Fortune Teller

Chapter 1198 Bluestone Ancient City

Deep in the light, Gu Xiuyun moved forward slowly.

Although the magic formula of the Black Turtle Ancestor offset most of the impact, he is not a descendant of blood after all. The deeper he goes, the stronger the invisible oppression he receives.

"Fortunately, I didn't act recklessly back then. The world-level cave...whether it was the formation restriction or the impact of will, I couldn't bear it."

After a while, Gu Xiuyun came to the side of the sleeping clone.

After thousands of years, there is not much true energy left in the avatar's body. The cave restriction consumes flesh and blood and soul thoughts at all times. If the black hole particles are not tough enough, it will be completely annihilated in at most three to four hundred years.


A burst of true energy came out and put the clone into the body.

Gu Xiuyun continued to walk deep into the ancestral land of the Divine Turtle, one after another with rays of light, varying in brightness and darkness. Each ray of light contained special power. Without the protection of the law, let alone ordinary venerables, even Eternal and Tao protectors. , you may not be able to break in.

I walked for nearly seven days.

Finally passed through all the light and arrived in front of the stone gate of the cave.

The ancient and wide stone gate is a million feet long, lying deep in the crack space. There is nothing behind the stone gate, and both sides are also empty.

From a distance, the outline of the Divine Turtle Ancestral Land looks very much like a giant sea turtle, but in fact, this outline is made of phantom light.

In the deepest part of the ancestral land... there is only an ancient stone gate.

"Behind the stone gate, there should be the legendary ancestral land of the divine turtle," Gu Xiuyun narrowed his eyes, "I don't know what the world master's cave is like."

Sections of spells mixed with bloodline fluctuations merged into the depths of the stone gate.

Just hearing the rumbling sound, the million-foot-long stone door trembled slightly, and then, a faint light emerged from the crack in the door, and a frenzied aura swept in.

Gu Xiuyun felt that he was deep in the waves, with every pore being suppressed by the majestic force, and even the void was plunged into complete darkness.

After a long time, the darkness finally dissipated.

He was actually on a vast prairie, with cattle and sheep running in the distance and eagles soaring in the sky. A few herdsmen waved their long whips and drove the cattle and sheep to places with lusher grass.

"There are actually mortals here?"

Gu Xiuyun's expression was slightly strange, and his fate was turning mysteriously.

After a moment, he shook his head.

The ancestor of the Black Tortoise is proficient in the rules of fate. The cave space has long been equipped with methods such as hiding the heavenly element to cover up the secrets of the sky. There is no discovery of the mystery of fate.

Immediately afterwards, Gu Xiuyun tried to activate the Taoist secret technique.

As expected, the Five Elements Rules, the Wind and Thunder Rules, and even the Space Rules could not be activated.

"Similar to Black Suo Mountain and Tianji Pan World, the rules of ordinary Taoism cannot operate. Only the Tao of Life, bloodline, and body are not affected."

Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly.

He had anticipated this situation long before entering the Divine Turtle Ancestral Land.

The rules of Taoism in the Endless Void originate from the origin of the world and are not connected with other worlds. If you want to break the barriers... there are only two ways.

The first is to step into the realm of the Venerable, turn the inner heaven and earth into the prototype of the world, and have the origin of the world of its own.

Although Gu Xiuyun's Inner Heaven and Earth of Billions of Miles is vast, it is still inner heaven and earth after all and has not evolved into a real world.

The second is to understand the original rules of the ancestral land of the Divine Turtle.

Although the rules are different in different worlds, they are not much different. With Gu Xiuyun's current Taoist realm, it only takes three to five hundred years to master the new five elements, wind and thunder origins.

Of course, this doesn't make much sense.

With the Tongxin Gu and the Mysterious Destiny in his body, his strength has not been weakened much, and it is just a little more troublesome to escape.

"The spiritual power here is exhausted, and even monsters and practitioners cannot be found. It is definitely not the inheritance place left by the ancestor of the Black Turtle."

Gu Xiuyun glanced around, turned into a bolt of lightning, and flew into the distance.

In a vast and vast city, a green figure stood in the sky, overlooking the bottom.

"The entire Divine Turtle Ancestral Land has a total area of ​​240 million miles. Except for the endless mortals, there are no practitioners, not even monsters."

"It can be seen that there is another dimension hidden in the ancestral land of the Divine Turtle."

"This city should be the entrance to space."

Gu Xiuyun said to himself.

Over the past few months, he had explored the entire ancestral land of the Divine Turtle, but could not find any trace of any practitioners except mortals, beasts, cities, and villages.

Even the spiritual power between heaven and earth is gone. Without spiritual power, practitioners and monsters will naturally not appear.

