Fortune Teller

Chapter 1248 Void Bridge

"There is a wooden channel on the east and west sides. To save your life, just choose one!" the old man in blood robe continued.

Gu Xiuyun looked around. On both sides of the bronze gate were tall courtyard walls, only seven or eight hundred feet long. Under the walls, there were green grass and the fragrance of flowers.

However, these flowers and plants exude the aura of a realm, as if every blade of grass is a large realm.

"Since it is a Tianji formation, the route changes all the time, and the dangers encountered must also be different."

He moved his fingertips slightly and began to calculate silently.

Everyone said nothing, and even tried to restrain their divine power, for fear of disrupting the deduction of heavenly secrets.

Here, nothing is more important than the calculation of heavenly secrets. Emperor Ziyang's other courtyard has many restrictions and is set up for the Qiankun realm.

Whether it is the Six Difficulties True Master or the Nine Difficulties Realm Masters, once they fall into such a terrifying formation restriction, they will definitely die.

Of course, this is outside the courtyard, so the restrictions are a little weaker. After entering the palace wall, the power of the restrictions will be even more terrifying.

After a moment, Gu Xiuyun's eyes lit up, "Go east to the seventh stone slab."


The blood-robed old man waved his sleeves and collected everyone in his sleeves, then took a step forward and landed on the stone slab.

In an instant, the world turned upside down.

The palace walls disappeared, the bronze doors disappeared, the flower gardens disappeared, and the mountains and rivers appeared in front of you.

An invisible force suppressed and sealed everyone's inner world. Except for divine power and soul thoughts, the inner world fell into complete silence.

"My inner world is blocked?" Yan Yun couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Not just you, even the inner world of the Realm Master will be banned. The prohibition left by Emperor Ziyang is based on the rules of the world. No one can avoid it in the Qiankun Realm." Chihe Realm Master said.

"This is why the ancestor invited you here. If there was no ban and the world's rules shrouded it, all illusions, formations, puppets, and origin beasts would be a joke, and we would have gone in long ago."

Just as he was talking, a huge force fell from the sky.

I saw the mountains shattering, and twelve puppet beasts covered in flames roared and rushed over, each one filled with the aura of a world leader.

More than a dozen Realm Masters...looking into the distance, Gu Xiuyun secretly took a breath.

Emperor Ziyang's other courtyard was really terrifying. The seventh jade floor was already the safest place according to his calculations, yet there were so many world masters there.

What are the scenes like on other routes?

"In the early stage of the Twelve Realm Lords, in front of me, they were just bricks and mortar dogs."

The blood-robed old man laughed loudly and waved his left hand gently. The rules of the living beings perfectly blended with the nine origins to form a force that could tear the sky and directly knock the puppet beast away.

At this stage, the nine origins have been completely integrated, and pure material means have far surpassed the level of true immortal Taoism.

Not to mention that the rules of the path of life have also been perfected.

When the two major systems are combined, the power that explodes is beyond the imagination of a true master. It is truly heaven-destroying and earth-destroying.

"The five elements, wind and thunder, time, space, the perfect combination of the four avenues, this is the ultimate in the legendary immortal way, the method above the true immortal."

Gu Xiuyun was amazed in his heart.

Understanding the nine origins does not mean cultivating the material path to the extreme. Only the perfect integration of the nine origins to form the most powerful secret technique is the true end of the immortal path.

The reason why true immortal Taoism is divided into three, six or nine levels is because the number of fused sources is not the same.

The Taoism of the early stage of True Immortal only combines two rules that span the system, such as thunder and fire.

As the number of origins continues to increase, the power of Taoism will also continue to increase.

The ultimate Taoism of the True Immortal is nothing more than the fusion of two great ways, such as the Five Elements and Space, a total of six origins.

From now on, we must continue to integrate new avenues until all sources are integrated into one.

"The path of living beings cultivates the inside, while the path of materiality cultivates the outside. The integration of inside and outside is the true peak. There is still a long way to go between me and the Nine Difficulties Realm Master."

Gu Xiuyun whispered while deducing the changes in the heavenly secrets and looking for the correct route.

From the main entrance to the wooden waterways on the left and right sides, any path can be taken. However, different routes are strong and weak, and the most dangerous one can kill even the Nine Difficulties Realm Lord.

You don't have to care about the Qiankun realm, but the Red Scale Ancestor... can't.

Peng! Peng! Peng!

There were roars, and the blood-robed old man's two palms were like sky curtains, seriously injuring the puppet beasts again and again. Half an hour later, all twelve puppet beasts fell to the ground and hid deep in the mountains.

At the same time, the illusion disappeared, and the palace wall garden appeared again.

"Junior Gu, have you figured it out yet?" asked the Scarlet Scale Ancestor.

"Hold on!"

Gu Xiuyun frowned and calculated repeatedly with his hands. Even the life chart in the depths of the sea of ​​​​consciousness was moving smoothly.

