Fortune Teller

Chapter 1203 Shocking the Ancient City


The scholar forcibly opened the snake's belly and took out a crystal clear white pill bead.

The elixir beads shone with a faint light. It was dusk now, and the setting sun shone on the elixir beads, emitting colorful brilliance. The hearts of everyone watching were swaying, and they wanted to grab them directly.

"Finally got it!"

A smile appeared on Zhu Xi's face.

Seventy days of arduous practice is easy to say...but you must know that during those seventy days, he even slept in a water tank, and the excruciating pain never stopped.

Only by truly experiencing it can you know how difficult this period of time is.

And all this has finally paid off.

The inner elixir of the blue and white python can cure the lady's illness. Even if she suffers endless consequences, even if her life span is only ten years, it is still enough.


The scholar jumped up, walked directly through the crowd, and rushed towards Qingshi Ancient City.

The soldiers and guards around him didn't dare to stop him. Who dared to stop a terrifying and powerful man who single-handedly killed the blue and white python? ?

"It turns out that he was after the beads inside the python," the woman thought thoughtfully. "The three-foot-long python is unprecedentedly large in size and possesses great strength. The beads in its body must be treasures."

"Princess, that person has gone far, this python..." the purple-clothed guard asked.

"Do it!"

The woman waved gently.

The soldiers on both sides stepped forward, but before they reached the edge of the light curtain——

Suddenly a strong wind whipped up between heaven and earth, sending a three-foot-long blue and white python into the sky. At the same time, a sound like thunder resounded across the earth, "You mortals must not touch the things of the immortal family, otherwise there will be disaster." When disaster strikes, the world will change, so take care of yourself.”


The wind subsided.

The mortals raised their heads one after another and looked towards the sky, only to see the blue and white python the size of a palace flying towards the direction of the Hanging Island, and finally disappeared.

"The gods...the gods have come to the world!"

"No wonder there are such huge demon snakes in the world. It turns out that they were left by gods. The legend of Qingshi Ancient City is true."

All mortals fell into madness, including the wealthy nobles.

If before this, they went to Qingshi Ancient City just out of curiosity, 30% belief and 70% doubt, now they no longer have any doubts.

Gods do exist.

"Uncle Ya, are the rosin, pearls, and jade items ready?" the woman asked eagerly.

"Already ready, just waiting for the princess's order." The purple-clothed guard replied.

"I will return to Qingshi Ancient City immediately. I will burn incense and offer sacrifices to pray for the gods to protect Fang Cong Kingdom."

The woman ignored her manners and hurriedly jumped on the horse, grabbed the vine whip and started swinging it.

drive! !

The war horses galloped towards Qingshi Ancient City.

Two days later, the entire Qingshi Ancient City was in a state of excitement.

The spirit appeared and took away a three-foot-long blue and white python, and also left a message... If only one or two people saw it, they would think it was a rumor.

But there are tens of thousands of mortals around the lake.

In addition, the sight of the blue and white python rising into the sky was unobstructed, and at least 20% of the mortals in the entire Bluestone Ancient City could see it.

The world has established that gods really exist.

at the same time.

At the door of the medical clinic, the scholar supported the pale lady and waited outside the door.

"Husband, is this gentleman really a god?"

"I don't know either," Zhu Xi shook his head slightly, "Sir, he has the power to reach heaven. In just seventy days, he transformed me from a weak scholar to a top warrior. With such a existence, even if he is not a god, , which is not far behind.”

Just saying.

The wooden door slowly opened, and the white-haired man was lying on a bamboo chair, with a maid in green standing next to him.

"Sir, the villain has already fetched the inner elixir of the python."

Zhu Xi bowed forward and carefully held the white pill beads in both hands.

"Xiao Lu, get it for me!"

The white-haired man waved his hand and said leisurely.


The maid in green looked at the white inner elixir in the scholar's hand and seemed extremely dissatisfied. However, remembering the terrifying magical power of the master beside her, she had no choice but to step forward and take the elixir.

"The elixir of the blue and white python is indeed a good thing, but at the same time, it also contains highly toxic substances. It must be taken together with other medicines to cure your wife's serious illness."

The white-haired man took the pill and waved it, and a dozen herbs floated out from the counter on one side.

He kneaded it a few times, and the pills turned into powder, blended with the herbs, and condensed into thirty-six pills.

"Take it and take one pill every morning. After thirty-six days, she will naturally recover as before."

"Thank you sir, I am willing to work as a cow or a horse in this life to repay your kindness to sir."

