Fortune Teller

Chapter 1217 The Five Elements Master

Without the Inner Heaven and Earth, no matter how deep your understanding of destiny is, you will not be able to fight against the Patriarch Tianji, let alone the many disasters that will follow!

The yin and yang calamity was still hanging above his head, but he no longer had enough energy to fight against it.

"No, I still have Tongxin Gu and my martial arts true body. Even if there is only a glimmer of hope, I can't give up."

Gu Xiuyun opened his eyes suddenly, his gaze as hot as the scorching sun.

Without billions of miles of heaven and earth, we can't fight against the founder of Tianji? It was just a setback, could he just give up like that?

Thoughts surged in my mind.

Gu Xiuyun closed his eyes again, gave up his vitality and desire, and understood the origin of the five elements with his pure Taoist heart.

This was his last observation of the origin of the Five Elements.

In an instant, endless insights poured into my heart, and the five original rules naturally began to combine without any force pushing them.

The five elements... are originally one body, how can they be integrated?

Looking at the rules of heaven and earth with an inherent spiritual path only restricts the heart. As the saying goes, heaven is heaven and earth is earth. Where do the five elements, wind and thunder, and time and space come from?

Everything is artificially determined.

But it’s easy to say. How many people can truly let go of all the shackles in their hearts and feel the origin of heaven and earth with a pure Taoist heart?

Many ninth-grade ancestors have experienced great changes in life and death, and have achieved great enlightenment and entered the realm of venerable masters with profound and mysterious abilities.

Of course, it was much easier for Gu Xiuyun than them.

After all, with the foundation of integrating high-level rules, coupled with the enlightenment of the true master-level weapon spirit, as long as there are no distracting thoughts, you can take that step.

The fusion of the five elements' origins... only lasted for a moment.

After an instant, the aura of the great avenue filled the whole body, and the endless source of heaven and earth was swept up, pouring out from the deepest part of the void and integrating into Gu Xiuyun's body.

At this moment, the fragments of inner heaven and earth that collapsed in his body came back to life.

Countless fragments merged with each other, and soon condensed into an inner world thousands of miles in size, and then, endless source power was integrated into it.

The inner world grew rapidly, expanding from a radius of thousands of miles to a hundred thousand miles, a million miles...

"It turns out that the Infinite Seed is still in my body."

Gu Xiuyun opened his eyes, his face showed neither sadness nor joy.

In the distance, a rainbow spans the sky and the earth, and the figure of the Patriarch Tianji is not far away.

"Junior Xi Ming, what can you do even if you have countless plans? The absolute gap in strength cannot be narrowed by a few tricks."

The sound of thunder echoed through the void.


Gu Xiuyun smiled, "It turns out that Patriarch Tianji has a day when he can overwhelm others with his brute strength. I just don't know if your strength is strong enough?"

As he spoke, the world inside his body expanded crazily, reaching a radius of five million miles. The power of the rules of the avenue was hundreds of times stronger than the five elements and the origin of wind and thunder. The two were not at the same level at all.

The original rules are equivalent to the pillars of heaven and earth, supporting the complete inner heaven and earth.

The rules of the great road are the foundation of the world, the true source of life for all things, and the origin of all power.

To evolve from the inner world to the inner world, one must understand the rules of the great road.

This step has stifled countless lives and made the world despair, but now, Gu Xiuyun has taken the step forward.

The three disasters and nine disasters only allow the rules of heaven and earth to recognize that the level of life is transcendent from heaven and earth, while the rules of the great road allow his Taoist cultivation to transcend heaven and earth.

From today on, no matter which world... can stop Gu Xiuyun's rules and methods, because his rules do not come from the outside world, but from himself.

The Venerable - is a small world in itself.

"Aura of the Great Dao, it seems that you have merged with the origin of the Five Elements," Patriarch Tianji glanced around, his eyes as calm as water, "You are only at the early stage of the Venerable Realm, how much strength can you improve? Junior, accept death!"

After the words fell, the rules of time and space enveloped hundreds of millions of miles of void, heavily binding Gu Xiuyun's body.

At the same time, sword light fell from the sky.

Patriarch Tianji didn't use many methods. The rules of time and space combined with the true immortal Taoism can steadily suppress the opponent. What's more, Gu Xiuyun has to endure three disasters and nine disasters. In two hours at most, he will be annihilated by the endless sword light.

puff! puff! puff!

