Fortune Teller

Chapter 1207 Time flies

Time flies, and twenty years have passed without realizing it.

The legend of Bluestone Ancient City spread farther and farther from the surrounding area. After hearing the news, countless mortals wanted to go to the ancient city to pray for the blessings of the gods.

But this land is too vast.

No less than the world of Tianji Pan, the billions of miles of land are far beyond the limits of mortals. Different territories, even languages ​​and characters are different.

Except for a very small number of people who left their hometowns and went to Qingshi Ancient City, ordinary mortals just regarded it as something to talk about after dinner and did not delve too deeply into it.

"There is no shortage of people who really work hard in this world, but how many of those people would go to pray to gods and worship Buddha?"

Looking at the surrounding land, Gu Xiuyun's eyes changed.

Those who pray to gods or worship Buddha may not want to make progress, or may have done some evil deeds, and finally have to turn to gods for help.

Only a very small number of people really have no way to heaven and no way to earth, and are in a complete desperate situation.

Ordinary mortals, although they respect gods and Buddhas, will never rely on gods and Buddhas as their only support.

Back then, Gu Xiuyun was trapped by the curse of destiny. Didn't he try every means to solve the dilemma? How could he pray to the gods?

"Twenty years have passed, and a group of people have changed in Qingshi Ancient City. The princess of Fang Cong Kingdom has now become the empress and controls the surrounding countries. It is really not easy."

Gu Xiuyun looked towards the south side of Qingshi Ancient City.

There is a towering city slowly rising up there.

Princess Fang Congguo, who had fought against all sides for thirty years, twice asked Zhu Xi to help her kill two formidable enemies.

And all of this stems from the kindness of that year.

When Zhu Xi was in trouble, the princes from all sides were pressing him day and night. Only Princess Fang Cong tried her best to protect him, and many people helped him after that.

For example, if it were not for Fang Congguo's relief for the children who were adopted by Zhu Xi, where would the money come from to support them?

Compared with others, Princess Fang Congguo is the biggest winner in the entire Bluestone Ancient City.

"The most important thing for a person is self-knowledge. Instead of pursuing illusory things, it is better to grasp what is in front of you and move forward step by step. Maybe one day, the thing you have always wanted but can't get will be at your feet."

Gu Xiuyun seemed to have some realization in his heart.

Isn't it the same with the shadow of fate?

As one of the most partial Taoist methods in the Tao of Destiny, it is extremely difficult to comprehend. However, if you dissect it into countless parts and slowly comprehend it, you will have hope of success.

At some point, he closed his eyes again.

Inside the Black Lock Mountain.

The second clone sat cross-legged, his eyes like sharp knives.

Every ten years, the real human body will come out of the ancestral land of the God Turtles to exchange insights with each other. The real human body takes the path of understanding the shadow of fate, while the second clone mainly dissects the black and white pattern.

Under the Qiankun Realm Soul Thought, even though there are thousands of variations in the black and white pattern, it still seems much simpler.

They are taking different paths, but they can learn from each other and complement each other.

"In just thirty years, the real body's understanding of the shadow of fate has increased so much. It seems that the ancestral land of the Divine Turtle is indeed suitable for understanding the mystery of shadow."

"In this case, some things must be prepared in advance!"

The fingertips of the second clone trembled slightly.

If the true form of the human race can really crack the black and white pattern, and study the second volume of Guizang, there is at least a 50% chance of breaking through the rules of fate.

Over the past few decades, as technological civilization has continued to spread, the power of destiny has become more and more powerful, even faintly beyond the limits of Gu Xiuyun's control.

Such a huge power of destiny is enough to support his crazy calculations again and again.

In addition to analyzing the black and white pattern, Gu Xiuyun was also deducing the particle structure of the tenth level of true meaning, and set aside part of his mind to study the longevity diagram.

As long as he understands the rules of destiny, he can upgrade his physical body to the twelfth level of true meaning.

