Fortune Teller

Chapter 1200 Shadow of Destiny

The scholar shook his head silently and continued to kneel down.

Day after day passed, more and more mortals came to Qingshi Ancient City, but no one found the gods.

Deep in the city, there is a lot of traffic.

From poor beggars to wealthy nobles, they are all waiting for the gods to come. What they pray for varies, but they are mostly fame, fortune, and longevity.

"If praying to God and worshiping Buddha were useful, how could there be any practitioners in the world? Everyone would burn incense."

At the door of the medical center, the white-haired man looked leisurely at the mortals on the street.

Those people either kowtow, kneel down, or burn incense, and there are many who are more pious than the scholars.

But what's the use?

No matter how pious he is, he still places his hopes on illusory legends. Not to mention that Gu Xiuyun is not following the incense and fire path. Even if he is following this path, it is impossible to realize everyone's wishes.

Destiny has always been in your own hands.

The direction of the future is decided by yourself, not gods and Buddhas.

"Sir, are you really good at difficult and complicated diseases?"

Suddenly, a weak voice came from the side.

The white-haired man turned around and saw Zhu Xi, a scholar, supporting the pale lady, standing at the door of the hospital, with a stretcher behind him that had long been worn out.

"What you are good at naturally means you are good at it. Whether it can be cured well or not is hard to say."

The white-haired man glanced at the scholar, then looked at the woman, "You have a lifeless look on your face. It seems that you have been suffering from this disease for a long time. The reason why you are alive today is entirely because of the ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum, right?"

"Sir, his eyes are as bright as fire, my wife..."

Zhu Xi quickly explained his wife's condition.

After a long time, the white-haired man nodded, "It's indeed difficult, but it's not incurable."

"Sir, do you have any idea?"

Zhu Xi's face suddenly showed excitement, and the woman beside him also forced a smile.

"Come in first, it's windy outside."

The white-haired man turned around and walked into the medical center.

The scholar supported the woman and followed him. Without waiting for the other party to sit down, he asked urgently, "I wonder if you have any good ideas, sir?" A few years ago, I have searched all over the famous doctors, but there is no suitable solution. As long as sir can It will cost you any amount of money to cure your wife."

"I don't want any silver."

The white-haired man looked at the scholar Zhu Xi and said, "It's not difficult to cure your wife. There is a lake seven hundred miles west of the city. There is a blue and white python hidden at the bottom of the lake. This snake has been around for a long time and has been cured. Human nature, and the inner elixir."

"As long as you can kill the blue and white python and get the inner elixir, your wife will be saved."

"By the way, I'd like to remind you that the blue and white python is nearly three feet long and a little thicker than you. Let alone a little scholar like you, even if princes, generals and ministers lead thousands of people to attack, they may not be able to kill them. it."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhu Xi's face suddenly turned pale.

"Sir, is this the only way?"

"This is the only way, there is no other way."

The white-haired man said indifferently.

Seven hundred miles west of the ancient city of Bluestone, there is indeed a blue and white python. That python has existed for more than a thousand years, and it looks like a pure-blood-purifying monster beast that has been blessed with immortality.

In the entire Divine Turtle Ancestral Land, there is only one monster.

Because it once lived under the ancient city, it got the spiritual power from the blue bricks by chance. Over time, it gradually shed its mortal body and turned into a monster.

If Gu Xiuyun hadn't activated the formation, this python would still be living at the bottom of the city.

"Husband, you can't go."

The woman hugged Zhu Xi's arm tightly, "You have been looking for doctors everywhere for my illness all these years. You have become sick from overwork. How can you fight a big python? I would rather die here than take the risk for you."


Zhu Xi's face turned pale, but his eyes were firm, "If you die, what's the point of my life in this world? Do you remember the vow we made by the pool? We will stay together until death."

"Husband, if you want to go, I will go with you. When we die, we will die together."

The two looked at each other.

Ahem! !

