Fortune Teller

Chapter 1666 Suppression

Above the palace city, green moths fluttered their wings, and the wind roared on both sides, forming small wind blades that condensed in the depths of the void.


A wind blade swept across the sky and earth, stabbing Gu Xiuyun silently.

Before he could reach his body, he was enveloped by an invisible wave and shattered.

"Domain-like magical powers."

Venerable Bodhisattva's eyes were slightly bright, and his expression was not surprised at all, but showed a touch of disdain.

In terms of domain and means, Venerable Bodhisattva has never been afraid of anyone.

As a venerable void creature, Yin Luo's use of space has already reached an incredible level. Once he takes action, he can completely control billions of miles of void and turn it into his own domain.

"A mere void creature actually masters the three top magical powers of lightning, stealth, and space. It also possesses a strange power that even true soul-level treasures cannot resist. Such talents are really terrifying."

"It's a pity that the realm of Taoism is too low."

Venerable Bodhisattva shook his head slightly.

In just a short moment, it had figured out most of Gu Xiuyun's methods. Except for the mystery of seventh-grade destiny, which surprised it, the other methods were not considered powerful.

"Looking around the world, there are not many venerables who dare to fight with me. I will give you a chance. Kneel down and surrender immediately, otherwise you will only fall."

"You want me to surrender before I even take action. Are you afraid that the wind will flash your tongue?" Gu Xiuyun said with a sneer.

"court death!"

The indifference in the eyes of the Venerable Bodhisattva turned into murderous intent. As his wings waved, all the wind blades in the void exploded, hitting the cyan figure like a violent torrential rain.


The wind blades in the sky made a violent roar, instantly tearing apart the surrounding space. When they touched Gu Xiuyun's void domain, they only stayed in a stalemate for a moment before completely shattering the entire domain.

"What a powerful killing technique!"

Gu Xiuyun's pupils shrank. Ever since he entered the ninth level of true meaning, no one except Lord Li Kong had been able to break through the void realm head-on.

Seeing the wind blade coming soon.

Gu Xiuyun turned his hands over and moved his Five Elements Overturning Hand. In an instant, hundreds of black and white palm prints condensed into shape and crashed towards the wind blade.

Ding! ! Ding! Ding!

The wind blades in the sky fell down and hit the surface of the palm print like a millstone, making a crisp collision sound. Each wind blade was no less than a full blow from the newly promoted Venerable. Millions of wind blades gathered together to form an indescribable power. Imagine.

In just an instant, hundreds of palm prints collapsed.

The Void Domain combined with the Five Elements Heaven-shaking Hand could not stop the Wind Blade Storm's offensive.

"The Supreme Master is indeed not an easy person to deal with."

Gu Xiuyun sighed secretly in his heart, the mystery of fate was revealed again, and the number of black and white palm prints increased tenfold, blocking the storm of wind blades.

But that's not the end of it.

The wind blade was just the first step for Venerable Bodhisattva. As the void collapsed, layers of space began to peel off.

The true form of Yin Luo hidden in the dark appears.

"Space-like Yuanxian Taoism?"

Looking at the scene around him, Gu Xiuyun's expression changed slightly and he quickly rushed towards the teleportation array on the side of the palace.

He understood the intention of Venerable Bodhisattva.

The opponent had no intention of killing him in one fell swoop. The wind blade was just a cover. The real method was space Taoism and the formation formed by the wind blade fragments.

Once the Taoist skills are formed, he can be temporarily trapped. Until then, there will be plenty of time to slowly kill him.


The cyan figure came to the teleportation array and was about to activate it when his expression suddenly froze.

The teleportation array in front of you turned out to be illusory. Wherever the true energy touched, there were only layers of illusory void, and the true direction of the array could not be found at all.

"I want to leave, but it's too late," Venerable Jiaozi sneered, "Do you think I didn't see that the teleportation array is the way out of the remaining world??"

"Yin Luo is best at spatial magical powers. Combined with Taoism, it is easy to condense an illusory teleportation array. Even if you have a seventh-level destiny mystery, it is impossible to calculate the correct position in a short time."

"Besides, I still have a strange object in my hand that interferes with the calculation of fate. Wuming Taoist, you really underestimate me."

The laughter of Venerable Bodhisattva echoed in the void.

"I was careless this time!"

Gu Xiuyun's heart sank slightly.

He originally thought that Venerable Xu Shang was dead. With his own strength, he could come and leave whenever he wanted without worrying about the other party.

Unexpectedly, the other party actually had a strange object targeting the path of destiny, which blocked Gu Xiuyun's perception.


The strong wind surged, and layers of void condensed into chains, completely covering the entire palace, including the cyan figure.

Yin Luo's true body turned into millions of hairsprings, traveling through the gaps in the void, constantly attacking and killing like sword rays.

In addition, those wind blade fragments are also condensed into a special formation, which cooperates with space Taoism to seal the surrounding void.

As for the bright moon moth above the palace city, as its wings flickered, a stream of divine power surged up, gradually transforming into the ultimate Taoist technique of Yuan Xian.

The ultimate Taoist technique of Yuanxian of Venerable Bodhisattva - Tianfeng Realm Lock is a pure sealing Taoist technique.

This is completely different from Venerable Li Kong.

Li Kong took the route of killing and attacking, and refining his body with a lineage of venerables gave him a defensive power that was far superior to his peers. He didn't need to worry about saving his life at all, he only needed to immerse himself in the art of killing and attacking.

Moreover, Venerable Li Kong could not protect himself like others.

