Fortune Teller

Chapter 1249 Outer Courtyard

A few days later.

The sound of killing suddenly broke out outside the Scarlet Scale Palace, and one by one the True Lords appeared on the sea, filled with murderous aura.

"what happened?"

"Those are Ao cultivators from Gui'ao Island. How dare they attack our clan without fear of our ancestor's revenge?"

The Crimson Scale disciples were shocked.

There are two top forces in Fuling Sea, one is Red Scale Palace and the other is Gui Ao Island. The mid-level forces on both sides are almost the same. Gui Ao Island has a long history, profound foundation and a larger number of true masters.

But compared to the peak powerhouse, it is not as good as the Scarlet Scale Palace.

Ancestor Chilin is the only Nine Difficulties Realm Lord in the entire Floating Spirit Sea. Looking at the Wuyang Sea Realm, he is also the pinnacle existence, second only to several great heavenly kings.

Therefore, for hundreds of millions of years, the disciples of the Red Scale Palace have never thought that Gui'ao Island would dare to attack them. In front of the Nine Difficulties Realm Master, what does the True Master mean?

With one slap, they can all be annihilated.

In the void, five figures stood in the sky, each exuding an aura of divine power, and the power of the world surged, completely covering the billions of miles of sea.

"I heard that Scarlet Scale Palace has obtained a Mingyang Pearl. I would like to borrow it for a few days. Is it possible?" A rumbling voice came from above the sea.

next moment.

A True Master of the Six Difficulties of Scarlet Scale Palace came out and said loudly, "The Palace Master asked me to report back to Patriarch Gui Ao. I have never received any Mingyang Pearl. Please don't listen to rumors."

"You have no right to speak in front of me, get out."

A huge force surged from the void, and the Six Difficulties True Master flew out, "Friend Chilin, if you don't come out, I will have to force my way in!"

At this moment, a force of the world filled the air from a distance.

The Chifeng Realm Master stood in the distance, "Is Gui'ao Island doing this to start a killing spree with this clan?"


The aura of divine power above the sea area suddenly calmed down a bit.

"Fellow Taoist Chifeng, we are all cultivators in the Floating Spirit Sea Area, and we should help each other. I heard that the Scarlet Scale Palace obtained a Mingyang Pearl. This thing is of great benefit to my practice. Can you borrow it for a few days? I am willing to give away half of my spiritual veins as compensation." Ancestor Gui Ao appeared and said.

"I have never obtained the Mingyang Pearl, please take it back!" Chifeng Realm Master looked indifferent.

The strong men on Guiao Island looked at each other with some hesitation.

They dare not disobey Young Master Cang Yan's orders.

Although Gui'ao Island is not under the command of Cangyan Tianjun, who dares to disobey Tianjun's order? Unless you don’t want to live anymore.

You must know that if you cannot leave the Qiankun Realm, Tianjun will be the pinnacle existence and the most terrifying powerful person in the entire infinite world.

They want to kill someone, and no one can stop them.

"Chifeng is here, and the ancestor of Chilin probably hasn't left either, so don't act rashly for the time being."

Several Realm Masters from Gui'ao Island discussed for a while and made a decision.

In the sky above the sea, the aura of divine power disappeared without a trace, and the True Masters also fled away one after another, and a wave of waves disappeared.

However, Chifeng Realm Master's expression was not pretty.

Because he knows that the driving force behind this matter is Tianjun. If the ancestor of Chilin does not show up, Master Cangyan will not give up.

Gui'ao Island will be making a comeback soon.

"Young Master Cang Yan is so ruthless that he even invited Guiao Island to start a sectarian war... He wants to use the Red Scale Clan to force the ancestor to show up?"

Chifeng Realm Master frowned.

Having reached this point, Young Master Cang Yan must have noticed something, and now he can only hold off as long as possible.

Ziyang Villa.

The blood-robed old man moved forward step by step. Chi He, Chi Yin and other realm masters continued to use Taoist secrets. Almost every day, they encountered many puppets and strange beasts.

One of the most dangerous.

There was a nine-dilemma source beast with extraordinary strength and good at soul secret arts. It almost broke through the defense and killed Gu Xiuyun, Ning Fang, Luo Shan and others.

It was also that time that they crossed a distance of nearly a thousand steps and successfully approached the wooden stack waterway.

"There is no danger in the wooden stack waterway. As long as you walk in, you can follow the water flow and enter the outside of the courtyard."

Looking at the purple wooden road not far away, the old man in blood robe smiled.

"We are also a blessing in disguise. After the death of Hui Yin, we actually got a Gu Ximing who understands the rules of fate. Otherwise, I am afraid it would not be so smooth." Chihe Jie Zun's face was filled with excitement.

