Fortune Teller

Chapter 1243 Wanfa Tower

In the void space.

Gu Xiuyun stood in the sky, his whole body shrouded by invisible power. His face could not be seen clearly, and there was no aura fluctuation. It was like a phantom.

Not far away, figures were coming and going, each one covered with a light mist, making nothing visible.

"There are so many people going to Wanfa Tower? Could it be an illusion?"

Three million squares of divine crystals are required in one day. With so many practitioners, what kind of daily income must they achieve?

Wanfa Tower is simply a gold-selling cave.


Gu Xiuyun swallowed and walked in the direction of fate.

After a while, he came to a vast field of stone monuments.

Each stone tablet records a Taoist method, a secret technique, or a way to understand the mystery of fate.

The stone tablets vary in height. The more majestic the stone tablets, the more profound the Taoist teachings recorded. There are more than 700 stone tablets, each one as tall as a mountain, but there are not many practitioners staying in front of the tablets.

The viewing time of Wanfa Tower is limited. The largest stone tablet may not be understood in three or four hundred years, let alone one or two days. Who would waste time?

"Hey, is that Guizang?"

Gu Xiuyun glanced around and quickly found a 100-foot stone tablet with the four ancient characters "Gui Zang San Juan" clearly engraved on the top.

He quickly walked to the stone tablet.

The ancestor of Xuangui left the first two volumes in the Holy World of Samsara. Unexpectedly, Wanfa Pavilion also recorded this technique.

The stone tablet is engraved with dharma lines, and there is an inexplicable fluctuation of destiny. Standing in front of the tablet, you can faintly feel the mysterious atmosphere of the Guizang Scroll, which makes people unconsciously fall into epiphany.

"It's so amazing. This is the original volume of the three volumes of Guizang. In comparison, the Guizang volume left by the ancestor of Xuangui was only burned by himself. It has many flaws and is far less perfect than the stone tablet technique."

Looking at the stone tablet in front of him, Gu Xiuyun suddenly understood why so many practitioners appeared in the void space.

The deeper the Taoism, the more likely it is that mistakes will occur.

Although there are a large number of classics in Scarlet Scale Palace, Qingmo Library, and Luojian Island, they were copied by others after all, and are far less detailed and complete than the classics in Wanfa Tower.

In addition, reading classics is beneficial to practice. Three million cubic divine crystals is an astronomical figure for Zhenzun, but it is not unacceptable to Jie Zun.

"What kind of existence is behind the Ten Thousand Methods Tower? It has collected so many classics. The three collections are already top-notch cultivation techniques. They are only a hundred feet high. Where did those ten thousand-foot stone tablets come from?"

"Speaking of which, there is a source world of all laws in the endless void, and they are all named after 'all laws'. Is there any connection behind it?"

As thoughts flashed, Gu Xiuyun sat cross-legged and began to meditate on the three volumes of Guizang.

The skill lies not in the profundity, but in the suitability.

When he was in the Holy World of Reincarnation, he spent hundreds of years comprehending the first two volumes of Guizang, and he was very clear about the changes. Now that he has comprehended the third volume, the difficulty is naturally much lower.

If it were another method, it would take forty days... even to get started.

None of the cultivators here are not in the destiny system. Some of them are even the Seventh Difficulty Realm Master and the Eighth Difficulty Realm Master. Even these people dare not understand the Wanzhang Stone Tablet.

Where did he get the courage to try?

I still have this bit of self-awareness.

Before I knew it, a month had passed.

Gu Xiuyun exhaled a breath of turbid air, and his eyes became darker and darker, showing inexplicable fluctuations.

"It turns out that improving martial arts cultivation is not only about comprehending the second rule of destiny, but also improving the rule of twisting destiny. From the Seventh Difficulty Realm to the Ninth Dilemma Realm, it is the evolution process of the rules of life, but now I have only understood a drop in the ocean, and I am far away from the true It’s a thousand miles away from perfection.”

"There is no way to practice after the realm master in the holy world of reincarnation. People in the world only know that one can become a realm master by understanding the rules of the path of life, but they don't know how to practice as a realm master?"

"There is no specific method, it's all guesswork."

Gu Xiuyun whispered to himself.

In terms of realm, on the twisted path of fate... he can only be regarded as entering the realm of rules for the first time.

