Fortune Teller

Chapter 1233 Floating Island

"To activate the teleportation array, you need three hundred square divine crystals, or three square divine crystals, or a comparable rare treasure."

The two True Master guards looked at the cyan figure with indifferent expressions.

These guards could clearly see the fighting outside the island, but as the deacon disciples of the Wuyang Sect, they would not be afraid of even the Realm Master.

The most powerful force in the Wuyang Sea Realm... is undoubtedly the Wuyang Sect.

After all, the entire sea world was opened up by the legendary Wuyang Supreme. Within the sea world, no Qiankun realm dares to confront it. Here, the Wuyang Sect occupies an absolute dominant position.

Even the most ordinary deacon disciples have the aura of looking down on all living beings.

"Excuse me, you two."

Gu Xiuyun took out a transparent Zhenzun Divine Crystal. The surface of the crystal was engraved with formation patterns and filled with strong fluctuations of divine power.

One side of the True Supreme Divine Crystal is equivalent to one hundred square meters of ordinary Divine Crystal. Similarly, one side of the World Supreme Divine Crystal is equivalent to one hundred squares of the True Supreme Divine Crystal.

The two Zhenzun guards took the divine crystal and injected divine power into the depths of the teleportation array.


The teleportation array burst into bright light instantly, and a deep passage condensed into shape. The scene on the other side of the passage could be vaguely seen.

"The teleportation array is indeed the best way to earn divine crystals. To activate a space teleportation array, it consumes no more than one square of divine power, but you have to pay three hundred square meters of divine crystals."

Gu Xiuyun sighed secretly.

It's a pity that only the Wuyang Sect can do this business, others can't do it, and they don't have the qualifications.

"If you want to practice safely in the Wuyang Sea Realm, you still have to find an opportunity to join the Wuyang Sect. It is best to be a guest. With the sect token in hand, it will be much more convenient to go anywhere, and you don't have to worry about the world. Zun chases and kills.”

Thinking in his mind, Gu Xiuyun walked into the void passage.

On the edge of the vast suspended island, nearly a thousand formations were densely packed, flashing auras from time to time.

Every time a ray of spiritual light dissipates, a practitioner walks out from the depths of the formation.

After a while.

A formation flashed with dazzling spiritual light, and a cyan figure appeared out of thin air. Divine power surged around the body, exuding the aura belonging to the true master.

"It should be safe once we get here."

Gu Xiuyun waved his long sleeve, and a dozen figures appeared in front of him.

"never mind?"

Looking at the scene around her, Yan Suqing breathed a sigh of relief. Only she knew how terrifying those venerables were. They cultivated both meridians and were far more powerful than ordinary venerables.

"High Priest, how are those venerables doing?" Gu Hanfeng couldn't help but ask.

"After a few moves, they realized they were no match and left."

Gu Xiuyun said casually, "Let's go. It is said that Fuling Island is the most prosperous place in the entire Fuling Sea. There are not only the stations set up by major sects, but also many shops and palaces. Here, from the heavenly beasts to the You can buy everything, including Kung Fu books and books.”

"Extraterrestrial beast? Is it the Ten Thousand Bearded Insect that Third Brother you mentioned before?" Gu Xiushu's eyes lit up.

"The Ten Thousand Bearded Insects are just a type of Origin Beast and are not considered powerful. The truly terrifying Origin Beast is much more powerful than it."

Gu Xiuyun stepped forward with a smile.

The crowd followed closely behind.

As soon as I walked to the outer level, I saw a tall stone platform with cages placed one after another. Inside each cage was a strange-looking monster.

There are many dragons, phoenixes and other exotic beasts among them.

There is a sign hanging next to the cage, with the price clearly marked on it, as well as the monster's own cultivation and magical powers.

"Look, Venerable Dragon Clan." Gu Xiuhan stepped forward quickly and stared at one of the cages, his eyes widening.

The Venerable Demon Clan was also taken out and sold.

"Who is the Venerable? There is actually a True Venerable in this cage. I don't know how he was captured?" Gu Hanfeng said in surprise.

