Fortune Teller

Chapter 1,070: Dragon Dragon Gathering

Among the crowd, the middle-aged man in gray robe walked forward with a few young people, and soon arrived at the area arranged by the Rong Cheng clan.

I saw a large flag fluttering in the wind, with the word "medicine heart" clearly engraved on it.

"Rong Chengshi is really thoughtful. Not only did he leave a place for us, he even gave us a flag," the gray-robed middle-aged man said with a smile, "Jiang Ning, Jiang Yin, you stay here, I'll go see you." The head of the Rongcheng family."


The girl Jiang Ning glanced around and sat cross-legged on the futon.

In front of them was a sloping square, paved with bluestones. Their location was second only to the highest platform, which showed that the Yaoxin Sect's status was not low. Although it was not as good as top families such as the Rongcheng clan, it was still well-known in the world.

Not long after the middle-aged man in gray robe left, Jiang Ning's eyes suddenly lit up. A young man wearing smart clothes appeared in the distance. He had a thin face and sharp eyebrows. He was clearly Shen Qi.

The girl quickly raised her hand, and as soon as she shouted the words 'Brother Shen', her fellow disciple covered her mouth.

"Junior sister, what are you doing? This is a grand gathering of dragons and dragons, and a large number of martial arts masters have gathered. Uncle Liu gave instructions before leaving the house in the morning that we are not allowed to yell."

"I saw Brother Shen!" the girl said in a muffled voice.

"Brother Shen? Is that Shen Qi who helped you at the city gate?" Jiang Yin blinked. She had heard Jiang Ning say this several times in the past half month.

As he spoke, the young man in the distance disappeared into the crowd.

The girl raised her head and looked at the slope from a distance, but she could no longer find her figure.

"Since that person is also here, there will definitely be a chance to meet again. Maybe he will also be on stage at the Dragon Dragon Festival!" Jiang Yin comforted.

The girl nodded helplessly.

Shen Qi walked along the crowd and soon passed through the corridor and arrived at Rong Cheng's inner courtyard.

The crowd in front was noisy. In addition to the servants on both sides, there were more than a dozen Rongcheng masters wearing family clothes. They were all full of heaven and bright eyes.

Seeing Shen Qi appear at the door of the inner courtyard, the noisy voices fell silent.

"Are you Shen Qi, the bastard who seriously injured Bai He?" Among the crowd, a muscular warrior spoke first.

"What a bastard? He's just a bastard. I heard that Uncle Ying fell in love with a maid after drinking. Unexpectedly, she got pregnant in just one night. Mrs. Hanyu specially ordered someone to send saffron, but she didn't even get rid of the bastard. "

"Why did I hear that she was raped by Fourth Uncle Ying? That maid doesn't seem to be from the Rongcheng family."

"Anyway, he is a bastard. I don't know where he got the courage. He dared to enter Yucheng and used despicable means to harm cousin Bai He."

Ridicule and disdain flashed in everyone's eyes, as well as a bit of fear. Logically speaking, Shen Qi was only a third-level warrior and could not be Rong Cheng Baihe's opponent.

But he just defeated Rong Chengbaihe.

Everyone suspected that Shen Qi had a hidden weapon in his hand.

"Shut up, Shen Qi is also a descendant of the Rongcheng family. There is no fighting between the same clan. This is an iron rule. Have you even forgotten the family rules?" Young Master Yushan, who was at the center of the crowd, shouted loudly.

Everyone shut their mouths, even the muscular warrior stopped talking.

Mr. Yushan has a high status in the Rongcheng family, and he acts fairly, so he is highly valued by the family. His words are almost equivalent to those spoken by the clan elder.

"Rongcheng Yushan!"

Shen Qi looked at everyone indifferently, and when his eyes swept over Mr. Yushan, murderous intent surged in his heart.

Compared to Rong Cheng Baihe, Mr. Yushan is truly deep-minded and vicious. If it weren't for this person's scheming behind his back, he and Jiang Ning wouldn't be in that situation, and their mother wouldn't be dead...

Recalling all the past events, Shen Qi felt filled with grief and anger, and the veins on the back of his hands almost burst.

"Shen Qi, did the clan elder ask you to come here?" Young Master Yushan stepped forward with a very friendly look on his face.

"The clan elder hopes that I can take the place of Rong Cheng Baihe and participate in the dragon dragon festival. If I can seize the quota, my mother's tablet can be included in the ancestral hall and the side room can be sealed." Shen Qi said while suppressing his anger.

"Is it up to you to seize the quota?" The strong warrior looked disdainful, "The people participating in the Dragon Dragon Festival are all elites from major families and sects, and the weakest have reached the fourth grade, let alone the eighteen quotas. If I I remember correctly, you only have Grade 3!"

"I don't need to explain to you whether I am qualified or not."

Shen Qi's eyes were indifferent.

There are naturally reasons for the family to make this decision. Although he is a third-grade warrior, his skills and energy cohesion are far beyond those of his peers, and are almost as good as those of fifth-grade warriors.

As early as half a month ago, after Young Master Bai He was seriously injured, a clan elder personally interrogated him.

Shen Qi didn't hide anything.

If the Rongcheng family wants to grow stronger, it must rely on the strong. Every elite child is the future pillar of the family. How could the Rongcheng family punish Shen Qi when they learn about Shen Qi's strength?

What's more, Rong Chengbaihe's injury was his own fault.

So in the past half month, instead of blaming him, the family gave him elixirs to boost his power. In just a few days, Shen Qi broke through to the fourth level.


A cough was heard, and everyone turned around quickly.

I saw an old man with white eyebrows wearing servant clothes standing at the end of the inner courtyard, "The patriarch summons all the young masters to enter the attic..."

