year, I actually got the test on flood control strategies..."

"Congratulations to both of you..."

Tang Yaoyao walked forward quickly, with a somewhat uneasy expression on her face. Tang Ning came out after the gong sounded in the previous two games. This time she was a whole hour late. She felt a little unsure and asked in a low voice: "What's the matter?" Sample?"

"Absolutely..." Tangning answered truthfully.

Writing this kind of article is not his strong point. It will take at least one or two years of training before he can write something that he can use, let alone reach a level similar to that of scholars in this world...

Next, we can only leave it to fate.

"You've passed the exam, don't think about it anymore." Zhong Yi stepped forward and said, "Brother Xiao Ning, go home quickly. Mom has prepared a lot of meals you like today..."

Su Ru didn't say anything, she just silently took the burden from Tang Ning's shoulders.

As for Fang Xiaopang, he just stuffed the things in his hands into his mouth.

Outside the examination room, some students naturally noticed him. Many of them had expressions of surprise and confusion on their faces, pointing at him from a distance and talking in low voices.

"Isn't that the one who is number one on the double list?"

"It turns out that he is Tang Ning who defeated Xu Qingyang and Zhang Yansheng twice. Why did he come out now?"

"Yes, this year's strategy is not difficult. Xu Qingyang and Zhang Yansheng came out as soon as the gong sounded. Why did he..."

"Could it be that he is actually not good at policy making?"

"You said, if the number one in the two rankings is due to this policy..."

"This is unlikely..."

Tang Ning could hear some of these discussions. Su Ru's hand holding the baggage was slightly harder. Zhong Yi glanced at him with some worry. Tang Yaoyao looked sullen, but had no choice but to say bitterly: "Let's go!" "

"Hey, isn't this Mr. Zhong who is number one on both lists? Why did he come out only now? Maybe he was stumped by the policy..."

Tangning turned her head and looked in the direction where the sound came from, and saw the governor walking towards this direction with his hands behind his back.

There were several people following him, looking at Tang Ning with a joking look on their faces.

Tang Yaoyao glanced at her mouth and said, "It's better to come out late than some people who can't even get in, right?"

Dong Mingjun knew that she was laughing at him for failing in the first round. His expression changed, and he narrowed his eyes and said, "Tang, you'd better tell your cousin and don't let me see him in the future. she!"

"So what if you see her?" Tang Yaoyao said disdainfully: "Can you recognize her?"

Just thinking of that woman, Dong Mingjun felt a dull pain in a certain part, and he could not suppress the anger in his heart. He gritted his teeth and said: "Even if she turns into ashes, I can still recognize her..."

Tang Yaoyao curled her lips, "You don't need to turn into ashes, you won't be able to recognize her if she changes her clothes..."

Tangning looked at her and said, "Let's go."

Dong Mingjun was about to open his mouth and say something sarcastic, but Tang Ning glanced at a certain part of his body.

At this glance, Dong Mingjun felt a chill under his crotch, and the hairs all over his body stood up. It seemed that even that part was throbbing a few times. The words reached his throat and he could no longer say them...

It wasn't until Tang Ning and others walked away that someone next to him gently pushed him and said in surprise: "Mr. Dong, are you okay?"

The uncomfortable feeling in Dong Mingjun's body disappeared. He felt that the guy's look just now seemed familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere. When he thought about it, he felt that his lower body started to hurt again...

He looked angrily in a certain direction and waved, "Let's go!"

On the way back, Tang Yaoyao was surprised and said, "He actually left like that. Did the man named Dong change his character?"

Tang Ning just walked. He had spent too much energy just now. He was a little hungry and missed the sumptuous meal at home.

Zhong Yi and Su Ru looked at him who said nothing, with worried expressions on their faces.

However, Tang Yaoyao did not stop and said to herself: "I heard from people that when Dong was visiting the brothel two days ago, that, that... In short, my cousin kicked her that night. It’s so cruel…”

After hearing her words, Tangning immediately became interested. She looked at her and asked curiously, "What happened to him when he visited the brothel?"

