Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 69: Fierce debate on policy!

Chapter 69 of the main text volume of Ruyi Xiaolangjun is a heated debate on policy! [ps: The Ministry of Water is an internal department of the Ministry of Industry, responsible for navigation and water conservancy. 】

After walking in from the door, Fang Hong bowed his hands to the three of them and said, "Excuse me, three colleagues."

Most of the examiners for this state examination were drawn from the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Personnel. They may be able to tell the candidates' literary talents, but they still have to rely on these three co-examiners to distinguish the merits of the policies and determine the priority.

Ling Yihong was in charge of reviewing the second article on epidemic control. He held his hand in his hand and said, "It's a matter of personal responsibility. Mr. Fang is being polite."

Jingdong Road Tixing Song Qian and Fang Hong have been close friends for many years, but he was not so polite with him. He nodded slightly and picked up a stack of examination papers.

Fang Hong looked at Zhang Hao, the doctor of the Ministry of Water Resources, and said: "This strategy for controlling floods is a problem for Zhang Hao."

Zhang Hao waved his hands expressionlessly and said: "No, it's just some flattery. What's so interesting about it? Can we really expect them to control the water?"

Fang Hong was a little helpless. The Ministry of Water sent Zhang Hao here this time, so he knew something would happen.

Although this Zhang doctor has a low official position, he is very capable in building water conservancy projects and managing floods. However, he is usually too aloof and arrogant, with a stubborn and tough temper. I am extremely dissatisfied with the current situation of the officialdom.

Zhang Hao believes that in recent years, imperial examination policy essays have long lost their original meaning, focusing too much on the article itself, but neglecting the most important "policy". Officials wrote colorful articles, but the whole article is just a bit boring. Empty words and clichés end up being mediocre people who only know how to write articles but don’t know how to run a country.

Although these problems in the scientific examination exist, Fang Hong believes that they are not as serious as Zhang Hao said. He shook his head and said: "Mr. Zhang's words are wrong. The candidates' knowledge and knowledge are uneven, and they may not all be what you said. That way..."

He took two test papers from the table and said: "These two are excellent works of this year's policy discussion. Doctor Zhang, let's take a look."

Although Zhang Hao didn't think these candidates could come up with any useful strategies, he also knew that Fang Hong was not only the examiner, but also the minister of the Ministry of Personnel, so he still had to give him a little face.

He took the two test papers, looked at them, his face softened slightly, but he still shook his head and said: "It's just repeating what the predecessors did. It seems to be logical, but in fact it is useless and extremely tasteless."

Fang Hong shook his head and said: "Most of the state examination candidates are young students. Mr. Zhang cannot compare them with officials from the Ministry of Water Resources."

Zhang Hao finally took a step back and sat at his own table, which was considered as surrender.

After all, this was a state examination, and the stakes were very important. No matter how dissatisfied he was, he had to obey the court's arrangements.

After he sat down, he picked up a piece of white paper so that if he really came across any excellent strategies, he could record them down.

Although this may be close to nothing.

He looked at an examiner next to him and asked, "Colleague, did you fail the exam?"

The failed papers were the papers that were not admitted, and he needed a few to put on the table.

Wang Shuo nodded and handed over some of the failed papers he had just reviewed, including the "nonsense" test paper.

"Thank you!"

Zhang Hao cupped his hands, took the test paper, put it on the table, glanced at it casually, and saw a few words on the top test paper.

"...It is useful for flood control and speeds up shipping..."

Zhang Hao's expression was startled, and he couldn't help but sit up straight.

The responsibility of the Ministry of Water is not only to build water conservancy projects, but as the doctor of the Ministry of Water, he is also responsible for flood prevention and control, ship shipping, fishing and canal transportation.

A few months ago, the imperial court had issued an order to the Ministry of Industry regarding flood control and shipping in Jingjiang River. Lord Shangshu did not know how to control water. As the doctor of the Ministry of Water in charge of this matter, Zhang Hao almost withstood all the pressure on his own.

During this period, he read countless classics and made several on-site inspections, but could not come up with a good method. As soon as he returned to Beijing this time, he was transferred to Lingzhou to serve as a co-examiner.

