Fortune Teller

Chapter 1205 Thousand-foot Giant Python

Outside the hospital, scholar Zhu Xi knelt in front of the door, his eyes full of guilt.

He knew that he was familiar with the books of sages and acted according to the words of sages. He never did anything that went against his conscience.

But now, the wife has told the world the secret of Mr. Medical Clinic, attracting all the princes, and countless soldiers have surrounded the streets of Dongcheng. From now on, there will never be peace here.

"My wife leaked the news to save me. I should bear the responsibility for this crime."

Zhu Xi was kneeling on the blue bricks. The woman beside him had fallen asleep at some point.

With the skills of a scholar, it is not difficult to stun a woman.

"It's just a piece of news. How can you make such a big fuss and go all the way to the door of the medical center to plead guilty?" The man in charge of gun service sneered, "How can gods exist, why would they care about such a trivial matter?"

"In my opinion, he wants to take this opportunity to meet the gods and seek another immortal fate." said the powerful warrior.

"It's good that this person is here, maybe the gods can really come out to see him." Another prince said.

All parties have already completely blocked the streets of Dongcheng. The reason why Zhu Xi and his wife were allowed to come to the hospital was to test it out.

Until this moment, the princes of all parties were still suspicious.

In front of the hospital, the scholar knelt from dawn to dusk before he helped his unconscious wife and walked to the house.

"You've been kneeling for half a day and you can't hold it anymore?"

"It seems like it's just for show."

The faces of the surrounding soldiers showed disdain and sneers.

Zhu Xi did not explain and walked out of the streets of Dongcheng silently.

Early the next morning.

He came to the door of the medical center again, knelt down and said nothing.

At dusk, the scholar stood up silently and returned to the house.

On the third day, the same thing happened.

The same goes for the fourth day.

Day by day, the scholar comes every morning and leaves at dusk, rain or shine.

The princes from all sides were a little impatient.

"It's been almost a month. When will your medical doctor show up?" As soon as the scholar left, a guard in red stepped forward and asked coldly.

"It will naturally appear when it should appear." The maid in green glanced around and said.

"Are you kidding me? Believe it or not, I burned down this shabby medical center."

"If you can, just do it."

The maid looked at ease.

When Gu Xiuyun left, he only told her not to attack mortals, but he didn't say that she couldn't cast spells. With the methods of the Dou Xiao Realm Demon King, it was more than enough to protect a medical center.

The guard in red looked hesitantly at the middle-aged man in Gun suit, with a somewhat hesitant look on his face.

‘Do it! ’

The man in charge of the service waved the order without hesitation. It has been a month, but the doctor has not shown up. If this continues, how long will he have to wait?

He is not the princess of Fang Cong Kingdom. He is strong and healthy and can wait for three to five years.

Gun Fu said that the man was seriously ill and could only live for another half year at most. Instead of waiting for the disease to develop and die quietly, it was better to fight hard once, even if he offended the gods.

"Over the past few days, there have been a total of thirteen people who have knelt to death in the streets of Dongcheng. Each one of them bears great vengeance, but in the end...the gods did not appear until they died."

"It can be seen that the gods don't care about the lives of mortals at all. Instead of begging, it is better to force him to show up."

As the warrant fell, a dozen masters jumped up and rushed towards the medical center. Each of them had a sharp weapon in their hand, shining with a bright silver light.

"You really dare to take action?" The maid in green raised her lips slightly.


The weapon flew through the air and landed on the surface of the table and chairs, but it did not break any part. Even the teapot on the wine table did not show any change.

One of the guards had murderous intentions in his heart and swung his sword to stab the maid.

Clang! !

The sword body shattered, but the maid in green remained motionless, but the guard was blown away by the violent impact.

"How can it be?"

Everyone outside the hospital looked shocked.

More than a dozen martial arts masters did not leave any scratches. Even the sharpest weapons could not break the tables and chairs, let alone the maid in green.

Are these objects inspired by gods?

"Fire the arrow!"

The middle-aged man Gun Fu shouted angrily.

Hundreds of guards took out black oil arrows, lit them with fire, and shot them in the direction of the medical center.

Only a very small amount of firelight fell on the hospital, and the rest of the firelight fell on the surrounding shops. Once these firelights were ignited, they would affect the entire street. If you were not careful, the houses and shops on the street would be burned down.

"The King of Xishan is really cruel and ruthless."

Princess Fang Congguo quickly retreated with her purple-clad guards and others.

When Gun Fu, a middle-aged man, did this, he obviously wanted to completely break up the relationship and threaten the lives of tens of thousands of people on the streets of Dongcheng.

The gods may not care about the lives of thirteen people, but they cannot care about the lives of tens of thousands of people.

The moment the firelight fell.

A shocking roar.