If the Realm Master at the pinnacle of the Nine Difficulties Realm has perfected certain rules of living beings and formed a towering tree, he has just opened a gap to reveal the tender green buds.

There is undoubtedly a world of difference between the two.

The third volume of Guizang is about the practice of the rules of destiny.

"In the past, I still thought about comprehending the nine mysteries and stepping into the realm of rules. Now that I think about it, it's really ridiculous."

"Just one fate-twisting rule will take endless years, so why talk about anything else?"

"I have just entered the threshold of the rules of destiny. I should be in the state of concentration, understand the rules, and transform my will into a spirit. It stands to reason that as long as I take one step further, I can become a martial arts master without having to understand the rules of destiny."

After reading the three chapters of Guizang, Gu Xiuyun realized that the path of life was divided into three lower realms and four upper realms.

The lower three realms are: Tao Yun, Yu Xuan, and Shang Miao.

These three levels specifically refer to the path of living beings, not the material path. The material path in the outer world is in chaos, and there is no specific realm division at all. The practitioners of the endless void have made a mistake.

The upper four realms are: Concentration, Refinement of Intention, Sui Dharma, and Idealism.

Concentrating state: Under the support of the rules of the living being, the mind and will initially condense the divine will... This is also the state where the Seven Difficulties World Master is in.

Refining the mind: tempering the will, making the mind and will continue to grow, reaching an unprecedented level... This level is the Eight Difficulties Realm Lord.

Dharma Suits: The so-called Dharma Suits means that once a word is spoken, heaven and earth must obey it. At this step, the rules have been perfected, and the cultivation level has reached the level of the Nine Difficulties.

The Nine Difficulties Realm Masters are no longer able to fight against them in numbers. No matter how many Realm Masters there are, it is useless. The words and Dharma are in front of you. No matter how many magical powers you have, there is only a dead end.

Therefore, the Nine Difficulties Realm Lord is also the pinnacle of the Qiankun Realm. Some extremely powerful beings can even be called Heavenly Kings.

The ancestor of the Scarlet Scale Palace is also a Nine Dilemma Realm Master, but he practices inferior Taoism and is still much weaker than the Heavenly Lord.

After the three realms, there is another realm of spirituality.

It's a pity that the three volumes of Guizang are not clear about it. They only mention names and no methods, as if this realm only exists in legends.

"The four realms of concentration, mind refining, fasui, and idealism are closely related to the mind and will. According to the three volumes of Guizang, after entering the fasu state, even if the physical body collapses, the soul falls, and the inner world collapses, the mind and will can still It exists in the world forever, but ordinary people cannot see it.”

"It has been 400 million years since the death of the Black Turtle Ancestor. Logically speaking, he must have been dead long ago. But according to what he and the Black Turtle Beast want, as long as the bones are taken out, there is hope of resurrection."

"So...the ancestor of the Black Turtle has reached the Dharma Sui Realm?"

Thinking of this, Gu Xiuyun's heart skipped a beat.

No wonder the ancestor of the Black Tortoise recreated the Nine Mysteries and Dharma Sui Jing. Isn’t he the Nine Difficulties Realm Master? What was the state of the True Dragon Ancestor who escaped?

In addition, the Ziyang Tomb and the Yinling Tomb in the underground abyss are mysterious places where many peak world masters may have been buried.

After thinking wildly for a moment, Gu Xiuyun stood up.

Most of the forty days have passed.

I reluctantly read the three volumes of "Guizang", especially "The Twist of Fate" and "The Heart of Destiny". I read them carefully for a long time and gained a lot of insights.

Looking further, the effect will not be great, after all, his current accumulation is limited.

You have to practice it for at least several thousand years and then read it to gain new insights.

"There are less than ten days left. It is difficult to comprehend the methods of the destiny line. It is better not to waste time. As for the material way... the five elements of wind and thunder have been perfected. It takes time to deduce the true immortal way and cannot be achieved overnight. Similar classics I’ve watched a lot too.”

"By the way, time rules."

"The time classics in the endless void are the rarest, and each volume is like looking at flowers in the fog, completely incomprehensible."

"There are many classics in Wanfa Pavilion, so there should be a cultivation method of the same time line."

Gu Xiuyun walked away.

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