Fortune Teller

Chapter 1,119 The Underground Abyss (Fifth update)

Deep in the void, a green figure moved forward quickly.

The discovery of Wuxiang Tian made him feel extremely heavy. Just to understand the Taoism, he sacrificed hundreds of billions of human beings.

This is just an era.

It has been tens of thousands of years since the fall of the Eight-Eyed Divine Sect. Gu Xiuyun could not imagine that some human beings would die at the hands of monsters.

"Shenwu, Bingxi, Old Priest... How would you feel if you knew that the Eight-Eyed God you admire only uses you as a tool?"

Gu Xiuyun whispered in his heart.

This discovery was so cruel that he did not dare to tell it. During the overthrow of the divine religion, many strong men shed their blood and sacrificed their lives for the sake of the sect.


It turned out to be just a trap set up by the Eight Eyed True Master.

"There is nothing wrong with spreading blood in order to understand the way of life and death, but you should not leave Venerable Li Kong behind and exchange hundreds of millions of living beings for your understanding of the way."

"The entire human race in the Wuxiang Heaven is more than a trillion in number. Countless lives die and are born every day. Isn't that enough for you to understand?"

"Bamu Zhenzun, what are you planning?"

Gu Xiuyun still had some doubts in his heart.

Although he saw clearly the truth about the Tongshen Jue and the Holy Pool, he didn't understand why the Eight-Eyed True Master insisted on exterminating the human race of Wuxiangtian?

He believed that before the Eight-Eyed True Master fell silent, he must have arranged everything. The Golden Dragon Palace, the Golden Insect of the Divine Cult, the Venerable Li Kong... including all the major forces were all planning.

The key to this layout is the four sects of Wuxiangtian Human Race and Changli.

As for the inheritance of divine religion, it is just a cover.

"Perhaps the Eight-Eyed True Master's way of life and death requires the annihilation of living beings before he can truly understand it. In that case...doesn't it mean that by protecting the human race, I have ruined his plan?"

Thinking of this, Gu Xiuyun sighed.

At this moment, his mood could only be described in one sentence: speechless and choked.


The cyan figure flew through the void, walking towards the very depths. When it stopped, it had already appeared on the edge of the whirlpool.

"It's too dangerous to absorb the calamity power. It should be easier if the blessed beast is by your side."

With that said, Gu Xiuyun rushed towards the bottom of the vortex dragon.

Thick dragon-shaped tree trunks are layered on top of each other, and each layer has countless spaces hidden in it. If it is an ordinary eighth-grade tree, even if it takes a thousand years, it may not be possible to find out the full picture of the Whirlpool.

But Gu Xiuyun only glanced at it and saw through all the countless cracks in space.

After understanding the origin of space, few secrets in the world can be hidden from his perception. Even the space opened by the True Master cannot avoid Gu Xiuyun's detection.


The cyan figure followed the bottom of the whirlpool and entered the underground abyss.

The endless void is divided into three layers: the starry sky at the top, the void in the middle, and the abyss at the bottom of the Gangsha Turbidity Current.

The reason why it takes this form is that the endless void has not yet truly taken shape.

After the heaven and earth were opened, the pure air rose and the turbid air descended, forming heaven and earth, with the sun, moon and stars surrounding the world.

But the endless void is too vast, so huge that it is unimaginable, and the time of its formation is too short, only 400 million years.

Four hundred million years is an extremely long time for practitioners, but in the eyes of the vast and endless world, this time is far from enough.

This is a majestic world that is billions of times larger than the world of Tianji Pan, and even Zhenzun does not know where the edge is. To this day, the endless void is still expanding, and the energy of life and death of yin and yang continues to merge into the void, let alone stability. .

After passing through the whirlpool, a lonely and cold land appeared in front of Gu Xiuyun.

Black air lingered above the head, and countless sky pillars held up the abyss world. There was a faint roar in the distance, like a monster or a ghost.


A breeze suddenly appeared in the abyss, and then, ghostly energy fluctuations spread from the depths of the ground.

The appearance of Gu Xiuyun seemed to cause changes in the underground abyss, and one after another the Inferi woke up from their slumber.

"God, you really don't miss any opportunity."

Gu Xiuyun smiled bitterly and shook his head. Just as he was about to leave, two figures escaped from a distance.

"Our harvest this time is really good. We actually found a ninth-grade peak beast bone. We can take it back and refine it. The corpse-refining combat power can at least double."

"Keep your voice down. I heard that the ghost kings have encountered trouble in the secret realm and suffered heavy losses. They have recently been collecting ninth-grade bones. Don't let them hear it."

"What are you afraid of? This is an underground abyss. Soul thoughts cannot spread. Can the ghost king still have the ability to reach the sky?"

The two of them murmured and rushed towards the vortex dragon.

When he was still 1,400 miles away from the whirlpool passage, two sharp claws suddenly emerged from the ground. The claws were ten thousand feet wide, tearing apart the earth like mountains.

One of the sharp claws reached towards the two Ghost Mansion disciples, and the other claw clawed at the cyan figure in the distance.

"Psychic Inferi!"

The two Ghost Mansion disciples looked horrified and wanted to avoid it, but the sharp claws were too fast, far exceeding their escape speed.


Before the claw light touched his whole body, the strong wind brought by it was already pressing down on him.

In an instant, the physical bodies of the disciples in the Ghost Mansion collapsed, and the Yin soul bodies were completely annihilated.

Before they died, they vaguely saw a sudden light rising in the distance, and a red sword energy split open the claws.

"The Venerable Inferi was killed?"

Thoughts arose in the minds of the two Ghost Mansion disciples at the same time.

In the middle of the vortex dragon vortex, within the territory occupied by the ghost mansion.

A purple-robed ghost king was sitting cross-legged and meditating with his eyes closed. Suddenly, he opened his eyes and looked at his waist.

The gray-black messenger jade talisman is uncertain.

"It's strange, why would anyone summon you at this time? Is there another sect attacking the secret realm under the Ghost Mansion?"

The purple-robed ghost king muttered.

Since the death of twenty-eight Heavenly Star Realm pinnacles including Tianpeng Ghost Lord and Impermanence Ghost Lord, the strength of the Ghost Mansion has plummeted, and many sects have taken the opportunity to attack.

In just six months, they have fought six times.

The purple-robed ghost king's fingertips moved slightly, and his soul thoughts merged into the depths of the jade talisman. After an instant, his face changed slightly.

"A mysterious strong man appears at the bottom of the whirlpool and is fighting with the psychic Yin Corpse?"

"What a good opportunity. If I can take advantage of this opportunity to get a few pieces of Venerable-level skeletons, I can recover at least half of my strength. If I'm lucky, I can even go one step further."

The purple-robed ghost king's eyes flashed with excitement.

There are many skeletons in the underground abyss. The more powerful the skeletons are, the more they are hidden deep in the ground and are controlled by psychic inferi. Those inferi have no concept of the body, and they will continue to collect bones to strengthen themselves.

As for the ghost mansion, they are fighting with the infernal corpses and snatching the bones.

The bones of the Yin Corpse are valued by the Ghost Mansion, but are of no use to other practitioners. Therefore, every time a revered person enters the underground abyss, it is a feast for the disciples of the Ghost Mansion.

"Hurry up, it's too late, those bones will be snatched away by other brothers!"

The purple-robed ghost king stood up, held up the bronze coffin in one hand, and rushed towards the depths of the vortex.

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