Fortune Teller

Chapter 1044: Fighting in the Void

Quietly, Wan Zhang's fingers collided with the colorful sword light.

The moment the two powers touched, the heaven and earth fell silent, and the void was almost stagnant, as if all fluctuations had been suppressed.

Immediately afterwards, a muffled sound came out.

The colorful sword light was annihilated inch by inch, and the vast world was affected. This sword light borrowed the power of heaven and earth to tear the void apart with the power of the sky, but it was blocked by the giant's fingers.

It's not that the world is not strong enough, but that the giants are too terrifying and have surpassed all living beings.


The colorful sword light was completely annihilated.

Venerable Gengyang hummed, and his body trembled slightly. A bone-deep crack appeared on his chest, from his throat to his abdomen, almost running through the entire chest.

This is the backlash of the power of heaven and earth.

Only when the Yuanxian Taoist skills are pushed to the extreme, and the practitioner himself is in harmony with the heaven and earth, can the ultimate power be unleashed.

Venerable Gengyang's Taoist realm is too high, far beyond his own cultivation level, and he has not comprehended the line of body refining. His physical body has limited strength, so he cannot withstand the backlash of the power of heaven.

"Is this what you rely on?"

The giant Qingtian showed disdain, "The power of Yuanxian Taoism combined with the killing sword is not half inferior to that of the Three Difficulties Realm Venerables. If it is Dongchen, Leiyun and others, it is indeed unstoppable, but if you want to deal with me, it is not enough." A big chunk."

"The first person under the True Lord is indeed extraordinary."

Venerable Gengyang coughed softly, and the corners of his mouth were filled with blood. The violent backlash caused some of the divine power in his body to weaken, and his strength was reduced by 20% out of thin air.

The realm of Taoism requires the coordination of cultivation and physical body. If cultivation is not strong enough, relying on Taoism and secret techniques alone is like a child holding a giant hammer in his hand. Even if he can manage to perform a move, he will be overwhelmed by the huge force. The shock damages the internal organs.

On the contrary, if the cultivation level is strong enough and the physical body, soul and thoughts have reached an extremely high level, even if the Taoist magic and secret skills are lacking, it will not have any impact.

Venerable Gengyang belongs to the first category. His Taoist realm is extremely high, but his body and soul are not strong enough.

Gu Xiuyun belongs to the second category. His martial arts cultivation in the ninth level of true meaning, whether it is physical body or soul, far surpasses that of ordinary venerables, and is even close to the level of true venerables. The only thing he lacks is the Taoist secrets.


Venerable Gengyang exhaled a breath of turbid air, and the crack in his chest disappeared without a trace. At the same time, the seven-colored divine sword emitted light again.

"Want to do it again??"

The giant Qingtian shook his head and sneered, "I am too lazy to kill you, not because I am afraid of the true master behind you, but because I don't want to cause trouble. Since you actively seek death, I will not be polite."

As he spoke, the giant stretched out his finger again.

Jet-black flames swirled around the fingertips, and the dark light formed a millstone, pressing towards Venerable Gengyang.

The ultimate Taoist skills of Yuanxian combined with the body of the Venerable Realm, the strength is close to the level of the True Venerable. Once it falls, it is enough to crush the Venerable Gengyang into pieces.

"Sword rises!"

Venerable Gengyang shouted low, and the seven-colored divine sword rushed out of the scabbard and jumped into the starry sky. The seven-colored sword light also surged with it.

In an instant, the world became dark again.

But for some reason, the fluctuations in the void this time were more violent than before, and the sky seemed to be shrouded in night, leaving only the extremely bright seven-colored sword light.

“Don’t overestimate your own capabilities.”

The giant sneered and continued to press forward with Wanzhang's fingers. In the three difficult situations, he was almost invincible. Apart from Zhenzun, who could withstand the frontal crushing of Lihuo Jie Shengzhi?

Venerable Gengyang did not retreat in time, and the outcome was already doomed.

At this moment, a cyan figure rushed out from the cave spiritual treasure. The whole body was shrouded in black and white light. The aura was no less powerful than that of the Three Dilemma Realm Venerables.

The moment the figure appears.

The dark sky was torn open, and a ray of red flame appeared out of thin air. The night curtain formed by the seven-colored divine sword turned out to be just a cover, and the real purpose was to cover up the Dawn Technique.

"Cherish your life, kid?"

Venerable Li Kong narrowed his pupils. The person in front of Venerable Gengyang was indeed Gu Xiuyun, but his aura was completely different from the one who came out of the Tianjipan world before.

