Fortune Teller

Chapter 1,108 Guidance

"Fellow Taoist, it's best to make more plans. The Zangxiang Temple and several other ancient temples have joined forces to attack. Even if the poor Taoist can take action, it may not be able to change the final result." Gu Xiuyun shook his head.

"At this point, we can only treat the dead horse as a live doctor." The puzzled host looked bitter.

He also knew that the opponent had little hope of taking action.

If he had known this, he should not have allowed Gu Xiuyun to show his strength. When the Dharma Incense Festival came, he would have given the Zangxiang Temple and several other ancient temples a big surprise.

But who can think of this kind of thing in advance?

Among the ninth-grade ancestors, it is rare in the world to integrate the rules of the five elements. Looking at the entire endless void, there are only thirty people.

It is too difficult to be proficient in space rules and understand many origins...

"Fellow Taoist, there are still six years before the Dharma Incense Meeting is performed. Why don't we let Pindao give some guidance to the disciples of Zhenyan Temple? Maybe a miracle will happen?" Gu Xiuyun continued.

"Instruct the disciples?"

The incomprehensible host was slightly taken aback, "The training time of Taoist fellow Taoist Xianyun is so precious. It is wasted on them... I'm afraid it will be difficult for Zhenyan Temple to repay you."

"No need, this is the cause and effect between me and Patriarch Qixiang, it has nothing to do with you." Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly.

"The kindness of fellow Taoist monks will be remembered by both the old monk and Zhenyan Temple."

The incomprehensible host bowed and looked extremely solemn.

How precious is the time of the Ninth Grade Patriarch!

Every patriarch is trying his best to reach the realm of the Venerable. In addition, he also has to prepare for reincarnation. How can he have the time to give guidance to his disciples?

In addition, doing so will add cause and effect and add invisible obstacles to one's own path. Therefore, the ninth-grade patriarch rarely gives guidance to future generations, let alone disciples of other sects.

No one wants to be tainted by the karma of cause and effect.

Patriarch Xianyun was able to do this for Zhenyan Temple. I was puzzled that the host didn't know what to say other than being grateful.

Half a day later, fourteen Zhenyijing appeared outside the Dharma Hall, headed by the silent monk.

In addition to the powerful disciples of the True Illusion Realm, there were nearly seven thousand Douxiao Realm disciples, ranging from those in the early stages of the Douxiao Realm to the masters of Shangmiao Realm, and all of them showed excitement on their faces.

They have heard that Patriarch Xianyun is planning to select a group of disciples to teach and train them in preparation for the Dharma Incense Festival held six years later.

The ninth-grade Patriarch, and the most peak Patriarch, has given guidance for six years, which makes me feel excited just thinking about it.

"Ever since I entered Zhenyan Temple, I have been making the fastest progress in the sect. Patriarch Xianyun will definitely choose me."

"The Patriarch personally pointed out that this kind of opportunity is rare in thousands of years, and it was worthy of my choice of Zhengon Temple."

"Grandmaster must choose me, you must choose me."

Every disciple was trembling in his heart.

The same is true for the fourteen true realm masters. The leader of the silent monks clenched his fists tightly, "Senior Brother Bujie said that there are not many strong men as powerful as Patriarch Xianyun in the entire Moro Realm. , and in terms of understanding of the Five Elements, no one can match me. With his guidance, I will definitely be able to take a step further, and even hope to reach the ninth level."

"The second round of competition in the Dharma Incense Association is arranged according to different ages. Only Shou Kong and I have true artistic conceptions under fifteen thousand years old. Patriarch Xianyun will definitely give us guidance to become the pinnacle of the eighth rank and even the heaven. There is great hope for both the Stone Realm and the Tianfang Realm.”

The Almighty who keeps the precepts whispers in his heart.

There is a wild deer running wild in everyone's heart. The heart is surging and it is difficult to calm down.

After a long time, a bell rang and everyone walked into the palace in an orderly manner.

In front, Master Bujie and Patriarch Xianyun stood side by side, scanning the crowd with their eyes like sword blades.

"Fellow Taoist, the true artistic conception of this temple and the most elite Douxiao disciples are all here, from the early stage of Douxiao realm to Shangmiao. Although it is not as good as the top forces, it is not much different."

"that's it?"

Gu Xiuyun glanced around and frowned slightly, "Before Douxiao Realm, more emphasis was placed on external resources, but after that, Taoist heart and understanding are the key."

"Seven thousand people is a little less. I will leave a few scrolls in the front hall of Zhengon Temple later. Whoever can understand the mystery will be qualified to receive my guidance."

Fellow Taoist Xianyun said this, could it be that he could see their character... The host was secretly surprised.