Countless life star disks passed through the sea of ​​consciousness and the starry sky, leaving clear lines.

"The fifth piece of diamond-shaped gravel."


The old man in blood robe took another step forward.

The world has changed.

A wooden bridge appeared in front. The bridge spanned the void. The water below was turbulent and seemed to hide countless dangers.

"Machine array?"

Several Realm Masters from the Scarlet Scale Palace looked at each other, their expressions a little solemn, but also mixed with excitement.

Compared with the previous step, the machine array is much more dangerous, and it can also greatly shorten the distance. From the main entrance to the wooden stack waterway, it takes at least tens of thousands of steps. If you really walk through it step by step, there will be no mistakes, let alone , I will die from exhaustion.

The machine formation often connects two areas. As long as you take the right route, you can save at least a few hundred steps.

"Five seniors, there is a murderous intention hidden here." Luo Shan reminded.


Chihe Realm Master immediately activated his divine power and at the same time set up numerous bans that spread far away.

The figure of the Red Hidden Realm Master swayed and turned into a shadow.

The other two Realm Masters also used their own methods.

Only the old man in blood robe remained calm, as if he was stilling.


A gentle breeze rose in the void.

Before they could reach the crowd, they were stopped by the seal of the Chihe Realm Master. Then, the Red Scale Ancestor raised his hand, and his mountain-like palm directly penetrated into the depths of the waves.

Peng! !

Huge waves surged, black blood spurted out like a frenzy, and everyone vaguely heard a faint whine.

"A mere Origin Beast dares to act arrogantly in front of me," the old man in blood robe sneered, "If you weren't restricted by the formation and suppressed by the rules of the world, how would you have a way to survive?"

"Senior, the void bridge is fake. The real bridge is behind us on the right, invisible and formless." Gu Xiuyun reminded.

"I'm just telling you, how can Emperor Ziyang be so kind?"

The old man in blood robe walked quickly towards the rear right, and within a moment, he was in mid-air...

Time passes slowly.

Unconsciously, more than four months have passed.

Everyone is still walking outside the other courtyard. Every step they take, they will encounter different dangers. There are puppets, source beasts, formation restrictions, and traps. Almost no place is safe.

At the same time, Young Master Cang Yan also gradually realized that something was wrong.

"It's been four months and you still haven't found anything?" The sinister man looked at the shadow coldly.

"Reporting to the young master, I have tried my best, but the Scarlet Scale Palace is too well hidden. No one knows the information about the other courtyards, not even the direct descendants."

Xuying replied respectfully, "Hui Yin has died. Will Scarlet Scale Palace give up on this operation?"


The Yin Prey man's eyes were stern, "This is their last chance. Brother Chilin knows very well that if Tianjun doesn't give an explanation before he comes back from Hunyuantian, he will definitely die. It's also the Nine Difficulties, and the superior Taoism will follow. The gap is too big.”

"By the way, have you found Gu Ximing?" the sinister man then asked.

"No, this person seems to have disappeared from the world. Thirty-seven sects and the Scarlet Scale Palace searched every day, but no trace was found." Xuying replied.

"It's been so long since I've been able to find out! Trash, a bunch of trash!"

The angry look on the face of the sinister man suddenly rose, and after a moment, he returned to his usual gloomy look, "There is no time, send an order to Guiao Island, let them attack the Red Scale Palace with all their strength, I want to see where the Realm Master of the Red Scale Palace is hiding Where did he go?"

"My subordinate understands."

The shadow hurriedly left.

Outside the palace, the old servants and guards looked a little pale.

Young Master Cang Yan's mind and will are getting weaker and weaker, and his temper has begun to become erratic. One second he was calm, and the next second he would become furious and even kill people.

Under this situation, the old servant and the imperial guard no longer dared to enter the palace for fear of being executed by the young master.

"It's been more than half a year, and the master's affairs haven't been finished yet, and his temper is getting worse and worse. I really don't know how many days we can survive!"

"After all, we are in the Sixth Difficulty Situation. Young Master has to rely on us for many things. Six of those Five Dilemma True Masters have died recently."

"The worst thing is the Crimson Scale clan. Every two hours a group of clan members are summoned, but I didn't see any of them come out alive."

Listening to the conversation of the guards, the old servant sneered, "Red scale tribe?? In my opinion, this tribe will soon cease to exist."

"No way!" The guards looked surprised.

"The ancestor of the Red Scales is in the Nine Dilemmas, and he is also the eldest disciple of Tianjun. No matter how domineering the young master is, he would not dare to exterminate the clan, right?"

"Why don't you dare? As long as a few Realm Masters from the Red Scale Palace are not dead, this clan will not be considered extinct. What's more, our Heavenly Lord... has never convinced everyone with his kindness. Unless the ancestor of the Red Scales steps into the Qiankun Realm, otherwise He would never dare to resist."

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