Over the course of hundreds of millions of years, the mortal kingdom has long forgotten everything. Except for the incredibly long legends, only the ancient city at Gu Xiuyun's feet is still standing.

In the city, moss is everywhere, and every brick and stone is stained with the traces of time.

No one knows how long this ancient city has existed. The ancient city has been established since the beginning of human history, and it still remains intact today.

Those bricks and stones seem to have a life of their own, and no matter how damaged they are, they can be restored to their original state.

The green figure floated down and stood in the center of the city, quietly looking at the ancient ruins in the city.

"It has been 400 million years since the death of the Black Turtle Ancestor. For such a long period of time, even if there is a inheritance, it has been discontinued long ago."

"Besides, he entered the Holy Realm of Samsara to fight and fight. There are many dangers. There is no reason to bring disciples with him."

"As for these mortals... they should be left behind by understanding the path of destiny."

Gu Xiuyun speculated while observing the changes in the city.

The changes in the destiny of the human race are the most complex among the creatures in the world. Ordinary beasts may not leave the mountains and forests from birth to death, but mortals can travel all over the mountains and rivers in their limited lives, read a collection of scriptures and histories, and with their weak bodies, leave behind Download countless classics.

Some people... come from a poor background, but they can climb to the sky step by step and become a being above ten thousand people.

Some people... their families are in decline, carrying hatred on their backs and moving forward with a heavy burden.

Some people are content with playing music, chess, calligraphy and painting.

Everyone has their own destiny changes, so those who understand the Tao of Life are almost all mortals, not beasts and insects.

The same is naturally true for the Black Turtle Ancestor.

This vast cave world has completely become a mortal country. There is no Taoism, no secret skills, only a human kingdom.

In the center of the city, a green figure sat cross-legged, carefully observing every change in the city.

In the entire Divine Turtle Ancestral Land, this is the only place that contains weak spiritual power. The reason why those bricks and stones have survived for hundreds of millions of years is because of the existence of spiritual power.

After a long time, Gu Xiuyun's eyes flashed.

"I see."

"There are 980 million blue bricks in the city. Each blue brick is a node of the space formation. As long as all the nodes are activated, the space channel can be opened."

"This formation is not complicated at all, but the requirements for soul thoughts are a bit higher. Without the Venerable Realm, it is absolutely impossible to activate all the bricks and stones at the same time."

Thinking of this, Gu Xiuyun waved his sleeves, first sent all the mortals in the city out, and then activated the true energy in his body...


One bluestone after another radiates light.

Nine hundred and eighty million blue bricks completely light up the entire ancient city. Viewed from a distance, the entire city is dazzling, emitting colorful light, like a piece of dazzling clear jade.

Hundreds of miles away.

Countless mortals were scattered in the fields. When they were confused, they suddenly saw the city in the distance. They were all stunned. In addition to shock, there was excitement and ecstasy in their eyes.

"I'm not dreaming, am I? The ancient bluestone city is glowing?"

"The legend is true... Countless years ago, the Ancient Bluestone City was as bright as it is today, shining like a brilliant sun."

"Legend has it that after the ancient bluestone city glows, a god will come and give him a magical elixir... I never thought we would have the opportunity to see the ancient city glow."

"Elixir and magic medicine?"

Countless mortals showed excitement.

Although the ancestor of the Black Turtles has fallen for hundreds of millions of years, a venerable member of the Black Turtle clan will come every once in a while, ranging from millions of years to hundreds of thousands of years.

For mortals, hundreds of thousands of years are too far away, so only some vague legends are left.

"The ancient city is shining... A god must be coming. I want to ask the gods for elixirs to save my wife." A young man who looked like a scholar rushed towards the ancient bluestone city excitedly.

The legends of the ancient city are often spread among mortal nations.

He traveled thousands of miles to come to this ancient city just to seek immortality and save his seriously ill wife.

"The ancient city shines... the legend is true. I want to seize the opportunity and follow the gods to the heaven like my ancestors." An old man with an old face and dressed in rich clothes hurriedly got on the carriage and galloped towards the ancient city. .

"God, it turns out that he really exists. One moment, I was grinding tofu in the city, and now I'm in the fields." The Fengchen woman looked around, her face gradually showing excitement.

Instead of running towards the ancient city, she fled deep into the fields.

She no longer wants to grind 'tofu'.

The mortals on the field were either excited, happy, or furious, with different expressions. Some of them rushed towards the shining ancient city, while others stayed in place and watched silently.

Others fled into the distance.

The light of the Bluestone Ancient City became more and more dazzling... The strong wind surged, the roar resounded through the sky, and vaguely, a suspended island in the shape of a tortoise shell appeared above the ancient city.

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