Fortune Teller

Chapter 1218 Outbreak

"Taoist Xi Ming's aura is getting weaker and weaker. It seems that he can only hold on for a moment at most."

True Lord Tianxing shook his head and sighed.

When it comes to this situation, everything is doomed.

Patriarch Tianji is powerful and needs help from Chaofeng. How many people in the heaven realm dare to help?

Even Dong Yan and Long Yang thought twice before daring to intervene, and they had the Black Lock Space as their support.

After all, Dong Yan and Long Yang were protected by the black lock space. If it didn't work, they would retreat to the black lock mountain. Under the 100,000 times deceleration, even if the Tianji Patriarch's methods were monstrous, it would be impossible to find their whereabouts.

As for others, they would never dare to help.

"No matter what the outcome of this battle is, the world of heavens will probably change drastically, and the world of cultivation will be in chaos for a while."

Zhenzun Baize closed his eyes and stopped watching the battle.

"Tung Yan, why don't we take action?" Zhenzun Long Yang looked anxious, "If this continues, my life-saving friend will undoubtedly die, and all our previous efforts will be in vain."

"Wait a moment longer."

Dongyan Zhenzun's face was serious, and he calculated again and again with his fingertips, but no matter how he calculated, he could not see the future.

Patriarch Tianji and Gu Xiuyun are both the masters of destiny. How can others predict the outcome of this battle?

"No wait, do it!"

Dongyan Zhenzun fell down with a sound, and the flame-chasing spear in his hand burst out with blazing light, and struck towards the distant Xichaoya.

hold head high!

The roar of the dragon sounded, and the golden dragon tore open the void. He was about to step into it, but was stopped by Chaofeng.

"You two should stay here!"

The dragon-shaped dragon beast spit out clouds of smoke from its mouth, and the endless energy of life and death turned into a frenzy, completely covering the entire demon god realm, and also trapped Dong Yan and Long Yang.

Chaofeng Zhenzun, as one of the most powerful Zhenzun in the heaven realm, if nothing else, his cultivation in the Six Difficulties Realm alone is enough to make countless people tremble.

What's more, it is also proficient in the mysteries of life and death.

The rules of time and space blend with the two energies of life and death to form the shackles of heaven and earth, temporarily isolating the realm of demons and gods from the outside world.

Even if the two peak masters Dong Yan and Long Yang join forces, it will be difficult to break free for a while.

"it's over!"

Deep in the Moro Realm, a golden-painted figure showed a smile on its lips.

All changes are under the attention of Zen guardians.

In the evening tide, sword light fills the sky.

At three hundred times the speed of time, Patriarch Tianji can condense hundreds of sword lights at almost every moment.

Every ray of sword light is no less than a full blow from Zhenzhen Qingming.

True Immortal Taoism is also divided into three, six or nine levels, just like Yuanxian Taoism is divided into ordinary Taoism and ultimate Taoism.

The sword light used by Master Tianji is his best killing method. Its power is many times more powerful than that of Zhenzhen Qingding. Coupled with the rules of time and space, it is difficult to resist even the inner poison.

"A junior actually made me spend so much divine power. You should be satisfied!"

Patriarch Tianji waved his long sleeves, and hundreds of red chains stabbed towards the billion-foot-long figure.

Until this moment, Patriarch Tianji has not given up on capturing Gu Xiuyun alive. The complete Life Star Pan Instrument Spirit will be of great benefit to his plan.

At this moment, a huge force surged out of Gu Xiuyun's body, instantly filling the surrounding area for a billion miles.

A billion miles of void, all shrouded in invisible power.

Vaguely, you can see seven divine pillars towering into the sky, filled with fluctuations of the five elements, wind and thunder.

"Is this... a domain-type secret technique? No, it seems to be a projection of the Dharma. How can there be a Dharma covering a billion miles of heaven and earth?"

Patriarch Tianji looked shocked.

Even if it is the Six Difficulties True Master, the inner world is only a million miles away, and that is when all nine origins are perfect.

If you want to continue to expand, you can only break through to the Jie Zun realm.

But what I saw in front of me was a Dharma statue that was a billion miles away. Who wouldn't be shocked?

Gulu! Gulu!

Wherever the Dharma projection reaches, an endless stream of void power is devoured and refined, and then turned into true energy and divine power to make up for the consumption of martial arts true body and Tongxin Gu bloodline.

The Venerable can swallow the power of the void to support himself, but this method is too ineffective and is rarely used in battles.

But Gu Xiuyun is different. The super-large world projection with a radius of one billion miles simultaneously absorbs the power of the void. The speed of absorption is far hundreds of millions of times faster than that of ordinary venerables. Every moment, the divine power in the body is increasing.

