Fortune Teller

Chapter 1043: Arriving one after another

There were roars in the void.

Taoist Hanke is good at sealing off towns and trapping them, and his means of killing are limited. The damage he can do to Yan Sushi is not much greater than that of Patriarch Li Xuan.

But he relied on the Million Miles Formation to completely cover the three battlefields.

As the power of the formation gradually emerged, Lan Chonghe was increasingly oppressed and the situation became even worse.

The battle formation between Ji Wenting and Jin Heng was gradually overwhelmed. Among the forty-eight Yaoritai priests, only sixteen had reached the Sky Stone realm or above, and the rest were in the early or middle stages of the eighth level. Faced with the suppression of the True Soul Dao Soul, they were all a little nervous. Unstable.


The void in the distance was suddenly torn open, and a space wormhole appeared out of thin air.

The cyan figure stepped out in one step, as fast as lightning, and in conjunction with the original rules of space, he arrived near Dingyin Mountain in an instant.

"Tao array diagram?"

The cyan figure glanced above his head, and black and white light surged in his palms.

Immediately afterwards, the world dimmed, and the Five Elements Heaven-shaking Hand turned into red flames and blasted towards the formation.


The Million Mile Formation Diagram fell apart like broken drawing paper. Taoist Hanke spat out a mouthful of blood and looked into the distance with a pale face.

The cyan figure stood proudly in the world, and with just one move, he broke through his famous secret skill.

"The peak of the Heavenly Star Realm?"

Taoist Hanke's eyes widened. At this moment, he realized that the rumors were not exaggerated in the slightest. Taoist Gu's strength far exceeded that of ordinary Tianxing realm.

That palm alone could kill half of his life.

"Come on, this person is not something we can deal with." Patriarch Li Xuan exclaimed and quickly activated the ninth-grade space talisman.

Patriarch Baoguang of the Wuhen Sect and Patriarch Qinghui of Yuecheng also took out the space talismans without hesitation and activated them.

The Taoist Talisman has just been opened.

The original rules of space have arrived, and the endless true energy has pushed the power of space to the extreme, covering millions of miles of heaven and earth. In an instant, all the escape talismans have lost their effect.

"Space suppression? No, it's the original rules of space!"

The three Patriarchs were shocked.

A jade-colored token appeared in Taoist Hanke's palm. As a large amount of energy was poured into it, the token flashed and disappeared with him.

"What a weird escape technique, can you even ignore the original rules of space?"

Gu Xiuyun's eyes flashed, and he ignored the ninth-grade Patriarch of Changli Fourth Sect, but looked at High Priest Shen Fan.

Since this person is the master of the fourth hall of Youkong Hall, he must have similar treasures in his hands.

Sure enough, the moment Gu Xiuyun appeared.

A jade token appeared in the palm of High Priest Chen Fan, but before he could activate his Yuan Power, the void around him suddenly tightened, and he was pressed down with endless force.

"My command talisman!"

High Priest Shen Fan watched helplessly as the token escaped from his palm and flew into the distance.

"Master, this scum of the sect is not worthy of your personal action. Let your disciple deal with him for you." Lan Chonghe bowed.

"That's fine." Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly.

With Lan Chonghe's strength, he might not be able to kill Shen Fan. After all, Shen Fan has not practiced the Secret Art and his physical strength is limited. However, Lan Chonghe is already at the ninth level of martial arts and has extremely strong life-saving means.

Lan Chonghe can be seriously injured countless times, but as long as the magic medicine is enough, he will not die.

And Shen Fan would lose half his life even if he made one mistake.

At this moment, frenzy surged in the void.

A majestic and vast aura pressed down like a force from the sky.

Gu Xiuyun turned and looked into the distance.

The giant stood on the side of the void passage, and the shadow of the jade disk faintly flashed in the passage. It seemed that he was trying his best to get rid of the control of the true energy and wanted to escape from the world of the Tianji Disk.

"Old ghost Tianji...sure enough, he left a back-up plan."

Gu Xiuyun narrowed his eyes. He was not surprised at all about the changes in the Tianji Pan. The biggest obstacle to Venerable Li Kong wanting to kill him was the Tianji Pan.

And this treasure happened to be refined by the Patriarch Tianji. With that old ghost's scheming, how could he not leave any behind?

"Junior, you have no way out," the giant stood at the edge of the passage, his face full of murderous intent, "Since I want to take action, how can I not have a way to deal with the Tianji Disk? Without this thing, you still have What to rely on?"

The giant's voice was like a thunderbolt from the blue, shaking hundreds of millions of miles of space, and at the same time formed a raging frenzy that swept towards Dingyin Mountain.

"He also has a master."

A voice suddenly came from the void, and the colorful light covered the sky, blocking the billions of miles of madness.

A white-clothed figure appeared between heaven and earth, holding a seven-colored divine sword. Although it was not as tall as the Sky Giant, the aura it exuded was not weak at all.


