Fortune Teller

Chapter 1,104 The Five Elements and Life and Death

After a while, teams from various ancient temples arrived at Shingon Temple.

When the monks in the temple saw the disciples and disciples, all of them looked fierce, and they almost picked up weapons and started fighting.

At this moment, blue light appeared like water.

A majestic figure shrouded the world and appeared in the sky above Zhenyan Temple. The expressions of the powerful officials in each ancient temple changed slightly, and their expressions showed a bit of solemnity.

The towering figure in the void is not a real form, but an evolution of the Dharma.

New Patriarchs usually only condense the True Soul Golden Elixir.

Gu Xiuyun can evolve the Dharma form, which is definitely not an ordinary ninth level.

"True Soul Dharma Appearance, Fellow Taoist Xianyun's strength is not weaker than that of a poor monk." The host of confusion looked at the sky, a flash of excitement flashed in the corner of his eyes.

Zen Kung Fu is good at soul methods, and soul thoughts are a bit stronger than those of his peers. Although Master Wujie is in the early stage of the ninth level, he has also condensed the true soul method.

But Gu Xiuyun is different. He comes from outside the Moro realm and follows the orthodox path of immortality. He condenses the true soul and dharma, which means that the realm of Taoism has probably reached the middle stage of the ninth level.

"I want to see what kind of tricks this person has?" The bald monk from Qingquan Temple stared at the towering shadow with a gloomy look on his face.


The breeze swept across the sky and the earth, and the minds of countless practitioners began to tremble. For some reason, their eyes, ears, mouths and noses became particularly clear at this moment, and their minds were much more alert than usual.

At the same time, a voice echoed through the void.

"Since I entered the realm of true meaning, I have walked in the realm of the heavens, read countless classics, and have a lot of insights into the Five Elements. Today, I will start from the first stage of opening the meridians and tell the fundamental truth of the Five Elements Taoism..."

Gu Xiuyun spoke loudly.

"Telling about the fundamental truth of the Five Elements Taoism? What a loud tone." The expressions of the true artistic conception masters from various ancient temples suddenly changed.

The great master of Shingon Temple also showed surprise.

Who dares to say that what he talks about is the fundamental truth of the Five Elements Taoism? Only the Venerable would dare to say that!

Venerable sir, you have understood the rules of the great road and have completely understood the changes in the five elements, and even transcended them to reach a higher level.

In addition, even the founder of the Heavenly Star Realm would not dare to make such nonsense.

It’s really unbelievable... All the powerful people present commented in their hearts.

At the same time, everyone in Zhenyan Temple also felt a little regretful. If they had known this, they would not have allowed Patriarch Xianyun to give a sermon. A ninth-grade Patriarch dared to say that he had understood the fundamental truth of the Five Elements Taoism. It can be seen that there was not much in his mouth. A word of truth.

Let him preach, wouldn't it be misleading people?

Qingquan Temple, Jixuan Mountain and other ancient temples were secretly laughing, waiting for Gu Xiuyun to be embarrassed.

If Patriarch Xianyun is embarrassed, it means that Zhenyan Temple is embarrassed. After all, this ceremony is held by Zhenyan Temple.

In the ancient moss pagoda, the simple monk shook his head slightly, "How can the ninth-level patriarch understand the fundamental truth of the Five Elements Taoism?"

"It's okay not to go to Patriarch Xianyun's sermon!"

As he spoke, the monk waved his arms, and his Yuanli turned into a barrier, trying to isolate the ubiquitous Taoist sounds, but for some reason, those Taoist sounds seemed to merge with the space.

No matter how he blocked it, there was always sound reaching his ears.

"What a powerful method. The Youhan Tower is nearly ten thousand miles away from the Dharma Palace. In addition, the secret technique that restrains me in the tower cannot block this sound. This person's strength is probably comparable to that of Master."

The monk in plain clothes opened his eyes wide in surprise.

His master is an Arhat, one of the thirty-six Arhats in Zen Buddhism. His strength is almost terrifying. Looking at the Moro Realm, there are few people who can compare with him.

The monk in plain clothes immediately calmed down and listened carefully to Gu Xiuyun's sermon.

"The Five Elements Taoism seems unfathomable, but in fact it can be divided into three levels. Seeing a mountain is like a mountain, seeing a mountain is not a mountain, and a mountain is also a mountain."

"All practitioners in the world, after cleansing their marrow and refining their meridians, open heavenly gates and build the foundation of the Tao."

"The first heavenly gate is possessed by the practitioner innately. What needs to be opened are the next five heavenly gates. The seventh one is a virtual gate and can only be gathered by oneself."

Everyone listened in silence, with some disdain on their faces.

Which one of the people listening here is not a strong person in the Douxiao Realm? Do you still need to talk about the Taoist method of opening the pulse state?

"Is this person just showing off and unable to teach any profound Taoism, so he uses the Pulse Opening Realm to delay time?"

"The ninth-grade Patriarch is nothing more than that. In my opinion, he just got lucky and became the Patriarch by accident. When it comes to the realm of Taoism, he can't even compare to our Uncle Qinghan."

"Keep your voice down, this person is the ninth-grade Patriarch after all, and he still needs face."

