Fortune Teller

Chapter 1,107 Accepting a Disciple

The chessboard boundary is within the small boundary space.

Gu Yue was wearing a plain robe, sitting in the air, overlooking the mist illusion below.

Unknowingly, more than a hundred years have passed, and Shen Qi in the illusion already looks gray-haired.

In front of the withered grave, the old man was half sitting and half lying down, looking leisurely. There were two gourds filled with wine standing next to him.

"Ning'er, it's been forty years since you passed away. I still remember that dragon festival, and we went to the Dragon Cave together..."

"On the bank of the Songjiang River, you put on a robe for me... In that battle, the Rongcheng clan leader was defeated..."

"On Dry Island in the South China Sea, Sword Saint Chu and I fought wildly for seven days and seven nights. In the biting cold wind, you waited for seven days and seven nights..."

"In this life, with you, the sword, and the's worth it!"

Shen Qi grabbed the gourd and drank a lot of wine.

Today, his cultivation has surpassed all the masters in the world, even surpassing the ninth level peak and reaching the legendary realm.

But he is a mortal after all, and even if he is sustained by the dragon's blood, he cannot live too long.

Today is the end of life.

After drinking two bottles of wine, Shen Qi suddenly saw a beautiful woman wearing a plain robe, standing in the sky, overlooking everything in the world like a god.


Shen Qi murmured in a low voice, but he could no longer open his eyes. Even the top master in the world did not have any strength left when he was about to die.

At the same time, a voice came from my ears.

"Shen Qi, your earthly connection is over. Mortal affairs have nothing to do with you anymore. Follow me to practice!"

I don’t know how much time has passed.

In a daze, Shen Qi woke up.

In front of him was a desolate desert, and the immortal in plain robes stood in the sky. Although he was thin, he had a dazzling feeling that the scorching sun was shining in the sky and he couldn't look up.


Shen Qi rubbed his eyes and soon realized that he was not dreaming. He quickly knelt down on the ground and said respectfully: "Mortal Shen Qi has seen an immortal. I am willing to be a cow or a horse to repay the kindness I had done back then."

"Be a cow or a horse?"

An inexplicable smile appeared at the corner of Gu Yue's mouth, "I have no land, what do I want you to do?"

Shen Qi San smiled, knowing that he had said the wrong thing.

The man in front of him was the legendary omnipotent immortal. Not to mention that Shen Qi was just an ordinary person. Even if he had trillions of wealth and was as rich as his country, he was not worth mentioning in the eyes of the immortal.

"Do you know why I want to help you?" Gu Yue continued.

"The villain doesn't know."

"Ordinary mortals, no matter how strong their mind and will, are just a little more obsessed, but your will has reached the point where the soul has transformed and almost formed a soul thought. This kind of talent is unique, I want to see it, you If you step into the immortal gate, how far can you go?"

Gu Yue looked at the young man below, "Are you willing to become my teacher?"

Xunxian asked... Shen Qi wanted something so much, how could he refuse? He kowtowed three times and shouted, "Disciple Shen Qi, I have met the master."

"From today on, you will practice here. This world is called Kuchen Realm. There are seven sects and twelve monster beast lairs."

"I will teach you the truth-seeking chapter and the innate martial art. In addition, I will give you three life-saving talismans. The day you can walk out of the dry world on your own strength will be the time to truly join my sect."

As soon as the words fell, the Taoist priest in Supao disappeared without a trace.

"The realm of dry dust is empty..."

Shen Qi looked around. The desert was so vast that he couldn't even find a human figure, let alone a practitioner or a monster.

"Master, you left me here without water or food. I can't survive for even three days. How can I still cultivate immortality?"

Shen Qi smiled helplessly.

At this moment, he was slightly startled. There was no wrinkle on the back of his hand. He didn't look like an old man over a hundred years old at all. Even his voice returned to the state of his youth.

He quickly touched his face.

As expected, there were no wrinkles on his face. In addition to the true energy, there was an inexplicable force swimming in his body, like a dragon and snake, running through his entire spine.

“Have I already entered the realm of opening pulses??”

A Taoist formula appeared in Shen Qi's mind, the first level of Yuanling cleansing the pulse...the second level of turning on the pulse switch...the third level of Qi rushing into the sky...the fourth level of true meaning condensation...

The situation inside my body is clearly in the early stage of opening the pulse state.

At this level, one does not need food or water to survive.

"Shen Qi should be regarded as the first disciple I accepted."

Gu Yue stood suspended in the air, her mind blending with the mark of the broken stele, searching for the second suitable creature with the illusion of destiny.

With the guidance of the mark of the remnant monument, it will be much easier to find it.

Moro Realm.

The scene of Gu Xiuyun opening the forum and giving a sermon spread quickly. Every experience he experienced, including the evolution of life and death, serious injuries to Qinghan at the snap of a finger, and the opening of void passages, were divided into nine chapters and eighteen chapters by the disciples of Zhenyan Temple and preached everywhere.

