Fortune Teller

Chapter 1331 Shen Fan’s visit


Gu Xiuyun responded quietly.

"That's it?" Black Inkstone frowned, "Although there are not many original spiritual fruits in the world, they are not few either. What's more, with the Source Realm of Ten Thousand Dharmas, there is an endless supply of such strange objects, which are worth the efforts of demons in the Six Difficulties Realm. Chase?"

"Because these two fruits contain not the original rules, but the power of life and death." Gu Xiuyun continued.

"The power of life and death..."

The ink-colored inkstone trembled slightly, and his voice suddenly rose several times higher, "You mean, these two fruits can allow people to integrate the origin of the five elements and understand the complete rules of the great avenue?"

Gu Xiuyun nodded in response.

At this moment, his mind is completely immersed in the sound of the Tao. Every fluctuation contains the power of the Tao. As long as he concentrates on understanding it, he will be able to understand it all sooner or later.

"I see... No wonder that ferocious beast is going crazy. The fruit produced by the Dragon Blood Vine can actually make people understand the rules of the Dao. It's really incredible."

The ink-colored inkstone could not calm down for a long time.

There are not many or few original spiritual fruits in the world. For example, there are several original spiritual trees in the dead tree world, and there are also many spiritual fruits in the inheritance left by Wuya Pseudo Realm Master.

But these can only comprehend the original rules. If you want to integrate the five elements, wind and thunder, you still have to rely on yourself.

However, Dragon Blood Vine can directly create a venerable person.

With this item, the true master no longer has to wait countless years for reincarnation. As long as he takes enough original spiritual fruits and cooperates with the dragon blood vine, he can return to the top.

Who can resist this temptation?

The ink-colored inkstone kept exclaiming...

Deep in the canyon, black mist floats everywhere, and occasionally demons appear, climbing along the stone walls in search of prey.

These demons are extremely powerful, and the weakest ones are at the ninth level.

The turbid air in the underground abyss is strong, and the monsters born are naturally much stronger than those in the Tianjipan world.

The demon climbed for a long time and finally saw a broken piece of wreckage. His eyes suddenly lit up and he hurriedly jumped on it.


While the body was still in mid-air, it was torn apart by an invisible edge. The energy of life and death poured into the body, and the ninth-grade demon body perished and disappeared.

The canyon returned to calm.

Chessboard realm.

Changing away from the void land where the four sects were located, a disciple hurriedly walked through the corridor and entered the palace.

"Uncle Master, a powerful man named Shen Fan came to visit. This person's cultivation level is suspected to be the ninth level."

"Ninth-grade Patriarch?"

The old man in the deepest part of the palace opened his eyes.

Patriarch Li Xuan is currently the only ninth-grade member of the Li Kong Sect. He was originally at the peak of the eighth grade. After the death of Patriarch Li Jing, he was given an Origin Spirit Fruit.

As a top force, there must be at least one ninth-grade ancestor in the sect.

"Where is this person now?"

"The disciple has invited him to Yunke Hall."

"It's a pleasure to receive you. I'll be there later."

After a while.

In the Yunke Hall.

Two ninth-grade ancestors sat opposite each other.

Thousands of years have passed, and the aura of High Priest Shen Fan is much stronger than before. The energy around his body is surging, and his origin fluctuates like a hot volcano.

He cultivates the rules of water, but his breath is so hot, which shows that he has reached the point of turning yin into yang, and his Taoist realm is no less than that of Baozheng, Li Jing and others.

"I am so ignorant that I don't even know that there are people like Taoist Fellow Shen Fan in the chessboard realm. With your cultivation level, how can you not be famous? Have you been meditating somewhere?" Patriarch Li Xuan's eyes changed.

"To be honest with you fellow Taoist, I was born in Wuxiangtian, and later joined the Eight-Eyed Sect and took up the position of priest of Yaoritai." High Priest Chen Fan said.

Patriarch Li Xuan's expression suddenly changed, but he did not get angry, but looked at the other party quietly.

