Fortune Teller

Chapter 1,445: Interception

Dingyin Mountain, space is stagnant.

Venerable Weoshui, Venerable Wuhen, Venerable Yuecheng, and Lord Redscale Demon are no longer as calm as before.

The three Venerables opposite had only heard of his name and had never seen him, but they also knew how terrifying Venerable Qingshui was.

He has cultivated in the Second Difficulty Realm, understood the ultimate Taoist skills of Yuan Xian, and his strength is close to that of the Three Difficulties Realm.

Qing Shui alone can fight the four venerables for a long time, not to mention the assistance of Fang Cun and Heiling.

"What should we do about this matter?" Venerable Weak Shui glanced at both sides, "When Li Kong comes back, we should take action directly. No matter how powerful Qing Shui is, it is only a dilemma. I believe that I can stop him temporarily with my own strength. "

"What's there to wait for? The most powerful Geng Yang has already been restrained by Li Kong. Geng Yang is respected by both generations, and he has the divine sword in his hand. Even if he can't defeat Li Kong, he can still save his life."

Venerable Wuhen snorted coldly, "The battle in the void outside the territory will definitely not be fruitful. In my opinion, we should take this opportunity to deal with Taoist Xi Ming and the priests of the divine religion, and then destroy the secret realm of the divine religion. When the dust settles, Gengyang will be able to fight again." Anger, so what?”

"That makes sense."

Venerable Ruoshui continued, "Leave the clear water to me. Others dare not say anything. It's not a big problem to stop him for a while."

"Fang Cun is handled by Wuhen."

"As for Black Ridge, it's just a small difficulty. Chi Lin, Han Yue, you suppress this person first, and then allocate manpower to deal with the Eight-Eyed God Sect."

The three venerables nodded in agreement.

"Qingshui, Fangcun, Heiling, since you are determined to support the Eight-Eyed Sect, let's have a fight," Venerable Wuhen said loudly, "This place is too small and there is a lot of space, how about going outside the territory? "

"Okay." Venerable Qingshui nodded slightly.


Weoshui, Wuhen and others walked away quickly.

Venerable Qingshui glanced around, waved with one hand, put Gu Xiuyun's second clone into the Cave Lingbao, and then escaped outside the chessboard realm.

Fangcun and Heiling followed closely behind.

"You are really cautious enough to leave with Taoist Taoist Cherishing Your Life." Sensing the scene behind him, the Four Sects' Venerables sneered secretly.

What if Gu Xiuyun is alive?

As long as the priests of the Divine Religion are eliminated, the inheritance of the Eight-Eyed Divine Religion will be in their pocket. What does the life and death of a little Taoist who cherishes his life have to do with them?

The Red Scale Demon Lord also looked indifferent.

The Patriarch of Youkong Temple only asked his soldiers to determine the scientific and technological civilization of Yinshan and destroy the branch of the divine religion. He did not say that Taoist Taoist Xi Ming must be killed.

After the destruction of the divine religion, this branch of the sect will naturally fall apart.


Deep in the water flow space, seven figures flew out of the chessboard realm one after another.

Without the pressure of the Venerable, the priests of the divine religion once again fought against the four ancestors.

At the same time, a series of venerable soul thoughts appeared near Dingyin Mountain, but they did not interfere in the battle.

The four sects of Changli dared to take action because Venerable Likong knew the specific location of the main altar of the divine religion.

The major forces don't know that even if they kill the priests of the sect, they will end up being separated from the four sects at an advantage, so why bother with this.

"I didn't expect that Venerable Gengyang actually invited so many helpers. There are a total of four Venerables from the Jade Immortal Realm, except for the Tianzhen, all of them are here."

Venerable Lei Yun sighed, "I heard that the four Venerables in the Jade Immortal Realm have the same Qi and are connected. If the Heavenly Formation also appears, maybe the Eight-Eyed Divine Sect can really be saved."

"Heavenly Formation...if he dares to come, the three true masters will never be polite." Lord Jiyue said coldly.


All the soul thoughts around them gathered together, and the venerables were more interested in the secrets of the Heavenly Formation than the Eight-Eyed Divine Sect.

The inheritance of the divine religion... isn't it just the thirteen stars.

The eight original stars of the five elements, wind and thunder, and space are not worth mentioning in the eyes of the Venerable, so only the Dao Dharma Star and the Divine Medicine Star, which contain the Venerable's handwritten notes, are of some value.

"Jiyue, you are the Taoist companion of Zhenxing Tianxing. You know more secrets than us. Tell me, what happened?" Venerable Leiyun asked earnestly.

"It doesn't hurt to tell you."

