Fortune Teller

Chapter 1237 The Disaster of Greed

Qingmo Library.

Chu Yuan is practicing in the cave.

After returning from the spiritual veins, the three of them each received more than a hundred sect contributions. Although they could not read the sacred books and jade scriptures, it was enough to exchange for some bloodline rare items.

Over the past thousands of years, he has upgraded his physical body to the third level of refinement, and his life-saving ability is much stronger than before.

"A little contribution is equivalent to 10,000 square meters of divine crystal. When I use up all the sect's contribution, I should be able to become a true master of the body refining lineage."

"At that time, if you meet the disciples of Luojian Island with your true master-level body combined with Taoist secrets, you must let them know that Qingmo Library is not someone to be trifled with."

Chu Yuan's eyes flashed with cold light.

Over the years, he has experienced all the suffering of Luo Jian Island. Every time the sect fights, it is like dancing on the tip of a knife. If he is not careful, he will die.

Suddenly, a burst of footsteps came from a distance.

"Junior Brother Chu, I have something important to discuss with you." Yang Lingzhi's voice came into the cave.

"Is it important?"

Chu Yuan frowned slightly.

Since returning to the sect, the three of them have been practicing in the cave every day and have almost no contact. Today is not a big day. What can be important?

"Senior Brother Yang, come in!"

Chu Yuan removed the formation restrictions outside the palace.

Yang Lingzhi hurriedly walked into the hall. Before he could speak, he unfolded a scroll and said, "Junior brother, who do you think this person is?"

There is a green-robed Taoist on the scroll. He looks about 27 or 27 years old. He has a handsome face and two eyes like deep whirlpools, making it difficult to guess... I have to say that the painters in the spiritual world are far from ordinary people. A portrait , almost completely revealing Gu Xiuyun's charm.

On one side of the portrait, there are many small words, everything from cultivation to appearance, as well as possible places, including the price of the reward, are clearly written.

"This is... Taoist friend Gu Ximing?"

Chu Yuan looked at it carefully for a long time before he said it with hesitation.

The appearance of a practitioner can be changed, but the charm of his eyes cannot be changed unless he deliberately hides it. Coupled with the annotation next to it, Chu Yuan had to suspect that the person in the portrait was Gu Xiuyun.

"You think so too, they are so similar, so similar," Yang Lingzhi took a deep breath, "There are only so many true masters in the entire Floating Sea Area, and there are even fewer who are also cultivators of the martial arts lineage. Speaking of which, back then, The secret technique used by Gu Daoyou to resist the beast from outside is completely different from the divine power. Now that I think about it, it is indeed very similar to martial arts energy. "

"Senior Brother Yang, what exactly do you want to say?"

Chu Yuan's face was slightly cold.

In addition to the appearance of the characters, there is also a reward price on the scroll. It is clearly a reward picture.

"To be honest, Junior Brother, Gu Ximing is wanted by the Red Scale Palace. How powerful the Red Scale Palace is. Even if fellow Daoist Gu has extraordinary power, he will definitely die. Rather than benefiting others, it is better to give it to us," Yang Lingzhi looked at Chu Yuan with shining eyes. "You have the best relationship with fellow Taoist Gu, so you must know some news, or..."

"Senior Brother Yang, I disappoint you," Chu Yuan's face was completely gloomy, "Since the separation of spiritual veins, there has been no news about Fellow Daoist Gu. Like you, I don't know the whereabouts of Fellow Daoist Gu. In addition, I would like to advise you not to get into trouble. , The divine crystal from Scarlet Scale Palace is not that easy to get. Junior brother, I still want to practice, so I won’t give it away when I’m far away.”

"Junior Brother Chu, you have to think clearly, this is 10 million cubic divine crystals." Yang Lingzhi looked unwilling.

"Being greedy will kill you."

Chu Yuan waved his hand and shook Yang Lingzhi out of the cave.