He is a psychic Yin corpse, and his soul cannot be separated from his flesh and blood. Even if he evolves a life-saving magic, he will not be able to use it.

The Venerable Bodhisattva is different. Both the Moon Moth and the Yin Luo are creatures that are good at preserving life. The Moon Moth was born in the wind of the sky, while the Yin Luo is in harmony with space. Both of these origins tend to suppress and seal.

Naturally, the Taoism evolved by the Venerable Bodhisattva is also mainly focused on suppressing seals.

Soon, the Tianfeng Realm Lock condensed and took shape, and combined with the space Taoism and the Wind Blade Formation, the million-mile void was completely sealed.

In the deepest part of the formation, a green figure stood proudly, covered with green silk chains, like dense spider silk.

"Unknown Taoist, do you think I really want you to surrender?"

Venerable Bodhisattva raised his voice and sneered, "As a void creature in the Venerable Realm, and having understood the mystery of seventh-level destiny, if you are allowed to live, sooner or later you will become a serious problem. What I said is just to divert your attention and cover up the formation." ban."

"The pinnacle venerable is indeed extraordinary," Gu Xiuyun's eyes were slightly cold, "No wonder you are able to traverse the endless void and reach the peak of the Three Difficulties step by step. In addition to your Taoist and magical powers, your scheming is also truly amazing."

"Isn't it too late to say these words of begging for mercy?"

The Venerable Bodhisattva was condescending, overlooking the cyan figure, "I will give you another chance to truthfully tell the secrets of the Remnant World, and make an oath that you will not step into the Realm of the Heavens or reveal any secrets of the Remnant World for the rest of your life. If you If you can do it, I will let you survive the ban.”

Gu Xiuyun smiled and shook his head.

The other party really thought that he was easy to trick, not to mention that it was impossible for him to accept such a request. Even if he really made an oath, Venerable Bodhisattva would definitely have other means.

Its purpose is just to make a statement.

Looking at the silent figure below, Venerable Bodhisattva hummed, waving his wings, and slashing the wind blades along the gaps in the void.

Ding! Ding! Ding! !

The torrential wind blades collided with the black and white grindstones, causing a dense explosion.

"I want to see how much divine power you have consumed?"

The bright moon moth put away its true body, transformed into the image of an old man again, sat on top of the formation, and continuously activated the killing technique.

An endless stream of void power surges from the depths of heaven and earth to maintain the operation of Taoism.

It wants to wipe out Gu Xiuyun's life. For a void creature in the Venerable realm to understand the mystery of seventh-level destiny, the threat is too great.

The opponent must be completely killed so that the remnant world of this pseudo-realm master can completely belong to the Venerable Bodhisattva.

“I was really careless this time!!”

In the world of Tianjipan, the second clone opened his eyes, his eyes slightly solemn.

Venerable Bodhisattva truly deserves to be one of the three most difficult situations in the endless void. Not only does he have extraordinary skills, but he also has many treasures on his body. He even has rare items that can withstand the mysteries of fate.

He had seen such things in Lianshan Scrolls before.

It is said that at the edge of the endless void, various strange objects often pass through the world barrier and enter the endless void.

In addition to the Tianjipan World and the Mountain Arm, there are also strange jade stones that Bai Ze Zhenzun once used.

That jade can even block the rules of heaven and earth. You can imagine how magical it is.

He had never thought that Venerable Bodhisattva also had a rare item in his hand, and it happened to be a treasure aimed at the path of destiny. It can only be said that Gu Xiuyun was too unlucky to meet such an opponent.

"There is Li Kong's soul in the human race's true body, as well as treasures such as thorn flowers and life star charts. They must not be abandoned. What should we do now?"

Gu Xiuyun fell into hard thinking.

The martial arts true body can be divided into three parts at most, and a part of it remains in the underground void of the Tianjipan world, protected by the mountain arm, and cannot leave.

Once out, Endless Void will definitely use the most powerful power of heavenly punishment.

After all, Gu Xiuyun is not in peak condition now and knows everything about the rules of heaven and earth. How could he let go of such an opportunity?

The second clone fell into a crack in the stone turtle, and there has been no news of it to this day.

Only the part of the starry sky remnant world is left. Even if he wants to reduce the power of the physical body and transfer to the world of Tianjipan, he can't do it.

Venerable Bodhisattva always pays attention to the true form of the human race. As long as his strength is reduced by half, he will attract the opponent's attention.

"It can only be used up temporarily!"

Gu Xiuyun sighed softly.

In this situation, he couldn't think of any other solution except a stalemate.

Facing the Venerable Bodhisattva, asking Gengyang, Qingshui and others for help is tantamount to asking them to die. Not everyone can resist the joint attack of Haoyue Moth and Yin Luo.

What's more, Gengyang and Qingshui's appearance would expose Gu Xiuyun's identity.

That's when the trouble is really big.

The second clone closed its eyes and continued to refine the thorn flower, breaking through to the ninth level of true meaning.

Inside the starry sky remnant world, outside the palace city.

The cyan figure also sat cross-legged, with mysterious ups and downs of destiny all over his body. The black and white light formed walls around him, resisting the attack of the wind blade torrential rain.

Venerable Bodhisattva didn't move much and just maintained the wind blade bombardment.

This Taoist technique combined with the power of the void consumes the least amount of energy. Since Gu Xiuyun has been trapped, he can just kill him slowly. There is no need to expend too much energy.

As for Gu Xiuyun, while resisting the bombardment of the wind blade, he observed the Five Elements Lotus and understood the rules of the Five Elements.

The only way to break free is to integrate advanced rules.

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