Fortune Teller

Chapter 1199 Black and White Texture Diagram

"That's it."

In the center of the city, a green figure jumped up and flew into the suspended island.

The island is only a thousand feet in diameter, with nothing else but a pavilion, a stone platform, and two stone benches.

Gu Xiuyun walked straight into the pavilion.

I saw dense patterns carved on the stone platform, showing black and white. One of the stone benches was covered with dust, but the other stone bench was as clear as new. It seemed that people often sat on it.

"Is this the second volume of Guizang?"

He lowered his head to look at the black and white lines, his brows slightly furrowed, and he looked a little confused.

The first volume of Guizang records hundreds of methods for understanding the path of destiny, including the experiences and annotations of predecessors, which is a vast ocean.

Volume did it become a texture picture?

"of course not."

While he was wondering, an old voice came from outside the pavilion.

Gu Xiuyun quickly turned his head and saw a slightly rickety mysterious turtle slowly approaching from the edge of the island, "Unknowingly, 400 million years have passed and you are the 763rd practitioner to enter this place. . Junior, if you want to watch and read, you have to pay a price."

"Senior, please give me some advice." Gu Xiuyun bowed and clasped his fists.

The Black Turtle Alien Beast nodded slightly, seeming to be very satisfied with the other party's attitude, "When the master died, he once passed an order. If any cultivator comes here, he can try to solve the Linglong No-Phase Puzzle. If he can solve it within a thousand years, At this point, you can read the second volume of Guizang.”

"Linglong Wuxiang Bureau? Are you talking about the black and white patterns on the stone platform?" Gu Xiuyun asked.


The mysterious turtle nodded, "This picture looks ordinary, but it is actually a special numerology pattern. If you are here, you must have read the first volume of Guizang. You should know that fate practitioners often deduce numerology to each other. pattern as the basis for discussion.”

"Although the Tao of Destiny is complicated and difficult to understand, it is ultimately a type of Taoism. Numerology pattern diagrams can clearly present the changes in a practitioner's destiny. It is also the main means for the Destiny lineage to discuss the Dharma and Tao with each other."

"That's it." Gu Xiuyun suddenly understood.

No wonder when I saw the black and white pattern just now, I felt a sense of déjà vu.

When the ancestor of Xuangui taught the first volume of Guizang, he once demonstrated more than two hundred numerology patterns. Compared with the black and white patterns, those patterns were much simpler and could be deciphered in three to five days.

The pattern in front of me, black and white, blended into each other and was so complicated that it felt like reading a book from heaven.

"Senior, what will happen if I cannot solve this diagram within a thousand years?"

"Can't you untie it?"

A sneer appeared on the corner of the Black Turtle Alien Beast's mouth, "That means you don't have the talent to understand the path of destiny. I will expel you from this world and you will not be allowed to enter again."

"By the way, let me remind you that one thousand years will start from now," the Black Turtle Beast continued, "You can leave temporarily and go to the Holy World of Reincarnation and choose a secret realm of time and space to immerse yourself in enlightenment, or you can stay here Watch and read here day and night.”

"Among the seven hundred and sixty-three practitioners, only sixteen have cracked the Linglong Phaseless Puzzle, and they all took the shortest time to comprehend it with the help of the secret realm of time and space, which took them forty thousand years."

"Forty thousand years?" Gu Xiuyun was shocked.

Among destiny practitioners, perhaps most of them are not as good as him in their understanding of destiny, but if they can crack the Linglong Phaseless Game, they must have reached the seventh level of destiny.

Such a character actually needs to spend 40,000 years?

"Three disasters and nine disasters are not far away, not to mention that scientific and technological civilization also needs enough time to spread. I definitely cannot go to the secret realm of time and space. The only thing I can rely on... is the black jade platform."

Gu Xiuyun's heart sank slightly.

If he had enough time, he could solve even a ten times more complex numerology pattern, let alone an exquisite one.

When it comes to understanding destiny, in the endless void, except for the Patriarch Tianji, who dares to say he is better than him?

Even Bai Ze Zhenzun can’t do it.

But in just one thousand years, even if there is a soul thought in the Qiankun realm, it is difficult to say... To decipher the numerology pattern, whether the soul thought is strong or not is one thing, but more importantly, the understanding of the path of destiny and ample time.

As long as there is enough time, even the most complex numerology pattern can be deciphered.

"Junior, you have also seen the Linglong Phaseless Picture. Whether you want to stay or go, you can decide for yourself!" The Black Turtle Alien Beast raised its head.

"Thank you, senior."

Gu Xiuyun bowed, turned and left.

