Fortune Teller

Chapter 1202 Killing the Python

"Princess...Princess, are you okay?"

The purple-clothed guard looked at the blue and white python in front of him, his voice was a little dry. There was a huge difference between watching the battle from a few miles away and fighting right in front of him.

The three-foot-long python's body is like a tall building. A single tremor can cause the earth to roar, and a single jump can cause it to hang in the air.

"I'm fine."

The woman kept her mind calm. She had been in a high position all year round, and she was used to keeping her emotions and anger a secret. Even when faced with a life-or-death crisis, she could still show a calm attitude.

"Have you seen...the invisible light curtain surrounding the giant python!"

"What do you mean, princess?"

"Who else can achieve such magical powers besides the legendary gods? This person must have an inseparable connection with the gods."

The woman's eyes sparkled.

"Gods? Gods of Bluestone Ancient City?" The purple-clothed guards and the soldiers on both sides looked shocked.

In the distance, hunters and farmers cautiously walked out from behind the tree trunks, looking at the blue and white python, their faces pale and bloodless.

The scene just now not only affected the purple-clothed guards and others, but also the mortals around them were almost killed. The three-foot-long blue and white python could destroy large trees and seriously injure dozens of people with a casual sweep.

"How could there be such a huge python in the world?"

"You don't know this. This is an anaconda. As long as it takes a certain amount of time, it can grow to ten feet. We don't have it here, which doesn't mean it doesn't exist in other places. I have read many classics, and there is a book on the policy of foreign countries. This is what was recorded.”

"Anaconda? Why do I feel that it looks a bit like a blue and white snake? Both the texture and color are very similar. Even the snake's head is exactly the same."

Just as he was talking, the blue and white python slammed into the invisible light curtain. The light curtain remained motionless, but the snake's body was blown away.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the scholar jumped up and inserted the blade of the knife in his hand directly into the mouth of the blue and white python. At the same time, he grabbed the dagger from his waist and slashed hard.


The python's left eye was pierced, and blood flowed profusely. The python roared with all its strength, and its huge body wrapped around the scholar.

But the two sides have been fighting for a long time, how could Zhu Xi be easily entangled by the other side?

He jumped up and avoided it.

Immediately afterwards, the scholar waved the dagger in his hand and continued to chop at the python. After bombarding it again and again, the snake's body gradually became slower, and its tough scales were also tattered, faintly showing its decline.

"This big python seems to be close to death."

The princess looked thoughtful, "Such a huge python, even if this person has magical power, it is impossible to take away all of them. If the snake skin can be peeled off and made into leather armor...Uncle Ya, send people back to the city immediately, Mobilize all the personal guards, including the city guards."

"The villain understands."

The purple-clothed guard made a gesture, and seven or eight soldiers immediately returned to the city.

Inside the hanging island.

Gu Xiuyun occasionally glanced below and continued to comprehend the mystery of fate.

The fight between the scholar and the blue and white python was just a trivial matter in his eyes. It didn't matter who won or lost.

Only when the giant python rushed out of the lake, he took action to block it.

In any case, the giant python is also a pulse-cleansing realm monster, beyond the ordinary level. Gu Xiuyun must also bear part of the responsibility for these creatures wreaking havoc on the human world.

"If you think about it carefully, this monster seems to have never hurt a mortal. It would be too unfair for it to die like this."

"Forget it, let's keep it alive!"

As his thoughts flashed, Gu Xiuyun waved out a ray of true energy to protect the blue and white snake's heart.

Be it monsters or mortals, once they have awakened their spiritual wisdom, they are complete living beings.

This blue and white snake has been cultivating underground in the ancient city since it was born. It has never hurt a mortal, which shows that it has a good heart.

Nowadays, he is violent and hurts people because he is forced by the scholar.

After all, if it weren't for Gu Xiuyun's appearance and the blue and white python was still cultivating underground, how would it have encountered these disasters?

"People often say that if you are powerful, you can help the world, but if you are poor, you can be alone... The trajectory of every life will affect countless living beings. Ordinary mortals can only affect their neighbors, but those in high positions can influence countless civilians with just one order. Trapped in honor and disgrace.”

Looking down, a thought gradually flashed through Gu Xiuyun's mind.

What is understood in the shadow of fate is not the fate line itself, but the many influences it brings. Just like when a person walks through the forest, he will definitely leave footprints, and it will also drastically change the living environment of many insects and ants.

They are nothing more than insects and ants, they have very little impact on fate and cause and effect.

What if the person affected is a mortal?

"I am the only practitioner in the Divine Turtle Ancestral Land. There is no one else, and the fate line is much clearer. If we use them as the foundation to understand the shadow of fate..."

Gu Xiuyun's eyes lit up.

It has been 400 million years since the death of the Black Turtle Ancestor, and the cause and effect left behind has been cut off long ago. As for the Venerable Black Turtle Clan who came here to practice, they have not left any traces.

The entire ancestral land of the Divine Turtle is just a pool of clear lake water without any practitioners.

In such a world, any fluctuation will appear extremely clear.

In the mortal world without any interference, it will be much easier to understand the shadow of fate... because this mystery is to focus on oneself and observe the influence of the fate line on all things in the world.

The more carefully and clearly you observe, the wider the influence of the fate line will be, and the deeper your understanding will naturally be.

In comparison, neither the Tianji Pan World nor the Endless Void can do this.

The world of Tianji Pan... there are gods everywhere, there are many practitioners, and there are also the flesh and blood and demonic energy left by countless demons. The cause and effect are too complicated.

The endless void is even more so.

Which small space was not created by the Immortal Power?

There may not seem to be many immortal sects in the world, but if you look at history, at least hundreds of sects have flourished within a million years. Countless destinies are intertwined with each other, and the cause and effect are complicated. Even if Gu Xiuyun has the power to reach heaven, he will not be able to understand the shadow of fate.

There is only the ancestral land of the divine turtle——

Four hundred million years have passed, all the causes and effects of immortality have been cut off, and even spiritual power has been completely exhausted. This is a purely mortal world.

It is also the most suitable realm for understanding the shadow of fate.

"In that case, let's take Zhu Xi as an opportunity!" Gu Xiuyun smiled.

On the shore of the lake, there was a constant roar.

The fight between the scholar and the blue and white python became more and more fierce, but the suppression of the invisible light curtain made it difficult for the python to move. Its strength was weakened by three points out of thin air. In addition, its injuries became more and more serious, and it gradually fell into death.


The dagger slashed across the python's forehead and cut off a piece of its eyelid. Blood flew out, and the roar echoed throughout the sky and earth, making the mortals around them dizzy and retreating.

Only Princess Fang Congguo and the purple-clad guards stayed nearby.

"According to this situation, at most one stick of incense will kill the python. Uncle Ya, how far are the guards from here?" the woman asked.

"Calculate the time, it should be almost time."

The purple-clothed guard said.

As soon as he finished speaking, a team appeared in the distant skyline. The leader was wearing purple armor and was none other than General Fang Congguo.

In the light curtain, the fighting continued.

The dagger in the scholar's hand has already been curled, but every time he swings it, it can leave clear scars on the python's body.

Knife after knife.

Finally, the blue and white python fell down.

PS: The shadow of fate is like the ripples left by a finger across the water.

The farther the ripples travel, the fainter and harder it is to observe, and if there are other people in the water, the different ripples are bound to interfere.

There are no practitioners in the Divine Turtle Ancestral Land except Gu Xiuyun, so it is the most suitable place.

Destiny is too ethereal, and few people write about this subject. I can only make it up myself and explain it as best I can...

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