There was a trace of wrinkles on the giant's indifferent face, "A mere newly promoted venerable, thinks that he can fight against me with a true soul-level treasure in his hand? It's ridiculous. Today I will let you know the power of Lihuo Jie Shengzhi. "

"I'll wait and see." Venerable Gengyang said expressionlessly.

call out!

The Tianji Pan finally got rid of the control of the true energy, rushed out of the void channel, and flew into the hands of the giant.

"Gengyang, the place here is too small and we can't use our hands and feet. Let's go to the void outside the territory." The giant turned and flew outside the chessboard boundary.

The Heavenly Secret Disk has fallen into his hands, and he is not afraid of Venerable Gengyang taking Gu Xiuyun and running away.

Even if the other party really left, it didn't matter. Anyway, his target was the golden insect, not Gu Xiuyun.

Whoosh! !

The giant flew across the sky, and the figure in white disappeared without a trace.

In the void, only Gu Xiuyun, the ancestors of the four Changli sects, and the priests of the divine sect were left.

Facing this scene, the four patriarchs Li Xuan, Shui Yuan, Bao Guang, and Qing Fu showed no fear on their faces. Venerable Li Kong was gone, and there were three more venerables from the four sects of Changli.

And what about the Eight-Eyed God Sect?

How can there be only one Taoist who cherishes his life against three sages?

Sure enough, at the moment Gengyang left, the void for hundreds of millions of miles was shrouded in mist, and a fish and dragon could be vaguely seen hovering in the sky.

That is the dragon-shaped true body of the Red Scale Demon Lord.

In addition to the fish and dragon, there are three sages standing in the distance, with strong and weak auras. The most powerful Venerable Weak Water is not only in the second difficulty state, but also has profound cultivation and is not far from the third difficulty state.

Venerable Yuecheng is the weakest. He has just survived a difficult physical calamity, and his strength is almost the same as Venerable Mojiang.

Three venerables and one demon lord stood between heaven and earth, looking down at the earth like four pillars. Their majestic aura almost made Gu Xiuyun breathless.

"Taoist Cherish your life, you have no way out, commit suicide immediately, and offer the inheritance of the divine religion. I can make you reincarnate with peace of mind, and return to the path of immortality in the future." The Red Scale Demon Lord spoke first.

However, Gu Xiuyun did not respond. Instead, he stared at the end of the void from a distance, which was the direction where Lord Gengyang and Giant Qingtian left.


The ichthyosaur suddenly became furious, and a thousand-foot-long fish bone shot out from its body, across the void, and struck at the cyan figure.


The void was torn open.

Fishbone was extremely fast and arrived in front of Gu Xiuyun in an instant.

At this moment, a blue hand appeared out of thin air, like a millstone from heaven and earth, grabbing a thousand-foot-long fish bone.


He picked up the palm of his hand and crushed the fish bone into pieces. Then, a voice came out, "The Red Scale Demon Lord is so majestic. It's just a small difficult situation. How dare you be so rampant? I want to see how you can do it." Destroy the Eight-Eyed Sect!”

There were waves in the void, and a figure covered in blue armor appeared next to Gu Xiuyun.

"Who are you?"

The expressions of the three venerables and the red-scaled demon lord changed slightly.

"I - Qingshui, I have heard about the names of the Four Sects of Changli in the Chessboard Realm for a long time, and I never thought that it would be better to meet them than to be famous. It turns out that the four great sages are mediocre people who can only bully the true artistic conception."

"Clear water!"

Venerable Weak Shui's face changed drastically. He was also a water practitioner, and he had heard of the reputation of Venerable Qingshui in the Jade Immortal Realm.

Although the opponent is in a dilemma, he is extremely powerful and has understood the ultimate Taoist skills of Yuan Xian.

"Qingshui, what are you doing about the grudge between our sect and the Eight-Eyed Divine Sect?" Venerable Wuhen scolded.

"Of course I'm here to help. Speaking of which, I have some friendship with Gengyang. I will take care of the affairs of the Eight-Eyed God Sect today!" Venerable Qingshui sneered.

The expressions of the four venerables turned gloomy.

If Lord Li Kong were here, let alone Qingshui, they would have nothing to fear even if the heavenly array came, but Li Kong had already gone to the outer void and was unlikely to appear in a short time.

"Qing Shui, you alone cannot protect the Eight-Eyed Divine Sect, give up!" Venerable Weak Shui advised in a deep voice.

"He can't do it alone, what if we are added to it?"

A voice came from the void again.

The expressions of the four venerables changed again and they looked into the distance.

I saw Venerable Fangcun and Venerable Heiling walking side by side through the water flow space. Venerable Heiling was holding the Black Mountain Calming Stone, and his whole body was filled with strong fluctuations of the avenue.

As the saying goes, break and then stand.

After the battle in the Fantasy Mirror, Venerable Black Ridge's mind was greatly tempered, and his understanding of Taoism improved tremendously. Coupled with the many inheritances left by Venerable Wuya Pseudo Realm, his strength improved rapidly.

