Fortune Teller

Chapter 1771 Chu Yidao

Below the ring, Shen Qi stood in the crowd, watching the fight on the stage.

According to the family agreement, each of the Rongcheng clan's children chose a ring to avoid internal strife. Shen Qi went to fight in Mr. Baihe's place, and the ring he decided on was also the one that belonged to Mr. Baihe.


A heavy punch landed, and the battle in the ring came to an end.

"Liaoshan County Yan Xing wins. If he wins one more match, he can become the defender. Who else wants to give it a try?"

Beside the ring, an old man with a gray beard said loudly.

According to the rules of the Dragon Dragon Festival, as long as he wins ten games in a row in the ring, he can become a defender. If anyone else wants to challenge him, they must also win ten games in a row before they have a chance.

This is to avoid wheel fighting. After all, the true energy in a warrior's body is limited, and even if he takes pills, he won't be able to last long.

"Nine consecutive wins? So fast?"

The warriors in the distance looked over one after another, and some of them were even eager to try it out on stage.

The Dragon Dragon Festival has gathered talents from all over the world, and each one of them is a famous figure. No one will be convinced before they fight each other.

Shen Qi was about to go on stage when suddenly a strong wind came from behind him, and a voice like a silver bell came into his ears, "Brother Shen!"

He turned around quickly.

Jiang Ning's pretty face appeared in front of her, and there was an older woman next to her.

"Brother Shen, is it really you? Senior Sister Jiang Yin and I watched from a distance for a long time and never dared to confirm." The girl Jiang Ning smiled broadly.

"Jiang Yin of the Yaoxin Sect, I have met Shaoxia Shen." Jiang Yin was quite reserved and obviously had more experience than Jiang Ning.

"Shen has met the Jiangyin heroine."

Shen Qi quickly clasped his fists. For Jiang Yin, he felt not only gratitude but also admiration. It was Jiang Yin who cured Mr. Bai He when he was seriously injured.

After the dragon dragon grand meeting, the eighteen warriors who have won the quota can each bring two slaves and go to the place where the dragon dragon's corpse is located together with the disciples from the Yaoxin Sect, the Divine Doctor Building, and the Organ City.

Due to age restrictions, Master Yushan couldn't find a suitable slave, so he took Shen Qi with him.

It was also at that time that he and Jiang Ning got to know each other well and gradually fell in love with each other.

"Brother Shen, are you here to participate in the Dragon Dragon Festival?" Jiang Ning blinked, feeling a little less shy than the time at the city gate.

"So be it!"

Shen Qi nodded slightly.

Hearing this, Jiang Yin's eyes flashed with suspicion.

As far as she knows, only disciples of major families and sects can participate in the Dragon Dragon Festival. Looking at the world, there are only two families named Shen, and they are both in the north. The person in front of her does not look like the north, either in accent or figure. people.

As for the disciples of the sect, they must wear sect clothes when participating in the Dragon Dragon Festival.

Shen Qi's robes were extremely casual and he didn't look like a member of the sect.

Just as they were talking, there were exclamations from around the ring. They looked up and saw Young Master Yan Xing vomiting blood. The long sword in his hand was missing a corner, and he was lying on the edge of the ring with a gloomy face.

"Yan Xing actually lost?"

Jiang Ning's eyes widened with surprise on her face, "Uncle Liu not long ago praised him for his superior strength and his qualifications to win the quota. How could he lose so quickly?"

"It turned out to be him."

Shen Qi frowned and looked at the figure on the other side of the ring, "No matter how powerful Yan Xing is, he can't be that person's opponent. The sword in the snow appeared in the wind. As early as three years ago, this person used one person and one sword to defeat him." Sweeping through the nine major bandits in Qinan County, their strength is almost as strong as that of the older generation of masters!"

"Brother Shen, who is that person?" Jiang Ning looked confused.

"He is Chu Yidao."

Jiang Yin explained continuously, "Yan Xing is really unlucky to have chosen this arena. Behind Chu Yidao is the Sword Saint Chu Kuang. At the Dragon Dragon Festival forty years ago, Chu Kuang was the one who finally refined the dragon blood. "

"Chu Yidao is a sixth-grade warrior." Shen Qi's eyes were serious.

It would be fine if it was someone else, Chu Yidao... He really had no confidence in winning, after all, there was a two-level difference in cultivation between them.

Seven years ago, he failed to make it to the end of the trip to the dragon's bones, but it was said that the person who refined the dragon's blood was Chu Yidao.

The snow-stepping sword flashed in the wind. A warrior with such a name must be at least forty years old. One can imagine the strength of Chu Yidao.

While Shen Qi was thinking, Chu Yidao walked down from the ring.

"He gave up?" Jiang Ning blinked.

According to the rules, each person can only go on stage three times. By doing this, Chu Yidao will not be afraid of other families deliberately targeting him. After all, ten consecutive victories is not an easy task.

"It's not about giving up. Chu Yidao is taking revenge on the Yan family in Liaoshan County."

Shen Qi suddenly remembered something. After the Dragon Dragon Festival, Chu Yidao disappeared without a trace. When he reappeared, he was already at the peak of the seventh rank. He wiped out the entire Yan family with one sword.

"Maybe he also has a huge blood feud behind him."

Shen Qi shook his head slightly and was not in a hurry to get on the stage.

Today, he is no longer what he was seven years ago. After experiencing countless storms, his mind has become extremely calm. He knows very well what he wants.

The first is to let the mother's tablet enter the Rongcheng family and be recognized by the family.

The second is to live a stable and peaceful life with Jiang Ning. As for reputation in the world and dragon blood, they are not important.

time flies.

The Dragon Dragon Festival lasted for two days, and fifth-level masters appeared one after another. Except for Mr. Yushan and the strong young man, no one from the Rongcheng clan could win ten games in a row.

