Fortune Teller

Chapter 1236 Bounty

Half a day later.

A World Lord appeared in the sky above the withered spiritual veins, and the power of the world filled the air.

After entering the Realm of Realm, the nine origins are complete, the avenue of heaven and earth is completely complete, the inner world is no longer incomplete, and has the real power of the world.

This is the most terrifying place for the World Master.

In front of the power of the world, any field seems insignificant. Even the rules of heaven and earth will be strongly rejected, leaving only the rules belonging to the world master himself.

The power of the world... is similar to the realm of the void.

If Gu Xiuyun could cultivate the warrior's true body to the realm of the Venerable, the power of the void realm would be no less than the power of the world, but now he is obviously still far behind.

The Realm Master of the Scarlet Scale Palace was wearing a red robe, and his eyes were shining as he looked down. As the Taoist magic circulated, he gradually saw a faint fluctuation.

"Is that... martial arts true energy? The quality of true energy is so high that it has at least reached the ninth level of true meaning."

A look of surprise flashed in the eyes of the Crimson Scale Palace Realm Master, "No wonder they can plunder so much spiritual power in a short period of time. Ninth-level warriors, whether on the particle route or the world route, have terrifying magical powers that can devour spiritual power."

"Looking at the floating sea area, there are not many warriors with such strength."

Among practitioners, the body refining lineage is almost always based on the bloodline route, and occasionally there are micro-formation routes, and warriors... are undoubtedly the least.

Bloodline cultivation is the least difficult. As long as you use some rare treasures, you can breed the bloodline of alien beasts in your body and then continuously improve it.

Of course, this route also costs a lot of money.

A venerable-level bloodline practitioner would have to spend at least tens of thousands of square meters of divine crystals. A true-level bloodline practitioner would have to spend at least a million square meters of divine crystals. From then on, the difficulty would become higher and higher, and the cost of rare and precious treasures would become higher and higher. And the spiritual power is getting bigger and bigger.

In comparison, the micro formation route and the martial arts route consume less resources, but the threshold is much higher.

For the micro-formation route, one must be proficient in formations and have a deep enough understanding of the world. Most practitioners stay at the level of the venerable, and few can break through to the level of the true venerable.

Warrior - more difficult, even the Venerable realm is difficult to achieve.

"The true energy fluctuation is so weak, it has obviously left this area and will not be found in a short time!"

The red-robed Realm Master observed for a long time and shook his head slightly.

some time thereafter.

Gu Xiuyun travels everywhere, constantly plundering spiritual power, and at the same time using the rules of fate to explore the seabed, looking for rare treasures.

In just a few months, the Fuling Sea Area was in turmoil. The two top forces: Red Scale Palace and Gui'ao Island both issued pursuit orders and searched for the whereabouts of the mysterious warrior, but without any results.

In front of the seafloor crack.

The old man in blood robe sat cross-legged, his eyes fixed on the dark space deep in the crack.

"Ancestor, Cang Yan Jie'ao has been acting more and more arrogantly recently. In just half a month, he has harmed more than thirty direct descendants of the Red Scale Clan, and even refined two true masters into a cauldron. We haven't gone to see him yet. Him?" A Realm Master came from a distance.

"Can't see."

The old man in blood-robed body shook his head slightly, "Tianjun sent this person here and most likely left something on him. Once we meet, Ziyang Villa may be exposed."

"Put it off as long as you can, it doesn't matter no matter how many people die."

"But in this case, wouldn't it appear that we are guilty? Ziyang Courtyard will be more easily exposed." The Realm Master of Scarlet Scale Palace said doubtfully.

"Do you really think Tianjun doesn't know?" The old man in blood-robed sneered, "He must have received some rumors before sending Cang Yan Jieao here. Don't worry, Tianjun still relies on me and will not break up easily. Besides, there are a few others watching, so our Heavenly Lord doesn’t dare to travel easily.”

The Crimson Scale Palace Realm Master nodded slightly.

Tianjun... is not an ordinary realm lord, he is an existence that has reached the pinnacle of transcendence, and has understood the complete rules of the path of life, and is only one step away from the avenue of heaven and earth.

Looking at Wuyang Sea Realm, such existences are only a handful.

"By the way, recently there was a mysterious warrior who went around plundering spiritual veins and devoured seventeen of his own spiritual veins, plus nine spiritual veins from Gui'ao Island, a total of twenty-six. It was really rampant. Do you want to ask Master Hui Yin? Take action?" Crimson Scale Palace Realm Master continued to ask.

"It's just a few spiritual veins, don't worry about it. Ziyang Courtyard is the top priority. In addition, you should be careful, maybe this is another plan of Tianjun." The old man in blood robe said indifferently.

"My subordinate understands."

