Fortune Teller

Chapter 1245 Meeting the Ancestor

Half a day later, Gu Xiuyun left alone, leaving not even a clone behind except a few true-level slaves.

With his current state of Taoism, whether he is a master of destiny or a strong person in the cause and effect lineage, it is as difficult as climbing to the sky to calculate the direction.

But once discovered, the locations of all the clones will be discovered. Staying on Fuling Island will only harm Mrs. Yu, Yan Suqing and others.

"The Floating Sea is vast and endless. I don't believe that those Realm Masters can keep tracking it. After a month and a half, it should be almost done."

The cyan figure appeared quietly deep underground, its aura completely hidden, and it covered the lines of fate and cause and effect.

Of course, this is just a clone of Gu Xiuyun.

A cunning rabbit has three burrows, let alone a warrior. The magical power divided into three is so powerful. If it is not used, wouldn't it be a waste of natural resources?

The three clones, one deep underground in Fuling Sea Area and the other on Fuling Island, randomly found a cave to live in.

There is another one lingering on the edge of the cross-domain teleportation array, waiting for the opportunity.

The floating sea area is no longer safe, and the best way is of course to escape from here.

"Three volumes of Phi Xing Diao and Gui Zang, and then I will understand these two rules. As long as I fully understand the origin of time and space, I can step into the realm of the world."

"At that time, it will be much easier to walk around the world as a World Master."

Gu Xiuyun closed his eyes and began to comprehend the Taoist secrets.

From the realm of true masters to the realm of realm masters, it is difficult to say, easy to say. As long as you understand the nine origins and the inner world is perfect, you can break through.

As for Yuanxian Taoism and True Immortal Taoism, they are just means of fighting and have little impact on the cultivation itself... Of course, the premise is that the karma of cause and effect can be overcome.

Without a certain amount of strength, one will definitely die due to the karma.

Three disasters and nine disasters, the nine disasters are included, the three disasters are outside, Wuyang Sea Realm has no life limit, and the three disasters and the nine disasters will not come on their own initiative, which does not mean that there will be no disasters.

If you cannot survive the calamity of cause and effect, you will always be the True Master of the Six Difficulties and cannot become a World Master.

Time passed slowly, and before I knew it, two months had passed.

Deep under the sea.

The five Realm Masters from Scarlet Scale Palace gathered beside the old man in blood robe, looking at the purple jade sign in the old man's hand with special reluctance.

The Kun-character signature is so precious.

It was a fortune-telling fortune stick refined by Emperor Ziyang himself. Each stick was of infinite value. A stick with the word "kun" allowed the ancestor of Chilin to break through the bottleneck of the artistic realm, step into the realm of law, and become the pinnacle of the Wuyang Sea Realm. The Nine Difficulties Realm Lord.

If it weren't for his poor Taoist practice, he would be a Heavenly King now.

"Ancestor, do you really want to use it?" Chifeng Realm Master looked reluctant.

"The Ziyang Villa is about to open, and we have no time," the old man in blood-robed eyes said coldly, "This is the last chance... As long as I become the Supreme of Qiankun, you will all be the pillars of the Qiankun Realm and have endless prosperity."

"I sincerely obey the order of our ancestors." The five world sages bowed and knelt down.

After the Nine Difficulties Realm Lord, there is Qiankun.

Whether it is inferior Taoism or superior Taoism, as long as you practice the rules to the state of idealism, you will be the legendary Supreme Being of the Universe.


A divine power poured into the purple jade sign.

After an instant, countless rays of light merged with the soul of the old man in blood robes, and three scenes vaguely appeared in front of him.

One is deep underground, one is the dojo cave on Fuling Island, and the other is near the cross-domain teleportation array.

"Chifeng, go to the southwest quickly..."

"Chiyin, Chihe, you two are heading to Fuling Island..."

"Remember, there must be no commotion about this matter. Hui Yin's death is also an opportunity for us. Cangyan Tianjun will definitely not think that we not only opened the Void Crack in advance, but also found a more powerful destiny practice By."

The old man in blood robe looked at everyone with a solemn expression.

On the sea, Zhenzun's figure flies across the void from time to time.

"It has been two months. Thirty-seven sects plus the Scarlet Scale Palace, nearly 60,000 true masters are searching in the sea area, and there are also groups of living beings to help. Every ground has been searched and searched, and even the world masters have been dispatched. I called several people and still found nothing.”

"Gu Ximing... I'm afraid he has left the floating spirit sea area."

Jia Shu looked at the sea around her with a solemn expression.

In the past two months, many disciples have died in Qingmo Library. Scarlet Scale Palace forced all the sects under its command to search for Gu Xiuyun, and Luojian Island and other sects took the opportunity to surround and kill them.

As a last resort, the disciples of Qingmo Library could only head towards remote sea areas, the more remote the better.

At this moment, majestic power enveloped the void.

Jia Shu trembled all over and quickly looked into the distance, only to see a giant mountain with a radius of a million miles in the sky crashing down, forcibly splitting the sea.

Crash deep into the ground.

The mighty power almost shattered the world barrier at the end of the earth's veins.

"Jie...Jie Zun..."

Jia Shu's face turned pale.

However, the Realm Master hiding in the depths of the void ignored her. Amidst the shocking tsunami, a roar came out, and after just a moment, it became completely quiet.

Floating Island.

Outside the cave dojo, the Chiyin Realm Master sat cross-legged. His aura was only about the Four Dilemmas, but he was always exuding the power of the world, covering the palace attic.

Near the cross-domain teleportation array.

