Fortune Teller

Chapter 165: Fighting

"Venerable Bodhisattva, Venerable Xushang Yao, it's really all the trouble!"

Gu Xiuyun, who turned into gravel, felt his heart sink slightly.

Venerable Koji's strength is not weaker than that of Li Kong, and he is better at saving lives. Whether it is the demon clan's true form or the second true form, he has special magical powers that are almost immortal.

The true form of the demon clan is the Moon Moth, an ancient beast whose natal magical powers are similar to the immortal flames of the Phoenix clan. It is also one of the most famous demon beasts in the endless void.

Yin Luo, a void creature, is no less powerful than Bai Kongze in terms of spatial magical powers, and has already entered the realm of the Venerable, and his killing methods are not weak at all.

The combination of the two true bodies can almost rival Master Li Kong in head-on combat, and his ability to save lives is even better.

Gu Xiuyun also felt a headache from such uninvited guests.

As for Venerable Xu Shang, his strength is not very powerful, he is only at the peak of the First Difficulty Realm, slightly stronger than Mo Jiang, Chi Lin and others.

But the problem is that it had a relationship with Gu Xiuyun several times, and Patriarch Dingyin was a disciple of Venerable Xu Shang.

Once there is a fight, Demon Lord Xu Shang will definitely discover Gu Xiuyun's identity.

While he was thinking about it, Venerable Ganzi spoke again:

"The concealment method is good, but it's a pity that you met me. Ordinary gravel... how can it affect the structure of space?"

Venerable Bodhisattva stared at the bottom of the palace wall, a ray of electricity pierced from the depths of his eyes, and struck towards the palace wall.


Green smoke rose up, and the sand and gravel particles turned into flying smoke without any resistance.

Venerable Bodhisattva couldn't help but frown. According to his expectation, the opponent would resist for a moment no matter how hard he tried, and would take this opportunity to escape, but the gravel did not move at all.

Could he have made a mistake?

"Sir, maybe it's a deception left by the Heavenly Formation."

Demon Lord Xu Shang guessed.

"It's not impossible. This spiritual treasure is very cunning. It must have relied on something to lead us to the secret realm of the residual world. Let Yin Luo go in to explore the way first, and we will enter the palace later."

Venerable Bodhisattva glanced around and found nothing unusual, so he split the faint shadow beside him into two parts, one part of which floated towards the palace.


A breeze stirred in the void, and Yin Luo's true form quietly entered the depths of the palace. The puppet beasts around him didn't notice at all.

"Both are void creatures, Yin Luo's spatial magical power is probably no less than that of Bai Kong Ze."

Gu Xiuyun secretly marveled.

At this moment, he had turned into flying smoke, and his body was scattered into countless particles. Even the Venerable Bodhisattva was not aware of it for a moment.

But this can only last a moment.

The flying smoke in the void will soon disperse, and the fluctuations caused by the electric light will return to calm. At that time, Venerable Bodhisattva will discover Gu Xiuyun hiding in the smoke.

After the phantom entered the palace, Venerable Bodhisattva's expression changed slightly, and then he sneered, "There is indeed a trap. Fortunately, I sent the second true form, otherwise I would have been trapped for thousands of years."

"Sir, what's in the palace?" Demon Lord Xushang asked.

"A special starry sky, and it contains the power of time and space," Venerable Bodhisattva explained. "I have already understood the original rules of space, and with Yin Luo's magical power in space, it will be difficult to escape for a while. If it is an ordinary Venerable, it will take at most half a hour. moment, it will disappear completely.”

"Even the Venerable will fall?"

Demon Lord Xu Shang took a breath of cold air.

Deep in the flying smoke, Gu Xiuyun sneered secretly.

Is there any danger in the starry sky?

Venerable Bodhisattva said this because he clearly didn't want Demon Venerable Xu Shang to take away the benefits. As long as outside practitioners enter the starry sky, they will get messages from Venerable Wuya Pseudo Realm.

Combined with the special rules in the starry sky, no matter how stupid you are, you can guess that there is a shocking inheritance here.

"With the character of a borer, once he knows that I am here, he will definitely not let go. What an opportunity the Starry Sky Remaining World has, no one would be willing to share it with others!"

Gu Xiuyun pondered in his heart.

In this situation, it is definitely impossible to leave. To leave from the starry sky remnant, you must pass through the teleportation array or teleportation token.

The fluctuations of both are very violent, and as soon as they are activated, they will be discovered by the Venerable Bodhisattva.

If they fight head-on, they will be recognized by Demon Lord Xu Shang. After all, they have met several times before.

"The only way is to deal with Xu Shang first and not give the Venerable Goji the slightest chance to react."

Gu Xiuyun made a decision in his heart.

As long as Venerable Xu Shang is eliminated, no one will know his identity, and there will be no worries whether he fights or retreats.

Even if he can't defeat the Venerable Bodhisattva, he can still leave calmly. The other party should not be chasing after an unfamiliar peak of the Three Difficulties.

In the void, smoke and dust slowly fell to the ground.

At the moment when all the smoke and dust dissipated, three violent waves of true energy burst out, turning into black and white sword light, and slashed towards the Venerable Bodhisattva, the true form of Yin Luo and the Venerable Xu Shang.

At the same time, invisible fluctuations spread.

The mystery of the seventh-level pinnacle instantly enveloped the entire palace, and twists of fate and rootless duckweed unfolded at the same time.

Rootless Duckweed is not targeting Venerable Bodhisattva, but Xu Shang.

After all, this Taoist method consumes a lot of energy, and suppressing three venerables at the same time is unbearable even for a warrior at the ninth level of True Intention.

