Fortune Teller

Chapter 1244 The Picture of the Stars

In front of the vast stone monument.

Gu Xiuyun stood in the sky. Apart from him, there was not a single figure here.

"The five elements of time and space are the material path. Those who can come here have probably almost understood it. Even if they have not fully understood it, they are not willing to waste money."

Although the rules of time and space are mysterious and profound, they are ultimately material and eternal.

There are too few Realm Masters in the Heaven Realm, and they are all fake Realm Masters. After enlightenment, they soon fell into ruin. All their energy was spent on arranging inheritance and seeking a chance to wake up.

How could it be possible to waste time writing classics?

The only one who has perfect time and space, Bai Ze Zhenzun, who is unwilling to be contaminated by cause and effect, has never preached any secret method.

There are naturally very few time books in the Holy World of Reincarnation.

But no matter what, the rules of time and space... are infinitely simpler than the path of life. No matter how complex time and space is, it is composed of countless regular patterns and has never changed since ancient times.

As long as you have enough time to understand, you will eventually understand.

And the Tao of living beings... depends on the heart. If the heart changes, the Taoism will also change accordingly. It is also the deduction of Tianji and the twist of fate. Gu Xiuyun and the founder of Tianji have completely different perceptions.

Everyone has their own way, and it is a hundred times more difficult to practice.

"There are so many classics in the time line." Gu Xiuyun stood in the air and looked around. After a moment, his eyes lit up, "Hey, there are actually books suitable for the true realm. You can understand time without entering the realm of the Venerable. rule?"

He quickly dropped down and flew to a stone tablet about ten feet tall.

'The Star Diagram, from the hands of the Bingqu Realm Master, turns the rules of time into scrolls. There are 720 billion scrolls in total. Each scroll contains a kind of time change. If you can understand them all, you can understand it. The complete origin of time. ’

"Seventy-two billion picture scrolls? How can these be used for true artistic conception cultivation? The threshold is a bit low, and the time consumed may be several times greater."

"But it's just right for me. Tianji Calculation is best at this complicated and time-consuming method. The trouble is that it's a little troublesome, at least it's easy to remember."

Gu Xiuyun looked out his mind and merged into the depths of the stone monument.

In an instant, pictures appeared in front of them one after another. Each picture was quite difficult, but compared to other classics and secrets, it was much simpler.

Those stone tablets dismantled the origin of time into at most a dozen different rules, and some even only had two or three types. They looked ordinary, and trying to write them down... was impossible.

However, the Phi Xing Diagram dissects the rules of time into 720 billion types of diagrams, making it a million times less difficult.

As long as it reaches the true artistic conception, it can be memorized by force, let alone Gu Xiuyun.

In the underwater palace, there are constant wailing sounds.

"Get out, get out of here!"

A shout of curse was heard, and the girls from the carp tribe fled from the palace one after another.

The old servant glanced around, his face looked a little ugly, but he had to bite the bullet and walk into the hall.

"Sir, if you are tired, go to the inner hall to rest first!"

"Why rest? I have very little life left. If I don't hurry up, will I become a walking zombie?"

The sinister man stared at the old servant with murderous intent on his face, "Let me ask you, have you found that bitch?"

"Not yet," the old servant lowered his head further, "Young Master, you also know that Gu Ximing is a warrior and a system of destiny. Even Master Huiyin has spent a lot of effort, let alone us? If we want to find him, I'm afraid we have to ask Karma A top figure in a lineage or a lineage of destiny.”

"Fart, this bitch caused me to lose hundreds of thousands of years of my will in vain. How can I let him be free outside? Go tell the ancestor of Chilin that I have no patience anymore. I will hand over everything in the other courtyard within half a month." Keep it secret, otherwise you will wait for Tianjun to come to your door!"

The sinister man's face was full of sternness, "In addition, let him immediately send the Realm Master to Cangzhou and ask the master of Wuling Hall to come over. I will kill Gu Ximing with my own hands."


The old servant's brows trembled slightly and he walked out obediently.

Outside the palace, several Six Difficulties True Masters looked at the old servant and asked through a message, "How is the young master?"

"It's completely crazy."

The old servant shook his head, "He actually wants to give the Red Scale Ancestor an ultimatum... Even Tianjun doesn't dare to do this. He is just a member of the Cangyan clan, and he dares to say such things."

"In addition, I was asked to invite the master of Wuling Palace. He is one of the eight palace masters of Wugu Palace. Although his cultivation level is the lowest, only in the Seventh Difficulty Realm, he is from the cause and effect lineage after all. How can we invite him? of?"