Once the words flood control and shipping appeared in his eyes, he could no longer ignore them.

He picked up the scroll and looked at it.

There is no mention of Dayu's water control, nor is it praising the imperial court's achievements in water control over the years. It lists straight to the point... dredging, blocking and strengthening stems, source control, and reducing the source of sediment...

Zhang Hao didn't miss a word, because in this policy statement, he didn't write a word of nonsense at all. This is the real "policy"!

This is a unique examination paper. The Ministry of Water Resources has made a lot of efforts to control water over the years. They have not blindly followed past experience in water control, but have also made many innovations.

Over the years, they have stumbled along the way and come up with many new water control strategies. After spending a lot of manpower and material resources on experiments, they found that each method has advantages and disadvantages, and each method needs to be adapted to local conditions and comprehensively considered.

They paid too much to reach these conclusions.

Now, these conclusions were clearly lying on the paper in front of him.

The Ministry of Water will not publish these things, because just before he left the capital, there was still a lot of controversy within the Ministry of Water over these conclusions.

At the end of this strategy, an example is given.

What measures should be taken for flood control and shipping in a certain section of Jingjiang River.

This is a word that Zhang Hao has never heard before, "cut the crooked and make the straight".

The test paper detailed the advantages and disadvantages of straightening the river, which made Zhang Hao very happy. As long as it can effectively prevent floods and improve navigation, these disadvantages are acceptable...

But there is so much written on the paper, but it does not say what "straightening the river" is.

The flood prevention and navigation problems of a certain section of the Jingjiang River have troubled Zhang Hao for several months. He was just reading it with great interest, just like a dazzling light suddenly shot out from the darkness that lasted for several months. When he seemed to have a vague understanding, the light disappeared again.

"How can this be!"

He was prone to anger, and a nameless anger rose in his heart. He slapped the table hard and stood up suddenly.

Fang Hong was at the table in front of him, reviewing the test papers recommended by the examiners. He was startled by the strange noise behind him. He turned around and asked in surprise: "Minister Zhang, what's wrong with you?"

Zhang Hao was still angry, pointing at the test paper and repeatedly saying: "How can this be absurd, how can this be absurd!"

Wang Shuo beside him saw him pointing at the failed paper and laughed: "Master Zhang also thinks that what this person wrote is really nonsense?"

Zhang Hao looked at him and glared at him: "What did you say!"

Wang Shuo was startled by him, stood up, and said in surprise: "This person's article is completely disorganized, it can be said to be nonsense..."

"You know shit!" Zhang Hao has a straightforward temper. Even in the court, he does not give in. He pointed at Wang Shuo and said loudly: "If what he wrote is nonsense, then others will Not even as good as shit. I tell you, all the test papers here are not as good as him!"

Wang Shuo was also provoked and said angrily: "This person's article has no rules, and his policy essays are mixed with vernacular. Take out any test paper here, it is hundreds and thousands of times better than his!"

"Rules?" Zhang Hao looked at him and sneered: "The rules you are talking about are from beginning to end, only flattery, full of empty words and clichés, useless articles?"

"This person is not full of empty words and clichés?" Wang Shuo snorted coldly, looked at Ling Yihong, and said with a fist: "Lord Ling, why don't you take a look at what he wrote in this second policy essay?"

Wang Shuo remembered clearly that the second policy essay asked how to prevent epidemics, and he actually answered to drink more hot water. If drinking water can cure diseases, what is the use of doctors in the world!

Ling Yihong took the test paper and looked at the second policy essay.

This look lasted for a long time.

Wang Shuo couldn't wait any longer, and looked at him and asked, "Master Ling, how is it?"

Ling Yihong was curious about why the handwriting looked so familiar, and nodded and said, "This person's article is indeed disorganized."

Zhang Hao's face darkened, and Wang Shuo smiled.

Ling Yihong put down the test paper and said, "But if we ignore the article and only look at the policy essay on how to prevent the epidemic and how to control the epidemic, all the test papers I have read combined are not as good as this one."

The smile on Wang Shuo's face froze.

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