"That's right, that's right..." Tang Yaoyao was a little embarrassed as she organized her words. When she looked at Tang Ning, her eyes suddenly lit up and she said, "Just like you did this morning!"

Tang Ning thought no way. His kick actually made the governor unable to get up. No wonder he hates Tang Yaoyao's cousin so much...

Wait..., what happened to him this morning!

What does it mean to be the same as him in the morning!

Tang Ning looked at Tang Yaoyao with murderous eyes. Today's revenge will be avenged in the future!

Fang Xiaopang bit his finger, pulled Tang Ning's sleeve and asked, "Which brothel is this restaurant? Why haven't I been there? Is there anything delicious there?"

Tangning pinched her round face and said, "Children, don't ask so many questions!"

"Oh..." Fang Xinyue nodded, thought for a moment, then raised her head and asked, "Brother Tangning, what happened to you this morning?"

Tangning was doing squat jumps in the yard in the morning. His body was still very weak and needed more exercise.

The state exam had passed, and he no longer thought about it.

After finishing the policy exam, his father-in-law and mother-in-law didn't ask him how he did in the exam. It seemed that everyone had selectively forgotten about it.

Even though he was able to get through the first two games safely by cheating, this last game was very characteristic of this era, and he still couldn't adapt in a short period of time.

Lingzhou Gongyuan.

The examiners who graded the papers got up early in the morning, and after having breakfast, they walked unhurriedly to the small pavilion where the papers were graded.

The state examination has ended. After two rounds of screening, there are less than a thousand candidates. The test papers are evenly divided into the hands of one examiner, but there are only dozens of them. They have enough time to review them slowly.

Liang Dong came very early. He first looked through the test paper in his hand. He was a little disappointed when he didn't see any familiar handwriting.

He really wanted to see how the monster answered the question, but it seemed that this time, his test paper was assigned to another examiner.

Disappointed, he adjusted his mood and sat down to review.

After two screenings, the quality of the remaining students was obviously higher. When he opened the first copy, he looked at it for a while, and a look of satisfaction appeared on his face...

At the same time, in another place in the hall, an examiner looked at a test paper in front of him and frowned.

"There is no structure, nonsense, it is nonsense!" He not only frowned, but even showed a sullen look on his face: "Whether this person is a scholar or not, what kind of nonsense article he wrote, is eight Even a 2-year-old kid is better than him. If such a person can pass the first two games, he must be cheating!"

Wang Shuo was very angry. Take this first policy as an example. When it comes to controlling floods, he neither praises the achievements of saints nor cites scriptures. He just writes randomly, his writing style is childish, and there is no structure at all...

What is "cutting the crooked to make straight", and what is the relationship between "afforesting" and controlling floods? Even an ordinary student can write this policy with his eyes closed, which is a thousand times better than this article. He After years of reviewing papers, I have never seen such a poor policy.

With a responsible attitude, he looked at the second question.

To prevent and control the plague, drink more hot water?

He no longer needed to read any more, and conveniently placed the test paper on his right hand side - the papers he placed on his right hand were all inferior and failed tests.

He took another test paper. In the first question, the candidate first praised the merits of Dayu, cited scriptures, affirmed the contemporary water control measures, and put forward several opinions. The article was colorfully written, so it should be taken!

After reading this test paper, he felt better. After drawing a circle on the test paper, he placed it on the left hand side, indicating that this was a test paper that he strongly recommended to the examiner.

Several people came in from outside the door. The examiners in the hall looked up, stood up, and saluted with clasped fists.

The two leaders are the examiners of this state examination, Mr. Fang and Wang.

Beside them, there were three other people whom all the examiners had already met.

These three are not considered examiners. However, since the reform of the imperial examination system a few years ago, in addition to the examiners, there will also be three co-examiners for policy theory papers.

These three assistant examiners must be expert in a certain subject, and their opinions are crucial to the examiner.

These three strategies involve water control, law, and epidemic prevention, and the consultants asked have their own origins.

Zhang Hao, doctor of the Ministry of Water.

Song Qian was sentenced on Jingdong Road.

Imperial Physician Cheng, Ling Yihong...

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