Fortune Teller

Chapter 1,552: Fallen one after another

The edge of endless void.

An inexplicable place.

The illusory figure stood deep in the gap in the space, his expression changing.

"You can see through my plan with just a few clues. Junior, I really underestimate you!"

"If I had known today, I shouldn't have passed on the secret technique of the broken monument to you in the first place."

Patriarch Tianji’s eyes were extremely cold.

The secret technique of the broken stele was the biggest failure in his plan. If it weren't for this secret technique, Gu Xiuyun would not have been able to discover the secrets of Wuliangzhong, let alone switch to martial arts.

Without these two methods, any ordinary venerable, let alone Li Kong, could suppress Gu Xiuyun.

Of course, this is just an afterthought.

Without the secret technique of the broken stele, it would have been impossible for Gu Xiuyun to snatch the Heavenly Secret Disk from Master Tiangu, and all the arrangements would be meaningless.

After all, even the founder of Tianji, who controls destiny, has to follow the most basic rules. Although he found a way to overcome the karma from the Tianji calculation, it is not that easy to actually implement it.

Practitioners of Tianji can look at the past and the future, but that doesn't mean they can directly take what they want.

There is a balance between heaven and earth. If you get something, you will give something.

For example, Gu Xiuyun can borrow the power of the past and the future, but at the same time he has to consume dozens of times of true energy. That true energy is the price he pays.

The same is true for Patriarch Tianji.

If all you want is a piece of jade or a spiritual crystal, a little divine power will be enough;

If it is a ninth-grade spiritual treasure or even a true soul-level treasure, it will take at least hundreds of years of life;

But if he had to survive the karma of cause and effect and become a Realm Master... the price paid would not be something Patriarch Tianji could bear.

So he could only leave various arrangements and wait for Gu Xiuyun to come to the door on his own. After establishing cause and effect with each other, he could proceed naturally.

Indeed, Patriarch Tianji did it.

The Tianji Disk was refined by Gu Xiuyun, and a cause and effect had been formed between the two. Even if he personally killed Gu Xiuyun now, it would not cause the backlash of the rules of heaven and earth.

But at the same time, all these arrangements also allowed the other party to grow completely, from a small Douxiao realm to a peak powerhouse.

"No one has ever been able to escape from me. This round has just begun."

Deep in the crack, the illusory figure's gaze is like a sharp sword, spanning endless distances and landing deep in the chessboard realm.

"What a junior. He guessed the real plan of old ghost Tianji just based on clues."

In the landscape hut, the three true deities were sitting on the ground, looking at the miraculous water mirror on one side.

The water mirror came from the hands of Zhenzun Bai Ze. With his time and space methods, the entire endless void can be easily explored anywhere.

Of course, except for some special secret realms.

"This kid's thinking is no less than that of old ghost Tianji. He is very cautious and takes every step carefully. If not for this, he wouldn't be able to survive today."

Zhenzun Bai Ze smiled slightly.

"No matter how smart your mind is, someone has to guide it. Bai Ze, there is a hidden secret in your words!" Asking Master glanced at the master of the Time and Space Palace.

When Gu Xiuyun came to ask for advice, Zhenzun Bai Ze could have ignored him, but he responded with a few words.

A few simple words, seemingly without answering anything, actually reminded me: the three true masters know the secret of the Eight Eyes.

This is enough!

"Did I say anything?" The master of the Time and Space Palace stared, "I asked, please don't frame me. I have never been involved in such a big cause and effect."

"That's natural."

The two True Masters Wenwen and Tianxing looked at each other with smiles on their faces.

The failure of Tianji Old Ghost's plan was also a good thing for them. After all, when the Eight Eyes fell into silence, the three true masters all received the benefits.

If they fail to protect the Tao, the favor they owe will be repaid.

Extraterrestrial void.

The expressions of Ruoshui and Wuhen who were fleeing suddenly changed, and they discovered that the imprint of Venerable Li Kong's soul was dissipating rapidly.

"What's going on? Did Li Kong die?"

Venerable Weak Shui quickly activated his magical power of cause and effect.

The line of cause and effect is still clear without any change, which shows that Lord Li Kong is not dead.

"Even the soul brand has begun to collapse. Even if he is not dead, he is still in a lot of trouble." Venerable Wuhen said with a gloomy face.

"Something happened to Li Kong too?" The Scarlet Scale Demon Lord panicked.