Several world leaders didn't care about Hui Yin's life or death.

They didn't care about Master Cang Yan's loss. As long as they could enter the Ziyang Courtyard, those grudges were just passing by.

Gu Xiuyun also knew this, so he didn't resist at all.

"The closer you get to the end, the more careful you have to be," Chiyin reminded, "Do you remember the situation we encountered before? This place is much more troublesome than before. If you don't pay attention, it will be moved to other places."

"Everything depends on saving your life."

The old man in blood robe glanced at the cuffs.

The cyan figure sat cross-legged, calculating repeatedly with his two palms. There was a round jade plate in front of him, which was spinning.

All the five Realm Masters could see that the round jade plate was just a true master-level spiritual treasure. It matched Gu Xiuyun's aura very well, and it was obviously made by his own hands.

"Seniors, the last few steps are a little different from the previous steps. Not only do they have space requirements, but they also have certain time restrictions."

Gu Xiuyun calculated for a long time before opening his eyes, "You must walk the right route at the right time to enter the waterway, otherwise you will be transported to other places."

"I'm not in a hurry, just take your time and figure it out."

The old man in blood robe chuckled and said, "It took four months to reach the edge of the wooden stack. I believe in your ability."

Chihe Realm Master and others also showed gentle smiles, no longer as cold and indifferent as before.

Gu Xiuyun did not let down his guard because of this.

The other party is begging him now, and his attitude is naturally very good. Once he gets the treasure, what he will do... But there is no telling!

Yan Yun, Ning Fang, and Luo Shan didn't dare to say anything. Along the way, they finally saw Gu Xiuyun's methods, and the three of them had little effect.

The walking route avoids most dangers.

I only encountered Lust Flower once, and Gu Xiuyun pointed it out in advance.

Never deviated from the route.

After a long time, Gu Xiuyun finally spoke, "Twenty breaths later, senior will first use his secret technique to break the void restriction in the Gengyin direction on the south side, then travel five feet away from his back, and then break through the west side... Be sure to do it before nine breaths. Go through it inside, otherwise the teleportation restriction will break out."


The old man in blood robe waved his sleeves, and the Taoist secrets began to circulate.

Immediately afterwards, a roar came from the void.

The figure of the Red Scale Ancestor is like a phantom, walking in all directions, seemingly without rules, but in fact he has avoided all dangers restricted by the formation.


Finally, the bloody figure rushed into the waterway under the wooden stack and rushed along the current.

"Finally, we have entered the outskirts of the other courtyard." Chihe Realm Master smiled with a smile on his face.

"In the past three years, we have only entered five times. Except for the first time, which was very lucky, the other four were only successfully entered after the ancestor became the Nine Difficulties Realm Lord."

"I never thought that the route deduced by Gu Ximing would not cost us much effort."

"Understanding the rules of destiny, the means are naturally not comparable to those of the seventh grade mysteries."

Several world sages secretly transmitted messages.

Little did they know that what Gu Xiuyun understood was not the deduction of heavenly secrets, but the twisting rules of fate. In addition, there was also a secret technique of broken monuments.

Gu Xiuyun used the secret technique of the broken stele to point out the right direction, and then used the rules of destiny twisting to observe the future scene, and coupled with the calculation of heaven's secrets, although it took a long time, it would not cause too much trouble.


The water gurgled.

The old man in blood robe came to the palace wall.

In front of you is a wide courtyard with a pavilion in the middle and wooden paths on both sides. It is surrounded by spiritual flowers and herbs. Each kind of spiritual herbs has a strong medicinal fragrance, which is no less than the top-grade magical medicine.

The moment the blood-robed old man settled down, an invisible wave enveloped the void.

"Cross the wooden plank waterway and enter the outer courtyard. You are qualified to stay here, but remember, every three years, you will have to undergo a test of will. Those who cannot bear it will be expelled."

"There are some things in the pavilion ahead, which can be regarded as rewards given to you by the emperor."

The invisible fluctuations disappear.

"Thank you."

The old man in blood-robed robe quickly stepped forward and saw several jade sticks placed on the stone table of the pavilion. Two sticks were glowing with purple aura, and the other four were glowing with a faint red luster.

Two "Kun" signatures and four "Jade" signatures.

In addition, there are some elixirs and jade.

"There are so many more than before?" Ancestor Chilin looked surprised. "In the past, when I came here, I only had a few jade-character inscriptions at most, and the Kun-character inscriptions only came out twice."

"Is it because of the different routes?"

Chihe Realm Master asked.

"It's very possible." The Red Scale Ancestor nodded slightly, and it took much less time this time.

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