Zhu Xi knelt down, and his wife beside him also knelt down.

"Be a cow or a horse?"

A smile appeared on the corner of the white-haired man's mouth, "You must have heard a lot of rumors outside. I advise you to go back. If you are not greedy, you will suffer a big loss."

The scholar trembled in his heart, kowtowed, and walked out of the hospital with his wife.

"Master, you only need a little bit of spiritual power to save his wife. Why go to such trouble? You also let him poach the inner elixir of the little maid, which almost cost me my life." asked the maid in green.

"If you want to get something, you have to pay for it. How can there be any unprovoked benefits in this world?"

Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly, "Whether it's him or you, don't you pay first and then reap the rewards?"

The maid in green nodded suddenly.

After seventy days of suffering, Zhu Xi went to the depths of the lake and fought hard before finally getting the pill.

What Gu Xiuyun gave was just an opportunity. Whether he could seize it or not depended on himself.

The same goes for the blue and white boa constrictor.

Only when the inner elixir is dug out and on the line between life and death can she become Gu Xiuyun's personal maid.

Gu Xiuyun does not believe in fixed numbers or reincarnation, but he believes that everything is balanced and only those who pay will be rewarded.

Maybe there really is a free lunch in this world, but behind it, there are often great dangers.

"In the next few days, the medical center may be crossed by some thoughtful people. Xiaolu, it's up to you to deal with it!"

Gu Xiuyun waved his hand, "Remember, no matter what the situation, you are not allowed to take action against mortals. With your current cultivation level, even if scholar Zhu Xina tries his best, he can't hurt you at all."

"My slave understands."

The maid in green bowed slightly.

At this moment, she is no longer what she was two days ago. Infused with massive amounts of spiritual power, her physical body has long since transformed, even her inner elixir has condensed again, and her cultivation has reached the early stage of Douxiao Realm.

If not, she wouldn't have been able to transform into a human form.

The Dou Xiao Realm monster is already at the level of the Demon King. Even if she stands there and lets others chop her, no one can even think of hurting her even a hair.

"Princess, my subordinates have found out the origin of the mysterious warrior. His name is Zhu Xi, and he is a scholar... A few months ago, he was still kowtowing in the city and praying to the gods to save his wife, but he has disappeared in the past two months. ”

"Many people thought he had given up, but they never thought that this person would suddenly transform and possess martial arts that transcended the realm of transformation. He could even kill pythons and monsters. He must have been inspired by the gods."

"As for his wife, her condition has been improving in recent days, and her face has turned red. My subordinates speculate that... it has something to do with the beads in the python's body."

In the attic, the purple-clad guard spoke respectfully.

"I have knelt down and worshiped continuously for half a year, and every time my knees were broken and my flesh was dripping with blood. I am really pious." The woman sat on the soft couch with a thoughtful expression on her face. "There are many pious blades like him in the city. Why did he get the fate?"

"How about we go and interrogate him?" the purple-clothed guard said, "No matter how capable this person is, his wife is just an ordinary mortal. If she is thrown into a trap, she will definitely be able to find out something."


The woman shook her head slightly and said, "There is a god three feet above your head. Haven't you heard this? Who the gods want to see has their own opinions. You can't force them out by force."

"But if we don't do it, others won't know. What if they get some benefits?"

"Then don't let them get any benefits. Zhu Xi's wife has no strength and has been suffering from illness all year round. You send a few guards to guard her and give her some thousand-year-old ginseng. In this way, she won't cause any trouble. Angry gods, but also able to find out information, isn't it the best of both worlds?" the woman said softly.

"The princess is wise, but my subordinate is reckless."

The purple-clothed guard bowed and left.

For a period of time after that, warriors often appeared near Zhu Xi's house, and these warriors did not dare to enter the courtyard.

Because anyone who comes close will have their kung fu wasted and their tendons and tendons broken.

In addition, the number of mortals in Qingshi Ancient City increased dramatically, and there were even many more mortals outside the city.

Every day, you can see the smoke curling up, and countless people are burning incense and praying, asking for blessings from the gods.

"The shadow of fate is becoming more and more clear."

On the suspended island, Gu Xiuyun's eyes flickered.

From Zhu Xi to the blue and white python, to Princess Fang Cong, wealthy nobles, and even countless mortals... every change comes from the ancient bluestone city and the fighting outside the lake.

It was like a stone dropped into a calm lake, causing countless ripples.

These ripples were enough for him to comprehend for a long time.

Once all the fluctuations are understood, you can continue throwing stones.

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