Fortune Teller

Chapter 1,669 In front of the mansion

Seven years ago, Shen Qi's martial arts cultivation was only at the third level, and he was only able to achieve it under the training of the Rongcheng family.

And the direct lineage in the clan is almost all fifth grade, and there is a full two levels difference between the two.

But that was seven years ago -

Today, his martial arts attainments have far surpassed those of the past. Although his cultivation has not changed, every bit of his true energy can explode with astonishing power.

Shen Qi turned around and looked at the carriage. The carriage was mottled and most of the red paint on it had fallen off.

"Rong Chengying, you used this carriage to transport my mother to the mountains. Unknowingly, twenty years have passed."

"My mother has been lonely all her life, and her only wish is to get a status and be ranked in the Rongcheng family tree..."

The young man wiped the tears from his eyes and walked up the steps.

"Who is coming!"

Two guards holding halberds stood in front of them.

Shen Qi took out the token from his arms and said expressionlessly, "I want to see Rong Chengying."

"Huang Qigeng's order?"

The eighteen guards looked at each other, frowning slightly. Rongcheng Yuling was rare, and each piece had a special mark, sorted according to the black and yellow colors of heaven and earth.

Huang Qiling belongs to the branch of the young masters, but as far as they know, the four young masters ranked in the Geng category are either far away from home, or they have made big mistakes and been imprisoned. Who is the person in front of them?

"Dare I ask the young master's name?" the leader of the Eighteen Guards said in a deep voice.

"Shen Qi." The young man said indifferently.

"Your surname is Shen?" The leader frowned, and then he understood, "Did the young master come from Baisha Mountain?"

Shen Qi nodded slightly.

The leader's expression suddenly turned cold, and he hummed softly, "It turns out to be Mr. Shen. Please wait a moment, my subordinates will go and pass the message."

With that said, the team leader winked, and a guard turned and walked into the mansion and disappeared around the corner.

It was exactly the same as before... Looking at the guards going away, the hatred in Shen Qi's heart became stronger and stronger. He knew that the guards did not go to Rong Chengying, but met Mrs. Han Yu.

Mrs. Hanyu is Rong Chengying's main wife and a very important figure in the Rongcheng family.

If it hadn't been for her, Shen Qi's mother would not have been driven to Baisha Mountain. Before leaving, she was given a large bowl of saffron. Although Shen Qi was born safely in the end, her mother also suffered from the root of the disease. In just twenty years, , then passed away and passed away.

Time passed slowly, and half an hour passed before you knew it.

"My's time to come out!"

The young man murmured in a low voice and couldn't help but look at the carriage behind him.

Seven years ago, he was seriously injured by Rong Cheng Baihe, Mrs. Han's only son. Even his mother's coffin was smashed, making him completely the laughing stock of the Rong Cheng family.

In order to take revenge and fulfill his mother's last wish, he had to seek refuge with his cousin Mr. Yushan.

But he never expected that Mr. Yushan would actually use him to taint Jiang Ning and force Jiang Ning to become his concubine.

And it wasn't until Jiang Ning died that he learned all this from a maid.

The moment he knew the truth, there seemed to be a fire burning in Shen Qi's heart. Regret, anger, pain... countless emotions came together, which actually made his mind reach an inexplicable state, and his control over his true energy also skyrocketed. several times.

It can be said that twenty-seven years of practice is not as good as the improvement made on that day.

It was precisely because of this that he was able to break into the Rongcheng family single-handedly, steal Jiang Ning's body, and even kill seven elders of the Rongcheng family.

In the end, the Rongcheng family used the most elite cavalry and the hidden weapon venom to finally trap him.

"This time, I will let my mother return to the Rongcheng family in a dignified manner and place her in the family tree, Mrs. Hanyu, Rongcheng Ying, Rongcheng Yushan... Just wait, the first one will be Rongcheng Baihe."

The young man's eyes flashed coldly.

clatter! clatter! clatter!

A rush of footsteps came from around the corner. Rong Chengbaihe was dressed in fine clothes, followed by four or five followers. They all held weapons and their eyes were full of light. They were obviously masters.

Seeing this scene, the guards on both sides quickly retreated, showing respect.

"I've met Mr. Bai He." The leader bowed.

"Prepare a carriage for me immediately. The clan elder ordered me to go to Qishan City for business." Rong Chengbaihe looked busy, but glanced at Shen Qi from the corner of his eyes, "Hey, there happens to be one here. Looking at the pattern on the carriage, it should be It’s a family item, although it’s a little worn out, but it’s better than nothing, so let’s leave it at that!”

"Mr. Bai He, this is Master Shen Qi's carriage. I'd better find another one for you." The leader looked embarrassed.

"Master Shen Qi, where did you come from here? People with foreign surnames are not allowed to use the carriages of the Rongcheng family. You don't even know this rule?"

With that said, Rong Chengbaihe stepped towards the carriage.

What a good show... Shen Qi sneered in his heart. Rong Cheng Baihe did this just to conflict with him and then take the opportunity to take action.

The Rongcheng family has strict rules and does not allow unauthorized fights between clan members, so the other party must find a suitable reason.

It had only been half an hour since they were planning.

"Seven years ago, although I saw through the opponent's methods, I was not strong enough. I was beaten by Rong Chengbaihe and severed the tendon of my right hand. I lost nearly half of my cultivation. But this time, I will not give him another chance!"