Why did the high priest of the Eight-Eyed Sect come to Likongmen to provoke him? Aren't you afraid that His Holiness will slap him to death?

"Fellow Taoist should know that since Venerable Gengyang became enlightened, Wuxiangtian has been in turmoil. Taoist Xi Ming took this opportunity to cultivate a large number of human talents, and I was the first person of that era."

High Priest Shen Fan looked proud, "I never thought that Taoist Xi Ming would be a narrow-minded and capricious person. When he saw my outstanding talent, he became jealous and found an excuse to banish me to the secret realm of the void."

"Pindao struggled several times before finally escaping. During this period, he received guidance from the founder of Youkong Palace and successfully entered the ninth level."

"I came here today because I want to join forces with the Li Kongmen to eradicate the Eight-Eyed Sect."

"Eradicate the Eight-Eyed Sect?" Patriarch Li Xuan sneered.

Who doesn't know how powerful Gu Xiuyun is. He killed Patriarch Dingyin with one blow and was protected by two Supreme Treasures. Even Venerable Li Kong couldn't do anything to him, let alone High Priest Chen Fan?

"Your Excellency has come a long way, why not rest in the sect for a few days. As for dealing with the Eight-Eyed Sect, we will discuss it later."

Patriarch Li Xuan clasped his fists slightly and prepared to leave.

How could a traitor to the theocratic religion be qualified to receive his hospitality? As for what the other party said, he didn't believe even a word.

The four sects of Changli know better than anyone how talented Taoist Xi Ming is. In just one hundred years, he swept through Wuxiangtian, killing the two founders Li Jing and Baozheng, and at the same time forced the venerables from all sides to give up the Tianji Pan.

Would such a person be jealous of Shen Fan? What a joke.

Patriarch Li Xuan turned around and left. Before he could leave the palace, Priest Shen Fan's voice sounded again, "Fellow Taoist, please be patient. If you don't believe my words, you should believe in the Tianji legacy."

"The legacy of Tianji?"

Patriarch Li Xuan turned around suddenly.

I saw High Priest Chen Fan flipping his palm, and a slightly older-looking Ruxuan Zhenren walked out of the cave Lingbao.

This person is extremely weak, but his whole body is filled with special fluctuations, and his two eyes seem to be able to see through people's hearts.

"Tian Ku, the contemporary ancestor of Tianji's legacy, has met Patriarch Li Xuan." Master Ru Xuan bowed and clasped his fists.

"The Li Kong Sect and the Tianji Legacy are inseparable and have nothing to do with each other. What are you doing here?"

Patriarch Li Xuan glanced at the old man to confirm his identity.

Tianku Zhenren's deduction skills are far inferior to those of Tiangu back then, but they are still quite powerful. Many disciples from the Four Sects of Changli came to ask for help.

After going back and forth, I am naturally quite familiar with it.

"The secret must not be leaked." Master Tianku shook his head slightly and refused to speak.

"Fellow Taoist Li Xuan, I have something important to ask you to see His Majesty. Please pass it on." High Priest Shen Fan continued.

Patriarch Li Xuan frowned slightly and was silent for a moment. He took out a talisman from his arms and crushed it hard.

Although he is currently the only ninth-grade Patriarch of the Li Kong Sect, he is not qualified to communicate with His Holiness. In terms of status, after all, his status is half lower than that of the Li Jing Patriarch.

"The Venerable will come soon, you guys just wait here for a while," Patriarch Li Xuan's eyes were slightly cold, "It's better that something big happens, otherwise I won't be able to bear the Venerable's wrath, and you won't be able to bear it either. "

After finishing his words, Patriarch Li Xuan turned around and walked out of Yunke Hall.

"Master Tianku, everything depends on you."

High Priest Shen Fan looked at the old man beside him.

"Don't worry, Venerable Li Kong has a huge blood feud with the Eight-Eyed Sect. Others may refuse, but he will never."

Master Tianku looked confident.

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