"In this cage is the Five Difficulties True Master, and it is an alien beast." Yu Qianhu couldn't help but take a breath.

It's so scary.

The lowest level cages are actually filled with Venerable-level monsters, as well as many True Venerables. The prices marked on them are also extremely terrifying. Even an ordinary Venerable costs tens of thousands of God Crystals.

A true master-level monster has at least a million divine crystals, and can even reach tens of millions.

"Every monster in our Shexin Hall has been cleansed of its mind and is absolutely surrendered to its master. As long as the customer buys it, it can be of great use whether it is guarding the sect or exploring dangerous places."

A petite-looking maid said from the side.

"Clear your mind?" Gu Xiuyun narrowed his eyes.

The methods of the outer world are really terrible. Even the mind of the Five Difficulties True Master can be forcibly obliterated. Speaking of which, the destiny mind also has this magical effect, but his realm is too low and his training years are too short, and he has not had time to understand it.

For six thousand years, he spent most of his time refining the fragments of the Life Star Disk Artifact Spirit and deducing Yuan Xian Taoism.

"Let's go and check out the next place!"

Gu Xiuyun led everyone forward.

Not long after walking, I saw a purple jade attic. The two sides of the attic were filled with rare treasures, as well as many martial arts books, a dazzling array.

"Let's go in and take a look."

Gu Xiuyun stepped into the depths of the attic.

I saw countless rare elixirs placed on the jade platform, each with its origin and purpose clearly written on it.

There are so many treasures in the outer world, especially the body refining lineage, which requires the help of various foreign objects, and the demand for these treasures is even more astonishing.

In addition, understanding some special secrets also requires the help of external objects.

For example, the Netherworld Map and the Underworld Map are okay for beginners, but if you want to reach a very high level, you must use some special treasures.

Black Lock Mountain also records many powerful secret techniques. No matter which method, if you want to defeat the weak with the strong, you must use external force.

On its own... it's almost impossible.

Unless it is extremely superior Taoism such as fate, cause and effect, life and death, and killing.

"Those are...twin stones?"

Yu Qianhu suddenly shouted.

Gu Xiuyun hurriedly walked over and saw small, stubborn stones with a simple color, placed above the jade platform, with a wooden sign hanging on the side, 'Twin stones, from Qingling Lake, are also the only ones in the world that can bring out the true artistic conception. The living beings possess the special treasure of the second true body, each worth one hundred thousand square meters of divine crystal. ’

"One hundred thousand cubic meters of divine crystal, so expensive?" Everyone was shocked.

On the way here, Gu Xiuyun had already told them about the value of divine power crystals. A single divine crystal requires all the divine power in the newly promoted venerable's body to be condensed into it.

One hundred thousand cubic meters of divine crystal... can restore the new venerable's divine power one hundred thousand times.

Refining such a huge amount of divine power would take a lot of time, not to mention the lack of spiritual power in the Wuyang Sea Realm, and even the true master might not be able to produce one hundred thousand square divine crystals.

"A twin stone actually costs 100,000 square meters of divine crystal. It seems that this thing is quite rare in the world outside the world," Gu Xiuyun said thoughtfully, "There are many twin stones in the realm of the heavens. They must be those powerful people outside the world." The fallen corpses were brought in."

"By the way, let's look for the Taoist chalcedony."

He sent out his soul thoughts and quickly found the location of Taoist Chalcedony.

On a stone platform, emerald-like jade liquid condensed into pill beads, which fell alone on the stone platform, filled with a strange clear light.

‘Taoist chalcedony, from Qingling Lake, is condensed from the original jade liquid of the twin stones. It can allow the life of the true artistic conception to have a second true body. It is ineffective against the venerable. It is worth one billion cubic meters of divine crystal. ’

"One billion cubic meters of divine crystals. Even if I were to come here and use up all the divine power in my body, I probably wouldn't be able to get this much." Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly.

Sure enough, the prices of some things are shockingly high.

