Fortune Teller

Chapter 1,118 The Way of Life and Death (fourth update)

In the sky of Wuxiang Tian, ​​Gu Xiuyun stood in the sky, his eyes changing.

He has already made arrangements for the religious affairs.

The four demon emperors have all obtained the blood of true god demons. As long as they concentrate on practice, they will reach the peak of the ninth level sooner or later.

The Tyrannosaurus monster resides in the world of Tianjipan, and the second clone will deal with it on its own.

As for Yan Sushi, this woman has pure phoenix blood in her body and can definitely follow the path of blood. Although she will shed her human form and transform into a phoenix beast, what is the difference between the human race and the demon race compared to the chance of enlightenment?

Gu Yue walked around the chessboard realm, looking for suitable creatures and comprehending the illusion of destiny.

As for the girl, Gu Xiuyun did not want her to participate in the war. Firstly, there were already enough ninth-level experts, and adding a few more would not make much sense. Secondly, Gu Yue was also his last hope.

If he really fails to overcome the tribulation, he will directly commit suicide and will never give the Tianji Patriarch a chance to repair the Tianji Disk.

By then, it will be up to Gu Yue to find his reincarnation.

In addition, Gu Xiuyun left a large number of magical medicines and Taoist scriptures in the Eight Eyes Divine Sect. He believes that a batch of true artistic conceptions can be cultivated in a short period of time.

"Old ghost Tianji is trapped, so he doesn't have many means at his disposal. Besides, I've covered up the fate line in advance. If the deduction is correct, there won't be any big movement for at least a hundred years."

Gu Xiuyun looked into the distance and whispered to himself.

Of course, there won't be any big movement... Referring to the Venerable, the Ninth and Eighth Grades will arrive soon.

"There are not many ninth-grade members of the Four Sects of Changli. The strength of the ordinary True Illusion is limited and there is no threat. But I still have to prepare early. In the future, technological civilization will be promoted to all major realms, and there will be more and more opponents. With the current situation The divine religion is far from being able to fight against it.”

Thinking in his heart, Gu Xiuyun tore open the void and prepared to leave.

Suddenly, his expression changed slightly, and he lowered his head to look into the depths of the Wuxiang Heaven.

Thousands of years have passed, and the human race in Wuxiangtian has become more and more prosperous. Practitioners can be seen everywhere, and those in Douxiao realm are only ordinary elders of major families.

However, behind this prosperous scene, he felt an inexplicable palpitating feeling, as if there was an unimaginable beast hidden in it.

"what happened?"

Gu Xiuyun quickly used his secrets to observe the fate of all human beings. After a while, his expression began to become solemn.

At the end of countless fate lines, there is actually the Eight-Eyed God Sect.

Every fate line is filled with a faint scent of blood. It is the blood of the nine divine beasts of the divine religion. With the reproduction of generations, it should have been completely diluted, but now there are signs of getting stronger.

"Could it be...the Eight-Eyed True Master?"

Gu Xiuyun inexplicably thought of the suppression of Wuxiangtian by the four Changli sects.

He originally thought that Venerable Li Kong hated the Eight-Eyed True Venerable, so he took revenge on the descendants of the divine sect.

Later, I learned that Lord Li Kong and the Eight-Eyed True Lord were one and the same. How could he hate his descendants?

There is something strange about this matter.

Now it seems that the human race of Wuxiang Tian has an inexplicable relationship with the Eight-Eyed True Master. By doing this, Master Li Kong must have known something.

"Why exactly?"

"They are just some mortals. If he really wants to kill him, he can just slap him to death. Isn't it just some cause and effect? ​​To the dignified Venerable Three Difficulties Realm, what does that little cause and effect mean?"

Gu Xiuyun frowned, feeling that he had found the key to dealing with Lord Li Kong.

The opponent's weakness has been made clear by the golden insect.

As one of the remnants of the Eight-Eyed True Master, this person has no demon blood in his body and follows a pure human cultivation path, so his physical body is at the early stage of the Venerable Realm at best.

With his powerful body and Yuan Xian's ultimate Taoist skills, even the True Lord Tian Xing would find it difficult to kill him. At the same time, Venerable Li Kong, as a relic, is essentially a psychic inferi and is born with fatal flaws.

But just knowing this, it is still impossible to kill Lord Li Kong.

In the sky above the Wuxiang Sky, a green figure sat cross-legged, staring at the human race below.

"The eight-eyed Zhenzun must have fought to the death in order to understand the path of life. Which path did he take... Destiny? Cause and effect? ​​Killing? Life and death?"

Gu Xiuyun murmured.

There are only these four possibilities.

The most perfect paths of life in the endless void are these four. If you take other paths, your hope is even slimmer.

"It can't be fate. Old Ghost Tianji is in charge of the rules of destiny. How can he allow another True Master to comprehend this way? What's more, in the Lianshan Chapter, the Eight-Eyed True Master has not collected all of them at all. It shows that he doesn't care."

"It's not about killing. The way of killing is causing great disaster. If this was the way to go, there wouldn't be a single venerable person in the chessboard realm."

"Cause and effect? ​​Life and death? Which one is it?"

After a long silence, a glimmer of light flashed in Gu Xiuyun's eyes, "The path of life and death, yes, it must be the path of life and death. Only this path can allow him to transform nine times in a row and transform into the nine great beasts."

"The legendary True Dragon Ancestor is the pinnacle expert in the way of life and death, so the Eight-Eyed True Lord's final form is a golden dragon body. He is following the route of the Dragon Clan's ancestor."

"The blood of the dragon clan is spread all over the world. Whether it is humans, monsters, or even creatures in the void, there are descendants of the dragon clan. Since the Eight-Eyed True Master wants to take this path, maybe he has done the same thing."

Analyzing again and again, the light in Gu Xiuyun's eyes became brighter and brighter, and he vaguely understood that he was close to the truth.

Why does every human race in the Wuxiang Heaven have the blood of divine beasts in their bodies?

That was not the blood of the ancestors, but the blood of the Eight-Eyed True Master.

To be precise, every strong person who practices the divine teachings will have the blood of the True Master in his body. The so-called divine art is actually the way to spread the blood.

Because of this, no sect can imitate the holy pool of the Eight-Eyed God Sect, because it is the blood of the Eight-Eyed God himself.

"It turns out that you established the religion to do this."

"Use the entire human race of Wuxiangtian as a guide to understand the way of life and death... Thinking about it this way, the things that Venerable Li Kong did are also within your expectations!"

Looking at the ground beneath his feet, Gu Xiuyun's eyes gradually turned cold.

After all, Bamu Zhenzun and Tianji Patriarch are the same people. They have never cared about the life and death of mortals. Tianji Patriarch established Tianji Pavilion to spread the secret of deduction and constantly change the future of the world.

As for how many karma those disciples would be contaminated with, why did Patriarch Tianji ever care?

The Eight-Eyed True Master established the divine sect just to teach the secrets to the gods and leave his own bloodline in countless human beings.

Gu Xiuyun didn't know how to understand the rules of life and death, but he could figure it out. After all, he had read the classics of the Golden Dragon Palace and observed many Taoist imprints.

The way of life and death can only be understood between life and death.

Practitioners only have one life and cannot experience life and death again and again, so the Eight-Eyed True Master spread his blood to countless human beings and used their lives and deaths to understand Taoism.

"The power of the bloodline is increasing...Bamu, are you about to wake up?"

In the void, the cyan figure stopped for a long time and finally left.

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