Fortune Teller

Chapter 1239 Killing someone with a borrowed knife

"You know that I am a warrior, but you still want to kill all living beings?"

Deep under the sea, Gu Xiuyun transformed into sea water, feeling a little heavy.

The transformation methods of warriors above the true realm are even more amazing. They can transform into any form: water droplets, stones, flames, seaweed... As long as they restrain the fluctuations of their divine power and lock their soul thoughts, ordinary practitioners cannot detect it at all.

The only weakness is the mysterious and mysterious special powers such as the line of cause and effect, the line of fate, and the fluctuation of life. However, only those who have understood the Middle Vehicle and above can perceive the existence of the warrior through these special powers.

The disciples of the Scarlet Scale Palace obviously couldn't do it.

"Perhaps in their eyes, killing the beings in the lower realm is just an ordinary thing."

Gu Xiuyun's heart gradually became more murderous, "That being the case, in my eyes, what's the difference between you and ants?"


An invisible spike flew through the void, shattering the minds of the disciples of the Scarlet Scale Palace... He did not lead the sinister man here to escape for his life.


The cold light flashed away.

The disciples of Scarlet Scale Palace have turned into flying smoke.

Immediately afterwards, Gu Xiuyun headed to another place.

"Sir, two hundred and sixty million miles to the west, a disciple of the Red Scale Palace has died. His cultivation is in the fourth difficult state." The old servant walked to the side of the sinister man. "According to the old servant's guess, it is probably the person who cares about his life." for."

"It came out so soon?"

The corners of the sinister man's lips curled up slightly, "I thought he could endure it for a whole day until Master Hui Yin's next calculation!"

"He never expected that Young Master, you would actually bring nearly a thousand True Masters with you, eighty of them above the Five Dilemma Realm, and twelve Sixth Difficulty Realm," the old servant said with a smile, "You will send out the disciples from the Red Scale Palace. Want to use this person’s hand to deal with them?”

"The Scarlet Scale Palace has already developed alien intentions. Tianjun has long wanted to beat them," the sinister man sneered, "As the great-grandson of Tianjun, how can I not make some achievements?"

"My subordinate understands."

The old servant calmly called a few guards and headed towards the place where the disciples of the Red Scale Palace died.

Deep under the sea, there are turbulent undercurrents.

Gu Xiuyun pinched his fingertips repeatedly while running the shadow of fate to calculate the approximate position of each true deity.

When it comes to searching for traces, the cause and effect lineage is the scariest, but the destiny lineage is not bad either.

Especially the shadow of fate, wherever the ripples go, all the changes are integrated into the mind, and even the World Master cannot detect it.

This is a gap in the Taoist system, and no amount of cultivation can make up for it.

Just like the killing lineage, one can sense living beings through murderous aura, and one can also put one's mind and thoughts into the murderous aura to form the source of killing and save one's life...and these are just two changes of the killing lineage.

The reason why the superior Taoism is terrifying lies in the power of the system. Every change represents an ultimate method.

For example, Heaven's Secret Calculation - you can gain insight into the changes in Heaven's Secret, observe the past and future, and even deduce your own practice direction and find your own opportunities.

The calculation of heavenly secrets is just one of them. The complete path of destiny has nine changes, representing nine rules.

The inferior Taoist methods, such as Kendo, Gundo, Painting... all have only one change. When practiced to the extreme, it is just a rule. The early stage of Qiankun Realm is the limit.

They are both in the True Venerable Realm. One has comprehended nine mysteries, while the other has only one. The difference is obvious.

"Three million miles to the left, there is a True Lord of Five Difficulties, and twenty-seven million miles away, there is a True Lord of Four Difficulties."

"Deal with the four difficult situations first."

Gu Xiuyun made a decision in his heart.

To kill the four difficult situations, as long as you use the frightening thorn and the secret technique of curse killing, you can forcefully annihilate them without exposing any traces.

In comparison, the Five Dilemmas are much more troublesome.

With his current strength, it is indeed very difficult to directly curse and kill the Five Difficulties True Master, and he is a strong man who cultivates both lines.

After a while.

