Fortune Teller

Chapter 1235 Swallowing the Spiritual Point

"According to the classics of Black Suo Mountain, there are twelve states in the Wuyang Sea Territory. The Fuling Sea Territory is considered a relatively weak one, but even so, there are hundreds of sects and two top forces."

Deep under the sea, the cyan figure was thinking while moving forward.

The Fuling Sea Area is vast and vast. With his current strength, it is impossible to cross the sea boundary and go to other states. There are heaven and earth barriers between different states. Those with low cultivation level will die if they enter it.

As for the teleportation array...the teleportation array across the state is not something you can use just when you want.

"There are very few new spiritual veins. Even if they appear, they are under the control of the World Lord. There is no way to steal spiritual power like last time."

"If you want to plunder spiritual power, it's best to find top forces. They have a lot of scattered spiritual veins in their hands. It's impossible to have a World Master sitting everywhere."

"Then let's start from the Red Scale Palace."

As his thoughts flashed, Gu Xiuyun walked quickly towards the distance.

Wave phosphorus.

Deep in the waves, a crystal palace city stands on the bottom of the sea, surrounded by dense red carp.

when! when! when!

A group of practitioners entered the palace city greeted by a group of carps.

Both sides were filled with carp monsters wearing red scales. Some of them had completely transformed into human forms, and their cultivation was close to the peak of the ninth level.

In the center of the crowd, a sinister man was walking forward with a rather unkind look on his face.

"Master Cang Yan has come all the way. The ancestor is very happy and has specially ordered this junior to come here to greet him." A True Master of the Six Difficulties Realm bowed and waited in front.

"Why is it that among the six world lords of the Scarlet Scale Palace, there is only one true lord?" the old servant's face was slightly cold.

"Reporting to Young Master Cang Yan, several palace masters are practicing in seclusion and have no time to come here. Please forgive me, Young Master."

The Six Difficulties True Master waved his hand, and hundreds of beautiful women walked out of the hall, with faint smiles hanging from the corners of their eyes, and their gazes were touching.

"I heard that the young master loves pictures of beauties and has painted all the beauties in the world with his red pen. I specially found a group of girls from the carp tribe for the young master to enjoy."

"Oh? Beauty?"

The sinister man glanced around, and most of the anger on his face had dissipated, "In this case, I would rather obey orders than to be respectful. You go and tell Senior Brother Chilin that I have sent the congratulatory gift. He must have what Tianjun wants. "Hurry up."

"I understand." The Six Difficulties True Master bowed slightly.

at the same time.

In the very depths of the seabed, in front of a hidden crack in the void, six figures sat cross-legged, their expressions a little solemn.

"Not long after, it will be the next opening day of Ziyang Villa. This is our last chance."

The leader of the blood-robed old man looked around at the crowd, "Since the great changes in the world, the Heavenly Lord sent me here. On the surface, I formed my own lineage and established the Scarlet Scale Palace. In fact, it was to find the specific location of Ziyang Villa. "

"Unknowingly, more than twenty years have passed, and Tianjun's patience has become worse and worse. This time he openly wished me birthday, but he actually wanted to put pressure on me through Cang Yan's unruly hands."

"Among the direct descendants of the Cangyan clan, this person is the most arrogant. He is also the direct great-grandson of Tianjun. Not many people dare to provoke him. If he acts recklessly, even I will have to avoid him."

"Ancestor, we understand what you mean." The other five people nodded slightly.

Ziyang Villa... is related to a legendary emperor. If not for the great changes in the world, how could an emperor-level figure fall?

In the other courtyard where such people live, if you think about it with your toes, you can tell how many treasures there are.

Although the ancestor of Chilin is the eldest disciple of Cangyan Tianjun, they also have selfish motives for each other. As early as three years ago, he had discovered the specific location of Ziyang Villa, but he never made it public and only brought a few people with him. The cronies explore in secret.

"Chifeng, is Master Huiyin here?" the old man in blood robe asked.

"We have arrived at the Scarlet Scale Palace and are currently living in the side hall. We can take action at any time." One person said.

