Fortune Teller

Chapter 1206 Preaching

In the years that followed, Qingshi Ancient City gradually calmed down.

Every day, a large number of mortals came to the door of the medical center to pray, and the ashes from the incense burners covered the stone floor with a thick layer.

In addition, many princes and nobles came here.

The purpose of these people is not simple.

Firstly, they want to see the gods, secondly, they want to win over the scholar Zhu Xi, and at the same time, they want to see what the legendary thousand-foot giant python looks like.

Scholar Zhu Xi, as usual, came to kneel in front of the medical clinic every day and never paid attention to the ridicule and ridicule of others.

In his heart, everything has its own rules.

If you break the rules, you will be punished...whether it is yourself or others.

His wife was weak, and she betrayed the gods for the sake of a scholar. He should bear the responsibility for this crime. Therefore, Zhu Xi went to the medical clinic every day to kneel down, not for the sake of immortality, nor for fame and fortune, but just for the principles in his heart.

Maybe the world can't understand him, but this is Zhu Xi.

On the suspended island, Gu Xiuyun occasionally glanced below.

"For nine years, I have gone to the hospital to kneel down every day, rain or shine, and never paid attention to the ridicule and ridicule of others. Such a character is indeed the sign of enlightenment."

Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly.

Practitioners may be good or evil. There are people like Ji Wenshan who uphold the right path, punish rape and eradicate evil, and there are also people like the Black Demon Zhenzun who are murderous and bloodthirsty. However, without exception, they have the biggest problem. Characteristics... Keep your heart.

Whether you are kind or evil, what you fear most is an unstable Taoist mind.

Talent and understanding are only secondary, Tao heart is the foundation.

A person who is easily deceived by others and whose ears are weak will not be able to achieve great success even if he has natural talents.

But how many people in this world will not be deceived by others?

For example, what is the value of those jewelry, luxury bags, and luxury cars? In the final analysis, it is vanity.

Looking at the world, there are only a few people who can be unwavering and stick to their true intentions, and even fewer are as determined as Zhu Xi.

"In nine years, the ripples of destiny have been fully comprehended. It's time to take action!"

early morning.

Bang! !

The door of the medical center was pushed open by the girl. The mortals outside the door looked up and saw that in addition to the blue and white maid, there was also a white-haired man wearing a blue Taoist robe, lying leisurely on a bamboo chair.

"Why are there two people?"

"The girl in green is the legendary blue and white python, said to be a thousand feet tall, and another... god?"

Mortals were in shock and excitement.

In front of the medical center, scholar Zhu Xi was already kneeling on the bluestone floor. Hearing this, he raised his head and couldn't help but look shocked when he saw the white-haired man.

Nine years.

After nine years of compulsory education, the gray-haired man finally appeared.

"The gods... I pray to the gods to give me the elixir. I am weak and have been coughing all year round. Please ask the gods to save me."

"God, I bear a great hatred. All the elders in my family were forced to death by the squires in Nancun. Even my only sister is missing. I beg you to avenge me."

"By the gods, I am willing to give up all the gold, silver and jewelry in my house, just to give me ten more years of life."

The mortals knelt down one after another and prayed endlessly.

"My master is not a god. You have found the wrong person. Those who burn incense to worship should stay away. Burning incense every day will kill people."

The blue and white maid waved her hand and swept the smoke out of the door, "The master is here today just to save the sick and treat people. Those who are destined can enter."

"Destined one?"

The mortals outside the hospital looked at each other, then stood up and rushed into the hospital, but without exception, they were all blocked by the invisible light curtain.

"God will help those who help themselves, and God will abandon those who abandon themselves," the blue and white maid continued, "My master will not save those who abandon themselves. There is a glimmer of hope in the world, and only those who are truly on the verge of despair and have tried in every possible way to no avail can enter."

"The villain is really on the verge of despair. The squire from Nancun bullied the market and drove all the elders in my family to death. He also kidnapped my younger sister. I really have no choice but to pray to the gods." A down-and-out man The man bowed and said.


The blue and white maidservant said disdainfully, "Why did those squires look for you instead of looking for others? It's not because you are addicted to gambling and even mortgaged your family property. Even so, there is still a glimmer of hope. You are strong and don't want to make up for it. It was a mistake in the past to escape at night, thus injuring the elders in the family and the younger sister was also humiliated. "

"In the final analysis, it is not a pity for people like you to die."

The man's face suddenly turned pale and he staggered away into the distance.

"God, I have done good deeds and helped the poor all my life. I just want to live a few more years," another person said.

"How long you can live depends on your own destiny, and the gods can't help you," the blue and white maid said coquettishly, "Besides, your life of wealth is already a great blessing, so don't be greedy anymore."

Every mortal opened his mouth to pray, but the blue and white maidservant rejected them all.

At this time, a voice came from the medical center.

"Zhu Xi, you have rescued your wife. Why don't you cherish your only ten years of life? Instead, you come here to kneel down and worship her every day. Are you greedy and want to get more benefits?"