"Old ghost Tianji, I've been proud for so long, it's my turn now!"

Gu Xiuyun flipped his hands, and the rules of fate started to work again. In an instant, one, two, three, four... a total of twenty-seven rays of void light appeared between heaven and earth.

Every void divine light is a combination of true immortal Taoism and martial arts true energy.

In addition, the figure of hundreds of millions of feet expanded again, from 340 million feet to 9.6 billion feet.

If Gu Xiuyun was a giant who held up the sky before, now he has surpassed the heaven and the earth, truly towering over the heaven and the earth, overlooking all living things.


Hundreds of red chains hit the giant's body, barely breaking some of his flesh, and then being ejected.

The effect of time and space suppression was also sharply weakened, and could not even be doubled. As for the sword light, it became a painless and painless fine needle. No matter how hard it was chopped, it could not hurt Gu Xiuyun's life essence.

"How can it be??"

Looking at Qingtian's figure in front of him, Patriarch Tianji was in disbelief.

Ninety-six billion feet, it can no longer be considered by common sense. The bigger the body is, the stronger the pressure on blood and divine power is.

This is not a simple increase, every inch of flesh and blood maintains exactly the same strength as before.

A stone and a mountain have the same strength, can their power be comparable?


Gu Xiuyun waved his arm and swept Master Tianji away like a fly.

At this moment, Patriarch Tianji also maintains a body of hundreds of millions of feet, but the difference between the two is too far, whether it is strength or bloodline magical power, they are thousands of times different.

Previously suppressed by the rules of time and space, they were still able to gain the upper hand.

At this moment, Gu Xiuyun has soared to 9.6 billion feet. Even a raise of his hand or a stamp of his foot can cause the void to collapse, the rules of time and space to be almost invalid, and the strength of the true master-level insect beast to completely explode.

"I want to see how much divine power you can consume?"

Patriarch Tianji stepped back continuously.

Gu Xiuyun chased after him, and every time he waved his hand, he was knocked away. No matter whether it was true immortal Taoism or secret magic, it was difficult to resist.

Of course, it is difficult to kill a true master with just the physical strength.

After all, the physical body of a practitioner is the least valuable, and the soul and inner world are the foundation.

call out!

The cold light flashed away, and twenty-seven rays of divine light from the void slashed out, tearing apart the entire defense of the Patriarch Tianji.

At the same time, the Shocking Sting erupted.

The twenty-seven forces were like an ox python, turning Master Tianji's sea of ​​consciousness upside down. If he hadn't already entered the Six Difficulties and was the master of destiny, his mind, will, and soul would have been incredibly strong.

This one blow alone can make him mentally shattered.

"Not injured?? If it doesn't work once, then ten times. I want to see how many secret arts you can withstand?"

Gu Xiuyun's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

As he turned his hands, the twisting rules of fate started to work again, and twenty-seven rays of void light crashed down.

"Damn it, where did this junior get his magical power!"

Patriarch Tianji retreated quickly, but still could not avoid the attack of the void divine light.

A series of void divine lights fell down, striking the Patriarch Tianji into a panic.

In addition, the sky-holding giant waved his hands in turn, using the magical power of his bloodline and the huge strength of his body. Each palm seemed to open a hole between the heaven and the earth.

The laws of heaven and earth for a billion miles continuously absorb the power of the void to make up for the loss of the physical body and true energy.

Under such circumstances, unless the Patriarch Tianji reaches the Realm Master Realm and is completely crushed in terms of strength, he will only be beaten.

Peng! Peng! Peng!

The roar continued, and Patriarch Tianji continued to retreat, with Gu Xiuyun following closely behind, like a hunter chasing a hare.

The vast body makes it difficult for Patriarch Tianji to use many methods, so he can only try his best to avoid it.

The situation of the battle was completely reversed.

"Bai Ze, look!"

Zhenzun Tianxing repeatedly exclaimed.

"What?? Junior Xi Ming fought back before his death?"

Zhenzun Baize turned his head leisurely, and when he saw the clear water mirror, his eyes suddenly widened, "Ninety-six billion feet? How is it possible? Where did he get such a powerful divine power?"

"Not only that, he performed twenty-seven true immortal arts in one go, which were evolved using the rules of fate. Twenty-seven..."

Zhenzun Wendao was amazed again and again.

This is no longer a question of strength... this is Hong Guoguo's show off.

No matter whether it is Qingtian's body or the true immortal Taoism, it is difficult to hurt the Tianji Patriarch, but Gu Xiuyun did this.

There is only one possibility, there is so much divine power that it is useless.

You buy one steamed bun, I will buy ten, and I will eat one and throw away nine, for no other reason than to overwhelm you with momentum.

"What the hell!"

Zhenzun Bai Ze murmured.

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