Fortune Teller

Chapter 1208: Return to the Second Volume

"As life moves through the world, it will always leave traces. These traces may last ten days and a half, it may last three years or five years, or it may last thousands of years."

"Every trace is like a ripple, but as time goes by, it will eventually return to calm."

"What is destiny? The traces of life are destiny."

On the suspended island, a cyan figure sat cross-legged, with true energy surging around his body.

At the same time, on the black jade stage, the second clone was also meditating quietly with his eyes closed.

One is comprehending the shadow of fate and comprehending the mysteries of the sixth grade, while the other is observing the black and white pattern and deciphering the changes in pattern. Although the paths are different, the end is the same.

"My journey in the world has left countless ripples. Those ripples are on the earth, in the void, and in the depths of people's hearts. Even a wisp of memory is part of the shadow."

"And this is the shadow of fate."

After a long time, Gu Xiuyun opened his eyes, and his two pupils were like two huge worlds, encompassing the entire Divine Turtle Ancestral Land.

At this moment, he saw everything in the world and sensed the changes in the hearts of everyone across the land.

The Divine Power of Destiny... Gu Xiuyun completely mastered it for the first time.

In the past, although he was proficient in the mysteries of fate, he could never sense the thoughts of mortals across hundreds of millions of miles away, unless he activated the divine power of destiny.

Now, this magical power has been completely explored.

The shadow of fate is the most terrifying means of perceiving the human heart in the world. One can gain insight into the world in a single thought, and any position that the ripples of fate can reach will be sensed.

Such a terrifying method, the simple sensing range...has far exceeded the soul thoughts and martial arts supernatural powers.

"The sixth-level destiny shadow can only sense mortals and low-level practitioners. Those who want to perceive higher-level practitioners must reach the seventh-level."

Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly, "The way of shadow is too complicated to comprehend. It will probably take hundreds of thousands of years to go from the sixth level to the seventh level. Let's forget it."

"Let's unravel the numerology pattern first!"

After a while, the true form of the human race walked out of the crack in the stone turtle.

As soon as they entered the underground abyss, a cold and murderous intention came towards them. The curse of the Eternal True Master was endless, and it had not stopped even after nearly nine hundred years.

"What a lunatic, forget it, ignore it."

Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly, his mind and thoughts blended with the second clone, and in an instant, countless messages came.

There are the recent battles of the Eight-Eyed God Sect, changes in the realm of demon gods, and insights into the longevity diagram and Taoist rules. Of course, the most important thing is the analysis of the black and white pattern.

At the same time, the second clone's eyes flickered.

After understanding the mystery of the sixth-grade shadow, and combining it with the twist of fate at the seventh-grade pinnacle, the black and white pattern suddenly became much clearer, and the deduction became a hundred times easier.

In just a few moments, several difficulties were overcome one after another...

Twenty-seven years later.

The second clone walked out of the Black Lock Mountain, with a lazy and sloppy black pig lying on its shoulder.

"After nine hundred years of hard work, I finally solved the numerology pattern."


The cyan figure disappeared into the depths of the void.

The ancestral land of the divine turtle.

Gu Xiuyun stood on the suspended island.

As the black and white pattern was unraveled, the tortoise shell pattern on the ground gradually began to shine, and each piece of armor exuded an extremely mysterious charm.

After a long time, a hemispherical illusion enveloped the island, and bursts of mysterious sounds came from the depths of the illusion. In the void, characters flickered, lines swirled, and there were countless strange illusions.

"In the nine hundred and fifteenth year, you unraveled the black and white pattern. It seems that your understanding is not bad." The black turtle and strange beast came from the depths of the illusion. "Junior, if I read it correctly, you should be walking Martial arts, the other clone should stay deep in the secret realm of time and space!"

"This junior is indeed mainly focused on martial arts."

Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly.

The black turtle beast suddenly showed an expression that I had known for a long time, the corners of its mouth raised slightly, and said quietly, "How many years did it take?"

"Nine hundred and fifteen years."

"I'm asking about the time in the Secret Realm of Time and Space." The Black Turtle Alien Beast said impatiently.

"Nine hundred and fifteen years."

"Don't you understand human language?" The black turtle and beast looked sullen. After a moment, they asked suspiciously, "Junior...have you not entered the secret realm of time and space?"

Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly.

The black turtle beast suddenly shrank its pupils, "It's impossible. Without the acceleration of the secret realm of time and space, with your Taoist realm, it is absolutely impossible to unlock the exquisite phaseless picture in just a thousand years, even if you have understood the shadow of fate and the twist of fate. , it can’t be so easy.”

"Believe it or not, I can't explain it."

Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly.

How could he tell the secrets of Black Suo Mountain so easily? God knows if there is any connection between the Divine Turtle Ancestral Land and the Wuyang Sea Realm. He is very clear about the principle that disaster comes from words.

"It seems that you, a junior, have hidden a lot of secrets. Anyway, since you have solved this picture, you are qualified to read the second volume of Guizang."

The black turtle beast waved its tail.

The illusion of the void suddenly changed, and those chaotic words, illusions, and lines turned into classics, in which countless principles of heaven and earth were hidden.

"There are three volumes in the collection. The first volume only talks about some ordinary methods and is not considered precious, but the second volume is different."

The black turtle beast said loudly, "This volume covers the changes in the path of destiny from the seventh level to the rule level. It is no less valuable than a world-level treasure. What you see is the mark left by the master with his heart and soul. That's all." Don’t look for anything else, cherish it!”

After the words fell, countless illusions poured into the depths of Gu Xiuyun's sea of ​​consciousness.

In an instant, he seemed to be in the depths of the void. There was a giant black tortoise in front of him. The whole body of the giant beast was as black as ink, and only the tortoise shell on its back was shining brightly.

"There are nine changes in the way of destiny. Three govern the interior, three govern the exterior, and the three are compatible with the interior and exterior..."

"I will first teach you the most basic principles of the evolution of Tianji. The art of Tianji, based on the universe, is also the foundation of the path of destiny. Among the practitioners of destiny, more than 90% follow the path of Tianji..."

Looking at the giant black turtle in front of him, Gu Xiuyun's eyes flickered, and a series of insights came to his heart.

For thousands of years, the second clone has traveled across the realms of the heavens, observing and reading a large number of Taoist imprints. Coupled with the spread of scientific and technological civilization, the power of destiny has been endless, and it has also deepened the understanding of Taoism.

Now these insights are gradually forming a complete system under the combing of the black turtle beast.

"The mysterious destiny of the seventh grade is ultimately a person's way, and the rules... have risen to the highest principles of heaven and earth, containing the great power of all living beings."

"No matter how powerful an ordinary man is, how can he fight against all living beings?"

"The nine mysteries of the path of destiny. I have understood the mind of destiny, the distortion of destiny, the entanglement of destiny. I have also gained some understanding of the evolution of heaven's secrets and the shadow of destiny. As long as you understand any of the nine avenues, you can reach the legendary realm of rules."

In the void, the giant black turtle explained tirelessly over and over again, and the sound of Taoism touched Gu Xiuyun's soul again and again.

His understanding of the twists and turns of fate is also rising unknowingly.

Finally, at a certain moment, a crucial step was taken.

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