"Clan leader!"

Everyone's faces showed a look of surprise. The current patriarch of the Rong Cheng clan was also the one who had captured the blood of the Dragon God last time. His strength was unfathomable. It was said that he had surpassed the seventh level and reached the realm of half-immortal.

Among the martial arts levels in the world, only the first seven levels can be achieved by mortals. After that, one must rely on the divine blood of dragon dragons.

Everyone quickly stepped forward, followed the white-browed old man, and entered the attic one by one.

The decoration in the building is extremely simple. Except for a few luminous pearls for decoration, there are no tables, chairs or benches. The walls on both sides are full of martial arts carvings.

Shen Qi walked at the end, his eyes constantly scanning the wall, forcibly writing down those moves and mental techniques. After his mental transformation, he had the ability to never forget.

Travel for a moment.

Everyone came to the top of the attic, and a figure stood by the window, with his back to everyone.

"Master, all the young men are here." The white-browed old man said respectfully.

"Go down!"

Chief Rongcheng waved his hand.


The old man retreated, leaving only a dozen young masters and Rong Cheng clan leader in the attic.

Bang! ! Bang!

The attic became extremely quiet, and you could even hear your own heartbeat. An invisible sense of oppression filled the air, and beads of sweat gradually dripped from everyone's foreheads.

After a long time, Patriarch Rongcheng finally spoke, "Do you know the significance of the Dragon Dragon Festival?"

"My nephew is stupid. I only heard my parents mention it. It seems to be related to the legendary dragon blood." Mr. Yushan bowed and clasped his fists.

"Yes, the Dragon Dragon Festival has a long history. According to the records of the clan, as early as three thousand years ago, there were rumors of dragon blood in the martial arts world. Those who take dragon blood will not only have their skills greatly increased, but their bodies will also transform and surpass the mortal level. "

"But this is only one aspect. The real opportunity of the Dragon Dragon Festival... is the road to immortality."

Ascend to immortality?

The expressions of the young masters of the Rongcheng family changed drastically.

"Clan leader, are there really immortals in the world?" Young Master Yushan asked anxiously.

"If there were no immortals, how could there be divine beasts like dragons and dragons?" Patriarch Rong Cheng's voice trembled slightly, as if he had thought of something. "The reason why I tell you this is that I hope you can do your best to win the spot."

"The Dragon Dragon Festival is the biggest opportunity in your life. You must not miss it. That's it for now. Step back!"

Everyone bowed and slowly retreated.

As soon as they walked out of the attic, several young masters of the Rongcheng family exhaled deeply.

"Is there really an immortal in the world?? At the Dragon Dragon Festival ten years ago, the clan leader was the only one who received the dragon's blood. Could it be that the clan leader has become an immortal?" A Rongcheng family member couldn't help but said.

"Probably not yet," Mr. Yushan shook his head slightly, "If the patriarch becomes an immortal, there will be no Rongcheng family in the world. Over the past thousands of years, many families such as the Yinxia family, the Fangtai family, and the Quhe family have disappeared out of thin air. It is said that they have all disappeared. He was led away by the immortals."

"Even if you don't become an immortal, it's definitely not far away!!"

The muscular young man said excitedly.

Shen Qi stood at the end, his eyes a little indifferent.

The Immortal... He had met him before, and the other person was even willing to give him a chance to be an immortal, but he refused.

So what if you become an immortal? Without Jiang Ning, life and death were meaningless to him.

"Ning'er, I will come find you when I fulfill my mother's last wish."

Shen Qi clenched his fists.

Half a day later, the dragon dragon event officially began.

As the drums vibrated, a famous warrior stepped onto the ring in the center of the slope.

There are a total of eighteen arenas here, and each arena represents a quota. Those who persist to the end can go to the Dragon Dragon Tomb and seize the dragon's blood.

Of course, not everyone is qualified to step into the ring.

There is an age limit for the Dragon Dragon Festival, and you must be under twenty-six years old. With the support of your family and sect, there are only a thousand people actually participating in the battle.

The drums roared, and warriors from various factions began to fight fiercely.

The girl Jiang Ning followed behind the gray-robed middle-aged man and watched the battle on the ring from a distance.

"This year's Dragon Dragon Festival, elites from all the major sects are coming out in large numbers," the gray-robed middle-aged man sighed. "We have just begun, and several fifth-level masters have been eliminated. If this continues, there may be sixth-level masters."

"There are still sixth-grade masters at the Dragon Dragon Festival?" Jiang Ning looked surprised.

"That's natural," the gray-robed middle-aged man nodded, "Martial arts cultivation is divided into nine levels. The first four levels can be achieved as long as there are enough elixirs. To enter the fifth and sixth levels, one must break through the eight extraordinary meridians and reach the eighth level. The true energy circulates from the Small Zhoutian to the Great Zhoutian.”

"Very few people can do this, but in such a big world, there will always be some geniuses. A twenty-six-year-old sixth-grade man is not impossible."

"Where's the seventh grade?" Jiang Ning asked.

"The seventh level is too difficult. From the sixth level to the seventh level, it is not only the improvement of the true energy, but also certain requirements for the physical body. In addition, one has to understand the subtle realm and perfectly control the true energy in the body."

The middle-aged man in gray robe shook his head slightly, "That cannot be achieved by talent. It must rely on the accumulation of time. Without forty or fifty years of hard work, it is impossible."

Before he finished speaking, the middle-aged man in gray robe was slightly startled, and Jiang Ning and Jiang Yin ran out at some point.

"These two girls, our Yaoxin Sect is not good at kung fu, and they are so impatient just watching the ring." The middle-aged man smiled.

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