"Beware of enemy attacks!"

The moment the black and white sword light appeared, the face of the Venerable Bodhisattva suddenly changed, the blood all over his body surged, and his innate magical powers were unleashed.

At the same time, Yin Luo turned into void and disappeared, and not even Gu Xiuyun could be found.

It is no surprise that the Void Creatures in the Venerable Realm are the top ethnic group in the space lineage, and they have mastered the Void Immortal Body. It is precisely because of this that Gu Xiuyun knew that he could not kill the borer.

The perfect immortal void body, his life-saving methods are almost terrifying. Not to mention that he only has the strength of the Three Difficulties Realm, even if he reaches the level of the True Master, he may not be able to kill Yin Luo.

Unless you use the life-cutting technique.

"Is there really someone hiding here??"

Demon Lord Xu Shang looked horrified and quickly activated his bloodline magical power. As his thoughts flashed, an invisible wave enveloped him.

It feels like it is separated from its body, soul and even years, and its consciousness falls into an ethereal state.

"How could this happen? My inner world, physical body, and Taoism have all lost their senses?"

"What exactly is this method?"

When Demon Lord Xu Shang was shocked, the black and white sword light had already arrived in front of him.


The sword light tore through flesh and blood in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, red flames like the scorching sun appeared between the sky and the earth, cutting the defenseless Venerable Xu Shang into ashes.

“It turns out it’s him!!”

At the moment before his death, Venerable Xu Shang finally understood who the cultivator was hiding in the secret... A true state of mind could reach such a state in just ten thousand years, and could even kill the Venerable with one move.


There were roars all around the palace.

Venerable Xu Shang didn't even have a chance to react before he was completely annihilated.

As for the Venerable Bodhisattva, he was unscathed. He was at the peak of the Three Difficulties Realm and was an ancient beast that was good at saving lives. How could he be killed by a few sword rays?

What's more, the Moon Moth also has a flame rebirth method similar to that of the Phoenix.

"The fate of the seventh grade is mysterious. No wonder it can cover up its own cause and effect line. Who are you?"

The Venerable Bodhisattva revealed his demonic form and turned into a blue moth, hanging in the air.

The second real body, Yin Luo, disappeared without a trace, and it is unknown where it is hidden.

"Pindao is just an unknown person who works behind closed doors. He is not as good as fellow Taoists, and his reputation resounds throughout the endless void."

Gu Xiuyun responded quietly.

At this moment, his appearance changed drastically. Although he was still in the human form, his whole body was covered with scales and his eyes glowed golden. He looked like a human and an alien beast.

In addition, there is a faint layer of thunder and fire power surrounding the whole body, which isolates the fluctuations in space.

"Void creatures?"

Venerable Bodhisattva narrowed his eyes. Although Gu Xiuyun was in human form, the power of thunder and fire around him was too obvious.

Except for the void creatures, who can combine the two origins of thunder and fire that span the avenue in the realm of the venerable?

As for the strange beasts...the bloodlines of the monster beasts in the endless void all have origins. None of them possess the magical power of thunder and fire. They can only be void creatures.

"I didn't expect that in addition to the Heavenly Formation, there is also a Three-Difficulty Realm in this secret realm," the corners of Venerable Zhuji's lips curled up slightly, "I have to thank you for helping me solve Xu Shang. In this way, I don't have to break my promise!"

"In return, I will make your death a little more pleasant."

"Oh??" Gu Xiuyun raised his brows slightly, "I also want to know what the world-famous Venerable Bodhisattva has to do!"

The moth in the void chuckled and flapped its wings.

call! !

The void trembled slightly.

Immediately afterwards, two snake-shaped storms swept across the world crazily, turning into real blue pythons and biting at Gu Xiuyun.

"True soul level treasure!"

A trace of solemnity flashed in Gu Xiuyun's eyes.

The Venerable Bodhisattva truly deserves to be the top being resounding throughout the heavens. As soon as he made a move, it was a true soul-level treasure. Two giant pythons bit like wild dragons, containing endless power.

These two giant pythons alone are comparable to the early stages of the Three Difficulties Realm.

Facing the python's attack, Gu Xiuyun's expression changed slightly, but then he regained his composure. His two palms suddenly turned over, condensed into black and white palm prints, and struck towards the python.


There was a muffled sound.

The violent giant python was actually repelled by the palm print.

This is not a mystery of Taoism, but a game of power. Both giant pythons are transformed from true soul-level treasures and contain majestic power. If they are resisted with Taoism and secret techniques, a lot of true energy will be consumed, so Gu Xiuyun uses strength. Against force.

In the ninth level of true meaning, the physical strength is not inferior to the true soul level treasure, and is even better.

After all, he is taking the black hole route. The most terrifying thing about black hole particles is their heaviness.

"You actually suppressed it?"

Looking at the giant python that flew out, Venerable Bodhisattva's expression couldn't help but change. Gu Xiuyun's strength was beyond its expectation.

It stands to reason that void creatures are only good at one or two aspects.

Gu Xiuyun's method of hiding his whereabouts is extremely powerful, and he has the power of thunder and fire all over his body. It can be seen that he is good at thunder and fire, and his strength should not be much stronger.

That's why it will activate the true soul-level treasure to test the opponent's strength.

Unexpectedly, the two giant pythons were suppressed as soon as they met each other.

"I underestimate you. Your physical strength is so powerful, and you also have hidden supernatural powers. Combined with the power of thunder and fire, in terms of bloodline, you are not inferior to Yin Luo."

"You are qualified to fight with me."

Venerable Bodhisattva said loudly.

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