Although the previous clone surpassed the ordinary ninth level, it was only at the level of a newly promoted venerable at most, and the person in front of him had a body that was almost as turbulent as those of the three difficult realm venerables such as Tianzhen and Dongchen.

It is simply unbelievable that a junior with true artistic conception can rival Master Sannan.

Thoughts flashed.

Wan Zhang's fingers collided with the red flame light. The body of the Venerable Realm combined with Yuan Xian's ultimate Taoist technique, the power was almost terrifying, and it crushed the red flame light in an instant.

But that's not the end of it.

Gu Xiuyun looked calm, and when he turned his palms, invisible waves extended from his body, and then, a second red flame appeared between heaven and earth.

"Twist of fate!"

A low voice resounded through the void, and in an instant, the massive amount of true energy dissipated out of thin air and merged into the depths of the red flames.

The seventh-level destiny is mysterious and can borrow the power of the past and future. With Gu Xiuyun's current Taoist realm, he can forcibly borrow any Taoist method that has been performed within a month.

Of course, the longer the time lapses, the greater the consumption of true energy.

Therefore, every time he activates Mysterious Destiny, he will first cast a red flame to save energy consumption as much as possible, thereby bursting out more power.

The moment the second red flame appeared, the third red flame had also taken shape.

Then came the fourth, fifth... a total of nine red flames, illuminating hundreds of millions of miles of void, like nine scorching suns hitting pitch-black fingers.

Peng! ! Peng! Peng!

With each sharp sound, the dark flames on the surface of the fingers would dissipate a little, until all nine scorching suns collapsed and Wan Zhang's fingers were cracked.

The power of Yuanxian Taoism in the ninth level of true meaning combined with the mystery of fate is no less powerful than the full blow of Lord Li Kong.

At the same time, the momentum of the Seven-Colored Divine Sword also reached its peak.


The sword light split across the sky and the earth, and the giant's pupils shrank sharply, and he quickly used his divine power to resist, but after all, he was not a true master, and he did not understand the rules of time. In just a short moment, it was impossible to activate the Yuanxian Taoist magic twice in succession.

Facing the swing of the colorful sword light, Lord Li Kong stretched out his arms, blending his divine power with his physical body to form two shields in front of him.


The sword light was extremely sharp, but it only split open the arm and half of the chest, and did not even break the internal organs. The defense of the body of the Venerable Realm of the Body Refining lineage is indeed ridiculously strong.

"Is Li Kong's physical body so strong?" Gu Xiuyun's expression changed slightly.

Venerable Gengyang's full-strength slashing did not split the giant's body. This was because the opponent had no time to use the Yuanxian Taoist technique.

In terms of physical strength, he is really much stronger than Emperor Ming.

"That's right, the body refining lineage follows the path of pure physical cultivation, while the demon clan relies on the magical power of the bloodline. The difficulty of practice is already higher, and it is a purely physical system. In terms of tyranny, it is not inferior to the warriors. "

Gu Xiuyun thought to himself.

In the physical system, warriors are definitely the strongest. They don't need Taoist secrets to compete with immortal practitioners of the same level. Whether it is physical body or soul, they are far superior to their peers.

But at the same time, the threshold for warriors is also ridiculously high.

In the ninth level of true meaning, the soul level is close to that of the true master, and the mind and will are better than ordinary true masters. Only by comprehending the secrets of the seventh level pinnacle can one withstand the black hole particles of the ninth level.

This is only the ninth level of true meaning. If you want to become a martial arts master, you may have to understand more than one rule of destiny.

The line of body refining is second only to the martial arts, and the threshold is also extremely high. You must understand the point formation method and have a deep understanding of the martial arts in order to achieve anything.

In comparison, the bloodline path is the simplest, only slightly stronger than the demon's swallowing method. The level is too low, which also means that the combat power is limited.

At the same early stage of the Venerable Realm, Emperor Ming's phoenix true body could not block even a ray of red flames, but Venerable Li Kong's physical body could withstand the seven-colored divine sword. The difference between the two... was beyond reason.

"What a life-loving Taoist, I have underestimated you." The Qingtian Giant's body surged with divine power, constantly repairing the injuries in his body. "In just over ten thousand years, he has understood the mystery of seventh-level destiny. No wonder even the old ghost Tianji has a crush on you. You have the murderous intention to join forces with me at the risk of offending Bamu, okay, very good.”

"I underestimated you too. Refining one's body is indeed extraordinary." Gu Xiuyun said expressionlessly.