"Forget it, just bear with it!"

Several True Masters of the Six Difficulties shook their heads slightly, "It's also his own fault. He insisted on finding trouble for Gu Ximing when he had nothing to do. The other party happened to be a fate practitioner. The secret technique of the soul combined with the mystery of fate had abruptly worn away his hundreds of thousands of years of experience. will."

If it is a normal practitioner, the injury to the will will be recovered after a period of rest.

But Master Cang Yan has reached the end of his life, and his will may collapse at any time. Although he was protected by the magical medicine and rare treasures, he could persist for a while, but he never thought that he would meet Gu Xiuyun.

The damage caused by the destiny heart to the mind and thoughts is much more powerful than ordinary secret techniques.

"It doesn't matter if you endure it for a while, I'm just afraid that in the end, he won't even let us go." The old servant looked bitter.

As a slave of the Cang Yan clan, from birth to death, you can never break away.

If Young Master Cang Yan asks them to die, they must die.

"If it doesn't work, let the young master go to the dojo of the Red Scale Ancestor to cause trouble. He is a dying man anyway. Didn't the Lord send the young master here to make trouble?"

"That's true. In that case, I will relay the original words to Scarlet Scale Palace to see how they react."

The old servant hurriedly walked towards the inner hall of Red Scale Palace.

In front of the crack on the seabed, the blood-robed ancestor's face looked a little gloomy.

A month and a half passed, and there was no news from the Scarlet Scale Palace. Almost all the True Masters from the thirty-seven sects under his command were dispatched, and even several World Masters were dispatched, but no suspicious person could be found.

"Has this person already left the Floating Sea Area?"

"No, even if he has understood the rules of the living beings, the True Master is the True Master after all, so how can he walk in the void of the mixed source... In addition, if you want to get out of the Floating Spirit Sea, there are only two ways, through the Meteor God Ridge, Or leave from the teleportation array."

"Chifeng and Chiyin have gone to Meteor God Ridge to check, but they haven't found any trace. The teleportation array is tightly controlled by the Wuyang Sect, and no one has left recently. He must still be in the Floating Sea."

"Time is running out. We must find this person. Even if he is hiding on Fuling Island, I must fish him out."

Deep under the sea, there is a murderous intent.

Gu Ximing's name has spread throughout the sea in just a few months.

In front of Wanfa Tower, a cyan figure quietly appeared, but did not leave Fuling Island. Instead, he walked towards the palace pavilions on the west side.

On the west side of Fuling Island are the cave dojos.

At critical moments, many practitioners will rent caves on Fuling Island to practice in seclusion. After all, the safety here is much higher than other places.

Behind every chamber of commerce, there is a Jie Zun who is in charge, and most people would not dare to provoke them easily.

"Your distinguished guest is here, do you want to rent a cave?" In front of the attic, the maidservant smiled sweetly and had charming eyes.

"Yes, do you have a cave with a relatively large spatial range? It doesn't matter if the spiritual power is thinner. As long as the range is wide enough, it is best to have a cave where the space divine array can be arranged." Gu Xiuyun said.

"Yes, yes, the price may be a bit..." The maid's eyes moved slightly, "This chamber has an independent space, with three thousand square meters of divine crystal every year, which can withstand the Six Difficulties True Lord, do you want it?"


Gu Xiuyun nodded slightly.

After fighting and plundering, his current net worth is much richer than before. Three thousand cubic meters of divine crystals a year is not unacceptable.

Nowadays, the floating sea area is full of people looking for him. If the disciples of the divine sect continue to live on the desert island, they will definitely be noticed.

When the time comes, with just a few soul searches, he will be able to discover the relationship between the disciples of the divine sect and him, and even discover the secrets of the Holy World of Reincarnation.

That's the biggest trouble.

The Holy World of Samsara, until now, Gu Xiuyun has not found any information related to it, as if it never existed. From this point, the mystery of the Holy World of Samsara can be seen even more.

Ordinary Zhenzun is not even qualified to know.

"Hui Yin died and offended the unknown young master. These days may not be peaceful. Try to let the disciples of the sect, their mothers, and eldest sisters practice in peace!"

Gu Xiuyun thought to himself.

The disciples of the divine sect cannot stay in the inner world, otherwise they may all perish if they collide with each other.

A fight at the true level, even the aftermath, is not something that True Illusion can bear.

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