"Young Master Shen isn't going to take action yet?" Jiang Yin asked, "This is the last day."

"Not urgent."

Shen Qi smiled and shook his head.

"There's no rush, I think he's scared out of his wits." A sarcastic voice came from the side and behind.

Jiang Ning's face suddenly darkened, and she looked behind her with an angry face.

I saw a few warriors wearing Rongcheng's robes walking over with a sneer, led by the muscular young man - Rongcheng proud eagle.

"Rong Chengshi?"

Jiang Yin's expression changed slightly, and she quickly grabbed Jiang Ning's little hand and covered her mouth, fearing that her words would offend the Rongcheng family.

Today's Rongcheng clan is not like ten years ago. There is a clan leader who refines the blood of dragon dragons. Looking at the entire martial arts world, few people dare to provoke him.

"Rong Cheng Aojiu, what are you doing here?" Shen Qi frowned.

"Brother Aosan lost to Chu Yidao not long ago and lost his qualification as a champion. I want to borrow one from you," a warrior said, "Shen Qi, you can't get the spot with your strength, so you might as well give it to Brother Aosan."

"By the way, Mr. Yushan also agrees to this matter."

"Young Master Yushan!" Shen Qi narrowed his eyes, "Cousin Aojiu wants to compete for a spot. Just go up and give it a try. I have no objection."

"You know the truth."

Rong Cheng Aojiu smiled disdainfully and stepped onto the ring.

"Brother Shen, are you a descendant of the Rongcheng family?" Jiang Ning was a little confused.

How come a member of the Rongcheng clan has the surname Shen? ?


Shen Qi did not explain. He did not want to tell others about his past experiences.

Jiang Yin looked at the ring thoughtfully, then at the young man next to him, and had a guess in his mind.

Soon, the sound of fighting broke out in the arena.

According to the rules of the Dragon Dragon Festival, every time you choose a ring, you must win ten games in a row before you are qualified to challenge the ring leader.

Rong Cheng Aojiu was quite powerful, winning ten games in just half an hour.

"What an amazing skill, Brother Shen, I'm afraid this cousin of yours can really win!" Jiang Ning covered her red lips and exclaimed in a low voice.

"He can't win."

Shen Qi shook his head, "Rong Cheng Aojiu's boxing skills are mainly fierce, and his opponent is a disciple of Kunyu Sect. Kunyu's unique skill has many changes, and he can be restrained just right. You will see the result after three hundred moves."

As he said that, fighting started in the arena.

Fists and palms overlapped, and soon they fell into a fierce battle.

At the beginning, Rong Cheng Aojiu had the upper hand, but as each other's Qi continued to be consumed, the Kunyumen disciples gradually suppressed their opponents.

Finally, after three hundred moves, the disciple of Kunyu Sect struck a heart-piercing palm, sending Rongcheng proud eagle flying away.

"Really lost?"

Jiang Yin and Jiang Ning looked surprised.

Both sides were strong and soft, and no one could be sure who would lose and who would win. They thought Shen Qi just said it casually, but they never thought that this would actually be the result.

"It's my turn!"

Shen Qi glanced at Jiang Ning with a baffled expression.

clatter! clatter! clatter!

The young man walked quickly onto the ring.

"How brave, he actually dares to participate in the Dragon Dragon Festival??" When the Rongcheng clan warrior saw this scene, his face suddenly sank.

Among them was a young master with a rather young face, staring at Shen Qi from a distance, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

This person is the younger brother of Rong Cheng Baihe. His martial arts skills are far inferior to those of his elder brother. He is only in the early stage of the fourth grade, so he did not participate in the Dragon Dragon Festival.

After Rong Chengbaihe was seriously injured, he kept staring at Shen Qi.

"I want to see what tricks you have, and your family actually allows you to participate in the Dragon Dragon Meeting." The young master clenched his fists, his eyes extremely sinister.

When Shen Qi stepped onto the ring, a warrior appeared on the opposite side.

"I met my brother in Shenqi."

"Bilinshan Luoxiang."

After the words fell, Luo Xiang pulled out his long sword and struck at Shen Qi.

The blade of the sword flashed with cold light, quite sharp, and combined with the pure and honest Qi, it actually made a sharp whistling sound.

"Brother Shen, be careful!"

Jiang Ning, who was watching the battle in the audience, couldn't help shouting.

Shen Qi smiled, stretched out his two fingers, and pointed towards the edge of the sword.

The opponent's strength is indeed not weak, but after all, he is a fourth-grade warrior with a cultivation level comparable to his.

when! !

Shen Qi's fingertips landed on the blade of the sword accurately, causing the long sword to tremble violently. The force extended along the blade of the sword to Luo Xiang's palm.


A splash of blood spattered.

Luo Xiang's palm was shattered by the shock, and the skin of the tiger's mouth was torn open, as if he had been hacked by a random sword.

"Zhen Zi Jue?"

The sect warriors watching the battle from a distance were all shocked.

Zhenzi Jue is not uncommon in major families and sects. This skill focuses on the use of true energy. As long as the state is reached, one can understand it.

But precisely because of this, it is almost impossible for the younger generation to master it.

Zhen Zi Jue requires an astonishing level of control over the true energy, and only warriors in their forties or fifties can understand it.

Shen Qicai was so young that he actually understood this move.

"No wonder he was able to seriously injure Brother Bai He, Zhen Zi Jue, and Shen Qi actually understood the Zhen Zi Jue?" Rong Cheng Aojiu looked gloomy.

Thinking of his previous arrogance towards this person, he couldn't help but feel afraid.

In the first five levels, the gap in martial arts can be made up by elixirs, but martial arts realm depends on talent and understanding. Shen Qi's martial arts realm is too high.

Far more than he imagined.

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