Fortune Teller

Chapter 1105 Answer

After Qingquan Temple left, there was no more noise in the entire dojo. In addition to shock, all Douxiao Realm disciples only had deep expectations in their eyes.

The disciples of many ancient temples such as Jixuan Mountain were even secretly thankful that their uncle brought them here. Otherwise, how could they have the opportunity to listen to the sermons of the ninth-grade patriarch?

And he is a top ancestor at the pinnacle of immortality.

"Ever since I entered the late stage of Douxiao Realm, I have fallen into a bottleneck. No matter how hard I practice, I can't make any further progress."

"Uncle Jishan once said that from the seventh level to the eighth level, it seems to be a step away, but it is separated by thousands of mountains and rivers. Only by practicing hard and persevering can you understand the true meaning of the rules."

"But how to practice, my uncle can't explain why."

A Miao Zhenren on Jixuan Mountain looked at the blue light in the sky, his heart full of longing.

An eighth-grade powerful person may not necessarily be able to guide his disciples. After all, there are five paths in the Five Elements, each of which has different branches. The rules are ever-changing and no one can explain them clearly.

Uncle Jishan is only in the mid-eighth rank, how can you give him guidance?

As for the ninth-grade Patriarch, you can't just see him if you want to. The Patriarchs are all rushing towards the Venerable Realm, so how can they have the time to pay attention to their disciples?

"Integrating the rules of the five elements, Patriarch Xianyun has mastered at least five Taoist techniques, and is so proficient in the rules of space. I am afraid that only he can help me unlock the barrier of the Qiankong Seal."

The eighth-grade almighty of Dingguang Temple whispered in his heart, holding his hands tightly, and he didn't know when he was sweating.

Compared with Douxiao Realm disciples, True Illusion Realm masters are more eager to have their seniors teach the Dharma. At their level, it is as difficult as heaven to find a senior who can answer their questions and solve their problems.

For example, this eighth-grade man's cultivation level is not very high, and he has only understood the intermediate rules of the three Taoist methods of water, fire, and earth.

But in addition, this person also mastered the rules of void escape.

The combination of many Taoist methods perfectly matches the special secret method of Zen Buddhism that has been passed down for hundreds of millions of years: the 'Qian Kong Seal'.

The power of the Qian Kong Seal is extremely powerful, far better than ordinary secret techniques. This method alone can compete with the peak of the eighth level, but at the same time, it is also extremely difficult to comprehend. There is no one in Dingguang Temple or even the Zangxiang Temple who can guide him. people.

As for the can he see it just by saying he can see it? ?

Green light filled the air, and the sound in the void was like gurgling water, endless.

The True Illusion Realm masters and Douxiao Realm disciples present were all sitting upright, not daring to show any disrespect.

"The five levels of heaven may seem simple, but they contain the ultimate principles of heaven and earth..."

"As the spirits of all things, our flesh and blood body is an indescribable treasure of heaven and earth. Don't think that by stepping into the Douxiao Realm or even the True Inspiration Realm, we can see through the mysteries of the physical body. If this is the case, why can't we find a few treasures in the entire endless void? A venerable person from the body-refining lineage?”

"The changes in the five elements are only a very small part of the physical body. In addition, wind and thunder, life and death, yin and yang, time and space are all contained in it, and even more incredible Taoism..."

Gu Xiuyun talked eloquently.

He did not focus on the mysteries of the Five Elements. He would occasionally talk about space and the path of bloodline cultivation. Not only were the Dou Xiao Realm disciples present amazed, but even the true artistic conceptions looked curious.

At this moment, everyone understood how vast Patriarch Xianyun's knowledge was!

The essential truth of the Five Elements Taoism?

It's just part of his Taoism.

"Fellow Taoist Xianyun's realm is more than a hundred times better than mine. Today's sermon is almost as valuable as a ninth-grade spiritual treasure."

Host Bujie was extremely happy, not only for the good fortune left by Patriarch Qi Xiang, but also for the fact that Zhenyan Temple was out of danger.

With Patriarch Xianyun here, who can push them to the bottom of the next Dharma Incense Festival?

