Fortune Teller

Chapter 1211 Three disasters and nine disasters

Underground abyss.

A green figure walked out quietly.

At this moment, there was a violent roar from hundreds of millions of miles around, and the world suddenly changed, as if a huge beast was approaching at great speed.

The psychic inferi deep underground trembled uneasily, and the demons also retreated in fright.

"It came so quickly!"

Gu Xiuyun raised his head.

In the underground abyss, which had always been dark and peaceful, a black thundercloud suddenly appeared. Deep in the thundercloud, the power of wind and thunder was majestic and vast, completely ignoring the suppression of the rules of the abyss.

At the same time, the first disaster of hard-to-sell meat came.

In the dark, Gu Xiuyun felt an extremely cold and terrifying murderous intention.

Heaven and earth...are truly angry.

What he faced was not just a massacre of flesh, but something even more terrifying after the calamity.

at the same time.

Deep in the cracks at the edge of the void.

Patriarch Tianji's eyes widened suddenly, and the restraint of heaven and earth on him suddenly relaxed a lot, and even the pseudo-realm masters disappeared without a trace.

"what happened?"

"Could it be that the guardian took the final step, unleashed the murderous intent of heaven and earth, and lured away those false world masters?"

"No, there is no change at all in the Moro Realm."

"Eight Eyes...has not woken up either. Wan Gu'er is still hiding deep in the Ancient Palace of Samsara. Bai Ze...Zhu Yan...Shaofeng...are none of them. In this case, he is the only one left!"

Patriarch Tianji's pupils curled up violently.

Ever since he laid out the plan hundreds of thousands of years ago, he never thought that an insignificant junior would break free step by step and reach the pinnacle of immortality.

Now it has become the biggest obstacle for him to enter the Realm of Realm.

"Junior, I really underestimate you. Okay, very good. The stronger you are, the stronger the condensed world will be, and the more complete my Dao Fruit will be."

A crazy smile appeared on Patriarch Tianji's face, "I have waited for this day for too long. Between you and me, only one person can take the last step."


Heaven and earth surged.

The virtual and real figure walked out of the crack.

In an instant, endless thunderclouds appeared in the depths of the void, ready to fall at any time. The rules of heaven and earth are extremely hostile to the creatures that are about to enter the realm of the realm.

Whether he is a venerable or a true venerable, he is ultimately a practitioner.

As for the Realm Master, he already possesses power that rivals that of heaven and earth, and can truly threaten the origin of the Holy World. Such a life... is destined to be greatly suppressed.

"What are you pretending to be? Didn't you lure away the false Realm Lord just to kill that junior with my hands? Compared to a Realm Lord, he is the biggest scourge of the Endless Void."

The corners of Patriarch Tianji's lips curled up slightly, and he walked away.

In the abyss.

Endless calamity force poured into the body, and the power of the flesh-destroying calamity permeated the whole body, completely soaking every inch of flesh. This calamity force was a hundred times more powerful than Venerable Gengyang's original one.

But for some reason, Gu Xiuyun's body remained intact, and he didn't even lose much of his combat power.

The magic formula given by Luo Shen is indeed miraculous.

Only 30% of the 100% calamity force hurt the flesh, and the rest of the calamity force was like the spring breeze blowing on the face, without any effect.

In addition, the martial arts body of the twelfth level of the true meaning cannot be easily destroyed by the physical calamity force.

"Yin and Yang tribulations have appeared!"

"It seems that the first three difficulties will all come. As for the divine soul calamity... I really can't say for sure."

Looking at the sky, Gu Xiuyun's eyes flashed with cold light. Isn't the wind and thunder clouds surging above his head the yin and yang calamity?

He has thought countless times about what kind of scene he will face after he understands the rules of fate!

He never thought that the rules of heaven and earth would be so afraid of him, that if he took action, it would be a disaster and three disasters.

"That's good. I will take this opportunity to reach the realm of true respect."

Gu Xiuyun took a deep breath, and the true energy surged around his body, constantly refining the calamity power in his body.


The wind surged and the thunder roared.

The power of wind and thunder in the underground abyss became more and more intense, even causing changes in the surrounding boundary areas.

"What's going on? Why is the power of the void so strong?"

Dao Zhenzun woke up from practice with a look of surprise and uncertainty.

"The spiritual power between heaven and earth is fading rapidly, and even the two main stars of Taiyin and Sun have begun to dim. Something big must have happened." Zhenzhen Tianxing looked around with a sharp gaze.

The next moment, the two true masters appeared outside the Shanshui hut.

"Brother Baize, what happened?" the two asked in unison.