The gods spoke... everyone shut their mouths.

Even if some mortals wanted to speak, they could not. The spiritual power of the blue and white maidservant filled the air and stopped everyone.

"Mr. Mingjian, I don't expect any benefits. I just ask you to forgive me and my wife for their sins. In order to save me, my wife informed the world about my husband's residence, which caused many years of disputes in Qingshi Ancient City. This sin, I am willing to forgive." I can't bear it, but I just ask you, sir, to spare my wife."

Zhu Xi bowed.

"For nine years, you have come here to kneel and worship every day, just for this little thing?" The white-haired man smiled slightly.

"In the eyes of a gentleman, it is a small matter, but in the eyes of a villain, it is a big thing. There are rules for everything and cannot be violated. If you cross the line, you should be punished." Zhu Xi said.

"You have such a temper... no wonder..."

Gu Xiuyun shook his head and laughed.

According to the normal trajectory of fate, after Zhu Xi lost his beloved wife, he followed his wife's last wish, read classics day and night, and finally compiled the Seven Rules of Confucianism and Taoism, becoming a great Confucian of his generation.

Regardless of whether the Seven Rules of Confucianism and Taoism are good or bad, as a great Confucian, he had a profound influence on later generations. In terms of status, he is second only to the ancient saints and can be called a great master in the literary world.

Of course, this is the normal trajectory of fate.

With the arrival of Gu Xiuyun, everything has changed. The Seven Laws of Confucianism and Taoism will never appear again. Today, Zhu Xi is just a scholar who sticks to his character.

"I am here today just to save the sick and treat people. You have been invaded by the poisonous power and you are considered terminally ill. Do you need treatment?" Gu Xiuyun said leisurely.

The scholar raised his head suddenly, "Sir..."

Zhu Xi didn't expect that the gods would be willing to help him.

"I have three volumes of Taoism in my hand. The first volume can extend your life for fifty years, the second volume can extend your life for a hundred years, and the third volume can allow you to live forever and live forever. Choose one!"

After the words fell, all the mortals outside the medical center widened their eyes.

Live forever and live forever? Wouldn't that mean immortality? What's the difference between it and a god?

"Sir, can Taoism be taught to relatives at home?" the scholar asked.

"Of course not," Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly, "Immortal skills can be practiced by ordinary people. Not to mention whether they can practice it successfully, as long as they are touched even slightly, they will leave countless disasters."

"The road to eternal life is always lonely."

"Thank you sir, I will choose the first volume." The scholar said respectfully.

"Have you thought clearly? The first volume can only let you live fifty more years, just like ordinary people. The road to immortality is right in front of you. Once you miss it, you will never live again."

"The villain is already thirty-four years old. If he lives for another fifty years, he will be an octogenarian. If this is not enough, it would be too greedy. Besides, I made an oath earlier to stay with my wife until death. Never change.”

"Okay, take the Taoist book!!"

Gu Xiuyun threw out a volume of classics and said softly, "This book is not a mystery. If someone comes to snatch it, give it to him. Without my permission, no one in the world can practice it. From today on, don't kneel here. ”

"Sir, regardless of past grievances, gave me a book of Taoism. The villain will never be repaid by death."

Zhu Xi took the Taoist book and bowed away.

In the next few days, mortals continued to gather, and the surrounding princes also rushed in in carriages, but no matter who they were, they could not break the invisible light curtain.

Until half a month later.

An infant baby was abandoned outside the hospital and was carried in by the blue and white maid.

After that, the entire Qingshi Ancient City seemed to explode.

Many people abandon their children outside the medical center, thinking that like the swaddled baby, they will be able to enter the medical center under the curtain of the gods.

Unexpectedly, he was taken back by the scholar Zhu Xi.

"Master, these mortals are so heartless that they can even abandon their own children. According to my temper, I can kill such people directly," said the blue and white maidservant.

"There is a difference between immortals and mortals, have you forgotten again?"

Gu Xiuyun glanced at the girl next to him, "Let mortals do whatever they want, and they have to bear the consequences themselves. From today on, the medical clinic will be handed over to Zhu Xi, and you will teach his wife the medical skills and There is no need to teach other methods if you use the Tu Na method.”

"Teaching the method of breathing?"

The blue and white maid blinked.

To step into the Immortal Sect, you must first understand the method of breathing in and out. However, the ancestral land of the God Turtle has no spiritual power, and the sun, moon and stars are only superficial appearances, so the effect of the method of breathing in and out is not great.

Only the ancient bluestone city contains weak spiritual power. With this little spiritual power, there is almost no hope of stepping into the Immortal Sect.

"Zhu Xi is quite talented. Even in the realm of the heavens, there are very few people with a mind like his. Pindao has only accepted two disciples. It's time to accept a third disciple."

Gu Xiuyun took one step forward and disappeared into the medical center.

"Third disciple?"

The blue and white maid blinked her eyes, with a look of envy on her face.

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