Fortune Teller

Chapter 1,551: Kill three eagles with one stone

In the distance, three figures were approaching.

Venerable Wuhen frowned, opened a void passage again, and fled away.

"The timing is really accurate. As long as I slow down for half a breath, I can stop them!" Venerable Fang Cun glanced at the distance and frowned slightly.

Previously, they were unable to prevent Venerable Wuhen from leaving because of the cover-up of space rules. Now, with the help of Taoist Xi Ming, the space rules have no effect.

As long as you approach the void passage, you can easily cut off the way of Venerable Wuhen.

"Keep chasing!"

Gu Xiuyun's eyes were indifferent, "Supporting the void passage of the three venerables consumes a lot of divine power. I want to see how long they can support it."


Venerable Qingshui nodded slightly.

The two teams chased each other and fled towards the southern void.

Venerable Wuhen did not choose to return to the chessboard realm, nor did he go to other realms, because he knew that no Venerable would come to help.

The destruction of the four Changli sects was a good thing for the All Heavens sects. For tens of thousands of years, they had occupied a large amount of precious land. Nearly 70% of the territory under the Bamu Sect was controlled by the four Changli sects.

Without the four Changli sects, these secret realms and treasured lands will be divided up among the sects of the heavens.

In addition, Wuhen, Ruoshui and others are not sure whether there are other helpers behind Gu Xiuyun besides Jade Immortal Realm.

If there is... going back will mean death.

The southern void is extremely deep.

Stars and meteorites no less powerful than Dingyin Mountain smashed into the sky-holding giant. Colorful lights illuminated the heaven and earth, tearing apart the giant's body and destroying the vitality of flesh and blood.

In addition, there are streaks of red flames falling like the scorching sun.

"Ximing, Gengyang, do you two want to kill me?"

The sky-holding giant roared with all his strength, his huge fist shrouded in dark flames, bombarding the stars and meteorites again and again.

But no matter how he tried, the life star chart still hung between heaven and earth and could not be shaken.

Even if the true master-level treasure is half disabled, it is not something that a master can break open. What's more, Gu Xiuyun personally activated it and moved the treasure with the body of the weapon spirit. There was almost no obstacle, and the power of the explosion was no less than that of the devil back then.

If the Sky Giant was at his peak, he might be able to do it.

But at this moment, his whole body was soaked in demon blood, most of his physical strength was weakened, and his divine power was also greatly depleted. He could only be suppressed by the life star board and endured the continuous bombardment of colorful sword light and red flames.

Shit! !

The seven-colored divine sword flew through the void, breaking the giant's ribs. You could faintly see the dark scars left by the demon blood, which was constantly eroding the body and eroding the strength of Lord Li Kong.

"What a terrible body. It's been half a day and it still hasn't collapsed. The body-refining lineage Venerable is simply ridiculously strong." Venerable Gengyang looked at the giant in the distance and gasped secretly.

No wonder the realm of the heavens does not allow void creatures to enter the realm of venerables. Even void creatures that have reached the ninth level must be completely wiped out without leaving any trace of disaster.

Compared with ordinary monsters, the bloodline of void creatures has almost no limit. As long as they continue to devour and fight, they can continue to improve. Venerable-level void creatures can not only break through to the realm of venerables with their Taoist and secret arts, but also their physical bodies.

The combination of the two is almost comparable to Zhenzun.

Thinking of this, Venerable Gengyang couldn't help but look at Gu Xiuyun to one side.

After all, Qingtian Giant is a Venerable in the Three Difficulties Realm. His apprentice is only half a Venerable, but he can actually fight with Li Kong for most of the day. Just thinking about it is incredible.

"It's a pity that I opened the wrong virtual pass and there is no hope of understanding the path of living beings. Otherwise, I must try the warrior lineage. With my level, if I can reach the sixth level of true meaning or above, even if I confront Venerable Li Kong head-on, it may not be possible. will lose."

Venerable Gengyang shook his head.

As a respected person in two lifetimes, his mind and will are quite strong, but compared to ordinary practitioners, it is far from enough if you want to practice martial arts.

After all, his strength is already extremely strong. Unless he improves his martial arts to the third level of true meaning, it will be meaningless.