After a long time, Gu Xiuyun finished his sermon.

Everyone present showed anticipation and excitement. The moment they longed for most had finally arrived.

The great masters and Dou Xiao realm disciples from various ancient temples looked hesitant. They wanted to ask, but they were afraid of being rejected by Patriarch Xianyun and losing the sect's face.

After a while, a Zhenyan Temple disciple stood up first, bowed respectfully, and then asked, "Senior Xianyun, this junior has been in the Douxiao Realm for four hundred years, and has still been unable to break through the mysteries of the sixth level. I don't know. What's wrong with me?"

"Demonstrate the Taoist methods and restrictions you have understood." Gu Xiuyun said quietly.

"As commanded."

The disciples of Zhenyan Temple quickly mobilized their spiritual power to evolve the restriction. Everyone around them looked around and saw that the spiritual restriction was extremely exquisite, without any mistakes.

Even the powerful master of true artistic conception present was beating the drum secretly in his heart.

This disciple's Taoist understanding is quite proficient. It stands to reason that he can enter the middle stage of Douxiao Realm. What he lacks is a sudden enlightenment.

But this statement obviously cannot solve the problem.

An epiphany? When did you have your epiphany? Did it depend on luck?

"In the past three hundred years, you probably haven't left Zhenyan Temple!" Gu Xiuyun looked at the figure below.

"Senior, I have a clear vision of fire. This junior has never left this place since he entered the early stage of Douxiao Realm." The disciple of Zhenyan Temple bowed and said.

"That's right!"

Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly and waved a ray of spiritual light from his fingertips, covering it.

"Is this gone?"

Everyone present looked confused.

Patriarch Xianyun hasn't said yet how to understand the secrets of the Sixth Grade!

"The law is not spread to the six ears. Senior Xianyun probably doesn't want too many people to know its secrets," a master of Zhenxuan in Jixuan Mountain said in a low voice, "From this point of view, he also has doubts in other people's minds. Answer with voice transmission from the soul and will not inform others.”

"Lecturing the Dharma and discussing the Tao, where are the rules for transmitting soul thoughts?" Another Master Shangmiao frowned slightly.

Since you don't want to teach Taoism, don't open a forum. If you open a forum and preach Taoism, and then use soul thoughts to transmit sounds, you will be a bit petty and lose your identity as a ninth-grade patriarch.

While he was speaking, the aura around the disciples of Zhenyan Temple suddenly sank. The Taoist restrictions that had been unable to be broken began to transform, and in just an instant, they condensed into sixth-grade mysteries.

"How can it be?"

Everyone around suddenly widened their eyes.

The bottleneck that had not been broken for hundreds of years was successfully overcome in just a few moments.

Does the ninth-grade Patriarch have such great magical powers? ?

"Fellow Taoist Xianyun, how did you do that?" The host couldn't help but secretly transmit the message, and he couldn't figure out the reason.

"Actually, to break through from the fifth grade to the sixth grade, in addition to having a solid foundation in Dao Yun, you also need to understand the artistic conception. This person has been stationed in Zhenyan Temple all year round and has never fought with others, so he has not yet understood the mysterious artistic conception."

"I just used illusion to put him in a desperate situation of life and death. After fighting again and again, he quickly broke through the bottleneck."

Gu Xiuyun explained via voice transmission.

"artistic conception?"

The confused host looked stunned.

He doesn't know the existence of artistic conception at all. In fact, not only him, but almost ninety-nine percent of practitioners will not pay attention to this.

Compared with the artistic conception, the foundation of Tao Yun is really troublesome. It takes a long time to accumulate. After such a long time, the artistic conception has long been understood.

The situation of the disciples of Zhengon Temple is simply rare, and the entire sect may not encounter one in thousands of years.

This person has a dull personality and a pure heart, and is not suitable for killing secret arts at all. It should be that his elders forced him to practice, which is why this situation happened... Gu Xiuyun secretly guessed in his heart.

If it were anyone else, the secret method that they didn't like would have been thrown aside long ago. How could it be possible to persist until the foundation of Tao Yun is complete?

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