Fortune Teller

Chapter 1030: The Divine Fruit of Enlightenment

"This ferocious beast is too strong."

Seeing the dark void torn apart beside him, like a black track leading to the distant sky, Gu Xiuyun couldn't help but feel chilled in his heart.

The strength of the three ferocious crocodiles far exceeds that of the Yinshan Zhenzun. They are definitely in the Six Difficulties Realm, and they are also good at killing.

Fortunately, he escaped quickly enough and had the fortune to predict the danger in advance, so he could avoid the flame spikes. Otherwise, the ten thousand feet of flame spikes alone could completely annihilate him.

Thoughts flickered.

Gu Xiuyun stepped quickly and fled to the west as fast as possible. At the same time, he moved the inner world and formed a chain to block the three fierce crocodiles.

The Inner Heaven and Earth opened up by the Infinite Seed has not yet been perfected. If it were not for that rainbow light, the Inner Heaven and Earth would still be at the eighth level. No matter how vast and majestic it is, it would not be able to affect the Venerable.

After integrating into Hongmang, it was possible to fight against the Venerable.

But even so, he still looked extremely weak in front of the Six Difficulties Realm True Master, only slowing down the speed of the three ferocious crocodiles by 10%.


The cyan figure flew through the void, escaping at extremely fast speeds.

Three ferocious crocodiles were chasing after them. Every time their huge bodies shook, they could shatter a million miles of space. The three heads took turns spitting out flames, illuminating the underground abyss.

"Hurry up, we're not far from that dangerous place." The black-striped golden dolphin was lying on his shoulder and urged.

The flame spikes are like death's scythe, passing through the body again and again. If you are not careful, your body will disappear.

"Stupid pig, don't disturb the juniors of the human race." The ink-colored inkstone scolded in a low voice.

At this moment, Gu Xiuyun has pushed the power of his mind to the extreme. While operating the rules of space and traveling through the void, he is using the mysteries of destiny to avoid the flame spikes. At the same time, he is also urging the inner world to stop the three fierce crocodiles.

In just a few breaths, the distance between the two has shortened to 400,000 miles.


The three ferocious crocodiles swung their long tails, extended their tail ends, and struck forward with a crash.

"Damn it!"

Sensing the scene behind him, Gu Xiuyun's expression became serious.

The tail of the crocodile beast is not a flame spike. No matter how you calculate it, you can't dodge it. After all, the tail can swing at will. You can dodge it once but not ten times.

"Junior human race, I'll stop it for you."

Xuanyin Mo Yan made a bold sound, and the rules of the avenue surged deep in the inkstone. The violent power formed countless chains and pressed towards the tail of the giant beast.


The chains collided with the long tail. At the moment of contact, the chains shattered like tofu, but they also successfully blocked the crocodile tail for half a breath.

Taking advantage of the momentary gap, Gu Xiuyun stepped forward quickly, slashed with his two palms, and forcibly tore open a passage in the void.

It is almost impossible to open a void passage in the underground abyss. The space here is extremely stable. Even if you understand the original rules of space, it will be difficult to distort the space and form a wormhole.

But Gu Xiuyun has countless kinds of rules besides space.

The power of rules contained in the immeasurable seeds is far above the avenue. Even a weak trace can penetrate hundreds of millions of miles of void.

call out!

The cyan figure rushed into the void passage.

Three fierce crocodiles followed closely behind, shrinking their bodies to half a foot, and crashed towards the passage. Before they could reach it, the void cracked open and the passage disappeared.

"hold head high!"

Angry roars echoed through the void a million miles away, and the three heads kept spitting out flames, but no trace of Gu Xiuyun could be found.

The edge of thick blood mist.

A scoff.

The cyan figure squeezed out of the cracks, looking a little embarrassed. The black-striped golden dolphin was huddled on its shoulders. Most of the flesh and blood had been cut off, leaving only the skeleton.

The ink-colored inkstone was intact, but its aura was weak, far less powerful than before.

"Fortunately, I haven't used the Infinite Seed, otherwise I would be really in trouble today."

Gu Xiuyun glanced behind him and breathed a sigh of relief.

Relying on the power of the rules of the immeasurable species, he directly crossed the dangerous situation of the abyss and came to the other side. The two places were hundreds of millions of miles apart. Even if the three ferocious crocodiles had magical powers, they would not be able to find them across such a long distance. Own.

What's more, there is a dangerous situation between them.

"Hurry up and leave. That ferocious beast is very capable, and the dangers of the abyss may not be able to stop it for long." The ink-colored inkstone reminded him.

Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly and walked quickly towards the distance.

In the deep canyon, the cyan figure sat cross-legged, and the black pig lay on the side, eyes closed.

Wisps of dragon energy surged out of the body, filled the void, and faintly transformed into a golden dragon.

"This stupid pig is really lucky. He can even find dragon blood vines," the ink-colored inkstone hung in the air, "and it is a dragon blood vine that has grown for millions of years. It is rare in the world of the majestic dragon energy. Even if it is Refining a part of it is enough for it to become a ninth-grade demon emperor."

"Qilin is a beast of fortune, and its luck is naturally much better than that of ordinary people." Gu Xiuyun said quietly, his eyes falling on his palm.

Two black and white fruits, one on the left and one on the right, emit a faint luster.

After pondering for a moment, he opened his mouth and drank two divine fruits at the same time.


As soon as the black and white fruit entered the body, it completely collapsed, and every piece of flesh was filled with the rich power of life and death.

The strange thing is that this power did not hurt the physical body, but instead integrated into the depths of the mind, forming countless Tao sounds.

"So that's it, black and white fruit has the magical effect of enlightenment."

The black fruit is filled with the power of death, and the white fruit is filled with the power of life. The two powers originate from the True Dragon Ancestor, perfectly explaining the mystery of the five elements transforming life and death.

The countless Tao sounds at this moment are the foundation of the Five Elements Avenue.

"No wonder the three ferocious crocodiles are desperately chasing us. The Divine Fruit of Enlightenment, which contains the power of life and death, is rare in the world. I am afraid that there is no second kind in the entire endless void. The demon has low intelligence. Without the help of the Fruit of Enlightenment, with its understanding , it is impossible to understand the rules of the great road in this life."

Gu Xiuyun secretly marveled.

The enlightenment spiritual fruits in the world can only comprehend the original rules at most, such as the golden spiritual fruits in the dead tree world, the original rules of fire... Each spiritual fruit contains an origin.

If you want to integrate the five origins, you can only rely on yourself.

Because the rules of the Tao have exceeded the boundaries of heaven and earth, how can it be possible to create a Tao that has not even been formed by heaven and earth?

But the Dragon Blood Vine is different. It absorbs the power of the True Dragon Ancestor.

With dragon blood as the foundation and dragon energy as nourishment, it takes millions of years to take shape before it can produce two fruits, one black and one white, corresponding to the two energies of life and death.

It is almost impossible to find a second such rare thing.

After all, in the entire endless void, there are only two or three recorded world masters. The Miaomiao from Shenhuan Continent has left no trace except the Six Illusion Realms and the land.

There are many relics of the True Dragon Ancestor, but most of them are related to the dragon bloodline, and there are very few Taoist imprints.

"Junior of the human race, what are the effects of the black and white fruit?" asked the black inkstone at the side.

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