"What are you afraid of? You're going to be embarrassed and you won't let anyone talk about it?? I want to see if the dignified ninth-grade patriarch can put down his shame and attack me, a little Douxiao realm?"

The disciples of Qingquan Temple spoke one after another.

Gu Xiuyun didn't care about this and continued to talk about the changes in the pulse opening realm.

"The five heavenly gates, namely metal, wood, water, fire and earth, evolve in the order of the five elements. Has anyone ever thought about why this is the case?"

"Why is the order of the five elements mutually generating?" Everyone frowned slightly.

Even the confused host showed doubts.

No one really thought about this.

The opening of the Five Elements Heavenly Gate has been around since ancient times. Whether it is the human race, the demon tribe, the Zen Sect, or the Ancient Palace of Reincarnation... all practitioners must first open the Five Elements Heavenly Gate and condense the virtual gates before they can step into the Douxiao Realm.

Only a very small number of beings with special talents will first step into the Douxiao Realm and then open up the Heaven Pass.

"Because life itself is the evolution of the five elements...the five elements blend together and can be transformed into the two qi of life and death. The true meaning of this should be clear to everyone present, and many Douxiao Realm disciples must have heard of it."

"Then have you ever thought about what is life? What is death?" Gu Xiuyun said.

"The two qi of life and death must be fused with the origin of the five elements before they can be clearly understood. Of course we don't understand. Could it be that fellow Taoist Xianyun understands?" the bald monk of Qingquan Temple sneered.

"Not bad." Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly.

"I really don't know how high the world is. Fusion of the origins of the five elements and the evolution of life and death are things that only the venerable can do. How do you know?" The bald monk stood up and said, "Where did Zhenyan Temple find helpers? They are talking nonsense. "

With that said, the bald monk prepared to leave.

"Just because you can't do it doesn't mean that others can't do it either. Besides, who told you that only the Venerable can evolve the two energies of life and death?"

Gu Xiuyun moved his fingertips slightly, and black and white light filled the void, covering all Douxiao Realm disciples, including the True Inspiration Realm masters, and even plain-clothed monks who were thousands of miles away.

"Is this... life and death?"

Seeing the black and white light, the powerful people present were shocked.

Patriarch Xianyun actually condensed the two qi of life and death, but he did not become a venerable... This means that he had integrated the rules of the five elements before entering the ninth level.

Looking into the endless void, such geniuses are rare.

"Fellow Taoist Xianyun's realm has reached such an advanced level. No wonder he dares to say that he has understood the fundamental truth of the Five Elements Taoism." The host was filled with wonder.

"Impossible, how is this possible? He actually integrated the rules of the five elements. Based on this foundation, once he understands all the origins, he has at least 30% hope of entering the realm of the Venerable."

The bald monk of Qingquan Temple looked horrified, and his legs and feet could not help but tremble.

He refuted such a terrifying ninth-grade patriarch in front of countless people, and his words were so disrespectful that he was simply looking for death.

Even with the protection of Qingquan Temple, half of his life would have to be lost.

Sure enough, when the black and white light passed over the bald monk, it suddenly turned into a rain of swords in the sky, tearing the monk into countless pieces, leaving only a residual soul and the ruined inner world.

"Well done, I'll make you imitate the humble monk."

The monk's eyes were full of excitement.

His name is silent, but he is a very talkative master. When he was low in cultivation, he suffered a lot of unreasonable disasters. Now that he has become a powerful master of true artistic conception, he still cannot get rid of this problem.

"Uncle Qinghan!"

The Douxiao Realm disciples of Qingquan Temple all looked horrified. The powerful eighth-level disciples, who were at the pinnacle of the eighth-level, were actually torn into pieces in an instant.

Is the gap between ninth grade and eighth grade so big? ?

"What a terrible Taoist technique, what a powerful method. It condenses the two qi of black and white to form a sword that fills the sky. In terms of power, this move is no less than the full blow of the founder of the Heavenly Wheel Realm. However, this person only downplayed it, which shows his strength. It’s much more than that.”

Mighty Jixuanshan was in a particularly heavy mood.

Shingon Temple has such a powerful helper. Can they really be beaten to the bottom of the next Dharma Incense Festival?

"Since Qingquan Temple is not willing to listen to Pindao's lectures, just leave!!"

Gu Xiuyun waved his long sleeves, and a force of void suddenly fell down, sending all the remaining souls of Qinghan Mighty and Douxiao Realm disciples into the space passage.

In the blink of an eye, the group of monks disappeared.

"The rules of higher space?"

Shock appeared on everyone's faces again.

A ninth-grade Patriarch who integrates the rules of the Five Elements is terrifying enough. In addition, the other party actually masters the rules of high space.

Why did such a powerful person come to Jingon Temple?


The silent monk took a deep breath and his expression twitched slightly.

The other thirteen Zhenyijing couldn't help but swallowed their breath. As Zhenyijing powerful men, their state of mind was as calm as ever, and few people could astonish them.

But today, Patriarch Xianyun used amazing methods one after another, and all the great masters felt like they were in a dream.

"Uncle Qi Xiang..." The host couldn't help but look up to the sky with tears in his eyes, "If it weren't for your good fortune that day, how could the blessings of Zhenyan Temple be as good as it is today? Uncle... I am ashamed of my ancestors. "

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