"Don't ask me, I don't know." Bai Zezhenzhen shook his head slightly, with a serious expression on his face, "I have only seen such violent fluctuations in the void two or three times at the beginning of my practice. Each time, it would cause great changes in the world. I'm afraid it will not happen this time. No exception."

"A great change in the world?? What do you mean?"

"The sky sends murderous intentions, and the stars move; the earth sends murderous intentions, and dragons and snakes rise from the ground; humans send murderous intentions, and the world is turned upside down. According to this situation, I am afraid that the heaven and earth have given rise to murderous intentions, and some people... also want to take advantage of this to cause trouble."

As he spoke, Zhenzun Bai Ze suddenly looked towards the Demon God Realm.

Above the Demon God Realm, an unimaginably huge dragon beast stood in the sky. The dragon beast looked like a dragon but not a dragon. It had two wings on its back and breathed red air from its mouth.

A dragon beast actually occupies nearly 10% of the realm, which is really unimaginable.


Zhenzun asked, taking a deep breath, "How could it go to the demon god realm?"

"Of course it's to do a big thing," Zhenzun Bai Ze said with a sneer. "After many years, some people want to follow the old path of the True Dragon Ancestor. That's right. It's better to die than live. After this life, no one will ever want to follow the same path again. To enter the realm of the Venerable is not as good as to fight to the death.”

"Those foreign sages are all disciples secretly cultivated by Chaofeng. The chaos in the Demon God Realm was also caused by him. In addition, there should be old ghost Tianji's handiwork."

"Have Chaofeng and Tianji joined forces?" asked, and the two true masters of Tianxing took a breath of cold air at the same time.

"Everyone just takes what they need and leaves a way out for themselves," Bai Ze said softly, "This matter has nothing to do with us, just watch it, but the eight-eyed old ghost doesn't have much time left for him. "

Deep in the realm of demon gods.

The lines are condensed and formed, and at the same time, massive spiritual power blends with blood and water, lighting up every node.

Chaofeng's eyes flickered, as if he was waiting for something.

After so many years of planning, the opportunity is right in front of us. No one can say whether it will succeed or fail.

Chessboard realm.

In the golden and silver river, the figure of Lord Jinyin suddenly appeared on the edge of the river bank.

"It's actually a full four thousand years ahead of schedule. Fortunately, we came back in time," said the Lord Jinyin with excitement and expectation on his face. "After this battle, we can live in the world forever and no longer have to worry about any disasters or nine disasters."

"The holy world of reincarnation suppresses practitioners too much."

I saw him turning his hands, and rays of light merged into the depths of the golden and silver river. Under the river water, there was a majestic shadow, looming.

The Golden Silk Silver River is just one of the nodes.

The other nodes are in the Wuxiang Sky, the Extreme Yin Sea and even the southern part of the realm. The majestic shadow... actually covers the entire chessboard realm.

At the same time that Lord Jinyin took action, Patriarch Tianji was walking deep in the void.

Normally, with his Taoist skills at the peak of the Six Difficulties Realm, it would only take half an hour to return to the chessboard realm.

But at this moment, the thunder above his head was flashing, and the power of the Heavenly Tribulation was suppressing his whole body at all times. Even the peak True Master's escape speed was much slower.

"Junior, do you think you have escaped my control?? As everyone knows, I have ten times more plans than you imagine. Even if you have extraordinary power, you cannot escape from my grasp."

Patriarch Tianji stepped forward, his face seemed calm, but in fact his mood had already reached the extreme.

This battle is not only a life and death battle for Gu Xiuyun, but also his only hope to achieve perfection.

If it fails...

Black Lock Mountain.

The second clone has already walked out of the black jade platform.

The murderous intent of heaven and earth did not target this clone, because it was meaningless... Wait until Gu Xiuyun passed the flesh-killing catastrophe and transcended the shackles.

The second clone will then dissipate.

Therefore, the three disasters and nine disasters and the murderous intentions of heaven and earth only target the true form of the human race.

"Senior Dong Yan, Senior Long Yang, and the juniors have taken the last step. I'm afraid there will be many disasters in the future. We can only rely on the help of these two seniors to deal with it." Gu Xiuyun said in a message.

"Finally going to overcome the tribulation?"

The giant golden dragon walked out from the depths of Black Lock Mountain, its bell-like eyes showing some caution.

"If you die, we can only continue to be trapped deep in the black passage. This battle is not only for you, but also for ourselves."

Dongyan Zhenzun stood on the top of the mountain, his eyes as sharp as a sword.

Ghost mansion.

True Lord Qingming and True Lord Yinshan came to the depths of the void with their most powerful Yin Corpse bodies.