There was a sound of coughing, and the white-haired man said coldly, "You are so anxious to live or die. I will point you out this way. There are naturally ways to deal with it. As for whether you can do it, it depends on you."

"How to deal with it?" The scholar quickly looked at the white-haired man.

"There is a Kung Fu here. You should try to practice it first. If you break through to the sixth level in three months, you will be able to kill the python and seize the inner elixir." Gu Xiuyun took out a book from his arms and threw it out. "Remember, to practice this skill, you must have the determination to sacrifice your life and forget about death. You cannot retreat at every step. If you hesitate even a little, there will be no hope."

The scholar took the classics with a look of surprise on his face.

Martial arts have always been in short supply in the mortal world. No matter which world it is, various methods will always appear as time goes by.

Of course, this world is depleted of spiritual power, and no matter how hard one practices martial arts, one cannot reach the innate realm.

Only some people who are very lucky or have a strong family background can rely on a large amount of mountain ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum to condense the true energy.

The scholar Zhu Xi's family background is not bad, and he has read some martial arts classics, but none of them require the mind and will to understand them like the ones mentioned in front of him.

"Your wife still has three months to live, so take good care of it." The white-haired man waved his hand and motioned for the two of them to leave.

"Thank you sir."

Zhu Xi helped the woman turn and leave.

In the alleyway.

The two of them moved forward slowly.

The woman was silent for a long time and then asked, "Husband, do you really believe him?"

"Now that things have happened, you have to believe it or not. At least one thing he said is right. Your illness cannot be delayed. Even if you hang it with ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum, you won't be able to survive for three months."

Zhu Xi took a deep breath and said, "No matter what, I will try my best."

"In the entire Qingshi Ancient City, that scholar is the only one who is expected to practice cultivation. The others... are weak-minded, so let's forget it!"

At the door of the medical center, the white-haired man's eyes were as deep as a cold pool.

Mortals in the ancestral land of the Black Turtles experience life, old age, illness and death, but he is not prepared to spread technological civilization because this is the world of the ancestor of the Black Turtles.

Gu Xiuyun was not sure whether the ancestor of the Black Turtle was alive or dead.

If you offend the black turtles and beasts on the island for this, it will be more than worth the gain.

"Four hundred million years have passed since the death of the ancestor of the Black Turtles. This mortal world has not evolved into a technological civilization. It can be seen that there are people behind it. The territory of the Black Turtles should be restrained!"

Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly, took one step forward, and entered the suspended island.

The black turtles and strange beasts have already left.

In the pavilion, the stone platform is filled with faint light, and the black and white patterns are intertwined with each other. It seems ordinary, but it contains countless changes.

"This exquisite, phaseless picture seems to contain two mysteries of seventh-grade destiny."

"One is a twist of fate, and the other I have never seen before, but it is obvious that both have reached the peak of the seventh level. Two different seventh-level mysteries can be perfectly combined. The Taoist realm of the ancestor of the Black Turtle is far away. above me."

Looking at the black and white pattern in front of me.

Gu Xiuyun fell into deep thought.

There are endless variations in numerology patterns. The simplest one is a single mystery. One person lays it out and another person deciphers it. Going deeper, both sides of the Taoism plan together. As the patterns evolve, the two destinies merge with each other to form a special pattern.

For practitioners of destiny, this method of discussing Taoism is far more intuitive than verbal explanation. The effect becomes more obvious the further you go.

The reason why there is no widespread rumor in the Endless Void is because it is difficult to find two equally matched destiny practitioners here. Those below the sixth level... are not qualified to understand the numerology pattern at all.

Rank six or's too rare.

"There are three ways to decipher this diagram. The first one is to understand the twist of fate to a very high level in order to break through the surface."

"The second one is to understand another mystery of fate. If you are familiar with both mysteries, you can naturally solve them easily."

"The third method is to spend a lot of time slowly deciphering it until the two mysteries are completely dissected."

"The third method is the simplest and most time-consuming. It can take anywhere from thousands of years to tens of thousands of years. I don't have that much time to waste."