But if you want to get to that point, you must spend a lot of time sharpening your will. If you have this time, it is better to understand the Taoist secrets.

Peng! Peng! Peng!

The roaring sound in the void continued. Gu Xiuyun waved his hands again and again, and endless infuriating energy surged out of his body, forming red flames and striking at the sky-holding giant.

In addition, a large amount of elemental power envelopes the void to maintain the movement of the life star chart.

The energy consumed by each breath is no less than the entire accumulation of the ninth-grade peak ancestor.

"How many secrets does my disciple hide?" Venerable Gengyang secretly exclaimed.

Inexhaustible Yuan Power is Gu Xiuyun's greatest reliance on daring to fight Master Li Kong head-on.

The majestic divine power in Lord Li Kong's body was prepared for the Yin-Yang Tribulation, coupled with the heritage left behind by the Eight-Eyed True Lord.

Where does the energy in Gu Xiuyun's body come from? ?

Besides, how could a True Illusion accumulate so much energy in his body? Could it be that his inner heaven and earth are even bigger than the True One?

Time passes slowly.

The arrogance of the giant giant gradually weakened.

No matter how powerful a strong man is, he can only be defeated when faced with many means such as demon blood, colorful sword light, red flame light, etc.

Finally, the giant's body cracked into hundreds of parts, each piece a thousand times larger than Dingyin Mountain. Such a huge body was soaked in demon blood, and its vitality was almost completely exhausted.

But even so, the flesh and blood remained intact.

The body of a Venerable of the Body Refining lineage has long transcended the constraints of the rules of heaven and earth. It has no vitality and will still exist in the world forever. If these flesh and blood are sent into the underground abyss, countless years later, a powerful Yin Corpse comparable to the true Venerable will appear. .

Deep in the flesh of collapse.

A divine soul escaped. Strangely, this divine soul only had the upper body, while the lower body was tightly connected to the physical body, seemingly inseparable.

"It is indeed a psychic infernal corpse. The idea is conceived with the body as a carrier. No matter how hard you practice, you can't get rid of the shackles of the body."

Gu Xiuyun said coldly.

The psychic Yin Zhi is somewhat similar to the Lingbao. The difference is that one is recognized by the origin of heaven and earth, while the other is not.

When the psychic Infernal Corpse is born, the heaven and earth will bring spiritual calamity. As long as it survives, it can turn into a new life and continue to exist in the world.

Of course, after surviving the disaster, the psychic Yin Corpse will have longevity and will also be affected by the three disasters and nine disasters.

This type of life is almost no different from ordinary creatures. The only flaw is that it can never get rid of the shackles of the physical body. Once the physical body is annihilated, the soul body will also collapse.

Their life is only once.

As for normal practitioners, even if their physical bodies are annihilated countless times, they can regroup their bodies and recover as before.

"I didn't expect that I would die in the hands of the two of you after practicing for hundreds of thousands of years."

Shenhun looked into the distance with a lonely look on his face, "Once... I was just the shadow of Eight Eyes, following his thoughts... immersed myself in practice, in that Sumeru space, without a name or a self."

"It's not until you step into the realm of the Venerable that you can get out of the prison and see this vast world."

"From that day on, I swore never to be a shadow of eight eyes. I wanted to have my own name, Li Kong... stay away from that space and become a real life."

"On the day when the Eight Eyes fell silent, I understood that the opportunity had come, so I tried my best to destroy the Eight Eyes Divine Sect and instigated the rebellion against Wu Shui, Wu Hen, Han Yue..."

The spirit stood in the void, muttering to himself.

These words were not meant for Gu Xiuyun and Geng Yang. He had just suppressed them for too long and wanted to find someone to talk to.

"The shadow of the Eight-Eyed True Master... was born to be a puppet." Gu Xiuyun's eyes changed.

Speaking of which, he is very similar to Venerable Li Kong.

From the day he woke up, there were many existences such as the Patriarch Tianji, the Life Star Disk Instrument Spirit, etc. standing behind him.

Gu Xiuyun even suspected that he could get rid of the shackles of fate and step into the immortal gate because of the push of the Patriarch Tianji. Besides that person, who else could resist the rules of heaven and earth and allow him to become a practitioner of the immortal way.