Although Gu Xiuyun's words were not an explicit rejection, they also hinted that there were many people among the seven thousand who were just trying to catch up. There was not much difference between entering the Douxiao realm at the age of five hundred and entering the Douxiao realm at the age of seven hundred.

Because everyone receives different external resources.

Many extremely powerful people who have entered the true realm and even become ninth-grade ancestors are mediocre in the early stages of their cultivation.

The further you go, the more important it is to understand the Dao Heart, especially the Dao Heart. Without a persistent and strong heart, how can you become a ninth-grade Patriarch?

Immediately afterwards, Gu Xiuyun said: "I heard a Taoist friend mention it before that there is an eighth-level master who is imprisoned in Zhenyan Temple. We might as well let him come out for a walk. With one more person, Zhenyan Temple has more hope of competing for the ranking. one cent."


The host looked hesitant in confusion.

"Senior Xianyun, this person's master has made a big mistake. The Zen sect has given him preferential treatment by not executing him. If you still want to give him some advice, I'm afraid there may be some..." Shou Jie said quickly.

"Senior, Junior Brother Shouxin has outstanding talent. He has successfully entered the true realm after six thousand years of practice. Now he has understood the four rules and has a high level of Taoism. With his help, Zhenyan Temple has a much greater chance of ranking." The monk said.

"Never mind, you actually speak for a sinner. Have you forgotten that he is the main culprit for the decline of Shingon Temple?"

"The culprit is that person, not Junior Brother Shouxin, he is our fellow disciple."

"Do you dare to say this at the Zangxiang Temple, in front of Patriarch Zangchen and Zangxin?"

"Why not?"

"Okay, shut up," Master Bujie shouted angrily, "Since it was Taoist Fellow Xianyun who took the trouble to give advice, it is up to him to make the decision. It is not your turn to speak. Fellow Taoist Xianyun, what do you think?"

The real people in the hall looked at Gu Xiuyun one after another, with different expressions ranging from expectation to anger.

"When you say this, Pindao is a little curious, so let's meet him!"

Gu Xiuyun chuckled and said, "If you have average qualifications, it doesn't matter if you don't teach me. If you have good talents, Zhenyan Temple has a greater chance of winning."

That night, crowds surged in the front hall of Zhenyan Temple, with hundreds of thousands of Douxiao Realm disciples gathered inside. If it weren't for the space magic circle in the hall, which expanded the entire palace a hundred times, it would really not be able to accommodate so many disciples.

There are six scrolls carved on the walls of the front hall.

The first picture shows a khaki strange beast, galloping freely in the picture scroll, with extremely vigorous steps.

The second picture is of light golden silk threads of rain. Some are broken and turned into raindrops, some are connected in a line, and some are gathered into water balls, like meteorites.

The third picture...

The fourth picture...

There are six scrolls in total, depicting the mysteries of the five elements and space.

"It's amazing. Patriarch Xianyun's understanding of the rules of the Five Elements has reached such an extent." Monk Wuyan looked at the scroll with amazement on his face. "I don't know about the other scrolls. The khaki strange beast almost explains the rules of the Earth Element." To the extreme, and vividly, this is no longer understanding the rules, but analyzing the essence of the rules, it’s terrible!”

"The same is true for the Golden Movement Scroll. Every drop of the light golden silk rainwater is changing. If you are a disciple with understanding, you can fully expect to understand the power of the rules. Even if you cannot understand the rules, the realm of Taoism can be greatly improved. " Another powerful man said.

"No wonder Patriarch Xianyun wants to teach people in the Douxiao Realm. With this ability, looking at the Moro Realm, which Patriarch can match it?"

"Now I have some doubts. Patriarch Xianyun is really the ninth grade, not a venerable?"

The undisguised discussion of the true artistic conception made the Douxiao Realm disciples around them even more excited. They stared at the scroll with their eyes, cherishing this hard-won opportunity.

At this time, a simple figure walked out of the hall.

The fourteen powerful men immediately noticed this person.

"Shou Xin, you really have the nerve to show up." Shou Jie said with a gloomy look.

"Why can't I come?"

The plain-clothed monk glanced around, "Master made a mistake, and the Tibetan Xiang Temple punished me. The poor monk is willing to do so, but cultivating immortality is our lifelong pursuit, and the poor monk will not give up as long as he breathes. "

As he spoke, he looked at the scrolls surrounding the palace.

Earthy yellow beasts, light golden silk threads and rainwater...each picture scroll reveals endless mystery.

"He actually demonstrated the rules in an exquisite way. With such a method...such a level...I'm afraid Patriarch Xianyun's Taoism is still superior to that of Master."

The plain-clothed monk couldn't help but marvel.

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