"The first way is to understand the distortion of fate... I have now reached the peak of the seventh level. Going forward is the rule of fate. If I can really reach that point, why should I return to hiding?"

"There is only the second kind, to understand another mystery of destiny. It doesn't have to be too profound, as long as you reach the sixth level."

Gu Xiuyun's mind flickered with thoughts.

If he understood the mysteries of a sixth-level destiny within a thousand years, if others heard it, they would definitely think he was crazy.

Not to mention how complicated the mysteries of destiny are, starting from the lowest level, reaching the fifth level of Tao Yun step by step, and then breaking through to the sixth level, each progress takes a long time.

Among the venerables in the realm of heavens, no more than 10% of them understand the six mysteries, and they are all in the three difficult realms, and they only master one mysteries.

This shows how difficult it is to practice the path of life.

But now... he has no other choice. A thousand years is too short.

Gu Xiuyun lowered his head and looked at the black and white pattern.

Gradually, he made a discovery.

Another type of pattern seems to be somewhat similar to the entanglement of fate, but it is completely different.

"Is this... the shadow of fate?"

Gu Xiuyun thought of the story in the first volume of Guizang. There are nine changes in the path of destiny, the most basic of which is the deduction of heavenly secrets.

All destiny is inseparable from the evolution of heaven.

In the past and future, if there are no changes in destiny, fate will lose its meaning.

Similarly, this Tao method is also the simplest among the nine changes. Almost all strong people who practice the Tao of Destiny mainly rely on the deduction of heavenly secrets.

The same is true for Patriarch Tianji.

In addition, fate entanglement, fate twisting, and fate heart-mind belong to three avenues. Fate entanglement is slightly weaker, but it is of great benefit for understanding Taoism.

Among destiny practitioners, the first priority is the deduction of heavenly secrets, followed by the entanglement of destiny.

And the twist of fate... focuses on fighting, which can be called the most powerful killing method in the path of fate.

Gu Xiuyun's current level is too low, so he can only borrow strength from the past.

It would be terrible if one day he could borrow power from the future.

What state will Gu Xiuyun be in the future? ?

It's hard to fathom, unimaginable. Maybe it's the World Master, maybe it's the Half-Step Supreme, maybe it's the Qiankun Realm.

Even if you borrow a little bit of power, you can easily destroy the powerful enemy in front of you.

As for the destiny mind... Mainly soul-based methods, Gu Xiuyun has not really studied this kind of method. The destiny mind alone can use many soul-based methods, and even affect the mind and will of the beings in the world.

It can be seen that this is also an extremely powerful method.

The shadow of fate in the black and white pattern... is a very partial method. The fate lines of any practitioner are not independent. In fact, they will affect everyone around them.

The shadow of fate is the trace left by each fate line in the world.

If you can understand the complete mystery, you can even use this method to create a similar life.

"The shadow of fate...the imprint in the five-color river seems to also contain the power of the shadow of fate, recreating the opponent's fate line and resurrecting it?"

Gu Xiuyun thought silently in his heart.

He has understood four of the nine major methods of the path of destiny, namely the evolution of heaven's secrets, the entanglement of fate, the state of mind of destiny, and the distortion of fate. His understanding of the path of destiny is far deeper than others.

Now that I think about it, isn't the imprint of Taoism in the five-color river a combination of the distortion of fate, the heart of fate, and the shadow of fate? ?

Although the three Tao methods are far beyond the seventh level and have reached an incredible state, they are indeed a combination of them.

"God will not kill me!"

Gu Xiuyun's eyes flashed, "The Taoist imprint in the five-color river combines three major methods, but this black and white pattern is based on the twist of fate and the shadow of fate, which is far less mysterious than the imprint deep in the river. "

"As long as I use that brand as a direction, I can definitely decipher the black and white pattern."

As his thoughts flashed, Gu Xiuyun sat cross-legged and began to practice.

Qingshi Ancient City, in a small courtyard.