As his thoughts flashed, Shen Qi stood up and stood in front of Rong Cheng Baihe.

"What kind of bastard dares to stop this young master?"

Rongcheng Baihe sneered, waved his palm and struck at him.


The true energy surges in the palm of the hand, and a layer of light can be vaguely seen filling the tiger's mouth. The true energy in the body of a fifth-level powerhouse is extremely pure, and thousands of kilograms of power can be erupted with a wave of the hand.

This kind of person can be considered a first-class warrior in a small space. With the burst of palm power, even a steel plate can leave a clear mark.

Facing Rong Cheng Baihe's powerful blow, Shen Qi's fingertips trembled slightly and his true energy flow turned away.

His cultivation level is only third level, which is two levels lower than that of Rong Cheng Baihe, and his true energy seems a bit turbid. However, under the control of his mind, the true energy of his fingertips is constantly condensing.

But this scene was not noticed by the surrounding followers or guards.


The fingers collided with the palm, and the fifth-grade zhenqi was torn apart easily, and even the tough flesh was pierced.

"How can it be??"

The followers and guards were shocked, and the calmness on their faces disappeared immediately, but before they could step forward to help, Shen Qi had already waved his left fist.


The left fist was extremely fast and landed on Rong Cheng Baihe's right shoulder in an instant. The flesh and blood flew away, and the violent energy shattered the shoulder bone.

Even if Rong Chengbaihe could cure such a serious injury, he would never want to fight with his right hand again in this life!

Shen Qi returned the grudge he had caused seven years ago to the other party intact.


It was only then that the eighteen guards and followers finally rushed forward.

Shen Qi had already retreated to the carriage and said with an indifferent expression, "Everyone has seen it. It was Mr. Bai He who made the move first. He snatched the carriage first and took action without any hesitation. Shen was just trying to protect himself."

"Did you know that he is Mr. Bai He of the Rong Cheng clan, the eldest son of Mr. Rong Chengying, and he is also your biological brother. It is a serious crime to fight with the same roommate. Don't you know the rules?" A slightly older-looking follower said fiercely. .

"According to what you say, I should tie up my hands and stand waiting to die?" Shen Qi said with a smile, "He didn't even ask about my origins, so he just attacked me. I just punched him back, which was already very good. Merciful!"


The old follower suddenly became furious and was about to take action, but was stopped by the leader on the side.

"Mr. Zhu, hurry up and ask for Mrs. Han Hui. Mr. Bai He's injury is too serious and must be treated with healing medicine." As he said that, the team leader lowered his voice, "Shen Qi is Mr. Rongcheng after all. What's the end of the fight between them? It’s not something we can interfere with.”

The old follower suddenly felt a chill in his heart.

This is in front of the Rongcheng family's mansion. There are many pedestrians around, and countless pairs of eyes are staring at him. He is just a small follower. If he dares to attack the young master, the Rongcheng family will not take it lightly even if it is for the sake of face. Spare him.

"Thank you for reminding."

Mr. Zhu turned around and rushed into the mansion, heading towards the other courtyard where Mrs. Han Yu lived.

Not long after, a piece of news spread throughout Yucheng.

The famous Baihe Master of the Rongcheng family was seriously injured in front of the mansion. The visitor was unknown, but he stood in front of the door majestically, and the guards and entourage were unable to do anything.

"Did you hear that?"

"Master Baihe of the Rongcheng clan was seriously injured. His left arm was broken and blood flowed all over the ground. Even if he survives, he will be a cripple in this life."

"It's a pity that the dignified son of the Rongcheng family, who has been practicing hard for decades, unexpectedly died at the door of his home."

"No, why did I hear it was the right arm?? And it wasn't broken, just the shoulder was injured."

"You must have made a mistake. Mrs. Hanyu sent dozens of followers one after another and invited doctors everywhere. How could it be a minor injury?"

Most of the people living in Yucheng were wealthy gentry, wealthy businessmen, knights and warriors. They were the most eager to hear this kind of news, and almost all of them talked about it in low voices.

In a rather conspicuous inn, the girl Jiang Ning sat next to the middle-aged man in gray robe, blinking her clear eyes, "Uncle Liu, something happened to the Rongcheng family's young master, should we go and take a look?"

"No, we are here for the dragon dragon event that happens once every ten years. Whether he is alive or dead is none of our business, just Mr. White Crane." The middle-aged man in gray robe glanced at the girl beside him, "Did you sneak away this morning? Out? Fortunately, you didn't cause any trouble, otherwise the clan leader would have punished you."

The girl stuck out her tongue and recalled the scene at the city gate in her mind.

That young man with a handsome face, but also a bit of coldness, has been deeply engraved in her heart.

In the next half month, more and more knights and warriors entered Yucheng, and even the royal family arrived. The Rongcheng clan sent a large number of servants to greet them.

A state of prosperity.

As for Shen Qi and Mr. Bai He, they seemed to have disappeared from the world, without any news.

The third day of September.

In the world of martial arts, this is a special day. The Dragon Dragon Festival begins on this day. Warriors from all over the world rush to Yunan County and gather in Yucheng.

The Dragon Dragon Festival is held every ten years. It is said that the final winner can go to a mysterious place to drink the divine blood of the Dragon Dragon to cleanse the marrow and cut off the veins.

The winner last time was the current patriarch of the Rongcheng family, so according to the rules, the Dragon Dragon Festival should be hosted by the Rongcheng family.

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