"Idiot, this is 10 million square divine crystals. What kind of relationship does Gu Ximing have with us? Is it worthy of your protection?"

Outside the cave, Yang Lingzhi gritted his teeth secretly.

After a long time, he flew off the island alone.

"Ten million square divine crystals is indeed a great temptation, but unfortunately, it does not belong to us." Chu Yuan shook his head slightly, "I hope Senior Brother Yang will not go to the Scarlet Scale Palace, otherwise, I am afraid that I will not be able to eat and walk around."

The sects in the Floating Sea Region know the dominance of the Scarlet Scale Palace best.

That's all there is news.

If there is no news, just some useless information, he will definitely be beaten, and maybe Chu Yuan will be implicated.

Thinking of this, Chu Yuan walked out of the cave and headed towards Yang Lingzhi's cave palace...


Outside the palace, Chu Yuan's face turned pale and pale.

A few days later.

A team of true masters came to Qingmo Library in a mighty manner. There were many true masters of the five difficulties in the team, and there were even several true masters of the six difficulties, and they were top figures who cultivated both lines.

For a time, the entire sect was shocked.

"Are you Chu Yuan? Tell me, where is Gu Ximing?" The sinister man looked at the round-faced young man with a cold expression.

"Replying to my lord, I really don't know."

Chu Yuan answered quickly.

Facing a group of five- and six-difficulties true deities, who wouldn’t be afraid? The fact that he can remain calm at this moment shows that he has a strong Taoist heart.

"I don't know?"

There was a sneer on the corner of the sinister man's mouth, "It seems that you are drinking as a penalty instead of eating the toast, Yan Wu, let me check it out carefully."

"As commanded."

A True Master of the Six Difficulties stepped out, with divine power surging throughout his body, and his bloodline fluctuating like a frenzy, as if he was a strong man at the peak of the Six Difficulties Realm.

"What... do you want to do??" Chu Yuan's face turned pale.

"What do you think?"

Yan Wu's face showed a serious look, "Since you are unwilling to speak, I can only investigate it myself. There are many ways to inquire for information in Wuyang Sea, and I happen to be good at one."

The words just fell.

The frenzied soul power turned into a sharp sword and instantly pierced into the depths of Chu Yuan's sea of ​​consciousness. Immediately afterwards, invisible waves surged out, firmly controlling Chu Yuan's mind.


There was a faint sound of shattering. After a long time, Yanwu withdrew his Taoist method and shook his head, "Young master, he really doesn't know, but I can be sure that Gu Ximing must be the warrior who killed Yan Yuan's clone that day. Such a person, It’s good to have one in the Floating Sea, but how can two appear at the same time?”

To kill the Sixth Difficulty Realm with the cultivation of the Four Difficulties Realm, it has crossed two realms. How can ordinary people do it?


A stern look flashed in the corner of the sinister man's eyes, "You're wasting my time, please come and tear that Yang Lingzhi apart, so that the practitioners in the Fuling Sea Area who don't know what the world is and who don't even ask questions clearly come to ask for reward money and waste my time." time."

"As you command!"

Several Five Difficulties True Masters grabbed Yang Lingzhi, first imprisoned him with their divine power, and then turned into wild wolves and started biting him crazily.

The howl resounded across the island.

The disciples of Qingmo Library looked at this scene from a distance, their expressions a bit ugly.

They have never seen such a cruel punishment. It is not killing or destroying the inner world, but eating it alive. How can a practitioner do this kind of beastly behavior?

However, the sinister man looked extremely proud.

Not far away, Chu Yuan's face was dull, sitting on the jade steps like an idiot, as if he had turned into a walking corpse.

Yanwu's detection methods are extremely cruel. He forcibly peels away the memory of the practitioner's soul and observes it bit by bit. In this way, most of the secrets can indeed be detected, but the consequence is... the practitioner's consciousness completely collapses and can no longer be repaired. .