Scholar Zhu Xi, with his hair disheveled, was sitting in a water tank, surrounded by ice cubes. The ice cubes were filled with green venom. As the poisonous gas invaded his body, the scholar's face became more and more ugly. Every inch of his flesh seemed to be bitten by countless ants, which was painful. The itching pain goes deep into the bone marrow.


Looking at the scholar in the water tank, the woman's face was stained with tears, and her eyes were already soaked with tears.

"You go back first, and in just an hour and a half, your husband will be able to complete your meritorious deeds." The scholar gritted his teeth.

Only he can understand the pain caused by the green venom.

It was a pain that made people want to go crazy and even want to tear every inch of skin and flesh, even the internal organs.

But no matter what, he always persisted.

One day, two days, three days...

As the cultivation level becomes deeper and deeper, the poisons and drugs used become more and more violent, and the pain increases day by day.

"Husband, please rest for a few days!"

The woman persuaded.

"No, the gentleman from the medical clinic said that you can't stop for a moment. Even if you hesitate for a moment, your success will be ruined and you will never be able to make a breakthrough again."

The scholar's two fists had penetrated into the deepest part of the ice at some point. They were cold to the bone and could not suppress the extreme pain.

"Come on, come on, I have been persisting for a month. According to the classics, in forty days, I will be able to practice to the sixth level. By then, I will have a body of copper skin and iron bones, even if it is three feet tall The long blue and white python can also fight hard. "

The scholar's eyes, ears, mouth, and nose oozed black blood. It was not poisoning, but the extreme pain that shattered the seven orifices, causing congestion.

If he were an ordinary person, he would be on the verge of death if he was seriously injured like this. But at this moment, the scholar seemed to have unlimited vitality. No matter how many injuries he suffered in his body, he could recover quickly.

With Gu Xiuyun's Taoist realm, he can create top-notch methods by simply deducing them.

This poison technique does not require spiritual power, nor does it require any heavenly materials or earthly treasures. As long as there are enough poisons and a tenacious will, it can turn decay into magic and make copper skin and iron bones.

Of is extremely harmful to the essence of life.

After mastering this skill, the scholar can only live for another ten years at most.

Time passes slowly.

Every day, the scholar lived in extreme pain. He even began to fear life and wanted to commit suicide immediately. But when he thought of his seriously ill wife, the scholar put aside all the fear in his heart, entered the water tank with a heart that looked forward to death, and practiced poison skills.

Day by day passed.

Finally, the seventieth day.

The white-haired scholar walked out of the water tank. On this day, all the venom in the tank disappeared, and there was no trace of the ice.

He finally reached the sixth level of Poison Kung Fu and had a body of copper skin and iron bones.

"Madam, wait for me to come back!"

Scholar Zhu Xi's eyes were intense, every inch of his body was like jade, and his long silver hair could not conceal his violent aura.

"Husband, be careful all the way, I am waiting for you here." The woman gently touched her husband's white hair.

She understood that every strand of hair was tortured to the point of turning white by extreme pain.

In just seventy days, a young man in his twenties... his hair turned all silver-white, and the pain he experienced was unimaginable.

These pains are all for her.

"wait me back."

Zhu Xi took a deep breath, turned and walked towards the courtyard door.

Practicing poisonous skills is only the first step.

He also had to kill the blue and white python and get the inner elixir so that his wife could recover. Compared with the pain in the water tank, fighting the blue and white python was the real line between life and death.

"Husband, be careful all the way."

Looking at the retreating figure, the woman had already burst into tears.

On the Hanging Island, Gu Xiuyun didn't know when he opened his eyes. After two months of practice, he had little understanding of the shadow of fate.

Think about it, this is a sixth-grade mystery of destiny.

It takes the venerables of the heavens at least tens of thousands of years, or at most hundreds of thousands of years, to barely comprehend it, and it is a relatively simple change in the path of life.

It is really difficult for Gu Xiuyun to understand the shadow of fate.

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