Chihe Realm Master's eyes were leisurely, and he walked up to a young man in long robes with a calm expression, "Fellow Taoist, our ancestor invites you to be our guest."

The young man frowned slightly and was about to say something when his expression suddenly changed.

"Have you sensed it? Your clone hiding in the southwest sea has been killed by Junior Brother Chifeng. The other clone is stationed at the dojo of Qiying Chamber of Commerce. We don't want to cause trouble, so we ask Junior Brother Chiyin to guard it at all times."

"A warrior can only have three clones at most. If the remaining two die, you will really die."

"By the way, Pindao Chihe is the third master of the Red Scale Palace."

Chihe Realm Master's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

Because of Gu Xiuyun, the ancestor of Chilin had to waste a Kun-character sign. Such treasures cannot be exchanged for money, and Fuling Island or even the entire Wuyang Sea Realm cannot be sold.

"How did you find me?" The shock on Gu Xiuyun's face quietly dissipated, and his expression returned to calm.

At this point, resistance is meaningless.

Facing the World Master, no matter how powerful the method is, it is still a joke. You must know that the person in front of you is not a fake World Master in the endless void, but a terrifying existence who truly understands the rules of the living being.

As a Realm Master, the nine origins have been perfected, and the Taoist secrets have been promoted to an astonishing level. Coupled with the power of billions of inner worlds and worlds... various methods are enough to make Gu Xiuyun despair.

Whether it is a lifeless chart or a life chart, in the eyes of the World Master, they all look extremely ridiculous.

"For you, my ancestor wasted a Kun-character stick," Chihe Jie Zun said coldly, "Do you know that your biggest mistake was not to offend Cang Yan'er, but to kill Hui Yin, who had some influence on our clan? How important it is, far beyond your imagination.”

"So you can still talk to me calmly because I can replace Hui Yin and do things for you?" Gu Xiuyun thought briefly and said.

"Destiny practitioners are indeed very smart."

Taoist Chihe did not deny it, "Come with me, and take the other clone with you. Don't let your mind wander. The power of the Kun sign is still there. Whatever you do will be discovered."

"How dare you, junior?"

Gu Xiuyun smiled.

Half a day later.

Chihe and Chiyin, the two world masters, came to the depths of the sea. In addition to the old man in blood robes and the other three world masters, there were also several cultivators with unruly expressions.

"Ancestor, we have been brought here."

Chihe Realm Master waved his hand and threw Gu Xiuyun out.

"Do you care about your life? You were the one who went around plundering spiritual veins before, right?" the old man in blood-robed voice said quietly.

"This junior cares about life and has seen the ancestor of the Red Scales." Gu Xiuyun bowed and clasped his fists, "I don't know what the ancestor has to do. I am willing to do my best just to save my life."

"You are very aware of current affairs." The corners of the blood-robed old man's mouth curled up slightly.

"Juniors don't dare."

Gu Xiuyun bowed again.

On the way here, he had already thought clearly.

Master Hui Yin’s background is astonishing. He even has a world-level spiritual treasure. It can be seen that there is a big shot behind him. If Hui Yin can be invited to the Scarlet Scale Palace, what he must do is not a matter of life or death.

That being the case, what's the harm in lowering your head for a while?

There are six Realm Lords in the Scarlet Scale Palace, and the leader is the Nine Difficulties World Lord. Laws exist in the realm. Such a person can kill him with just a finger.

"Tell me first, what state of destiny has reached?" the old man in blood robe asked softly.

"To be honest, senior, I have understood the first-line rules. It's just that I'm far behind in the material realm, and that's why I haven't been able to become a Realm Master." Gu Xiuyun bowed and said.

If you want to survive, you have to show your worth. If you keep a low profile at this time, you are really seeking death.

"The rules of fate?!"

The blood-robed old man's eyes suddenly lit up.

The surrounding Crimson Scale Palace Realm Masters also showed joy, and the few Zhenzun with somewhat unruly expressions were even more shocked.

Destiny rules?

Doesn't it mean that... this person can become the Destiny Realm Master at any time, the Realm Master of the superior Taoism? Looking at the entire Wuyang Sea Realm, there are not many to be found.

"good very good!"

The blood-robed old man laughed loudly, "It's not in vain that I wasted a Kun-character sign. Junior, as long as you help me get the legendary Qian-character sign, I can keep you unharmed."

"Dry signature?" Gu Xiuyun was a little confused.

"Dozens of years ago, there was a Ziyang Emperor in the Infinite World. His cultivation was profound and it was said that he had reached the peak of the Qiankun Realm. This man was proficient in the rules of destiny and had refined countless hexagrams in his life, which were divided into three levels. , Kun character signature, jade character signature.”

The old man in the blood robe was obviously in a good mood and explained loudly, "The Jade Sign is the most common and is only valid for those below the Realm Master. It can guide practitioners to understand the rules of matter and simple mysteries of life. Of course, since the fall of Emperor Ziyang, the Jade Sign It gradually disappears and is no longer visible in major cities.”

"The Kun sign has a miraculous effect on the World Master. It can guide the evolution of the rules of the living beings. It can also calculate heavenly secrets and find people and objects. As long as it does not exceed the level of the World Master, it can be calculated."

"The dry calligraphy sign is the most magical. It was once called the entrance talisman to the universe."

"A dry calligraphy stick can create a Supreme Being of the universe."

The old man in blood robe said loudly.


Gu Xiuyun and the few practitioners beside him were shocked.

Can a dry calligraphy sign create the Supreme Being?

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