At this moment, he saw a jade sign out of the corner of his eye, 'Taoist Spiritual Lotus. It is effective for those below the True Master Realm. It can deduce the correct changes in Taoism, thus reducing the time for enlightenment. It is worth three thousand square meters of divine crystal. ’

"Performing Taoist fortune-telling?" Gu Xiuyun's eyes lit up.

Isn't this a jade sign that is fused with the brand of destiny? It is only effective for people below the True Master level, and the deduction method is not as good as his.

With Gu Xiuyun's current Taoist teachings, not to mention ordinary venerables, even the Six Difficulties True Venerable can assist him in his practice.

The rules of destiny are the real world-level rules, and they are the most superior Taoist methods.

Although he is not most proficient in celestial calculations, this does not affect it.

Based on the twisting rules of fate, any kind of mysterious power has greatly increased, and it is easy to refine higher-level spiritual signs of enlightenment.

While Gu Xiuyun was walking in the attic.

Yan Suqing and others also dispersed and walked through the building, exclaiming from time to time.

There are too many treasures in the outer world. As long as you have enough money, you can enter the realm of the Venerable and even become a True Venerable within thousands of years.

For example, a magical medicine called World Transformation Pill can transform the inner world into a complete inner world with just one pill, and at the same time, it can perfectly transform the heart, mind, and soul. The only flaw is that the will is not strong enough.

A World Transformation Pill can cultivate a venerable person.

"No matter how many treasures there are in the world, what use are they to me?" Looking at the rare treasures in front of her, Yan Suqing sighed softly.

She didn't want to become a demon, and she didn't want to embarrass Gu Xiuyun.

To this day, Gu Xiuyun has long since given up, but she has not given up. When she thinks of her former life, she was a sinful devil who did countless evil things.

An inexplicable pain welled up in Yan Suqing's heart.

"Eh? Look at that person, does he look like Yao'er?" On the side of the attic, a sinister-looking man looked at Yan Suqing with a cold gaze, "Not only do they look alike, they even have the same demeanor. , Yaoer had the same look at the beginning."

"Young master, what you are saying is that Princess Yao has always been depressed since she got married. She never showed a smile until she died." The servant next to the sinister man said.

"That's good, send me a few people to keep an eye on her."

"My subordinate understands."

A smile appeared on the corner of the sinister man's mouth, and the jade in his hand was crushed to pieces. There was a hint of excitement in his expression.

After walking in the store for a long time, Gu Xiuyun finally bought some blood elixirs suitable for Tongxin Gu.

Tongxin Gu only has four difficulties. If it can continue to improve, it can reach the five difficulties, six difficulties and even the realm master level.

He had a strong helping hand.

As for the other treasures, I just looked at them and didn't buy them.

There are indeed many rare treasures on Fuling Island, but the prices are also terrifyingly high. With Gu Xiuyun's current net worth, he really can't afford them.

After that, everyone walked on Fuling Island for a long time.

In addition to rare treasures and monster lords, there are also places of practice and cave palaces on the island. As long as you have money, you can find everything.

But what surprised Gu Xiuyun the most... was that there was a Wanfa Tower deep in Fuling Island.

In the Ten Thousand Methods Tower, there are countless complete living things recorded. As long as you have enough money, you can enter it, read the scriptures, and even get the guidance of a powerful person at the level of a world leader.

"The nine directions of destiny actually have a complete analysis, and there are even special world masters to give guidance. It's terrible!"

"With my current Taoist realm, if I can understand another rule of destiny, I can elevate my physical body to the realm of the Supreme Being."

"What will it look like when the martial arts true body reaches the realm of the Venerable?"

Gu Xiuyun was longing and looking forward to it.

Wanfa Pavilion is undoubtedly the most useful place for him. As long as there is enough time to practice in the material path, he can break through, but the living path... can not be understood in time.

There must be a large number of classics, the imprint of Taoism left by the ancestors, and even the guidance of the world masters.

"After all, the Guizang Scroll is just a classic book of the Black Turtle's ancestor, and it is not very powerful. If I want to understand other rules of fate, I need more accumulation."