The sword light was like a torrential rain, tearing apart hundreds of millions of bodies, constantly consuming the power of Tongxin Gu's bloodline.

"Hold on!"

Gu Xiuyun gritted his teeth, and the true energy in his body was running wildly to maintain the stability of his physical body.

At this moment, the inner world is rapidly expanding, unable to refine the energy, supply itself, and unable to perform the Nine Songs of Heavenly Forbidden.

But just hold on and wait until the inner world is completely perfect.

Everything is about to change.

"Taoist Xi Ming's training years are too short. If he is given another three thousand years to refine all the Taoist fragments of the life star chart, what will he have to fear even if he faces the old ghost Tianji?"

True Lord Tianxing shook his head slightly.

The huge gap at the level of Taoism cannot be changed by the rules of fate.

Especially the Avenue of Time and Space.

Time and space contain the most mysterious changes between heaven and earth. A rule of time is enough to overwhelm thousands of creatures.

"Although Twisted Destiny has tremendous power, it consumes too much divine power to display, and the backlash on the physical body is huge. Junior Xi Ming would rather use his physical body to resist the true immortal Taoism than use Taoism. This shows that he is on the verge of despair."

Zhenzun Wenwen sighed quietly.

Only Zhenzun Bai Ze remained silent, seeming to be thinking about something.

The realm of demons and gods.

"If this continues, I'm afraid my dear little friend won't be able to survive for long," Long Yang Zhenzhen looked slightly condensed, "Dong Yan, should we take action?"

"Not urgent."

Dongyan Zhenzun shook his head and said, "With your life-saving temper, if you really face a desperate situation, you will definitely ask us to take action. He hasn't spoken yet, so it shows that there is still room for action."

"Besides, with Chaofeng here, do you think we have a chance to take action?"

The two supreme masters looked forward.

In the sky above the Demon God Realm, a dragon-shaped dragon-shaped beast raised its head with a serious look on its face.

The containment is mutual.

While Dong Yan and Long Yang were restraining Chaofeng, they were also restrained by each other.

Moro Realm.

The golden-painted figure stands in the sky, looking into the distance.

No matter how vast the endless void is, it cannot stop the eyes of those who hold the rules of cause and effect. After all, this method is mainly based on tracking and tracing. As long as the guardian is willing, he can see anyone in the realm of the heavens.

"Old ghost Tianji has been planning for so many years, and he is finally close to success. It's good that as long as he is here, there will be no trouble."

"It has been 400 million years. He should be the sixth person to become a Realm Master, a disciple of Taiyi Immortal Emperor... Even in the infinite world, he is extremely noble..."

There was a trace of longing on the face of the golden-painted figure.

The most powerful people in the realm of heaven all know an ancient legend: if you can step into the realm of the realm in the holy world of reincarnation, you can become a disciple of Taiyi Immortal Emperor.

The greatness of Taiyi Immortal Emperor is unclear in the world of heavens, but one thing is certain - he is the creator of the source world of all laws.

If not, how could the Zen Protector, Wanxu Chong, and Tianji Patriarch go through so much trouble to stay in the endless void, fighting for that glimmer of opportunity.

It is not impossible to really want to leave the holy world of reincarnation with the methods of the Guardian, the Patriarch of Tianji, and the Wanxu Chong.

After all, this is not the beginning of the Holy World.

The world's barriers are nowhere near as strong as they once were.

"Zen Xin, after the death of this junior, you went to destroy the Eight-Eyed Sect to retaliate for the humiliation of the Zen Sect."

The golden figure said softly, "I only asked you not to embarrass him, but I never said you wouldn't attack the Eight-Eyed God Sect."

"Disciple, obey."

Zen Heart Master bowed and nodded.


The sword light flashed and the roar continued. The true energy in Gu Xiuyun's body became increasingly thinner, and the number of magical medicines also continued to decrease.

Without the support of the inner heaven and earth, we can only rely on elixirs and rare treasures. It only takes a minute and a half, but a full two hours... How many people can bear it?

"In a few more moments, the inner world will be completely stable."

Gu Xiuyun took a deep breath and endured the pain in his body, "Old ghost Tianji, let me let you be proud for a moment longer."

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