In just a few years, he understood the second type of Yuanxian Taoism.

"I am a poor person...a small person."

"Pindao...Black Ridge."

The two of them walked quickly, the speed seemed slow, but in fact it was ridiculously fast, and they arrived beside Gu Xiuyun in a moment.

"Jade Immortal Realm, are you going to fight against the Four Sects of Changli??" Venerable Ruoshui's face became extremely gloomy, "Don't forget, there is Venerable Likong behind us, let alone you three, even if Even if the Heaven Formation comes in person and the four of them join forces, they are no match for Lord Li Kong."

"Li Kong?" Venerable Fang Cun smiled, "Whether he can come back alive is still a question."

"What do you mean??"

The hearts of the four great venerables suddenly sank. They wanted to communicate with Venerable Li Kong through their thoughts, but found that there was no trace of him.

In just a short moment, Lord Li Kong had disappeared without a trace.

Extraterrestrial void.

Deep in the secret realm, hundreds of billions of miles away from the chessboard realm, a cold wave surged, and two figures faced each other from a distance, hundreds of millions of miles apart.

Venerable Gengyang was holding a seven-colored divine sword, and his whole body was filled with sword energy, and his whole body seemed to have turned into sword light.

Over the course of thousands of years, he has exhausted all the opportunities he left behind in his previous life. Coupled with the inheritance of Wuya Pseudo Realm Master, his Taoism has been advancing rapidly, and he has realized his own Yuanxian Taoism.

Also a newly promoted venerable, Gengyang is no less powerful than Venerable Yuecheng and Venerable Mojiang.

He has been revered for two lifetimes, and his years of practice are much longer than those of ordinary revered masters.

Although he dared not touch the former Fenglei Dao, other memories had no impact. Every perception and the integration of the five elements could enhance his strength. To this day, his combat power is no less than that of the Lord Tianzhen. .

In the distance, the sky-holding giant stands proudly between heaven and earth.

Every rise and fall of his chest can cause space shock. Even if his feet are in one of the most dangerous secret realms in the southern void, it still cannot affect him at all.

"You just want to deal with me with a seven-color divine sword, you don't know how high the sky is," the giant said with disdain in his eyes, "Gengyang, I will give you a chance, but when I take action, you will have no chance."


The cold light in Venerable Gengyang's eyes flashed, and the divine power from all over his body poured into the seven-colored divine sword. At the same time, the five elements reversed, forming a mighty power, and an aura of Yuanxian Taoism filled the void.

There is a huge difference between the Yuanxian Taoism that you create yourself and the Taoism that you understand from others.

Only one's own Taoism can bring the inner understanding to the extreme. The first Taoism created by Venerable Gengyang in this life is called Zhiyang.

The scorching sun of fire is the hottest, and the power of the sun is also the most terrifying in its explosive power.

Venerable Gengyang's Taoist name is based on Yang, and naturally the element of fire is the main element. Long before he entered the realm of the Venerable, he had a very profound understanding of the element of fire. Now he has integrated it and formed his own Taoism.

call out!

A ray of sword light rose into the sky, and the hot flames tore through the void, igniting all the cold waves hundreds of millions of miles away, forming an endless sea of ​​fire.

Zhiyang Taoism combined with the Seven-Colored Divine Sword has not yet exploded, but it has already shown incredible power.

The Qingtian Giant's expression changed slightly, and a black barrier formed around his body.

He did not expect that Venerable Gengyang would comprehend Yuanxian Taoism in just ten thousand years. With the seven-color divine sword alone, Venerable Li Kong certainly didn't care.

But if it is combined with Yuanxian Taoism, it will be powerful.

The power of the Seven-Colored Divine Sword, when used to its extreme, is no less than the peak of the Second Difficulty Realm. Coupled with the Yuanxian Taoism he developed, Venerable Gengyang's strength is at least in the middle of the Three Difficulties Realm.

There are not many such existences in the endless void.

"No wonder you dare to stand up for Taoist Xi Ming. It turns out that you have understood Yuanxian Taoism." Qingtian Giant's face is still calm, "But this alone is not enough. I will let you know today that the venerable-level body cooperates with Yuanxian." What kind of power does Xianzhi Taoism have?"


The sword light tore apart the heaven and earth and struck towards the giant.

At this moment, the world almost lost its color. All colors were swallowed up by the seven-color divine sword. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple. Each color represented an origin.

The origin of the five elements of wind and thunder merged with the sword light, forming a bright beam of light that swept across the void and struck the giant's forehead.

The giant beast stretched out his palm unhurriedly.

No, to be precise, it should be a finger.

A thick finger pointed towards the sword light. The fingertip was actually ten thousand feet wide. Dark flames lingered around the finger surface, and the reality was uncertain, as if there were countless ghosts roaring.

Lihuo Jie Shengzhi, the famous Taoist technique of Venerable Li Kong, is also an ultimate Yuanxian Taoist technique.

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