Fortune Teller

Chapter 1234 Cruelty in the Cultivation World


When the palm print fell, the old servant's physical body and the inner world collapsed.

At the same time, Gu Xiuyun's whole body collapsed, and nearly 30% of the black hole particles turned into flying smoke, which continuously activated the destiny method, which had a great impact on himself, not to mention that he was attacking the Six Difficulties True Lord, and the backlash was increased several times.

After killing six people, Gu Xiuyun's expression did not relax, but became more serious.

Through the rules of fate, he clearly sensed another fate line of the old servant... This person had a second true body.

"Even a slave can have a second true body. The master behind it is definitely not an ordinary person. He must leave immediately."

Gu Xiuyun's figure swayed and fled towards the distance.

After a while.

Light erupted again from the depths of the ocean floor, and then, streaks of escaping light appeared between the sky and the earth. There were more than two hundred true masters, all wearing golden armor, with cold faces, and their whole bodies were filled with divine power.

In the center of the crowd, the sinister man looked around with a gloomy expression.

"He ran really fast."

"Sir, this person's true energy has reached the ninth level or above. It can be seen that he has understood the mystery of the seventh level, and even understood the rules of the living beings." The old servant stood beside him, "If not for this, he would not have been able to kill us in such a short period of time. Six, and this person is proficient in soul methods, and most likely practices the Middle Way."

"Medium vehicle method?"

The sinister man narrowed his eyes, "It is really rare for a true master to reach this level. It just so happens that senior brother Chilin is short of a few soul slaves. Senior brother is looking down on the ordinary ones. Soul slaves who understand the middle vehicle method are also warriors. , seems pretty good.”

"Let's go to Scarlet Scale Palace to celebrate his birthday and borrow some treasures from senior brother. I don't believe he can escape from the Floating Spirit Sea."

A group of people surrounded the sinister man and disappeared into the distance.

The sea calmed down again.

After a long time, a drop of seawater disappeared silently.

Another place.

Gu Xiuyun turned into a wave and merged with the sea. His body was completely transparent. Even the line of fate and cause and effect were completely covered. No one except the World Master could see anything unusual.

"The young master who appeared out of nowhere actually brought more than two hundred true masters with him. Judging from the fluctuations of his aura, nearly 20% are the Five Difficulties True Masters."

Gu Xiuyun secretly took a breath.

Twenty percent of the Five Difficulties, there are almost forty, just thinking about it makes people's hearts tremble.

Despite his calm demeanor when he killed the old servant, he had actually reached the extreme limit of his strength, and the backlash of the rules of fate destroyed half of his physical body in an instant.

This is because Gu Xiuyun has understood the rules of fate and suppressed the backlash to a minimum. Otherwise, with his cultivation level... If he dared to use Rootless Duckweed on the Six Difficulties True Master, he would have been turned into flying smoke by the power of fate.

"This person carries a spiritual treasure that shields the secrets of heaven. Nothing can be calculated by the rules of fate. It doesn't matter. As long as he doesn't provoke me, it doesn't matter how big his background is."

Deep under the sea, an invisible stream of water quietly moved away.

After returning to the island, Yan Suqing recounted her experiences on the road, which made everyone feel scared.

The outer world is indeed not a peaceful place.

After just one trip to Fuling Island, he was intercepted and killed twice, once by the Five Difficulties True Master from Scarlet Scale Palace, and once by a powerful man of unknown origin.

Anyone else would have been chewed to the bone.

"I originally thought that the Venerable was already at the pinnacle of the spiritual world. Only when I went to Fuling Island did I realize that the Venerable was also being sold as a slave."

"Not only the Venerable, there are many True Venerables trapped in the cage, and there is also a beast from the Six Difficulties Realm."

"The high priest is right. Only those with strong strength are qualified to live a long and happy life. With a true artistic conception like ours, even if we have a long life span, we will not live long."

Everyone's face turned a little pale.

There are indeed many rare treasures on Fuling Island, but how many of them were cultivated with human lives? Who can say for sure?

The experience of the Black Donkey tribe proves that fighting is everywhere.

Small ethnic groups are oppressed by sect disciples, sects fight with each other, and are oppressed by larger forces... I am afraid that only the World Master can control the world without restraint.

Soon after, the news spread from one to ten, and from ten to a hundred.

While the disciples of the Divine Sect were frightened, they also practiced the Taoist secrets more seriously.

Even those with human superpowers began to switch to the immortal system.

Over the island.

A green figure stood in the sky.

The trip to Fuling Island not only allowed the disciples of the Divine Cult to understand what kind of world this was, but also allowed him to experience for himself what it means to be calm but the wind does not stop.

On Fuling Island, Gu Xiuyun hardly showed anything special. Even so, he was still targeted by a group of practitioners of unknown origin.

Yes, this time it was because of Yan Suqing, but what about next time? What about next time?

One day, he will go to Wanfa Pavilion to read the classics of destiny, collect rare treasures, and practice profound secret techniques.

At that time, the danger will come as expected.

"Only when you are strong can you be unafraid of anything. Otherwise, one day, someone like Old Ghost Tianji will attack me."

Gu Xiuyun took a deep breath.

Don't talk about right and wrong. Being weak is the original sin.

"First upgrade the Tongxin Gu. The bloodline treasures purchased this time are enough to upgrade it to the Fifth Refining Realm."

Turning the palm over.

A jadeite about ten feet in size appeared in front of him. The jadeite was round and round. At first glance, he really thought it was a spiritual jade. When he looked carefully, he discovered the gaps between the jadeites, and faint blood fluctuations came from the depths of the gaps.


The jade stone stretched out, revealing the appearance of an insect beast.

"Tongxin Gu, from today onwards, swallow a drop of blood spirit bead every month until you break through the bottleneck of the Fourth Refining Realm. Your previous breakthrough to the True Master Realm was completely forced by the rules of heaven and earth. There is a lot of lack of foundation, and you need to rely on external forces to make up for it. "

Gu Xiuyun took out a jade bottle from his arms, gently poured out a drop of spiritual liquid, and dropped it into the insect beast's mouth.


Tongxin Gu suddenly let out a cry of joy and seemed extremely comfortable.

"Hold it yourself, don't make any mistake."

"From today on, Pindao's real body will be wandering around the Floating Sea. There is only one clone sitting here. You must always explore the surroundings and never allow any living beings to set foot on the island. If you find something is wrong, report it to me immediately. Did you hear me?"

"Gugu!" The insect beast nodded.

A few days later.

Gu Xiuyun quietly left, taking away his life chart and inner world, leaving only a piece of his body at the bottom of the island.

He heard clearly the conversation between the sinister man and the servant, and he had to be prepared in advance regardless of whether the other party actually took action.

In the next period of time, he will try his best to plunder spiritual power and restore the inner world to its peak.

In addition, a large number of spiritual treasures and treasures must be collected.

The cultivation of the material path is time-consuming and laborious, at least hundreds of thousands of years. The best way is to go to the secret realm of time and space, but in this world... there are too few secret realms of time and space that can bear the true master. To practice in the secret realm, every day It costs a lot of money.

In addition, going to Wanfa Pavilion to read the scriptures on the path of destiny will also cost a lot of money.

There are also Black Lock Mountain's top magical powers, soul-like secrets, and top spiritual treasures...each of which costs money.

Without money, nothing can be done.

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