Even Venerable Li Kong, who is known as the number one person under Zhenzun, is in trouble. Who can they rely on?

"The only way now is to escape to the chessboard realm and use the small space to save your life." Venerable Weak Shui's face suddenly changed.

It was a shame and a shame for the dignified venerable men to actually rely on a small space to threaten their opponents, but in the face of a life-and-death crisis, they had no choice but to do this.

"As long as you can survive, it's nothing to be embarrassed about."

The Scarlet Scale Demon Lord didn't care. The demon clan always preyed on the weak and rarely valued face.

During the discussion.

The void in the distance suddenly tore open, and a cyan figure walked out of the void passage.

"This junior again is really troublesome."

The red-scaled demon lord hummed, and the red dragon tail turned into a million feet and struck like a divine sword.


The void was penetrated.

This time, the cyan figure neither dodge nor dissipate in advance. It seems that it did not see the attack of the Red Scale Demon Lord at all.

"You didn't escape?" The Red Scale Demon Lord's eyes lit up, and the divine power in his tail increased a bit again.

It wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to kill Gu Xiuyun in one fell swoop.


The red dragon's tail landed on the top of the green figure's head, and once it passed through, the opponent did not change at all, and did not even move its position. However, the red dragon's tail was punched through, leaving a human-sized hole.

"How is that possible?" The Red Scale Demon Lord endured the pain with a look of shock.

"Not a clone."

Venerable Weushui's pupils shrank violently, "Quickly, this is the true form of Taoist Xi Ming!"

"real body?"

The Red Scale Demon Lord looked at his companions blankly.

Zuoshui and Wuhen didn't tell the Lord Li Kong about the fight there, lest the Scarlet Scale Demon Lord become frightened and run away alone.

Until now, it doesn't know who the real opponent of Lord Li Kong is.

At the same time that Venerable Ruoshui spoke, a void passage appeared between heaven and earth.

It is not easy to open a void passage. Venerable Wuhen acted so quickly, which shows that he has been prepared for it.

"You two go in first, and I will stop him. Wuhen, maintain the stability of the void channel and don't let it collapse."

As Venerable Weak Shui spoke, he circulated the divine power in his body.

In an instant, Yuanxian Taoism blended with the inner heaven and earth, turned into three thousand weak water, and pressed towards the cyan figure.

"Want to leave?"

A cold light flashed from the corner of Gu Xiuyun's eyes, his palms turned over, and invisible fluctuations spread out.


A ray of red flame appeared between the sky and the earth and struck towards Ruoshui River.


The red flames were extremely powerful, each one a hundred times stronger than the second clone, and destroyed Ruoshuihe in an instant.

At the same time, the void trembled, and a heaven and earth dharma covering hundreds of millions of miles suddenly descended, crushing the void passage.

The oppression formed by the heaven and earth within billions of miles can even affect the true master, let alone a mere void passage.

"Why should you leave in a hurry? The scenery here is nice and it can be your tomb." Gu Xiuyun said quietly.

"Secret technique of the domain?" Venerable Wuhen looked around, his expression suddenly changed.

Billions of miles of void are enveloped by invisible forces. Doesn’t it mean that if you want to open up a new void passage, you must first escape hundreds of millions of miles away? ?

If it were normal times, it would not be difficult to travel hundreds of millions of miles, you could just lift your feet.

But at this moment, under the suppression of the law of heaven and earth, at least half a stick of incense has to be spent. After such a long time, the Jade Immortal Realm has long since caught up.

"Wuhen and Chilin, work together to suppress Taoist Xi Ming. Unless he dies, none of us can escape." Venerable Ruoshui shouted angrily.

Gu Xiuyun's strength exceeded his expectations.

The Three Thousand Weak Water River cannot be sealed. In this case, even if it can maintain the stability of the void channel, it will have no effect.


Facing the scene in front of him, no matter how stupid the Red Scale Demon Lord was, he still knew what to do.

The red dragon's tail waved again and struck towards the cyan figure.

Compared to before, the blood-colored veins on the surface of the dragon's tail were several times richer, and there were even a few golden dragon patterns, exuding an inexplicable aura.

Venerable Wuhen raised his hands, and a dark crack quietly appeared, and he split it out together with the red dragon tail.

At the same time, the Three Thousand Weak Water River regrouped, becoming a hundred times smaller than before, but more solid. Dense ice spikes appeared in the river, and each one was filled with a strong aura of the avenue.