All the fire in the sky was swallowed up by the scaly body. A blue and white python that was a thousand feet tall stood proudly above the streets of Dongcheng, like a majestic mountain peak. The snake's head was huge and its eyes were filled with red light.

"Python... python? The big blue and white python that day??"

"The python back then was only three feet tall, but the one in front of me is taller than the mountains, and probably hundreds of times stronger."

Mortals on the street looked pale.

Even the scholar Zhu Xi, who was far away in the courtyard, looked shocked, "Blue and white python? How could there be such a huge python monster?"

"Husband, the direction where the python is is seems to be the medical center!"

"I gonna go see."

Scholar Zhu Xi hurriedly walked outside the courtyard gate.

The woman looked worried, but did not stop him. She knew her husband's temper very well. Back then, he was just a weak scholar, but he was able to defy power and even die to remonstrate with him.

Now that he has mastered the Poison Technique and is extremely powerful, how could he ignore the world?


The figure passed by and rushed towards the streets of Dongcheng.

"Xiao Lu's temper can't be tolerated after only a few days."

In the suspended island, Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly.

The actions of the blue and white python will undoubtedly have an impact on the fate of the ripples, but this is inevitable. The legend of the gods will definitely attract a large number of rich and powerful relatives.

Those people may be able to wait three to five months, but they definitely cannot wait three to five years.

The longer time goes by, the more violent the methods of the wealthy nobles will become.

For example, the King of Xishan is seriously ill and has only half a year left to live. In the face of life and death, who would care whether he gets offended or not?

Gu Xiuyun just wanted to use this to observe the ripples of destiny between heaven and earth, instead of letting them cause disasters one after another, so he needed the blue and white python to suppress them.

hold head high! !

The roar of the python resounded throughout the world, making countless people dizzy and almost falling to the ground.

"Don't be so rampant as you evil beasts."

Scholar Zhu Xi rushed to the front of the medical center, holding a steel knife and looking at the thousand-foot python with a solemn expression.

The mountain-like blue and white python, every scale on its body is no less than the size of an adult. The snake's body is twenty or thirty feet long. It can destroy half of the city with just two shakes.

"It's you junior again."

A cold light flashed in the blue and white python's eyes, and then it dissipated, "Forget it, the grudge between you and me is over. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to get the reward from the master, and I wouldn't be able to enter Douxiao."

"Grudges?" The scholar narrowed his eyes and looked slightly condensed, "Are you the blue and white python that day??"

"if not!"

The Thousand-foot Giant Python looked proud and said loudly, "You just got a useless poison skill. I was given divine power by the master and became the Dou Xiao Demon King. I have an immortal body. Speaking of which, I Still making money.”

The words fell.

The thousand-foot giant python curled up sharply and turned into a maid in green, looking at the scholar and the surrounding mortals with a proud expression.

"If you want to wait, just wait. If you can't wait, get away. Don't think of any conspiracy. When the time comes, my master will naturally show up. When the time is not up, even if everyone in the city is dead, the master will not show up. body."

"As for you scholar, I advise you to stop worrying. What's the use of kneeling here every day? I don't care about a little mortal."

With that said, the maid in green turned around and walked back to the hospital.

Outside the door, everyone looked at each other.

Many of the soldiers and guards looked pale, as if they had not recovered from the fear.

The mountain python that is thousands of feet high is really terrifying. Who would have thought that the petite maid in green who looks like a fifteen-year-old girl is actually a thousand-foot python.

To mortals, a thousand-foot-tall python is no different from a god.

"Princess, what should we do now?" the purple-clothed guard asked in a low voice.

"With this python in the way, no one can cause trouble in the ancient city of Qingshi." The woman raised her beautiful eyes slightly, "Instead of pursuing the illusory blessings of the gods, it is better to win over the scholar Zhu Xi, with his poisonous skills, and Fang Congguo The army is enough to wipe out all the princes."

"That scholar..."

The purple-clothed guard pondered for a moment and nodded.

A good idea indeed.

"By the way, it's best to borrow the secret book of his poison skills. Although the Blue and White Python said that only Zhu Xi can master it in the entire Bluestone Ancient City, we still have to give it a try. Maybe we can cultivate a few more Master of Poison Skills."

"My subordinate understands."

The purple-clad guards left quickly.

In the next few days, the scholar came to kneel in front of the medical center every day as before.

Zhu Xi rejected all the princes and nobles who wanted to win over him, but he didn't pay too much attention to the secret book of Poison Technique. As early as when Gu Xiuyun gave the book, he had said that it was not easy to practice this Poison Technique. Not only did it require a life of nine deaths, They also have to endure inhuman torture.

Not everyone can try to practice cultivation.

Since all parties wanted to get it, let them fight for it themselves. The scholar simply threw the secret book of poisonous skills out for everyone to watch and read.

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