Invisible spikes passed through the void and pierced into the bodies of the disciples of the Red Scale Palace. Quietly, the Four Difficulties True Master had fallen and completely lost his vitality.

Not long after, the third disciple fell...the fourth disciple fell...

The disciples of the Red Scale Palace above the sea fell into panic.

"In just half a day, fifteen people have already died. Master Cang Yan, why not withdraw the disciples from the Four Difficulties!"

Said a six-difficulty expert from Scarlet Scale Palace.

No matter how worthless the Four Difficulties are, he is still a true master, let alone a descendant of the Red Scale Clan. If he continues, I really don’t know how many deaths he will have.

"No, if you withdraw the disciples, this person is likely to escape. Continue the search and never miss any place." The old servant said coldly.

The Six Difficulties expert's face turned blue, but he did not dare to say anything.

Time passes slowly.

Before I knew it, the day passed.

Forty-six disciples of the Scarlet Scale Palace died. The farther back they went, the smaller the area where Gu Xiuyun appeared, and the Four Difficulties True Masters were more concentrated, and the killing was much faster.

In the cave flying boat, a bald man stepped out, his shiny head flashing with silver light.

"Master, you are finally out!"

The Six Difficulties experts from Scarlet Scale Palace quickly gathered around him with excited expressions on their faces.

Forty-six True Masters, even though the Red Scale Palace is powerful, it still feels a little painful. After all, there are only one hundred thousand True Masters in the entire Floating Sea Area. The Red Scale Palace does not belong to the sect. Except for Keqing, all the disciples under his command are from the Red Scale clan. Raising one is not easy.

"What, what happened?"

The bald man glanced around and frowned slightly.

"Please also ask the master to use Taoist magic to find the one who cares about his life. In just one day, forty-six true masters have fallen in this clan." The strong man from the Red Scale Palace said with a bitter smile.

"so much?"

Master Hui Yin raised his brows and was about to ask a few questions when he saw the sinister man walking towards him, "What nonsense are you talking about? Hurry up and use your Taoist skills. I don't believe that a small true master can climb to the sky?"


The bald man quickly took out the golden pagoda and started operating it.

I saw golden threads passing through the void, and invisible fluctuations filled the air. At the same time, the power of destiny merged into the depths of the sea like a spider web, and every living creature was clearly reflected in the depths of Master Hui Yin's mind.

"This person has a spiritual treasure that can shield the secrets of heaven. I will spend some time borrowing the power of the Thousand Spirit Pagoda."

Master Hui Yin said, "Last time, Qianling Pagoda only opened one level of restriction, and its power was limited. This time, I practiced for several days in advance and opened two levels of restriction. Even if he has great power, he can't stop it. Spying on the Qianling Pagoda.”

"Master takes action, so I can rest assured." The old servant said with a smile.

The Thousand Spirit Pagoda is a world-level treasure of the Destiny lineage, and it is a complete spiritual treasure. If there was not a Destiny Dao World Master behind Master Huiyin, it would not be possible to possess this thing.


Divine power surged into the depths of the spiritual tower like a frenzy.

In an instant, the golden pagoda emitted bright light, the lower two floors of the three-story pagoda were fully opened, and countless heavenly patterns condensed and formed.

"This person is within tens of billions of miles," Master Hui Yin's eyes flickered, "front left...240 million miles away, hurry, he is escaping."

After the words fell, a total of seven Zhenzun rushed towards the left side, each one of them was a strong man who cultivated both meridians.

The Six Difficulties Realm cultivation, combined with the Six Difficulties Realm physical body, has reached an extremely high level of understanding of the rules of time, no less than the Eternal True Master.

These characters all possess tremendous power.

"Sir, are we going to chase him?" the old servant bowed and asked.

"There is no rush, let the people from the Scarlet Scale Palace take action first," said the sinister man with a sneer on his face, "Gu Ximing is proficient in the secret arts of the soul. He happens to be the nemesis of the Scarlet Scale Palace. In the face of a desperate situation, he should be able to drag down one or two true masters to death."

"Young Master is wise." The old servant looked flattering.

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