"I didn't expect the second battle to come so quickly."

"It's better to hurry up and read the Nether Map earlier. We have tried for thousands of years, but we can't activate the Yin Hun Bo. It can be seen that what Taoist Xi Ming said is right, we must use the Nether Map to open up the complete Nine Nether Underworld. "

Thinking of the Jiuyou Underworld, the eyes of the two True Masters showed anticipation.

It is a special space similar to the ancient palace of reincarnation. As long as you are in the underworld, you do not have to endure the three disasters and nine disasters and can live forever in the world.

"Zen guardians have existed since the beginning of Zen Buddhism, which must have been more than 100 million years ago!"

"With the underworld, we can live in the world forever like him until we understand the rules of the path of life and the nine origins of time and space, the five elements, wind and thunder."

"The Jiuyou Underworld is much more perfect than the Moro Realm. The guardian has not taken the last step yet. There must be something wrong with his practice."

The two ghost masters looked at each other with smiles on their faces.

One by one, powerful people came out of the quiet room, including Qingshui, Fangcun, Heiling from the Jade Immortal Realm, and Tianzhen, the big boss of women's clothing.

Venerable Gengyang also came to the southern void and stopped to wait.

In addition, more than twenty demon clan sages are stationed in various places to prevent anyone from destroying technological civilization.

The entire endless void fell into inexplicable depression.

In the abyss of the earth, the power of disaster is endless.

At the same time, an unusual roar came from the distant earth, and those demons and psychic inferi returned under the guidance of the rules of heaven and earth.


A one-horned scorpion with a height of one million feet approached the Yin Yang Tribulation with firm steps.

"True Sovereign Level Yin Corpse? The rules of heaven and earth are really all-encompassing. The Yin and Yang Tribulation can actually lead to so many demons and Yin Corpses."

Looking into the distance, Gu Xiuyun's eyes were full of fighting spirit, "You've come just in time, I will use your strength to make up for the consumption of the inner world."


The black and white palm prints are condensed and formed.

The twelfth-level physical body combined with the Zhenzun-level insect beast, both in terms of true energy and strength, have reached unprecedented levels.

In the tenth level of true meaning, the physical strength is nearly four times stronger than in the ninth level.

The eleventh level has once again surged four times, and it is not addition, but multiplication.

The power of the eleventh level is sixteen times that of the ninth level.

The twelfth level of true meaning has improved nearly ten times.

One hundred and sixty times the physical strength, the pure physical strength is no less than Zhenzun Long Yang.

This is the terror of martial arts masters.

Without resorting to any means, you can fight across borders with just your true energy and physical body. It is the strongest system in the body refining line, and its strength becomes more and more astonishing as it goes on.


The black and white palm suddenly fell down, smashing the million-foot scorpion into pieces. So what about the Zhenzun-level Inferi, it was still unbearable in the face of the shocking blow.

At the same time as Scorpion fell.

More than a dozen Yin corpses arrived, only six of them were ordinary venerables, and the rest were at the true venerable level.


Gu Xiuyun's eyes flashed coldly.

When the palm of the hand is turned, the black and white palm prints condense again. At the same time, the blood fluctuations of Tongxin Gu permeate the whole body, increasing the strength here.

The cyan figure soared to a height of hundreds of millions of feet, like a sky-high giant, and crashed into the Yin zombies and demons in the distance.

Peng! Peng! ! Peng!

With each bombardment, an Inferi demon was shattered, and all the death energy in their bodies was swallowed up and refined by the black hole particles, turning into an energy source within their bodies.

The twelfth-level physical body's supply of true energy has undoubtedly improved a lot.

In the past, it was necessary to constantly circulate the inner world and refine the Yuan Power in order to support the fighting of the Tongxin Gu, but now it is not necessary. The body of hundreds of millions of feet consumes only a trace of the true energy for the twelfth level physical body. .


Demons and corpses from afar are constantly coming. The number of demons guided by the rules of heaven and earth is too great, and the scope is extremely wide. It is no longer hundreds of millions of miles around, but the entire southern void, and even a wider area.

In order to kill Gu Xiuyun and destroy the fallacy under this rule, Endless Void has tried its best.

But no matter what, the rules of heaven and earth are the guardians of order after all, and methods can only be used within the limits allowed by order.

Three disasters, nine disasters, demons, and corpses are already the limit.


One after another, the corpses and demons fell.

While fighting, a steady stream of calamity force poured into the body, causing Gu Xiuyun's body to move towards the realm of transcendence.

Finally, the physical body reached the limit allowed by heaven and earth.

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