The Three Thousand Weak Water River was the first to arrive, heavily trapping Gu Xiuyun's body, and countless ice spikes pierced through the void.

when! when! when! !

A dense collision sounded.

The ice spikes were indestructible, but they could only barely break through Gu Xiuyun's skin, leaving red dots behind. The ice spikes shone with a faint blue light, which seemed to contain poison.

If it were anyone else, as long as the flesh was broken, it would turn into a pool of blood in an instant.

Gu Xiuyun, however, remained unmoved. The venom that seeped into his body disappeared out of thin air, as if it had never appeared before.

"What a terrifying body. Even the indigo soul cold water can't do anything to him," Venerable Weishui was secretly shocked. "A body of this level is no less than Li Kong. How did he make it?"


The dark crack arrives.

Gu Xiuyun turned his hands, and streaks of red flame light appeared in the sky, colliding with the cracks, completely annihilating the cracks in an instant, but the red flame light did not cause much damage, drew an arc, and struck towards the Venerable Wuhen.

At this time, the red dragon tail also arrived.

Gu Xiuyun sneered, his physical body grew rapidly, his two arms became millions of feet long, and he directly hugged the huge dragon tail.


The two arms were like sword blades, cutting off the dragon's tail. Before the severed tail could be reattached, Gu Xiuyun opened his mouth and swallowed it in one gulp.


The red-scaled demon king's eyes widened. For the fish-dragon clan, the dragon's tail is where the essence of the body's bloodline lies. Without the tail, most of the body's physical combat power is instantly reduced.

At the same time that the Red Scale Demon Lord was severely injured, the red flame light had already passed through the void and came to the front of the Wuhen Lord.

Peng! Peng! Peng! !

Each red flame is no less than the Taoist bombardment of the Venerable Three Difficulties Realm. Any one of them can severely damage the Venerable Wuhen, let alone nine of them.

Under the pressure of the law of heaven and earth, Venerable Wuhen didn't even have a chance to escape, and was drowned by the red flames.

After a while.

The red flames dispersed, and the figure of Venerable Wuhen could no longer be found in the void. A generation of Venerables had just fallen away.


Venerable Weak Water and Lord Red Scale Demon looked at each other, with no fighting spirit in their hearts.

The three Venerables joined forces and did not even scratch Gu Xiuyun's fur. Now that Venerable Wuhen has fallen, how can the two of them alone defeat each other?

In the void, nine red flames of light appeared again. Before they could strike out, the Red Scaled Demon Lord bowed and knelt down, "My dear Taoist, please spare my life. The little demon is willing to be your slave."

"A slave, a servant?? Have you thought clearly?"

Gu Xiuyun had a strange look on his face.

It is really rare for a dignified venerable person to even sacrifice his dignity in order to survive.

It stands to reason that the higher your cultivation level, the more tenacious your Taoist heart will be. Even if you die, you will rarely surrender to your opponent.

The Crimson Scale Demon Lord's character is obviously much worse than other sages.

"a shame."

Venerable Weushui snorted, with ridicule and contempt on his face, "It's ridiculous that a waste like you can become a Venerable."

"It's a joke, can't the venerable be a slave?" The Red Scale Demon Lord stared, "I relied on the command talisman of the Patriarch Tianji to step into the venerable realm. If I didn't repay this favor, how could I be in a desperate situation?"

Gu Xiuyun narrowed his eyes.

No wonder the Red Scale Demon Lord’s Taoist heart is so fragile. It turned out to be the handiwork of old ghost Tianji.

That's right, the Scarlet Scale Demon Lord has no enmity or enmity with him, so why would he intervene in this matter for no reason? It must be related to the Patriarch Tianji.

PS: I may have said this paragraph too verbosely. I don’t know if you understand it, but the meaning is actually very simple. Master Tianji knows the existence of Gu Xiuyun and also knows how to survive the catastrophe of cause and effect.

But he couldn't just go and get it.

Gu Xiuyun must come to the door first, and then he can take action if he has cause and effect.

This is just like repairing the Life Star Bead. Only by waiting for the treasure to be delivered to your door can you avoid the punishment of the rules of heaven and earth. If you go to get it yourself, you will have to bear the corresponding price.

The price of being promoted to a Realm Master was certainly not something Patriarch Tianji could afford, so he could only make plans in advance and wait for Gu Xiuyun to come to his door.

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