At that time, even though Patriarch Tianji was extremely powerful, Gu Xiuyun was not afraid of a fight.

"From the ninth level to the twelfth level, the soul-like magical medicine required is too huge, and it may not be possible to collect it even if you search the entire endless void. It is just right to use the soul thoughts of the Qiankun realm to refine some soul-like elixirs."

The second clone closed its eyes, silently absorbed the power of the void, and condensed the soul elixir.

This is also what ordinary venerables do, but this method has little effect. After all, it takes time for a practitioner to swallow his soul thoughts. After refining each elixir, tens of thousands of years of hard work may be exhausted in a single fight. .

Therefore, the sages often travel in the void outside the territory to collect magical medicines. At the same time, they also establish business alliances in the giant cities of the void to collect the rare elixirs from practitioners in the lower realms.

But Gu Xiuyun is different. At this moment, his mind is comparable to the Qiankun realm. Whether it is to comprehend Taoism or to condense soul pills, it is much easier. In addition, the special nature of true energy... true energy comes from the blending of essence, energy and spirit, so As long as it is converted, Yuanli can be turned into soul thoughts.

As a result, the speed of refining soul pills increases day by day.

While Gu Xiuyun was immersed in practicing, the Eight-Eyed Sect was also fighting in various places. If the venerables did not intervene, it did not mean that the True Illusion Realm and the Douxiao Realm would not take action.

The evolution of technological civilization has caused damage to countless sects.

Faced with the joint suppression of the sects of the heavens, the Eight-Eyed Divine Sect was not to be outdone. Almost every day, a large number of Douxiao Realm superpowers were born to supplement the combat power of the Divine Sect.

Some talented and intelligent people, who have practiced both superpowers and the immortal system, are even more powerful, almost as strong as the beasts of the same level.

Among them is Shen Qi.

On a deserted island, nearly a hundred warships hung in the air, spitting out hot flames.

Deep in the warship, Shen Qi sat opposite a dozen divine priests. Each of them was in the early stage of Douxiao Realm, but compared to others, their aura was much stronger.

These priests are people who practice both lines.

"Senior Brother Shen, among all my fellow sect members, you are the only one who practices both martial arts and immortality. We all follow the path of superpowers, and are much inferior in terms of strength. We will have to rely on senior brother to deal with Jinyang Master later."

"Junior brothers, there is no need to be modest. Master Lan once said that martial arts can only show its power when it breaks through to the sixth level of Douxiao. I am only in the early stage of Douxiao, and I am far away from that level. I still have to rely on the care of all my fellow disciples. , to fight against it.”

Just as he was talking, there was a roar in the distance.

More than thirty Douxiao realm cultivators were seen arriving from the sky. The leader was a master of the Xuan Dynasty, with spiritual energy surging all over his body and a mysterious aura rising and falling. There was also a seventh-grade spiritual treasure in front of him.

"Sure enough, it's here."

"Let's fight!"

Shen Qiyang stood up and flew out of the warship, and a dozen other priests of the divine religion also walked out.

As for the other warships... After the hatches were opened, mechas appeared one after another, and the evil aura was hidden deep in the mechas.

It is not difficult to imagine that as long as you are hit once, you will lose half your life.

"Zhenren Jinyang, nearly 70% of the Wudou Secret Realm has been occupied by the Eight-Eyed Divine Sect, so why should you be stubborn? This sect only spreads technological civilization and will not compete with you for disciples."

Shen Qi said loudly.

"Fart, this technological civilization is just heresy. Over the past few decades, the foundations of many sects have been damaged, and countless disciples have defected, and they have all become lackeys of the Eight-Eyed God Sect."

Master Jinyang cursed angrily, "If this continues, what rules will there be in the practice world?"

"It's a joke, it's just an excuse for your selfishness," Shen Qi sneered, "When the human race was weak, you took everything you asked for. Just throw out some medicine dregs and teach some Taoism, and you can make countless people work for you."