But Patriarch Tianji was not here to help him.

Instead, he wanted to use the life star chart to overcome the tribulation and become the only world master in the world.

"Li still failed after all. What about me? Can I succeed?" Gu Xiuyun fell into silence.

The situation he faced was even worse than that of Lord Li Kong.

In addition to the Patriarch Tianji, there are also the rules of heaven and earth. Even he himself cannot imagine what kind of disaster will happen on the day he understands the rules of destiny?

The calamity of the physical body...the gods of all gods...the false world gods...

Everything is just speculation, and you will only understand it when the day comes.

"Disciple, there is only one soul left in Li Kong. Should we kill him or seal him temporarily?" Venerable Gengyang asked.

"Can't kill."

Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly, "If my guess is correct, Li Kong is a key link in the layout of the Eight-Eyed True Master. If he dies, the Eight-Eyed True Master will wake up immediately."

"By then, we will all suffer."

"Eight Eyes is not dead?" Venerable Gengyang took a breath of cold air.

The devil who caused trouble in the world is actually still alive? ?

If the Langhuan Realm knew this news, I'm afraid there would be an uproar. Back then, the Eight-Eyed True Master roamed the world and wiped out countless forces. Even the super sects were not spared.

Starting from the Shenxiang Realm in the east to the Moro Realm in the north, there are thirteen realms that have fallen into disaster because of the Eight-Eyed True Lord.

There were even two true masters who fled for their lives in panic and hid for more than 200,000 years before they dared to reappear in the world.

"Not only is he not dead, but he is not far from waking up." Gu Xiuyun's eyes flashed with a ray of haze, and then turned into a brilliant light, "I have already guessed the plan of old ghost Tianji. The reason why he bewitched Li Kong , just want to use my hand to destroy the cultivation path of Bamu Zhenzun."

Venerable Gengyang raised his eyebrows.

It is obvious that Gu Xiuyun has a deep understanding of the secrets of the Eight-Eyed Zhenzun, and even the Zhenzun may not know these secrets.

"Eight Eyes is not dead, do the three true masters of the chessboard realm know?"

"Asking, Tianxing doesn't know, but Baize Zhenzun must know. I even suspect that they are the guardians of Bamu Zhenzun." Gu Xiuyun glanced at the soul in the distance, "If the three Zhenzun hadn't deliberately concealed it, Lang Huan The Realm of Realm, the Realm of Moro, and the Realm of Shenxiang... the three great masters have most likely known about this."

"In that case, Li Kong was seriously injured by us, why didn't they stop him?" Geng Yang asked suspiciously.

"For other reasons."

Gu Xiuyun shook his head and smiled, but did not continue to explain.

How dare the three true masters interfere?

One side is the Patriarch of Tianji and the other is Gu Xiuyun. There is a huge cause and effect behind them. No matter which side they help, they will destroy their own path.

This move of Patriarch Tianji can be said to kill three birds with one stone.

If Venerable Li Kong really succeeds, the Patriarch of Tianji will be able to repair the Tianji Disk immediately, survive the tribulation of cause and effect, and become the only World Master in the world.

At that time, regardless of whether the Eight-Eyed True Master has awakened or not, Patriarch Tianji can interrupt his practice and cut off his path to enlightenment.

If Venerable Li Kong fails and is killed by Gu Xiuyun and Geng Yang, True Venerable Eight Eyes will also wake up and his path will be cut off.

Understanding the rules of life and death is definitely not enough for just a few mortals. It requires long years of preparation and consumes countless treasures. More importantly, once you fail and your Taoist heart is damaged, you will not be able to get through it again. Easy!

On the surface, it was just a killing plan aimed at Gu Xiuyun, but in fact, the Eight-Eyed Zhenzun was the real target that Master Tianji was afraid of.

"Seal Li Kong first. If my guess is correct, Old Ghost Tianji's plan is not that simple. His last move will come soon!"

Gu Xiuyun thought of the other two palace masters of Youkong Palace.

Even he couldn't figure out where those two people had gone, but he was certain that it was definitely not something good.

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