Fortune Teller

Chapter 1216 Despair

Somewhere in the abyss of the earth.

Blood clouds rolled.

After a long time, the bloody figure regrouped, and its eyes became deep and calm.

"After thousands of years, I finally took control of my second true body again." Bai Kongze clenched his fists.

The moment the human race's true body stepped out of the ancestral land of the Divine Turtle, this body fell into a fierce fight.

Gu Xiuyun's mind and will fought repeatedly with the bloody thoughts. After half an hour, he finally gained the upper hand and regained control of his body.

"Junior of the human race, you won't be proud for long. I have raised my killing method to the peak of the seventh level, which is only one step away from the rule realm. As long as you dare to fight, the killing power in your body will continue to grow... Before long, I will be able to control the physical body. At that time, the Heavenly Lord of Slaughter will truly come."

Deep in the blood cloud, a roar came out.

"You don't have this chance anymore," Gu Xiuyun shook his head and sneered, "In the face of the twist of fate, all Taoism will disappear. You can't even maintain the peak of seventh grade, how can you talk about entering the realm of rules?"

"Twist of fate? Impossible!"

Bloody Thought was a little shocked.

After the true form of the human race left the ancestral land of the Divine Turtle, it lost control of Bai Kongze. Apart from knowing that the other party understood the rules of destiny, his mind and will increased a hundred times, it was not clear what kind of rules it was.

"How could it be a twist of fate?" Bloody Thought couldn't believe it.

This is the most profound of the three internal cultivation methods, and it is also the method that is best at fighting. In the entire infinite world, few people understand the twist of fate in front of the Realm Master Realm.

"Whether you believe it or not, you have no chance!"

Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly.

Fate twists the rules and can wear away the realm of Taoism and make the enlightenment disappear forever.

Even the Slaughtering Heavenly Lord cannot withstand the wear and tear of the power of rules.

As long as he survives three disasters and nine disasters, he will have enough time to deal with the bloody thoughts, so what about the secrets of the seventh-level pinnacle? It can still be completely wiped out.


Bai Kongze took one step forward, passed through the underground abyss, and came to the endless void.

Immediately afterwards, he took a few steps again and went directly into the cave space at the bottom of Black Lock Mountain.

The true form of the human race is in trouble and cannot enter Black Lock Mountain, but Bai Kongze can.

Although the two are one body, they are independent and have experienced different disasters and nine disasters. Naturally, they will not be hindered by the rules of heaven and earth.

The bloody figure took a few steps, walked through the city, and came to the black jade platform.

As the Yutai was activated, Gu Xiuyun's soul thought rose sharply, and soon reached the realm of heaven and earth. At the same time, the insights of the life star disk instrument spirit were also integrated into his mind.

"I don't believe it. The soul thoughts of the Qiankun realm combined with the true master level insights can't integrate the origin of the five elements?"

Gu Xiuyun closed his eyes and concentrated on practicing.

On the other side, the real body of the human race is also meditating with its eyes closed, and the flames all over the body are burning.

Compared with the flesh-burning tribulation, the blood-burning tribulation lasted significantly longer, and actually lasted for three days.

Fortunately, it is deep in Xichaoya.

If they were outside, Patriarch Tianji would have come to kill him long ago.

The blood-burning flame gradually extinguished, and the heaven and earth within billions of miles almost collapsed, leaving only the last ten percent intact.

"My guess is correct. The heaven and earth within billions of miles can stop the first two catastrophes, but cannot stop the third one. I don't have much time left."

Gu Xiuyun opened his eyes and glanced into the distance.

The rift zone remains calm.

He walked towards the edge of Xichaoya for a while, maintaining five times the speed of time, and continued to comprehend the Taoism...

Integrating the origin of the five elements takes time and opportunity.

If you're lucky, you can break through in an instant, but if you're not lucky, you won't be able to overcome it in a thousand years.

Bai Kongze and the real human race have already raised their minds to the extreme, but even so, they still cannot take that crucial step.

"It's strange, how did Taoist Ximing come out of the depths of Xichaoya?"

Outside the Shanshui hut, the three true deities looked at each other in astonishment.

Gu Xiuyun went to Xichaoya, and the three of them were not surprised.

With the magical power of Master Tianji, it takes at most half an hour to break the shackles and return to the normal space.

Only by going to the secret realm of time and space and overcoming the three disasters and nine disasters as quickly as possible can we deal with the follow-up pursuit of Master Tianji.

"How can five times the time flow rate be compared to ninety-seven times the flow rate? In his current state, even if it takes half an hour longer, his Taoist understanding will be greatly improved."

"Perhaps there is something wrong. This junior is extremely cunning and cannot do unnecessary things."

"Let's see and then talk."

The three true masters looked at each other, and they didn't understand why Gu Xiuyun walked out of Xichaoya!

Little did they know that the Infinite Seed Heaven and Earth was on the verge of collapse. If it continued to maintain a flow rate of ninety-seven times, the Inner Heaven and Earth would dissipate before the Master Tianji arrived.

The most important thing at the moment is Bai Kongze's side.

With the blessing of the Qiankun Realm, even if Bai Kongze is not good at Five Elements Wind and Thunder, the effect of comprehending Taoism is much stronger than that of the human race's real body.

Time passes slowly.

Unknowingly, another moment passed.

Suddenly, a wave of earth-shattering waves surged out from the depths of the rift zone, filling the void like a frenzy, accompanied by angry roars.

"Xishing Ming'er, Qing Ming, and Yin Shan, I will make you disappear into ashes, your body and soul will disappear."


The frenzy turned into sword light, tearing apart the world and leaving billions of sword marks.

The strength of the Half-step Realm Master is evident.

The Patriarch of Tianji mainly focuses on Tianji calculations, is not good at fighting, and his body is not strong, but even so, he is at the peak of the Six Difficulties Realm, and his soul thoughts and Taoism have reached the ultimate level of the True Master.

True Immortal Taoism combined with the rules of time and space is enough to suppress any practitioner.

"Old ghost Tianji is out!"

Bai Zezhenzhen looked at the other end of the water mirror and shook his head slightly, "Sure enough, even the only worldly being in the Holy World of Samsara can only trap him for half an hour. This old ghost has great tricks, and no one can stop him except the fake worldzun. Live him."

"Now I can only hope that Taoist Xi Ming can hold on for a while longer."

The three True Masters looked to one side in unison, wondering if they sensed the crisis. The blood fluctuations in the depths of the Wuxiang Heaven became more and more intense, and there were faint signs of awakening.

"The secret has come out?"

In Xichaoya, the face of the real human race changed slightly.

The blood-burning flames in his body had dissipated, replaced by an inexplicable bone-eroding power.

The third difficult calamity - the bone erosion calamity!

After two catastrophes, both the physical body and the soul have become much tougher. The force of the bone-corroding tribulation cannot damage them at all. Only the inner world... is still collapsing.

The heaven and earth within billions of miles are now only a million miles in radius.

"The five elements to do it?" Gu Xiuyun had many thoughts in his mind.

Deep in the black jade platform, Bai Kongze's face gradually became serious.

The inner world is about to collapse, and the founder of Tianji is about to arrive. Is it really impossible for him to escape his fate?

However, no matter how anxious he was, the origins of the five elements were still unable to merge, and he saw... that the inner world had come to an end.

"Time is like fate. No matter how many calculations you make, they will never be as good as destiny."

"Whether I am alive or dead, I have tried my best after all!"

Gu Xiuyun's heart was filled with despair.

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