In doing so, one is to make Zhenyan Temple famous and tell people all over the world that in addition to the abbot, Zhenyan Temple also has an unfathomable Patriarch Xianyun.

The second is to belittle Qingquan Temple.

The two major forces have always had a grudge. For eight thousand years, Qingquan Temple has ridiculed and provoked them again and again. Now that they finally have a chance to take revenge, the disciples of Zhenyan Temple will naturally spare no effort.

"Grandmaster Xianyun, is he really as powerful as you say?"

In the Zangxiang Temple, a monk with white eyebrows and beard looked at the figures on both sides. Qingquan Temple, Jixuan Mountain, Dingkong Temple... Eight of the sixteen ancient temples gathered here. Although only the eighth-grade master was dispatched, But it can also be seen that all parties attach great importance to this person.

The ninth-grade Patriarch has a high status and cannot do such errands.

"Uncle Zangchen, this is absolutely true. Old Ghost Xianyun not only integrated the rules of the Five Elements, but also comprehended a high-level space rule. From this, it is speculated that his strength has reached at least the peak of the Tianlun Realm."

"This person's origins are unknown and he is not a disciple of the Zen sect. He dares to act tyrannically in the Moro realm. He even asked his uncle to take action to suppress him."

A trace of resentment flashed across Qinghan's face.

The prestige of Patriarch Xianyun was completely placed on his head. In recent months, whenever anyone in the Zen sect mentioned Patriarch Xianyun, they would talk about him first.

The great master of Jixuan Mountain showed a sneer on his face, "Qinghan, Senior Xianyun is also the ninth-grade patriarch. You dare to speak rudely in front of hundreds of thousands of disciples of Zhenyan Temple. You deserve to suffer a little. For this reason alone, you want to punish the ninth-grade ancestor." It would be too ridiculous for Patriarch Pin to take action."

"This person did nothing wrong."

Patriarch Zangchen nodded slightly, "He preached publicly in the Moro Realm. Not only did he have no fault for Zen, he was actually kind. Even if I wanted to take action, His Holiness would not agree."

The rules in the spiritual world must still be followed.

A ninth-level patriarch who came from across the world opened a forum to preach in Zen, but was suppressed by the powerful Zen sect. Once this matter spreads, it will not only damage the prestige of Zen sect for hundreds of millions of years, but also make it difficult for the disciples of the sect to move forward. Do not leave the Moro realm.

Not being able to travel to other realms means that the hope of enlightenment is cut in half.

No ninth-grade Patriarch can enter the Venerable Realm by himself alone. Each of them has experienced Dharma talks and discussions over and over again, and only after seeing the Tao Dharma in many realms can he be lucky enough to break through.

This is the case with Venerable Gengyang.

He came from the middle void, walked from north to south, and walked for nearly 40,000 years. Finally, he came to the chessboard realm and had an epiphany on the chessboard.

"Uncle Zangchen, Patriarch Xianyun chose to hold a sermon at Zhenyan Temple, there must be some connection between them," another powerful man said, "According to this situation, it will be difficult to suppress them at the next performance of Dharma Incense."

The Dharma Incense Meeting is generally divided into three rounds.

In the first round of competition among Dou Xiao Realm disciples, ten people will be selected from those who are under a thousand years old, ten people will be chosen from those under two thousand years old, ten people will be chosen from those under three thousand years old, and one person will be chosen from those over three thousand years old to determine their respective rankings.

The second round of competition for true artistic conception power is also based on the years of practice. The more powerful people in the sect, the greater the benefits.

As for the third round, the competition is between the ninth-grade ancestors. There is no fighting between the ancestors. They usually focus on discussing the Tao. Only when it is difficult to distinguish between them, they will fight.

The results of the three rounds of competition will determine the various resources that each sect can obtain in the next thousand years, such as the treasured cultivation land and the Lingshan Medicine Garden.

After all, the Moro Realm is different from the Chessboard Realm.

All temple sects belong to the Zen sect, and it is difficult to fight with each other openly. The only way to determine the ownership of practice resources is in this way.


Patriarch Zangchen frowned slightly, "According to the rules of Zen Buddhism, as long as outside practitioners are willing, they can participate in the Dharma Incense Ceremony on behalf of the temple. This has always been a rule and cannot be changed by me alone, unless the venerable one speaks for himself."

Everyone looked troubled.

His Holiness spoke in person?

How can it be?

Don't even think about letting the Venerable break the rules for such a trivial matter. The Venerable's face is much more important than a Shingon Temple.

"Uncle Master, I have a solution..." Another powerful man spoke loudly.

Inside the Shingonji Temple.

There were two plates of green fruits and vegetables placed on the square green wooden table, and next to them was a pot of wine as rich as emerald.

"Fellow Taoist Xianyun, this is the Blue Fox Moon Fruit that is unique to Zhenyan Temple. The flesh is sweet and melts in your mouth, and it has the effect of strengthening the foundation."