While speaking, the mighty Yuan Power surged out from the depths of the inner world and merged into the black hole particles to make up for the consumption of true energy.

The move just now almost exhausted all the true energy in his body. Without the support of the inner world, he would not be able to perform the same method within at least five breaths with just the magic medicine and rare treasures.

Compared with refining magical medicine, Yuan Li transforms into true Qi naturally much faster. After all, it is all the power within the body.

"Junior, if I am not mistaken, you are still in true artistic conception!"

Venerable Li Kong sneered, "The mystery of seventh-grade destiny is indeed terrifying, but any method has a price. How much combat power do you have left?"

"It's enough to deal with you!"

Gu Xiuyun responded quietly.


The right arm of the Qingtian giant has been reattached, and the huge palm is shrouded in black flames, forming a formation seal that is a million miles wide, and shoots towards Gu Xiuyun.

Venerable Li Kong's second ultimate Taoist technique of Yuanxian - Yinhuo Burial Seal.

Compared with Lihuo Jie Sheng Zhi, Burial Seal mainly focuses on sealing off towns and crushing them. Its killing power is slightly less than half, but it is more difficult to resist.

"Disciple, retreat quickly!!"

Venerable Gengyang's expression changed drastically.

The Seven-Colored Divine Sword burst out with light again, but his cultivation was limited. He used the Yuanxian Dao Technique and the Killing Treasure in a short period of time, and his soul was already somewhat exhausted.

For a moment, the sword light was unable to condense.

"Master, please rest for a while, I will deal with this person."

Gu Xiuyun stepped forward, and the true energy in his body surged out like a tide. The greatest use for him was not the projection of the heaven and earth within billions of miles, but the endless Yuan Power.

In just a moment, the true energy in the body was restored to fullness.


Black and white light enveloped the void, and the cyan figure grew to a million feet. Although it was still not as good as the sky-holding giant, the aura fluctuations were not weak at all.

The sky and the earth are dim.

The Yuanxian Taoist magic was unleashed again, increasing the power of the Five Elements Heaven-shaking Hand by nearly ten times. At the same time, the mystery of seventh-grade destiny exploded.

The scorching sun came out of the sky and hit the giant's palm.

The endless turbid currents of the void hide countless alien creatures, but at this moment, all alien groups within tens of billions of miles around are facing annihilation.

The scorching suns tore open the void and collided with the array seals.

The terrifying power swept through the world, so that hundreds of millions of miles of space were shaken into powder. Looking from a distance, it seemed that this place had become a black hole world.

No space is complete.

"How can it be?"

The sky giant suddenly changed color.

Gu Xiuyun's response was completely different from what he expected. In just a short moment, the other party actually used the seventh-grade Mysterious Destiny again, and borrowed the ninth-dimensional Yuanxian Dao Technique. It stands to reason that with so much red flame light, the Yuan Power consumed is at least the Tao Technique itself. More than thirty times.

This does not take into account the backlash brought by Yuanxian Taoism.

How can one endure a true artistic conception?

"My disciple has a bit of the demeanor of the devil in his previous life." Venerable Gengyang stepped away from him, his expression changing.

He didn't know much about the horoscope.

All I know is that this thing came from a demon head millions of years ago. At that time, he was just a little venerable, and the other man was already standing on the top of the world, with a terrifying reputation, no less than the Eight-Eyed True Master.

Later, the devil died due to the calamity of cause and effect, and the horoscope also disappeared without a trace.

To this day, he still believes that Gu Xiuyun is the reincarnation of that demon, so he went to great lengths to ask the demon fox of Qianbao Mountain to open a thousand-life illusion, allowing Gu Xiuyun to experience thousands of tribulations and withstand the influence of his previous life's state of mind.

After all, the devil in his previous life was famous for being cold-blooded and crazy. He didn't even care about his own life. He didn't have a tough enough mind to bear the mark of his previous life.

"Holding the life astrolabe and understanding the mysteries of seventh-level destiny, the karma must have no influence on him," Venerable Gengyang looked at the majestic figure in the distance and whispered, "Sooner or later, my disciple will step into the I hope he can still recognize me as master by then."

Venerable Gengyang sighed.

Thinking that he might have cultivated a demon, his heart suddenly became heavy.

PS: Haha, this has solved some of my friends’ questions. Not everyone knows that Gu Xiuyun is half a weapon spirit body. Bai Ze and Wendao heard about it from Peng Zu, and they also know the secret, and Geng Yang... I always thought that he was the predecessor of Yan Suqing.

As for Peng Zu, he will appear soon.

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