"Now that technological civilization has arrived, practitioners can walk in the void at will. Who is still afraid of you? In the final analysis, it is just a struggle for interests."

Shen Qi knows the darkness of the sect better than anyone else because he has experienced it personally.

Those sects only need a little broken medicine residue and some tattered classics to make their disciples fight desperately, but the direct descendants of the sect can be pampered and always stand at the top.

But now, the superpower system has emerged.

Everyone can enter the Douxiao Realm, and there is no need to resort to elixirs and Taoism. After becoming a strong person in the Douxiao Realm, it is naturally much less difficult to search for immortality books and find elixirs and rare treasures.

But in doing so, it touched the interests of some people.

Fighting and war are inevitable.

"Stop talking nonsense, the Eight-Eyed Divine Sect's sins are monstrous. I will eradicate you today. Please show me the real deal!" Master Jinyang's face showed a fierce look.

"Shen doesn't want to talk nonsense to you either."

Shen Qi's whole body was filled with true energy, and his Taoism was as good as that of Zhenren Ruxuan.

There was a roar.

The two sides fell into a fierce fight...

In the realm of the heavens, almost everywhere the Eight-Eyed Divine Sect goes, they will face attacks from sects.

Of course, His Holiness would not interfere.

The so-called struggle for interests is meaningless to His Holiness. Whether scientific and technological civilization exists or not has neither benefit nor harm to them.

What's more, there are too many sages behind the Eight-Eyed Sect.

Qingshui, Fangcun, Heishan and the women's clothing boss Tianzhen in the Jade Immortal Realm, Venerable Gengyang, Venerable Huanming, Shenwu, as well as twenty Yaozu Venerables who have refined the divine blood, as well as Emperor Ming and Chi Scale Demon Lord.

In addition, three peak true masters, Dong Yan, Long Yang, and Taoist Xi Ming, sit on it.

How many people dare to provoke such a powerful force?

In the ancestral land of the Divine Turtle, Gu Xiuyun stood in the sky.

Unconsciously, two hundred and seventy years have passed.

The ancient city of Qingshi has not only become a legend, but has also moved the hearts of the entire ancestral world. Even some wealthy nobles traveled millions of miles to come there after several generations.

The reason for this is that there is a real immortal in Qingshi Ancient City-Zhu Xi.

Two hundred years ago, Gu Xiuyun accepted Zhu Xi as a registered disciple and passed down a martial art. As for his wife, her talent and understanding were far inferior to Zhu Xi's, but she was taught by the Blue and White Snake every day, and she reluctantly entered the immortal sect.

"The shadow of fate makes it more difficult to practice as time goes by. The first Dao Rhyme only took thirty-two years, the second Dao Rhyme took sixty-five years, and even now, the third Dao Rhyme is still incomplete. "

Gu Xiuyun looked down.

The realization of the shadow of fate made his interpretation of the fate line more profound.

The line of fate is divided into internal and external aspects: the entanglement of fate, the mental state of fate, and the twisting of fate are all internal cultivation, and the shadow of fate is external cultivation. As for the calculation of destiny... it includes internal and external changes. Although it is the foundation, it is more extensive and profound.

"My understanding of the calculation of heavenly secrets is not deep, and it is far less mysterious than the secret technique of the broken tablet."

"Presumably this is also the reason why practice is hindered. External cultivation of the fate line requires influencing others to realize the changes. This path is too time-consuming."

Gu Xiuyun also understood his shortcomings.

Time is his biggest shortcoming.

Destiny practitioners have been practicing for as little as hundreds of thousands of years, and as many as millions of years. Some of the true masters even spent three or four lives until they accumulated enough knowledge to finally reach the seventh level.

Gu Xiuyun's time for enlightenment was too short.

He could only choose internal cultivation, focusing on twisting fate, destiny's mind, and entanglement of fate. External cultivation methods... he didn't understand almost any of them.