"One day in the Ten Thousand Methods Building requires 50,000 Zhenzun divine crystals, which is five million divine crystals. It is simply a money grab. Those who have understood the lower vehicle methods will definitely not enter. Only those who practice the middle vehicle methods and even the superior methods can enter. Only those who follow the Way will go there.”

Gu Xiuyun took a deep breath.

Wuyang Sea is so vast, and what he saw was just the tip of the iceberg.

The Fuling Sea Area is originally an inconspicuous place in the entire Wuyang Sea Realm, but even so, there are dozens of World Masters, and even a Nine Difficulties World Master sitting in the Red Scale Palace.

His current strength is far from enough.

After walking around the Wanfa Tower, everyone turned and walked towards the edge of the Hanging Island.

Suddenly, Gu Xiuyun frowned.

There were several venerables following in the distance, not too far away, and their eyes fell on him and Yan Suqing from time to time. There were so many practitioners in Fuling Island that they really couldn't notice anything.

But who is Gu Xiuyun?

It is almost impossible for a destiny practitioner to avoid his induction.

"I didn't buy too many treasures. It stands to reason that I won't be targeted. What's going on?"

Gu Xiuyun's fingertips moved slightly, and a moment later, an inexplicable smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"It's interesting to meet such a person. The world outside the world is full of good and bad. If it were the realm of the heavens, how could a strong man in the True Venerable Realm be obsessed with the love between his children?"

"Nine times out of ten, this person is a direct descendant of a certain family, and he was promoted with the help of elixirs and foreign substances."

Thinking of this, he quickened his pace and led everyone to the outside of the teleportation array. However, he did not choose to return the same way, but chose a teleportation array that was similar to it.

"Three hundred squares of divine crystals."

Gu Xiuyun took out the divine crystal.

The two guards nodded slightly, and their divine power poured into the depths of the formation.

The next moment, the space teleportation array opened.


The violent spatial fluctuations form a void channel that extends to the extreme depths.

The space teleportation array of Wuyang Sea Realm is far more mysterious and profound than that of the Heavens Realm. If the Heavens Realm is in the air, Wuyang Sea Realm is in the water.

From the air to the water, the resistance increases greatly with every move. Even the simplest space distortion and space folding are difficult to achieve, let alone opening a void passage.

Here, the True Lords cannot open up void passages and travel everywhere.

Only those who are above the realm master and are proficient in the space lineage can do it.

Gu Xiuyun put away everyone and stepped into the depths of the passage.

Not long after, a group of people hurried to the edge of the teleportation array.

"Hurry up, activate the teleportation array."

"Six true masters require 1,800 square meters of divine crystal." The guard said expressionlessly.

"for you!"

The old servant headed by him quickly took out the crystal of divine power and handed it to the guard.

The next moment, the teleportation array opened.

call! !

The bright light enveloped the void, sending all six True Masters into the depths of the void.

On the surface of a vast sea area, two rays of light shone in succession, frightening away a flock of birds.

After the cyan figure appeared, he did not leave in a hurry, but waited quietly on the side.

Not long after, another light came on.

Six true deities appeared on the sea.

"You are here in a hurry, are you here for me?" Gu Xiuyun glanced at the six true masters, his eyes calm and calm.

"you caught me!"

A cold light flashed in the corner of the eyes of the leader of the old servant, and then he smiled and said, "To be honest with you Taoist, my young master has taken a fancy to one of your disciples and wants to marry her. For this reason, I specially ordered the old servant to send a betrothal gift."

As he spoke, his divine power condensed into threads, outlining Yan Suqing's appearance.

The two True Masters beside them each took out a monster beast at the early stage of the True Master Realm from their arms.

"These two monsters are in the fourth difficult situation. They have been cleansed by the secret technique of Shexintang and are only controlled by the heart-locking ring. I would like to give this to my fellow Taoist as a betrothal gift, can you?"

"Oh?" Gu Xiuyun looked surprised.

It's really generous.

