Fortune Teller

Chapter 1238 Siege and Killing

Qingmo Library.

The Zhenzun-level disciples were coming and going in a hurry, their faces a little flustered. Mo Chengyu stood on a high platform, looking at the cloud sky a million miles away.

"It's been half a month since the news spread in the Scarlet Scale Palace. The situation in our sect has become increasingly difficult. Not only have the spiritual veins been taken away one by one, but even the disciples walking outside are often hunted down. If this continues, Qingmo Library will It’s really over.”

"Junior brother, don't worry. As long as the ancestor is alive, Qingmo Library will not collapse, and those people will be reckless outside. Who dares to break into the sect?" A figure stepped forward.

"Senior Brother Mo Lang." Mo Chengyu clasped his fists slightly.

"Junior brother, Chu Yuan belongs to your lineage. Has he changed anything recently? Or has he come into contact with anyone?" Mo Lang asked.

"Senior brother, what do you mean by this?? Could it you think Gu Ximing will come back?"

"Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the unexpected. If he really shows up, Qingmo Library's fault will become a credit, and we can also get the reward. Why not?"

"Senior brother, you are overthinking it. Chu Yuan has been in the dungeon and no one has come into contact with him. Besides, the Qingmo Library is guarded by the Boundary Master. How dare he sneak into the island?"

"That's it..."

While the two were having a conversation.

A Four-Difficulty True Master walked carefully around the island, and after a long time, he quietly left.

"Brother Chu Yuan, I'm sorry for you. Qingmo Library has a Boundary Master sitting in charge, and you are imprisoned in the dungeon. I don't even have a chance to see you."

At the bottom of the sea, Gu Xiuyun shook his head and sighed.

The fate of Chu Yuan and Yang Lingzhi made him realize more and more the cruelty of the outer world.

The true lords and venerables in the realm of the heavens have to go through reincarnations, and they are wary of each other, and their actions are much more restrained.

Wuyang Sea Realm is different.

There is no such thing as reincarnation among cultivators here. Once they die, they are dead. The World Master is immortal, so his disciples act more wantonly and arrogantly.

It's okay to say that a force like Qingmo Library has Jie Zun sitting in charge.

Ordinary Zhenzun, if he is not careful, he may die.

He looked not far away. There used to be a living tribe. Three months ago, it was full of vitality and there were many tribesmen. Now it has become a dead place.

Hundreds of thousands of creatures, all perished.

"This is the outer world, where the weak eat the strong. There is no etiquette or rules. The strong can wreak havoc on the world and kill creatures, while the weak can only struggle."

Looking at the sea in front of him, Gu Xiuyun clenched his fists.

He didn't want to be a demon wreaking havoc on the world, nor did he want to be a weakling who allowed himself to be preyed upon by mermaids.

As his thoughts flashed, a weak wave invaded.

"The fate of the seventh grade is mysterious...someone is spying on me?"

Gu Xiuyun's eyes flashed, and the rules of fate were unfolded. In an instant, countless celestial illusions appeared in front of him.

Deep in the mist, there was a bald man wearing a white robe, holding the robe tightly in his hand... It was the guest robe of Qingmo Library, which Gu Xiuyun once wore.

"Even the fate practitioners have been invited out. It seems that they really want Pindao's life, so I'll just meet with you for a while."

Gu Xiuyun waved one hand, and the heavenly vibrations around him dispersed a little.

At the same time, inside the Red Scale Palace.

Master Huiyin turned his hands over and pinched his fingertips continuously. A golden pagoda in the shape of Bagua hovered in front of him.

Gradually, drops of sweat began to form on his forehead, and the fluctuations of his soul thoughts began to become unstable.

"Can't you even figure out the mystery of seventh-grade destiny??" Seeing this, the sinister man frowned slightly.

"Sir, wait a moment. Previously, I have invited two excellent practitioners of Taoism. One is proficient in the sixth-grade mysteries of fate, and the other is proficient in the sixth-grade mysteries of cause and effect. Even they have no sense. It can be seen that this person has a special spiritual treasure to protect him. , Master Huiyin should put in some effort," the old servant explained.

"It's useless. Why are you looking for so many excuses?" The sinister man glanced to his side, his face slightly cold.

The old servant quickly lowered his head and did not dare to speak any more.