The puzzled host laughed and said, "Speaking of which, this fruit has an origin. At that time, the sixth generation master of Zhenyan Temple, Venerable Jingjiang, was walking in the realm of the heavens and accidentally saw a strange-looking spiritual seedling. The surrounding void faintly transformed into the shape of a blue fox, and there happened to be a bright moon in the sky. At first glance, the green fox stretched out its paws towards the bright moon, which is quite charming..."

"Since then, this fruit has been called the Green Fox Exploring the Moon Fruit. It matures once every seven thousand years. The old monk has been practicing for more than 40,000 years and has only tasted it once."

"The green fox explores the moon fruit!"

On Gu Xiuyun's shoulder, the black pig raised his head and picked up the plate in front of him.


The whole plate of spiritual fruit and the jade plate were swallowed, and he groaned and said, "I hate foxes the most in my life, I will kill it for you."

The host's forehead trembled slightly in confusion.

A plate of Green Fox Moon Exploration Fruit was just eaten by the Black-striped Golden Dolphin.

"Xiao Hei, don't be too humble in front of the host. Do you know how valuable the Green Fox Moon Exploration Fruit is?"

Gu Xiuyun quickly grabbed the black pig and put it into the storage spirit treasure.

"It's okay, just a few spiritual fruits," Master Bujie suppressed the pain in his heart and continued, "In addition to the Green Fox Exploring the Moon Fruit, this temple also has a kind of fine wine, fellow Taoists can also try it."

The wine flask was suspended in the air, and drops of emerald-like liquid dripped into the cup.

"This wine is called Tonight's Drunk. There are 1,314 kinds of strange fruits in the wine, and it has gone through 521 rounds of processes before it is finally brewed."

"The eminent monk who brewed the wine back then has passed away. Since then, one pot has been drunk and one pot has been lost. Today, there are only three pots left, which have been hidden in the secret vault of Zhengon Temple for nearly 200,000 years."

Gu Xiuyun lowered his head and looked at the wine glass.

Every drop of liquid is extremely clear, but if you look closely, it seems to be a little turbid. The aroma of the wine is bitter, which makes people have mixed tastes and countless emotions.

“It is indeed a rare and good wine.”

Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly, "My Taoist friend invited me here not only to taste the spirit fruit wine, but also for another thing, right?"

The confused host took a deep breath and seemed to be thinking about words. After a long while, he finally said, "Fellow Taoist Xianyun, you should know about the Zen Dharma Incense Meeting. This event is held every thousand years for the purpose of distribution. Cultivation resources in the Moro Realm.”

"I heard it."

Gu Xiuyun nodded, "Compared with the tranquility and peace of the Moro Realm, other realms are like a mess. They can fight for a spiritual medicine or a piece of jade, let alone a treasured cultivation land and a secret realm of time and space!"

"Actually, in addition to determining the cultivation resources for the next thousand years, the Dharma Incense Association also has another rule. Any ancient temple ranked last ten times in a row will be disqualified and demoted to an underground temple." The host shook his head. With a wry smile, "Shingon Temple has been ranked at the bottom eight times in a row. If we lose two more times, we will be kicked out of the Sixteenth Ancient Temple!!"

"Losing eight times in a row? How could this happen?"

Gu Xiuyun widened his eyes and pretended to be shocked, "Zhenyan Temple is an ancient temple that has been passed down for hundreds of millions of years. There are endless Taoism and secrets. How can it be ranked at the bottom all year round?"

"Everything started eight thousand years ago. At that time, in addition to the old monk, there was another ninth-grade patriarch in the temple. He was extremely talented and became a Zen Arhat in just twenty thousand years."

The incomprehensible host said: "For some reason, one day this person suddenly betrayed the Zen sect and stole a treasure from the sect. Since then, the Shingon Temple has plummeted..."

Gu Xiuyun listened quietly.

The puzzled host was obviously referring to the non-sexy Arhat, but the other party lied about some things.

That's right, the relics are related to the biggest secret of Zen Buddhism. How can it be easily spread out? The other party probably doesn't know it.

Even if he knew, he would not tell Gu Xiuyun.

"Fellow Taoist Xianyun, the old monk hopes you can help me once. There are three rounds of Dharma Incense Performance, one each for Douxiao Realm, Eighth Grade True Meaning, and Nineth Grade Patriarch. As long as you can come forward on behalf of Zhenyan Temple, Zhenyan Temple Definitely not at the bottom.”

The confused host begged in a low voice.

"Master Qixiang is kind to me, and I should help Zhenyan Temple once, both emotionally and rationally," Gu Xiuyun frowned, "But if you can think of this, other ancient temples, including Zangxiang Temple, will definitely think of it. I'm afraid that when the time comes, , they will use some means to stop Pindao."

"No matter what, the old monk will try his best." The puzzled host looked solemn.

Until now, Zhenyan Temple has no chance. After eight thousand years of suppression, Douxiao Realm disciples are far inferior to other sects.

The powers of true artistic conception are almost the same as each other, but Zhenyan Temple is jointly suppressed by various ancient temples, and it is difficult to turn around unless a few strong men above the Tianfang realm emerge.

But this is simply not possible.

The only hope is Gu Xiuyun.

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