"Very good, Hui Yin is proficient in the mysteries of fate, especially the shadow of fate and the calculation of heavenly secrets. They are the top means of exploring the secret realm." The old man in the blood robe nodded slightly, "Besides, you can find a few more who are proficient in the mysteries of cause and effect and formations." Practitioners of Tao methods must be true masters. This is our last chance. We can only succeed and not fail."

"My subordinates have sent someone to take care of it."

Several other Realm Masters responded in succession.

Hundreds of billions of miles away.

Deep in a withered spiritual vein.

The cyan figure moved forward quietly, its two palms turning over and over, faintly showing regular fluctuations.

"The sky is clear and bright. It seems that there is no Realm Master sitting here."

Gu Xiuyun looked around cautiously, occasionally activating the shadow of fate to explore the earth's veins.

Compared with other methods, the detection effect of the shadow of destiny is the most powerful and least noticeable. The line of destiny... has always been omnipresent and invisible. It is difficult for practitioners of the same system to find it, let alone Someone else.

In comparison, although the detection effect in the Void Realm is more detailed, it will still reveal obvious traces, especially in the Wuyang Sea Realm, where there are always many warriors from the outer world.

"The surface of the spiritual veins has completely dried up. There are only a few complete spiritual caves deep underground. Forget it, mosquitoes are still flesh no matter how small they are."

Gu Xiuyun moved his fingertips slightly, following the guidance of heaven, and came to the center of a spiritual cave.

Several True Masters of the Four Difficulties Realm are sitting cross-legged and practicing with their eyes closed. Divine power is surging around their bodies. While they are comprehending the Tao and Dharma, they are also constantly condensing the crystallization of their divine power.

In the Wuyang Sea Realm, divine power crystals are hard currency, so naturally the more the better.


Gu Xiuyun let out a low scolding, and his destiny began to change.

In an instant, all the Zhenzun in the spiritual cave lost consciousness and fell into a daze.

Immediately afterwards, the Jiuqu Mitian Forbidden was opened, covering thousands of miles around, and the void domain also started to operate. The martial arts and magical powers cooperated with the laws of heaven and earth to wildly devour the surrounding spiritual energy.

Gulu! Gulu!

An endless stream of spiritual energy poured into the body.

The Nine-Tune Mitian Forbidden is so powerful. As Gu Xiuyun's understanding of the material path becomes deeper and deeper, this method is close to completion, only one thing is missing: the origin of time.

The void realm is even more terrifying.

The void realm of the twelfth level of true meaning almost completely excludes the rules of mixed sources, leaving only its own Taoist rules.

The two forces combine to increase the devouring power of black hole particles to the extreme.

In just half an hour, the spiritual cave was completely silent, and the jade stones around it cracked and lost their previous luster.

"Next place."

Gu Xiuyun rushed towards another spiritual cave.

Changes in the depths of the spiritual veins will be noticed by others in a day or two at most. He must swallow all the spiritual power in a short period of time in order to avoid the pursuit of the World Lord.

Half a day later.

The cyan figure quietly walked away.

Not long after, the piercing bells rang through the void, and a large number of disciples from the Red Scale Palace traveled through the spiritual veins, but no trace of the outsiders could be found.

"What's going on? Why have all the spiritual caves fallen into silence? Are the disciples guarding the spiritual caves all dead?"

In the sky above the spiritual veins, the Six Difficulties True Master of the Scarlet Scale Palace was extremely angry.

The spiritual vein at his feet apparently belonged to the Scarlet Scale Palace, but in fact 30% of the divine power belonged to him alone. More than a dozen spiritual points were all dry, and nearly ten million square meters of divine crystals were lost. Who wouldn't be angry?

"Reporting to Senior Uncle, the senior brother guarding the spiritual cave was attacked by a mysterious strong man. He is still in a coma and may not wake up in a short time." A disciple responded.

"Okay, very good, you even dare to rob things belonging to my Red Scale clan. If we don't find this person, our clan will lose face!"

"Send the news back to the palace and ask the World Master to take action."

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