Such means are simply not available in the realm of the heavens.

It can only appear in the outer world, but not everyone can practice it. As a guard of the Cangyan clan, Yanwu is qualified to practice.

After a long time, Yang Lingzhi was eaten clean.

The team from Scarlet Scale Palace left the Qingmo Library in a big way, leaving only Chu Yuan, who had completely lost his mind, and Jia Shu, who was extremely frightened.

Of the three people, only Jia Shu was not punished.

It's not that she is lucky, but because Jia Shu's relationship with Gu Xiuyun is average, not much better than that of Yang Lingzhi. How could Yang Lingzhi give 10 million divine crystals to Jia Shu for nothing?

Of course I didn't even mention it.

"Red Scale Palace... Red Scale Palace... it's too scary!"

From this day on, Jia Shu lived in fear every day until... a long, long time later, the Red Scale Palace was destroyed.

In a decaying undersea mountain range, a cyan figure walked forward, the aura around him extremely obscure.

"In recent times, the World Masters often walk everywhere, and it is much more difficult to plunder spiritual power. Forget it, let's stop here!"

Gu Xiuyun shook his head slightly.

Twenty-six spiritual veins, more or less, have already supplemented 70% of the divine power in the inner world.

As long as you are not facing the Realm Lord, you can save your life.

The huge inner world represents the vast and endless divine power of the True Master, which is enough to maximize his strength.

While walking, Gu Xiuyun frowned slightly, and a conversation came through the shadow of fate.

"The young master from Scarlet Scale Palace is really ruthless. He even tore the disciples of Qingmo Library into pieces and ate them bite by bite. Ling Chi in the mortal world is not as ruthless as him."

"Yang Lingzhi is looking for death. Is it so easy to get the divine crystal of the Scarlet Scale Palace? Another one named Chu Yuan, on the other hand, had his mind destroyed and completely turned into dementia. He is a true master of the Four Difficulties Realm. After hundreds of years of hard training, Once it turns into flying smoke.”

"Qingmo Library is also quite miserable. It has a relationship with Gu Ximing and has been suppressed recently. I heard that Luojian Island and Jinshishan want to take this opportunity to destroy Qingmo Library and steal the spiritual veins of their subordinates. Curiosities.”

"Attack Qingmo Library?? That is a Jie Zun-level sect. Will the Jie Zun behind it agree?"

"Why does Jie Zun care about this?? The so-called disciples of the sect are originally their slaves. After one group dies, there will be another group. Jie Zun's lifespan is endless. He just needs to train slowly. How could he go to Scarlet Scale Palace for some juniors? Against?"

Pieces of sound transmissions poured into the sea of ​​consciousness.

Gu Xiuyun's face gradually turned gloomy.

He had seen the reward order from Scarlet Scale Palace a few months ago, but he didn't take it to heart. He never thought that Chu Yuan would be implicated.

In the entire floating sea area, Chu Yuan is considered his friend.

His only friend was tortured by a sinister man and turned into a walking corpse.

"Yang Lingzhi, Scarlet Scale Palace..."

Gu Xiuyun clenched his fists tightly, feeling murderous intent in his heart for the first time.

Undersea palace.

The old servant stood cautiously beside the sinister man and asked quietly, "Master, why did you kill Yang Lingzhi? This man gave the information after all. Who would dare to pass on the information?"

"Humph, it's just a name that I don't know is true or false. What's the use?"

The sinister man said with a look of solemnity, "Besides, I don't care about Gu Ximing in the first place. The reason why I made such a big fuss is just to control Master Hui Yin. If I find this person so easily, it will be a troublesome thing."

"Hui Yin... By the way, he is a practitioner of destiny and is the most suitable person to find people." The old servant's eyes widened, "It turns out that the young master is a drunkard who doesn't care about drinking. He is smart and the old servant admires him."

"Now, it's time to find that Master Hui Yin."

The sinister man's lips sneered again and again.

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