Venerable Jiyue pondered for a moment, "It is said that Venerable Tianzhen was controlled by a Venerable-level treasure hundreds of thousands of years ago. I don't know the origin of this treasure, but it can control three difficulties. The power of Master Jing is unimaginable, and he is probably not far away from the True Master."

The empty thoughts and figures took in a breath of cold air.

The famous Lord Tianzhen was actually controlled by a spiritual treasure? What kind of treasure is it?

"Not only that, that spiritual treasure also wanted to control several other venerables in the Jade Immortal Realm. They planned this for a long time, but were finally destroyed by Venerable Gengyang. After this incident, Venerable Gengyang sent a message through his mind. Inform all the true lords and ask them to help track it down."

"For a top-level treasure, the true masters will naturally spare no effort, so don't think about it. Even if you borrow ten courages from the sky formation, he will not dare to appear in the chessboard realm."

Lord Jiyue glanced around, his eyes indifferent.

The news about Lord Tianzhen has long spread throughout the southern void, even in the Langhuan realm and the Moro realm. The true Lord knows everything, so there is no harm in telling them.

"The Heavenly Formation is actually controlled by a spiritual treasure? It's incredible, it's incredible!" Venerable Lei Yun sighed repeatedly.

"Leiyun, don't think about it. The strength of the Tianzhen is not half inferior to yours. If Lingbao can control it, it can control you. Looking at the chessboard realm, only Li Kong can suppress that treasure." Lord Jinyin said.

While the venerables were discussing, one of them lowered his head and seemed to be thinking about something.

Fifty-sixty billion miles away from the chessboard realm.

The four sects' venerables stood side by side, with the red-scale demon lord showing his huge body, like an ancient sacred mountain suspended deep in the Gangsha air current.

After a few breaths, three figures arrived.

"The choice is so close. It seems that some of them want to make a quick decision." Venerable Qingshui stopped, "That's good. There is death energy here, which is very suitable for opening and erecting tombs."

"Qing Shui, don't speak too loudly, be careful of flashing your tongue," Venerable Weow Shui sneered, "As far as I know, the ultimate Yuanxian Taoist technique you have learned is a suppressive Taoist technique, which can at most suppress me. Wait, if you want to kill me, you’re still far away.”


Venerable Qingshui smiled and said nothing.

The void shook, and both sides started to take action without hesitation.

Venerable Weak Water transformed into three thousand weak waters, like a Milky Way across the sky and earth, trapping Venerable Qing Shui in it.

Venerable Wuhen waved his hands, and the Origin of Space Avenue cut out pieces of space, covering Venerable Fangcun.

As for Lord Black Ridge, he was blocked in front by Lord Red Scale Demon and Lord Yuecheng.

Four versus three, as soon as the two sides met, they gave their all.

In just a moment, Lord Black Ridge was suppressed by Yue Cheng and Red Scale Demon Lord. After all, his cultivation level was too low. Facing two sages of the same level, one of whom was a demon lord, he was immediately at a disadvantage.

After the demon race entered the realm of the venerable, their physical bodies became much more powerful than those of the human race.

The huge physical body already has the advantage of strength. After the baptism of three disasters and nine disasters, the power of the bloodline magical power is even more amazing. This method alone can resist the Black Mountain Taoism of Lord Black Ridge.

Together with Lord Yuecheng, the two of them joined forces and quickly suppressed Black Ridge.

"Leave the black ridge to my emperor, Yuecheng. You immediately go to the chessboard realm and deal with those priests of the divine religion." The red-scale demon lord said in a message.


Venerable Yuecheng swayed, rushed into the water flow space, and galloped towards the chessboard boundary.

After walking nearly a hundred billion miles, suddenly the world trembled.

A majestic force appeared in the water flow, forcing her out of the fourth dimension.

"what happened?"

Venerable Yuecheng quickly looked around.

In front, a cyan figure stood in the sky, holding a purple-black horn in his right hand. There was a faint aura of thunder and fire in the horn, and strong fluctuations could be felt even from a million miles away.

"Pindao has been waiting for you for a long time."

Gu Xiuyun spoke quietly.

"Taoist Cherish Life?"

Venerable Yuecheng narrowed his eyes, and his expression flashed with surprise and confusion. She knew the strength of the opponent quite well. He killed Patriarch Dingyin with one move, and his killing method was not weaker than that of the newly promoted Venerable.

But compared with a difficult situation, there is still a long way to go.

Is this person waiting here trying to stop me? Impossible, just a true artistic conception, why?

"It seems that you have been prepared for a long time. Come out, don't hide!" Lord Yuecheng said coldly.

"It's just the two of us here."

Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly, "I don't need help to deal with you."

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