The Crimson Scale Palace Realm Master turned and left.

Undersea palace.

The sinister man was making trouble in the main hall, with dozens of carp girls surrounding him, and laughter like silver bells could be heard from time to time.

Outside the palace, old servants and more than two hundred true masters stood bowed, waiting for orders at any time.

"Compared to the previous year, the young master's temperament has become more and more perverse." A True Master of the Five Difficulties whispered.

"There is no way. The young master is the direct lineage and great-grandson of Tianjun. His cultivation path has been smooth sailing. He has reached the Four Difficulties Realm early on. Since then, he has not made any progress. The Four Difficulties True Master can only maintain his Taoist heart for four Taoist years at most. Now the young master is on the verge of reaching the end. When the time comes, things will naturally become more crazy.”

An era is equal to one hundred thousand years.

One Dao year is equal to one hundred thousand eras, ten billion years.

As the endless years pass by, the world of spiritual practice gradually explores the limits of the Taoist mind.

A Venerable in the First Difficulty Realm can only survive for one Taoist year at most. When the time comes, even if the physical body and soul can be maintained, the Taoist heart will collapse and become a complete walking corpse.

For example, the false Realm Lord in the realm of the heavens is a walking corpse, with his mind completely corrupted.

A venerable person in the Second Difficulty Realm can survive for two Taoist years.

A venerable person in the Three Difficulties Realm can survive for three Taoist years.

The True Master of the Four Difficulties Realm can survive for four Taoist years...

It is not until the Jie Zun realm is reached that one understands the rules of the Tao of living beings, then one can completely get rid of the troubles of the Tao mind.

The Taoist heart is actually the will of the practitioner. Time is a knife that constantly wears away the body, soul and will.

The body and soul can be repaired, but the will cannot.

As the will becomes weaker and weaker, the person will gradually go crazy, and finally lose their character completely and become a walking zombie.

While the guards of the True Lord were talking, a shadow passed through the palace and flew into the palace.

"Sir, there is news!"


The sinister man who was indulging in lust waved his hand violently, sending all the red scale girls in the palace flying out. The domineering true power instantly wiped out more than thirty people.

Looking at the red blood outside the palace door, the sinister man nodded with satisfaction, "Tell me, what did you find?"

"In recent months, my subordinates have been wandering around the Scarlet Scale Palace and finally found a strange practitioner of unknown origin. This person is called Master Hui Yin by the disciples of the Scarlet Scale Palace. He has an extremely high level of Taoism. According to my observation, He probably practices the mystery of destiny," Xuying whispered.

"Destiny? A lineage of superior Taoist destiny?" The sinister man's eyes suddenly widened.

"Yes, the number of destiny practitioners is very small, and each one has extremely high understanding. Even so, only a few can understand the mystery and step into the realm of true masters. The Red Scale Palace has tried every means to invite this person, it must be for what Tianjun said The mysterious place.”

"Hui Yin... a practitioner of destiny..." A smile appeared on the corner of the sinister man's mouth, "You continue to investigate, leave this person to me. As long as you have him firmly in your hands, you are not afraid of what the old ghost with red scales can do. means."

"I obey my orders."

The shadow quietly disappeared, and no one noticed its mysterious whereabouts.

After a while.

A shout came from the hall, "Come here, I'm tired of staying here. I want to go out for a walk and catch an arrogant warrior who doesn't know the heights of the world."

A few days later, a piece of news came out.

The Scarlet Scale Palace vigorously hunted for two warriors. One was a mysterious figure who was plundering spiritual veins everywhere, and the other was a Four Difficulties True Master who once appeared on Fuling Island and was surrounded by a group of true artistic conceptions.

Forget about the first one.

There is no information at all, not even the Realm Master can find any information, let alone the disciples of the Scarlet Scale Palace?

The second warrior, however, has detailed information, from his appearance to his body shape, the Taoist techniques he performed, and the appearance of his companions, and even the areas where the opponent may appear, are all clearly marked.

Not only that, the bounty price for the second warrior reached 10 million cubes of divine crystal.

Ten million square meters can buy an absolutely loyal slave of the true master, and can also improve one's bloodline to above the Five Difficulties Realm. For ordinary practitioners, it is undoubtedly an astronomical figure.

"The Scarlet Scale Palace is really wealthy. In order to capture a Four Difficulties Realm True Master, they actually offered ten million cubes of divine crystals, and they were just providing information."

"It's a pity that we have never met this person, otherwise this huge pie would be ours."

"Stop dreaming. The Floating Sea is so vast. There are at least one hundred thousand True Masters there. Finding a warrior in it... is like looking for a needle in a haystack."

The practitioners in the sea area started talking about it.

For a time, all the warriors in the entire floating sea area were in danger.

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