Fortune Teller

Chapter 1210 The Twelve Levels of True Meaning

In the world of Tianjipan, another part of the human race is sleeping with its eyes closed.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes, and the breath in his body was surging. It increased to 36% of its peak state before it suddenly stopped.

"Thirty-six percent...I didn't expect to break through so quickly!"

Gu Xiuyun's eyes flashed with surprise.

It has been seven hundred years since the black and white pattern was solved.

Seven hundred years is an extremely long time for ordinary people, but for practitioners, it is too short.

Even he himself didn't expect that he would understand the rules of fate and take the final step in just seven hundred years.

"Technological civilization has covered the realm of the heavens, and the accumulated power of destiny is huge enough. It's time to do that."

As the words fell, the body gradually dissipated.

at the same time.

Deep in the ancestral land of the Divine Turtle, the aura in the green figure's body continues to grow until it reaches its peak and perfection.

"It's time to break through."

To achieve a breakthrough in martial arts, one must have a perfect body and a perfect soul, without any flaws.

As the true energy circulates, the black hole particles begin to collapse. At the same time, a large amount of soul pills are refined, and the soul thoughts increase rapidly.

The heaven and earth within billions of miles continuously supply energy to maintain the operation of the physical body.

The tenth level of martial arts is beyond the normal system of the body refining lineage. For example, for bloodline practitioners, even if they reach the limit below the Venerable, they are only equivalent to the ninth level of true meaning.

In the final third level, except for array formation and martial arts, no system can reach this level.

The lattice method can only transform the physical body.

Only martial arts... is the perfect breakthrough of Jing, Qi and Shen, without any flaws.

Gulu! Gulu!

Endless spiritual power poured into the depths of the black hole particles, and each particle began to expand violently. The volume increased several times, and then collapsed sharply.

After a while, a large amount of spiritual energy poured into it.

The black hole particles expand again, then begin to collapse again.

Expanding and collapsing again and again, the intensity of the particles continues to grow, gradually exceeding the extreme of the ninth level and reaching a brand new realm.

"The gap between the ninth level and the tenth level is really too big."

Gu Xiuyun was secretly surprised.

It stands to reason that entering the tenth or eleventh level will not increase your cultivation too much, only about twice as much. However, in fact, at the tenth level alone, your physical strength has increased fourfold.

It is almost as dangerous as the Third Level Realm and the Sixth Level Realm.

Such an amazing transformation, even he himself did not expect.


The strong wind surged, the endless spiritual power was swallowed up, the soul pill refined by the second clone was also consumed rapidly, and finally... the black hole particles were completely stable.

The power of thunder and fire gushes out from the depths of the particles, repeatedly tempering each particle, making the essence, energy and spirit more harmonious.

After a long time, the power of thunder and fire died out.

"The eleventh level!"

Gu Xiuyun ran the physical magic formula again, and countless black hole particles collapsed, and even greater spiritual power and soul thoughts poured into them.

The true form of martial arts begins to move towards the eleventh level of true meaning...

The ancestral land of the Godly Turtle has witnessed great changes.

In the ancient city of Qingshi, pedestrians come and go, and there are tens of thousands of practitioners in the Purification Pulse Realm. It has become a place for cultivating immortals.

Zhu Xi was sitting in the backyard of the medical center, his spiritual power surging violently, and there were faint signs of a breakthrough.

"No wonder the master wants to accept him as his disciple. In just a few years... he has understood the secrets of the seventh level." The blue and white maid stood aside, looking astonished.

After a long time.

The scholar opened his eyes.

"How about it?"

"The Taoist realm is sufficient, and there is no shortage of spiritual power, but for some reason, I can't break through to the late Douxiao realm." Zhu Xi shook his head.

"The master hasn't been back for a long time, otherwise with his old man's attainments, he would definitely be able to help you break through the realm." Blue and White Snake said.

"Master also has his own practice, how can he help us with everything?"

Zhu Xi stood up and walked towards the front yard... Today is the day of preaching at the beginning of the month.

The blue and white maid quickly followed.

As soon as the two of them reached the front yard, they saw a white-haired man standing in front of the hall with his hands behind his back.


The scholar's eyes widened, and it took him a moment to react, and he quickly knelt down.

The blue and white snake also knelt down.

"Get up!" Gu Xiuyun turned around and looked at the two of them, "Over the course of thousands of years, you two have made great progress."

"Zhu Xi, you were able to comprehend the secrets of the Seventh Grade within two thousand and seven hundred years. It shows that you have never neglected it. It is very good. I am very happy to be my teacher."

"Master's teachings, disciples dare not forget." Zhu Xigong said.

"Xiao Lu, the most important thing for the demon clan's cultivation is bloodline. There are not so many demon beasts in the Divine Turtle Ancestral Land, so you can only follow the immortal path system. In more than two thousand years, you have understood three kinds of sixth-grade mysteries, which is pretty good." Gu Xiuyun Then he said.

"My little servant is not as talented as Senior Brother Zhu." The blue and white snake looked sad.

"It doesn't matter, the demon race is already a little behind the human race in terms of immortal cultivation. What's more, Zhu Xi has a very high understanding and a very tenacious Taoist heart. It's not easy for you to catch up to half of it."

Gu Xiuyun said with a smile, "After thousands of years, Pindao has completed his meritorious deeds and is about to leave this world. He will not come back in a short time. Before leaving, I will teach you various methods of immortal cultivation, including Some external things necessary for practice.”

"Zhu Xi, Qinghua, this world has very little restriction on longevity. Even in the Douxiao realm, you can live for a hundred thousand years, but you must practice diligently and not slack off. The Divine Turtle Ancestral Land can block other forces. If we don’t live up to the three disasters and nine disasters, disaster will eventually come in 129,600 years.”

"Remember, there are no shortcuts on the road to spiritual practice. Only by practicing hard day and night can you truly live forever."

"Disciple, please keep this in mind." Zhu Xi bowed and said.

"My little maid, I obey." The blue and white snake also bowed and saluted.

"If we say goodbye today, it will be difficult to see each other again in the future, so you can take care of yourself." Gu Xiuyun waved two rays of light and turned around to leave.

"Master, take care."

The scholar knelt heavily on the ground, his forehead pressed against the ground, and did not lift it up for a long time.

He knew that after today, he would never see the white-haired man again.

The same is true for blue and white snakes.

In the void, black turtles and strange beasts stared at the cyan figure from a distance, their eyes changing.

According to the rules of the ancestral land of the Black Tortoise, after observing and returning to Tibet, you can no longer go there unless you reach the legendary Realm of Realm and return here with the corpse of the ancestor of the Black Tortoise.

But then... I'm afraid it will be a million years later.

"The rules set by the master cannot be broken. Zhu Xi and Qinghua, unless they reach the realm of the Venerable and transcend the world, they will never be able to step out of the ancestral land of the Divine Turtle."

The black turtle and strange beast murmured.

On the prairie.

The true form of the human race stands in the sky, and while the magic formula is running, a transparent light gate gradually condenses.

Looking at the light door in front of him, Gu Xiuyun looked hesitant.

"With my current Taoist realm, once I leave the ancestral land of the Divine Turtle, three disasters and nine disasters will come immediately, and all kinds of disasters will follow."

"But the good thing is that the initiative is in my hands. Old Ghost Tianji never imagined that I would overcome the tribulation four thousand years in advance."

"That's all, whether you live or die, it all depends on God's will."

The cyan figure took one step forward and stepped out.

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