Half a day later.

The cyan figure returned to the prairie.

As the magic formula moves, an invisible light door appears in front.

Gu Xiuyun stepped through the light door and disappeared without a trace.

In the cracked space, the frenzy of void surges endlessly.

The life of the sphere is sandwiched between the ancestral land of the divine turtle and the barrier of the holy world, unable to advance or retreat.

"Deal with this strange beast first, otherwise it will be a big trouble to enter and exit the crack space." Gu Xiuyun looked at the huge and boundless sphere of life and frowned slightly.

The cracks in the abyss were completely covered by the sphere of life, and this beast had no wisdom and didn't know how to avoid it.

As long as it passes through the crack space, it will definitely be swallowed into the body.

Thinking of this, Gu Xiuyun secretly used the magic formula, and the mysterious destiny unfolded.


The life of the sphere woke up from the pain, and its huge and vast body shook violently, as if it had encountered something extremely terrifying.

Time passes slowly.

Before I knew it, half a year had passed.

The body of the sphere is filled with invisible lines of destiny, and every shadow is perfectly integrated with the heart of destiny. Although it is not as good as the degree of compatibility with the Tongxin Gu, it can still be controlled.

"You stay here for the time being. Remember, except for Pindao, no one is allowed to enter or leave the crack space, and no one is allowed to leave this place. Do you hear me?" Gu Xiuyun said in a deep voice.


The round ball life shook his body to express his understanding.

Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly and walked out of the crack space.

In an instant, he sensed the thoughts of the second avatar and Bai Kongze. The second avatar resided deep in the black jade platform and was comprehending the original rules and secrets such as the longevity chart.

Bai Kongze went on a killing spree in the underground abyss.

Thousands of years have passed, and Bai Kongze's killing mysteries have become more and more sophisticated, and have been promoted from the mid-seventh level to the late stage. According to this situation, it will take at most ten thousand years to reach the peak of the seventh level.

In addition to these two thoughts, there is a cold and murderous intention extending along the cause and effect, constantly consuming Tongxin Gu's body and soul thoughts.

"Eternal Ghost is really tireless. One year has passed and he still hasn't given up."

Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly and turned back to the crack space.

In just a short moment, the second clone has obtained the complete black and white pattern. The next step is to understand it individually. As for whether it can be cracked within a thousand years, it depends on luck.

Inside Qingshi Ancient City.

Pedestrians came and went, each showing a pious and respectful attitude.

Since the dazzling light erupted in the ancient city half a year ago, countless mortals have come here in search of gods.

During this period, there were also many reports of encounters with gods and men, but in the end they were all confirmed to be false.

Above the city, a thousand-foot-wide tortoise-shell suspended island loomed.

Mortals often raised their heads, expecting gods to fly out of the island, but no matter how many times they looked, there was no result.

"Zhu Xi, a grass-roots citizen, prays to the gods for a spiritual elixir to save my wife... Zhu Xi, a grass-roots citizen, prays to the gods for a spiritual elixir to save my wife..."

On the street, a young man who looked like a scholar knelt down every three steps and kowtowed every nine steps, praying over and over again.

The skin on his knees had been worn away without knowing it, and his palms and forehead were dripping with blood.

"This is Zhu Xi again. In the past six months, he has walked around the city more than a dozen times, and every time he has to kowtow along the city until his knees and arms are broken and he can't walk anymore. "

"This kid is so infatuated!"

"It's a pity that his wife is terminally ill and there is no cure, otherwise I would really want to help him."

The mortals on both sides of the street looked at the young scholar and sighed.

Just as the scholar was kneeling in obeisance, a stranger in a green robe stood in front of him and said, "Little brother, even if you wear all the flesh on your body, can you really move the gods?"

The scholar raised his head. The person in front of him looked like he was only in his thirties, but he had white hair, two eyes that were deep and unpredictable, and a faint smile at the corner of his mouth.

"As the world often says, there is a god three feet above your head. A miracle has come to Qingshi Ancient City. This is my only chance. Sir, please get out of the way."

The scholar said seriously.

"You can step aside. Tell me, what disease does your wife have? I travel all over the world and am good at difficult and complicated diseases. Maybe I can cure it?" the white-haired man continued.


The scholar shook his head slightly, "Over the past few years, I have searched for famous doctors in a radius of two thousand miles, but no one can cure her. Only the elixir given by the gods can save my wife."

"In that case, you can continue to kowtow!"

The white-haired man turned and walked to the medical clinic on one side, "If the gods still don't pay attention to you, you can come to me. I just opened a medical clinic in the city and I'm in need of business!"

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