At this moment, the golden pagoda trembled suddenly, and the top of the tower pointed to the southeast.

"Found him. This person is in the southeastern sea, thirty trillion miles away."

Master Hui Yin said loudly, "It's too far away and I can't determine the specific location. I also ask Master Cang Yan to bring more people to prevent him from running away."

"There is no need for manpower. This group of guards under my command, together with a group of True Lords from the Red Scale Palace, are more than enough. Master Huiyin, please come with me."

The sinister man grabbed the bald man and walked out of the underwater palace.

The disciples from the Red Scale Palace on both sides showed hesitation, but did not dare to stop him.

In front of the seafloor crack.

Chifeng Realm Master hurried over, "Ancestor, something bad happened. Master Cangyan found Master Huiyin and forcibly took him out of the Scarlet Scale Palace."

"What?" The expression of the old man in blood robe suddenly changed, "Hui Yin is a distinguished guest of our clan, didn't the disciples in the palace tell him?"

"Ancestor doesn't know something. Mr. Cang Yan has his reasons, and the clansmen don't dare to stop him too much..."

Chifeng Realm Master quickly recounted what happened recently.

"Catch a warrior? Humph, it's obviously a pretense. He came from Cangzhou, how could he possibly offend a warrior for nothing? And pursue this person at all costs?"

The blood-robed old man's eyes flashed coldly, "It seems that Tianjun has more information than we expected. He even figured out the approximate time when the cave will be opened."

"We can't wait any longer. Go and prepare the necessary things. I will use the power of the Purple Sunstone to open the passage in advance."

"Ancestor, will you run into trouble if you do this??" Chifeng Realm Master hesitated.

"No matter how troublesome it is, it's better than trying to get nothing out of a bamboo basket."

The old man in blood robe had a serious look on his face, "It seems we can't keep this little boy Cang Yan Jie'ao."

The sea is vast.

Rays of escaping light swept across the sky and sped towards the distance.

"Sir, according to Master Hui Yin's calculations, Gu Ximing is within a hundred billion miles of the surrounding area," the old servant bowed, "We came here with the help of a teleportation talisman. In just two days, he shouldn't be able to go very far."

"Where's Hui Yinren?" The sinister man said coldly.

"Master Huiyin is resting in the cave flying boat. The previous Tianji deduction has done a lot of damage to him. He needs to rest for at least one day before he can use the Tianji secret technique again." The old servant said.

"Useless things can seriously injure a mere Four Dilemma True Master?" The sinister man sneered.

The old servant lowered his head and did not dare to speak.

From tens of trillions of miles away, and with only one Taoist robe that he had ever worn, he was able to calculate the general direction. The method was terrifying. How could there be no price for using such a secret technique?

What's more important is that the other party also has a spiritual treasure that blocks the cause and effect of heaven.

"First send the disciples of the Scarlet Scale Palace out to search everywhere. Once you find something, report it immediately." The sinister man said.

"As commanded."

The old servant hurried to the rear.

A moment later, hundreds of Scarlet Scale Palace disciples flew everywhere, and the laws of heaven and earth filled the void, completely covering the seabed.

Compared with soul thoughts, the detection effect of heaven and earth law is much stronger, but it will also consume a lot of divine power. Fortunately, the Red Scale Palace has a rich net worth, so these losses are nothing.

"We must not let go of any suspicious life within a hundred billion miles. Gu Ximing is a warrior and we must not let him escape."

The Six Dilemmas of the Scarlet Scale Palace gave orders loudly, and the voice resounded throughout the vast sea.


The escaping light passed through the void at an extremely fast speed, spanning millions of miles in an instant.

Under the shroud of heaven and earth, everything, no matter how big or small, is reflected in the mind.

"There are a total of 70,954 lives within a million miles, all of which are above the true realm. That warrior is probably hiding among them. Kill!"

The eyes of the disciples from the Scarlet Scale Palace flashed with cold light.

The true divine power swept across the seabed like a frenzy, wiping out all 70,000 living beings.

In front of the disciples of the sect, ordinary creatures are like grass and grass. You can kill them if you want without any restrictions.

Because of this, in the outer world, there are far more people who practice the killing system than cause and effect and destiny. It is also the one with the most practitioners among all kinds of superior Taoism.

On the sea, streaks of escaping light rushed in all directions, destroying all living things wherever they went.

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