"Two hundred and seventy years, but the cultivation has been so slow. It seems that only the soldiers are in danger."

Gu Xiuyun looked down and said, "Zhu Xi, from today onwards we will recruit many disciples. As long as their temperament is suitable and their talents allow, they will grant them spiritual power and secret techniques."

"Recruiting disciples?"

In the medical center, Zhu Xi suddenly raised his head.

The cyan figure stood in the sky, like a bright and scorching sun. It was ten thousand feet tall, but mortals couldn't see it.

"As soon as these disciples reach the early stage of opening the pulse realm, they will be sent out to various parts of the world to find suitable disciples. Remember, you must ask Xiaolu before accepting a disciple. She is the Demon King of Douxiao Realm. She can sense people's hearts and spy on them. The power of cause and effect.”

"Disciple, obey."

Zhu Xi knelt down.

Soon after, a piece of news spread.

Immortal Zhu opens the door to accept disciples. As long as the person has the right temperament and is talented, he is expected to enter the medical clinic and become a disciple of the Immortal.

After the news spread, countless mortals went crazy about it.

In the past, although they knew that there were gods and immortals in Qingshi Ancient City, most people could only take a look at it from a distance without getting any chance.

But things are different now. Immortal Zhu has many disciples.

Opportunities are available to everyone.

"The ripples of destiny formed by one Zhu Xi are ordinary, but if there are ten, twenty or even hundreds of practitioners, the entire Divine Turtle Ancestral Land will be stirred up, and the ripples of destiny will become extremely complicated and difficult to comprehend. It will improve a lot.”

"But at the same time, I can also see more mysterious changes."

Gu Xiuyun whispered to himself.

Now it is no longer two hundred and seventy years ago. His understanding of the shadow of fate is far better than before, and he can also peel off the ripples of fate caused by different practitioners.

What's more important is that both Zhu Xi and Qinghua Snake, as well as the subsequent disciples, all come from his inheritance.

The traces of fate are clear and easy to deduce.

If a venerable man suddenly appeared in the Divine Turtle ancestral land and taught Taoist secrets everywhere, Gu Xiuyun would not be able to understand it.

Because of those chaotic ripples of fate, he couldn't figure out the cause at all.

Only by reaching the sixth or even seventh level can one try to analyze the ripples of destiny in the realm of the heavens and comprehend deeper shadow changes.

Time passes day by day.

Zhu Xi did not dare to neglect his master's instructions. He recruited disciples every day and set numerous tests.

At the same time, the Blue and White Snake is also very busy, not only teaching Taoist secrets and granting spiritual power, but also observing the origins of mortals' minds, which is extremely taxing on the mind.

Day by day passed like this.

The first batch of disciples reached the early stage of opening the pulse and traveled to all parts of the world to find suitable disciples.

Disciples under Zhu Xi's sect must at least reach the early stage of opening the pulse, so the requirements are naturally much stricter.

Talent is one thing, but your character must not be evil, lest you bring disaster to the world.

As for the third generation descendants of those disciples, the requirements are much lower. After all, the blue and white python cannot travel around every day.

What's more, their strength is limited. Even if they try their best, they can only train them to the early stage of the Pulse Cleansing Realm. Even many disciples cannot even cross the Immortal Gate.

At the same time, the ripples of fate became more and more intense, and Gu Xiuyun's understanding of Taoism became more and more profound.

Four hundred and fifty years later, he finally realized the third Taoist rhyme.

In four hundred and ninety-two years, he realized the fourth Taoist rhyme.

In six hundred and seventy-three years, he realized the fifth Taoist rhyme.

In eight hundred and twenty-one years, he realized the sixth Taoist rhyme.

The thousand-year deadline is getting closer and closer, Gu Xiuyun has reached the final step of the shadow of fate, integrating Tao Yun and condensing the mystery of the sixth grade.

One step away, but a world of difference.

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