Fortune Teller

Chapter 1209 Rules of Destiny


A breeze blew up from the depths of the sky and the earth, and the invisible fluctuations were like a mighty tide, centered on the suspended island, sweeping across the world.

At this moment, countless creatures raised their heads.

They seemed to see the trajectory of their own destiny, and saw a majestic figure standing in the middle of the world. Countless destiny lines turned into tides, like waves crashing on the rocks.

The majestic figure stands in the center of the tide of destiny, remaining motionless despite being beaten by the waves.


In the medical hall, scholar Zhu Xi raised his head and looked at the shadowy figure with a confused expression.

He is now a master of the Xuan Dynasty and has a profound understanding of the Taoism of the world. But for some reason, when he saw the majestic figure, he felt an inexplicable shock, as if his whole soul was trembling.

This scene appears deep in the hearts of countless creatures.

They didn't really see the figure in the void, but because Gu Xiuyun broke through the bottleneck and the power of fate naturally spread out, affecting every life in the world, they saw the scene in the dark.

Not only Gu Xiuyun, but every strong person who understands the rules of the living being will go through this step.

Therefore, it is almost impossible for such powerful people to hide their realm. The moment they break through the realm, the power of life will fill the entire endless void.

call out!

The black turtles and beasts rushed into the Hanging Island with shock on their faces, a mixture of horror and disbelief on their faces.

"He actually made a breakthrough like this? The causal line in this junior's body is so clear, and it is clearly a true artistic conception. How is it possible, how is it possible?"

The black turtles and beasts couldn't believe the sight in front of them.

This is the rule of fate!

Among the world's Taoist methods, swordsmanship, spearmanship, and boxing are inferior. Even so, it still takes a long time to understand them.

The formation path, the talisman path, and the lust path belong to the middle vehicle. Those who understand this method are very few in the infinite world.

And fate, cause and effect, life and death... belong to the superior Taoism. Let alone understanding, it takes a long time just to get started, from the fifth level to the sixth level, and then to the seventh level, step by step.

Stepping into the realm of rules has stumped countless creatures.

The Black Turtle Ancestor is definitely an extremely powerful being in the infinite world. He controls the rules of fate. This alone is enough to shock countless creatures.

The black turtle beast has always been proud of its master. Now, it actually saw a junior who understands the rules of destiny.

"Incredible, incredible!"

"How did this person do it? By twisting the rules of fate, could it be that his fate line has reached a point where the world is shocked?"

In the path of fate, three govern the interior, three govern the exterior, and the three are compatible with the interior and exterior. Among them, the entanglement of fate, the distortion of fate, and the state of fate are all avenues of internal cultivation.

Generally speaking, it is impossible for ordinary Zhenzun to step into the realm of rules with these three methods. Only by becoming a Realm Zun and feeding oneself back can it be possible to break through one by one.

Because the destiny line of an ordinary true master cannot reach the point where the world is shocked.

Different creatures have different fate lines.

For example, in a life that goes smoothly and without any ups and downs, the fate line will be much weaker.

And in a life that has many obstacles, difficulties, and even many disasters... the line of fate will be much tougher. It cannot be changed by human power with a drink and a peck.

Gu Xiuyun's life path... is not without hardships and dangers.

The Tianming clan has been cursed for generations, and is feared by heaven and earth. It is always targeted. Moreover, it is a true master-level weapon spirit, which has affected the inherent order of heaven and earth. In addition, the plan of Tianji Patriarch...

Endless hardships also made his destiny far beyond that of others.

Break the curse, break the shackles, break all the shackles. The oppression exerted by heaven and earth on Gu Xiuyun is far more than that of others. Which true artistic conception is as difficult as his?

Never before.

Therefore, there has never been anyone like him who, in just tens of thousands of years, has raised his destiny to the peak of the seventh level.

And it's not just a mystery, the three major internal cultivation methods... all reach the peak of the seventh level.

From this point alone, we can see how strong Gu Xiuyun's fate line is.

"This junior... may really be able to leave the Holy World of Reincarnation with his master's bones," the black turtle beast's eyes overflowed with tears, "Master, the day when you wake up is not far away."

The fluctuations in the void gradually dissipated.

In the suspended island, Gu Xiuyun opened his eyes, his two pupils were like the underworld of heaven and earth, containing endless changes.

At this moment, his fate line has disappeared from the world.

No one can find his destiny line except himself and other destiny practitioners at the same level. His pure spiritual level is no less than that of the early World Master.

"No wonder when I first saw the Zen Protector, I always had the feeling of looking up at a high mountain. It's like this to be in charge of the rules of the path of life... The eighth-level destiny rules truly have the power to rival the world."

Gu Xiuyun clenched his fists.

In an instant, his body transformed rapidly, crossing from the ninth level to the twelfth level. This was not due to an increase in martial arts cultivation, but because he borrowed power from the future.

Controlling the rules of destiny, the mind and will are enough to support the physical body of the twelfth level, and this process is not too far away. It can take as short as a hundred years or as long as a thousand years to break through the realm.

The fate of the eighth grade is twisted, and you can borrow Taoist means in the next ten thousand years.

Immediately afterwards, a wave of time filled the fingertips...the power of Wushoutu!

How could a person in charge of the rules of destiny not be able to comprehend the Wushou Tutu? Therefore, in the future scene, there is a scene where he comprehends the fifth volume of the Wushou Tutu.

There are seven volumes of Wushou Tu.

In the second and third volumes, one must understand the path of six-level creatures;

In the fourth and fifth volumes, one must understand the seventh-grade living beings’ path;

In the sixth and seventh volumes, you must understand the rules of the path of life.

But this is only the threshold. It is much more difficult to truly comprehend it. Not only does it have extremely high requirements for the path of life, but it also requires mastery of the rules of time and space.

Gu Xiuyun's understanding of time and space is so poor that he has not yet understood the first three volumes, let alone the fifth volume.

"Junior, I forgot to tell you that everyone who cracks the exquisite phaseless picture can not only read the two volumes of the collection, but also get the owner's natal tortoise shell. This object can be used to refine spiritual treasures, and it is born with the magical power of destiny. "

The black turtle beast came to Gu Xiuyun, holding a piece of armor the size of a palm in its mouth.

"My natal turtle shell?"

Gu Xiuyun reached out and took the piece of armor. In an instant, endless light poured out from the depths of the armor piece and merged with the life star chart.

Another life star bead was repaired.

The entire sea of ​​consciousness churned violently, as if a sky-high beast was running wildly in the sea of ​​consciousness. The life star chart was completely condensed, leaving only the last gray-white bead.

"No wonder I came in for a long time and couldn't find the treasure to repair the life star chart. It turned out to be in the hands of the black turtle beast."

Gu Xiuyun narrowed his eyes and stared at the black turtle several times.

How could I forget about this strange beast? He was obviously worried about the previous incident, so he deliberately didn't mention it. He never thought that Gu Xiuyun actually understood the rules of fate, and thought that the ancestor of the Black Turtle might have to rely on the other party to leave the holy world, so he eagerly took it out.

"Thank you, senior. I am in need of this."

Gu Xiuyun clasped his fists quietly and said, "Senior, can I stay here temporarily for a while?"

"Of course, you can stay as long as you want."

The black turtle and beast nodded quickly.

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