The two True Master-level monsters are worth no less than two million cubes of divine crystals. It seems that the young master behind them has a great background, at least he is the direct lineage of the World Master.

"Two real-level monsters are indeed good, but it's useless for Pindao to agree. The girl has to agree to it herself."

Gu Xiuyun waved his long sleeve, and Yan Suqing appeared above the sea with a blank look on her face.

"Miss Yan, this group of people want to use two Zhenzun-level monsters as a betrothal gift to marry you off as their son..."

"Concubine." The old servant added.

"Concubine." Yan Suqing looked pale.

"Miss Yan, are you willing??" Gu Xiuyun asked.

Miss Yan turned her head and looked at the other person, not knowing what to say.

Not willing?

Two true-level monsters, the value of which is unimaginable.

Who is she? To put it nicely, Gu Xiuyun's former friend was, at worst, an insignificant disciple of the divine sect.

Using her life in exchange for two Zhenzun-level monsters would make a lot of money.

"Miss Yan, for six thousand years, you have never practiced Taoism, let alone understood the classics and secrets." Gu Xiuyun stared at the woman, "I know you are afraid of becoming the devil back then, but have you ever thought about it? Without strength, you can only be at the mercy of others.”

"What will happen to you if Pindao is gone one day, or if Pindao abandons you?"

"Perhaps like in the previous life, I became a cauldron for others, or it may be even worse. I don't even have a chance to resist, and I die."

"At that time, maybe you will still follow the path of your previous life. Instead of regretting it on that day, it is better to face it bravely. The devil is nothing. The life of Wuyang Sea Realm is endless, and one day you will surpass her."

"Mr. Gu..." Yan Suqing's body trembled slightly.


Without strength, in this spiritual world where the jungle prevails, you are worse than a pig or a dog. Instead of letting others slaughter you, it is better to face your predecessor and make yourself stronger.

"Think about it!"

Gu Xiuyun waved one hand and put Yan Suqing into the spirit treasure. At the same time, a smile appeared on his lips, "I asked, but Miss Yan didn't agree."

"court death!"

The old servant's face suddenly turned cold, "Kill him, be careful and don't hurt the girl. She is the woman that the young master has ordered to get."


The five true masters surged with divine power around their bodies and rushed towards Gu Xiuyun.

Four of them are in the fourth difficulty realm, and one is in the fifth difficulty realm. The most powerful one is the old servant. His cultivation has reached the sixth difficulty realm, but there is no blood fluctuation in his body. It is obvious that he is not cultivating both meridians.

"I have been practicing for a long time and have never seen anything like this before. Today I really saw it."

Gu Xiuyun waved his hand, and the twisting rules of fate were unleashed.

In an instant, the True Immortal Dao Technique condensed into shape, blended with the True Qi, and slashed forward.


The five ultimate flames instantly broke through the Taoist defenses of the five true masters. The dazzling fire illuminated the world and burned four of them in an instant. Only the fifth person barely managed to save his life, but he was already dying.

"How can it be??"

The old servant's eyes widened, unable to believe what he saw.

Five true masters joined forces, but they were instantly seriously injured by a true master whose divine power was only in the fourth level of difficulty. Who was the other party?

"This breath... true energy?? Are you a warrior?"

The old servant's eyes trembled, and he turned around to escape, but an invisible wave passed through his mind.

Rootless duckweed!

After six thousand years, the power of this secret technique has become more and more powerful. The rootless duckweed originated from the destiny mind. As Gu Xiuyun's Taoist realm increased day by day, the power of this technique also evolved into new changes.

In an instant.

The old servant's mind was locked, and he was not separated from his body and destiny, but he seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, and every thought became extremely slow.


The dark palm prints pressed down suddenly, forcibly killing the Six Difficulties True Master.

Compared to the Heaven Realm, the Six Difficulties Realm in the Wuyang Sea Realm is much weaker. After all, what they have understood is not the superior Taoism. The threshold for practice is much lower, and the strength is extremely limited. Not to mention that this person has not cultivated both meridians, and his strength is Even more unbearable.

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